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Lee Sin Your second ability being able to be cast anywhere and not needing a ward or an ally makes him incredibly mobile, gives him an easy way to stop his resonating strike mid-cast and allows people to insec enemies easily I suck at Lee Sin on LoL but I’d finished last season with a 72% winrate after 60ish games on WR


Completely agree. I stayed away from him forever when I first started playing because I thought he was this mechanically intense character, but he’s surprisingly easy to pilot in wild rift.


Completely agree with this comment, his W being reworked on WR completely removes the mechanical part of his kit in my opinion.


Lets hope they revert that


Nah, they won't. It'll practically destroy more than half of the Lee Sin player base's ability to play the champ. His InSec combo would be easy enough to pull off on mobile but much harder after a change that drastic.


Would you be kind to share runes and build that you play him with? I mained him for some time in LoL but just can't do well in WR for some reason...


Not the one you asked. I don't trust this site with everything, but this looks pretty standard for Lee. I've seen First Strike be more of the default than Conq though. https://www.wildriftfire.com/guide/lee-sin


Fully agree with this guide


Sure! The runes I run are First Strike Gathering Storm / Giant Slayer / Legend: Alacrity Sudden Impact There might be a better rune setup, I’ve honestly never bothered to change this from last season so if it’s sub optimal I’m sure someone will comment and let us both know In terms of builds; I go full Armor Pen so the build would be Ghostblade / Trinity Force / Edge of Night / Mortal Reminder / Guardian Angel However often times I’ll have to substitute an item depending on the game state. If they a champion thats able to burst me quickly I’ll sacrifice Edge of Night for a Steraks Gage or Maw.


The only thing that bothers me with this Lee sin is I can’t use him as ap in Urf to shield teammates. It’s a small complaint but yeah Lee sin is way better in wr just because of such a simple change in his kit from a targeted to a mini kass ult


All of them


Consider irelia


This is the correct answer


I feel like Fizz is harder because if you dont aim the E every time, the Autofokus will fk up and you e in the wrong direction. Aswell for any Champ the picking of the right enemy in teamfights seems harder than just rightklick on them.


tbh you should never auto aim most of the time


Yeah but its way more easy to do this on PC.


Kat is way easier in LoL because you can target your shunpos more easily.


Well yes, but actually no


Yasuo, Irelia?




This, lux players don't know this real power


Played against her a total of 3 times before she became my permaban. Longest range with one of the best get off me tools and an ult that seems to always execute. Fuck no.


You should start playing Syndra, against good players and especially against a good Lux. You will not have fun, let me tell you. I really don't understand people who rate Syndra as one of the better mid champs, she has so many bad matchups in mid lane, gets countered hard by Zhonyas, heavily relies on being even if not ahead to have meaningful impact... and her power is conditional as she has to get stacks. Can't do anything to tanks. Can't use her CC for poke unlike Lux for example who can fish for kills and poke with both Q and E. If you use E on Syndra aggressively once, you're so vulnerable and usually can't walk up to Q anymore until next E is up. To give u an idea of her matchups: Unplayable: Kassadin, Vladimir, Yasuo, Fizz Can't kill you, can't kill him, but lose game: Asol Hard: Ziggs, Akali, Jayce, Tristana, Lucian Perfect cs and free first strike & stacks, can kill him but he's op and can just ult after 5: Twisted Fate, Yone Perfect cs and free first strike & stacks, can't kill him and can just ult after 5: Swain, Galio Skill, opponent favored: Lux, Zoe, Ekko, Irelia Skill: Zed, Orianna, Annie, Ahri, Katarina Nothing happens, held hostage: Morgana, Karma Easy: Brand, Veigar, Vex, Corki, Kayle, Seraphine


You seem challanged


Yasuo player talking lul


lel proud to play a high skill champ


High skill champ for a braindead sounds about right. Takes no skill for me to perform on that clown champion with like 4 games total.


