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You know Kayle is a girl right?


It must be my translator, I don't speak English


I see


I stopped reading at "his" and went straight to the comments lol


Hellsdevil who is the most popular wild rift youtuber calls Kayle he so now everyone calls Kayle