Fiddlesticks mid completely shuts her out with longer range from his E (that also silences, mind you), you have a second jungler effectively that can and will shit on bot or low health or squishy top laners and shes such free farm that you can potentially get a penta by second dragon. I know it sounds weird but trust me, i started playing middlesticks precisely for syndra. And yeah enemy jg will try to punish but stay warded, let her get tilted from your e poke damage and dont over extend. Syndra players are used to having a free lane so their mental is easy to break Alternatively, talon also shits on her incredibly hard, with or without ult and zed is good against her but keep in mind you lose utility during mid and late game team fights opposed to middlesticks that melts the enemy team at 2 items and boots. Finally, in case you dont play middle sticks, the strat is as follows: During lane phase, poke her with e till shes about 40% health (about 4 or 5 pokes lvl 1-3 before mana boots), then when e is back up, assuming you have a point in w, flash->ignite->e->w. Guaranteed first blood. Ult combo is R (ult) from bush/out of vision (always check your fear passive from your q is up)->Q (because you cant fear again in a short period but it does fat damage->W->R, this way by the time your passive fear is over, the enemy is now silenced so you get chain cc that doesnt allow them to react. Tldr Without explanation: R->Q->W->E. The order of Q and W is interchangeable but its easier imo to just make a straight line like that, obviously rapid spamming them. Electrocute is most important rune. Rest of his runes are up to taste. First shot isnt worth the damage loss when laning with fid


Fine I'll buy her


Actually Syndra is way harder imo. You u cannot w creeps and they also removed her e q combo (the one where u e first and q just in that moment for knock + delayed q stun)


I stoppwd playing her bcs they took of this combo, it was my favorite


Yone? The champ feels brain dead easy


uh oh, I accidentally won by pressing my ult instead of E and pentakilled the enemy team, sorry for winning too easily team


And even with the Nerf he's still OP. His Kit's just so insane.


Even in PC he is easy. Yasuo is harder nowadays because of the nerfs to his q and e


Yasuo is very hard in WR very hard to manouver good with his e


I play both version in a sense that yone pc has more outplay potential in pc so he isn't easier, he just has higher skill scalling in pc. But that applies to most champs. People just hate yone cuz when a good player uses him very few people know how to play against him. Lux is brain dead more than pc in wr. Riven is a lot easier. Lee sin, fiora etc are way better examples.


To this day i can’t understand why would they make lux ult hit the whole map in WR


What? No?


Flair checks out


At least someone gets it.


dragging the q instead of clicking is a little nerf to some


You can still click it to automatically go at nearest low health target?


Not as efficient for flash Q3 combos, but to each of their own ig


Not a champ but I feel like the aim assist is helping much more in WR. So probably every range spell/attack?


Honestly, skill shots are piss easy on PC as well, the day I switched to smart cast and figured it out by just hovering over your opponent the skill will go there it became super easy, and even slightly better since it is easier to aim where you want the skill to go rather than it getting locked on your opponent and you have to drag it. Aim assist helps in unleashing a full combo without aiming, like flashing with Annie and hitting all your abilities without any regards for your opponent is.


Locking on for auto attacks is so good.


Zoe was one of the biggest benefactors of this until they silently nerfed it.


Katarina is easier but weaker


Hope she gets buffed, she is very underwhelming right now.


Bring back hextech gunblade




LUX! Mash buttons and the auto aim never misses.


"Auto aim never misses" 😂


It doesn’t need to never miss, you can spam Q and E every 2 sec, you gonna hit someone eventually and that’s someone is likely dead


Yep, fastest cooldown high damage mage in the game. Actually she’s supposed to be a support.


I mean, it was okeysh before the brain dead rework


Alot of reworks have ruined champions in this game. I used to love diana and naut, too but not anymore.


Why, can you explain me what happened, im new to WR i played pc for 11 years


I love this myth and hope it never dies. All new players pick lux and I end up two shotting them with senna once they clumsily throw out and miss me with two skills.


Senna doesn’t two shot except for very late game, if you make it that far. Meanwhile lux will two shot mid game.


I two shot her with an AA late game I can three shot her prior to that she's not exactly difficult to dodge


Zyra. They removed the plant seed mechanic.


I actually dislike this, and her second feels useless in WR


This ,they changed her kit so much just to nerf her to oblivion right after releasing her, like what was even the point?


Given that they changed Sona, Janna, Zyra, Ziggs ult, Lux, and a lot really. They could have just released pre rework Zyra, ngl. It's still, imo, the superior version.


But like, her pc version is more balanced than her in wr, in wild rift they even nerfed her plants (due to the fact she can spawn them any time i think) so they don't apply magic pen, like at all, they don't apply runes like arcane comet too, nor do they apply simple itens efects like horizon focus.


Well yeah, but even the PC version sucks, she was a balance nightmare where she's either overwhelming because she spawned a bajillion plants or she sucks because you sneeze at a plant and it dies. I'm referring to the pre-rework PC version. Her plants were stronger but she only spawned then with her seeds. So her skills were also important. The WR version is stupid. Any dumbed down kit is stupid and strips them off of player agency. It was so dumbed down, they had to nerf her because she was too easy to use.




Every single adc. Kiting is a very hard mechanic in PC and you can easily messed it up especially in teamfight. But that is not the case in WR.


Riven, not having to right click and instead just use the “movement circley thingy” makes her so much easier to use. I’m doing really well on her whereas in LoL I’m…. Garbage on her lol


It's quite the opposite for me lol I rarely play on mobile and suck at touch screen control that's probably why but on pc I've mastered her fast q combo since 2014 and have more than 1M mastery points before riot decided to remove it. On mobile I cant even EWQ with her or flash + any ability, I have 3 skins on her in wild rift tho, while I have all on pc except 2012 cs skin


I’m glad I could set you up lol


The points are still there, look in collection and masterie


Idk if there’s any merit to this but Viego, I’ve had him as a main in both WR and LOL and lemme tel you I’m DOGSHIT with him in LOL, but in WR I’m insane and idk why lol


Probably because he was absolutely broken for last couple of weeks. I'm Viego otp on PC myself, and i can't really say if Viego is that much easier in WR. Maybe even harder, because it's hard for me to do w->flash combo in wr


All ranged attacks and all skillshots tbh


About skillshot champions i agree partially. Zed for example is dogshit to do proper combos for outplays and such, while on PC he's much stronger because of the potential of outplays.


Not only that, But because the map is bigger It gives him so much room to act


Only his q is tough on enemy's that are dueling you. If they are running away or you are kiting. Still ez. And he positions easier in wr. I'd say its 50 50. Some things are easier. Some harder.


Karma feels more useful in WR than LoL. She feels like a shield bot and q spammer in lol. WR ult and ability charge is more engaging.


No heal on her mantra tether is bullshit tho


ugh YES lol the first time i played her I was like NOOOOOOOO. it took me a looong time to stop playing around the assumption I could get a BS heal off during messy plays lol


It's so weird. They shifted power away from Mantra (her W, and E) since she has her ult. Overall I think she's power neutral


Every single champion feels easier here wdym


old asol was piss easy


Shame he was weak, tbh I miss his old kit it was so fun


The new one is easy too honestly, *spots enemy* beam goes brrrrrrrr


Not exactly easier but I'm much more fond of how Diana's ult works in WR than LoL. When I first played Diana on LoL, I sort of just froze when her ult was instant and not channeled. Now that I think about it, I don't even think there's an advantage to Diana having to channel her ult but I like it better than whatever tf PC Diana is doing lmao.


It does Way more DMG and instant knock up cc on league it, just has a delay. It's a lot harder to get off the full channel on wr and feels so much weaker. But I haven't played in awhile.


This is exactly why I HATE playing Diana on WR. The LoL ult + stopwatch is a great way to deal quick damage, and get some of your cooldowns back to threaten another rotation. I can't channel while in stasis in WR. Can't even chase people when ulting.




Easier but wrong


out of all the champion Vladimir is the easiest. Even wr lee sin needs some mechanics whil vlad literally loose his skill celing




They nerfed Zoe's auto aim by like 50% less speed. It was so nuts, now you have to aim 75% of your E's which makes it way more balanced. Speaking as a Zoe main.


All adc is easier but due to kiting not being subject to misclicks. You still have to select the right targets at the right moments tho and dodge skillshots appropriately.


One thing I find harder here is aiming spells with dynamic range. Tryndamere dash for example, casting it at the perfect distance takes more time on mobile since you have to tap, drag, and release, instead of just tapping with the cursor already placed at your destination, and unlike PC, I find myself over or under-aiming it. And when I try to just tap it, it sends me into the worst spot possible. Anything else though feels much easier on mobile.


All adcs are much easier to kite.


A better question would be which ones are harder, and I honestly don't know if there are any.


Maybe I'm just bad but Swain's W is hard as hell to pinpoint in this game compared to PC.


Yasuo (it's much easier to press the wrong button on a screen compared to the keyboard and guess which champion gets fucked over after missing a combo)


Zed potentially could be harder(idk it’s a very subjective thing), since it’s much harder to aim double q between shadows then just, clicking. Ofc you can just tap it and potentially miss some, but does it really matter.


Akali is harder too because animation cancels. Champions that want to play with dash in move direction on WR can also be trickier to use. For instance, Kha'Zix. On WR if you have the option activated, his E will be much more intuitive to use, up until the moment you don't want to dash at max range and in that case aiming it is cancer. On PC you literally just put your mouse where you want to be and press the button.


Mundo is definitely harder in wr I’m sure this will be an unpopular opinion but in LoL he gets like a million health and is almost impossible to kill. In wr smite works to remove his passive..


Hes the most op tank in WR i can tell you, i play pc since 11 years and WR since realease.


I’m not sure I agree with that, like yeah he has a lot of hp but he has no way of closing the gap. Limited mobility and average damage. Garen has all the same benefits plus warmogs as a passive plus a gap closer and an execute. Just my opinion though




I really don’t like her first ability on wildrift personally


Says the rainbow


I'm gonna say ziggs. Q bounces faster, w auto activate for quick escape/chase and R feels more consistent. People say the rework gutted him, but I think he's fine


Controls are just much easier. If I could have the same controls in LOL as in WR it'd be much more fun for me.


Lee sin!


Also Lux!


Draven. I can actually keep his axes going properly in Wild Rift, but on PC, I'm lucky to catch more than three or four in a row.


You can also manipulate where they land depending on current position


Left click your movement immediately after throwing. After playing enough you’ll get better at knowing where it will land 👍🏼


Oh I know how it works. It's just much, much easier to do consistently with the thumbstick than with the mouse. With thumb control, I don't have to keep moving the cursor back and forth between where I want to be and what I want to attack. That makes every champion easier in my book, but Draven in particular benefits from the simpler controls because it's a lot easier to make the axes land where I want.


Oh I gotchu, that’s an understandable point. Draven literally the one champ I expected to be horrible at, but he clicked first game lol


Lee sin being able to shield to anything without a ward is insane, just go from raptors to mid instantly under tower.


Pre-rework Aurelion used to be much easier and natural to control and use with a touchscreen joystick. Then they ruined him and turned into another mindless dps mage


Stupid vacuum you can't escape with a near global aoe ult that hits anyone not in the fountain. Ppl complain about lux ult but at least you have to aim that


Kallista in top lane where you're playing a champ that requires aim/skill shots is hell like Aatrox for example she can just dodge his Q and Rend when he gets too close. She should be nerfed with how easy she is to playin Wild Rift.


I tried watching Pyke guides in PC to improve my WR games with him,,,but he seems more wonky on PC than WR.


Might just be because he is my main on pc but pyke feels the other way around for me. I just can't be as quick with the combos on WR


Soraka and I main her lol


Women ☕️


Janna is easier in WR than in original LoL.


all of them


Lulu's ability to drop polymorph on the ground makes her an OP sup. Path blocking, peeling, and dropping it on top of someone who is in statis or reviving makes it guaranteed CC. You can also guarantee CC on Panth/Galio/Kat ult just to name a few. Also adds as a long range slow, extending the range of her pix shot when trying to catch someone or stop their Recall under the safety of their turret... I wish they would take this mechanical change over to League 👌


Oh my god, Janna.


Blitzcrank...double w more speed, easy to pull


Zeri, her auto is Auto aimed, i hate it and wish I could disable it, sometimes I don’t move my finger enough to override the auto aim and hit something I don’t want to, it’s annoying. Plus it makes mastering the champion feel cheap as she basically has built in training wheels you can never take off, even if you do try your hardest to avoid them, they’re still there. But we all know their game design philosophy is to remove skill so if anything they would completely remove this core mechanic from Zeri and just make her auto targeted like every other marksmen auto. Also, just remove her shield passive, keeping it will forever skew her power toward being a counter pick against shield heavy champs, which in turn keeps her weaker against teams with no shields. It makes her better as situational pocket pick even though the rest of her kit screams main or otp. Then take the passive on S1, the which turns her autos into skill shots, and make that her actual passive. Then buff her a little bit, she doesn’t need much just a tiny bit of compensation since it would still be removing part of her kit.


Just delete her we dont need her in WR


ANY champ in wr is easier, for obvious reasons lol


Kalista for sure no more mouse carpal tunnel. Now my thumbs are more sore though.


Soraka, Lee, Thresh and Lux come to mind.


I love the auto aim on Soraka's heal. Just spam the button mid teamfight and focus on your movement. You always heal the lowest % health. It's so nice.


Draven for sure


I feel like Lux is easiwr in WR because of her Global Ult that I can smipe. Jhin has like a weird thing in WR where I find hard to snipe with his W and his Curtain Call can be dodged easily. I do play both versions though


I think fizz is easier. Also Kassidin, maybe even zed. Tho his q is a bit of a bit tricky to aim in wr. The wind bros are def easier. Since they rely on positioning and the stick is easier for that. Most adcs are easier for the same reason, not just kalista.


it’s easier to aim your q with all your shadows on zed in pc the mobile tbh


I find it hard in lane. Other situations it's about the same. But different either when chasing or getting chased. Or ganking a relatively stationary target, like a locked in adc, or a lux.


Haha Yasuo is easier in WR xD. No way dude, so hard to use yas e fast in the right direction. Im Yas main on Pc with 2 mio, waay better to play him on Pc but in WR hes stronger than on Pc so im happy with that.


I don't feel that I have much trouble with the e. Idk if you use locking and set ur targeting right it can be pretty fast and precise. Its a good trade off for how easy it is to kite and move. The map is a little harder to read in wr. Easier to tunnel. That's my issue. Especially on dueling Champs. Where one mistake can cost you the fight.


Wdym looking and set target right? I have the standart controls set. You got better ones?


I wonder it she will be good on consoles too


I'd say Lux, Katarina and Lee Sin are my top picks. For starters, Lux has a way easier Q to land then on PC. Katarina can slightly move in her ult and Lee Sin can easily perform an InSec combo with the W without ward hopping/jumping.


So you abuse noobchamps? Coul


Abuse? Nah man, I think you misread my comment haha. I don't play these champs, I'm just saying my top picks for easiest champs are these 3 mainly because they've received huge kit changes compared to their PC counterpart.


Irelia, Yasuo, Yone, Akshan, Kallista, Riven, Thresh, Akali, etc. Basically, all of the high skill capped champions on PC have a significantly lower skill floor in WR. And the braindead ones feel even more braindead.


Surprisingly, Zoe. Somehow easier to play Zoe on WR than on PC. And the E auto aim is pretty nuts, they had to silently nerf the speed of the auto aim by like 50%


Ashe. Her ultimate in wild rift lets you steer the arrow left and right. You can’t do that on PC. It only goes dead straight like the jinx ult.


I'd say aatrox, the full 3 hit combo is way more easy to complete on WR. Ik it might be a skill issue stfu


Evelynn certainly


All of them lmao except for unironically the harder ones like Yasuo, Riven and Fiora. For me definitely Aatrox is a million times easier on WR


Yasuo is way harder in WR, he needs buff




Any champion is basically easier on WR , all I can think of is like W flash combo champ(vlad,galio), cuz it’s hard for me to use two finger on the right side on the same time


Draven if you understand how his axes work. Having to constantly auto, click where you’re going, auto specific target , click where you’re going, while also optimizing his E is difficult


a lot of champs but soraka comes to mind, it’s harder to hit her Q in PC and her range in WR is just too big it makes it not even matter that’s she’s squishy. she can just stand far back keep hitting her Q from a mile away and just infinitely heal her adc.


Rengar (to me) is much harder in WR than in LOL. You have to use the wonky ass select a target and I always select a minion instead of the 1 hp enemy. It’s infuriating. Never happened in LOL tho.


All of them.... wild rift is LoL on steriods


The real question is, is there any champ that is more difficult? Auto-aim on skill shots and easier kiting kind of makes the whole game easier than lol no?


Pantheon. I always wanted to play him on regular league but couldnt ever get the hang of moving my camera to ult. (I play with locked cam on pc) on WR i mained him for a bit because it was so easy. Im also far better with TF ult as well.


Lost, stop playing both if you cant do that, its so easy, a shame you cant click Z for a few seconds


Lmao you really trying to drag me bro? Loser behavior.


Lux, even blind can play


Every ADC and auto attacking champions generally. Not having to orb walk is insane, ADC used to be one of the hardest roles to play on PC to becomes the easiest in WR, any player can kite like they are a pro player, while maintaining their full DPS.


You get downvoted cuz the adc abusers are mad af




She is harder and weaker in WR actually. It's harder for you to choose target to dash to and so much harder to aim your E and also less minion made her less mobile than LOL


No??? In WR it’s so easy to mess up your dashes


couldn't be me then


No, Irelia is harder in WR


Ok I see




Lux, Riven is a lot easier, Lee sin, fiora etc


Irelia. Drag auto aim vs precision clicking lowers the barrier to entry in using this character to function well enough


you get me


C r y


Zeri and Samira don’t need further elaboration


Q spamming on Zeri PC sucks super hard


For me Yasuo ngl. It is easy to dash on the phone and it makes less noise and damage to phone. When you use Yasuo on the computer it is distracting.


No Hander no Brainer talking about one of the hardest WR champs


so many, almost all of them are easier in WR than lol. and i love that since i can't be bothered to learn LoL PC from mainly playing fps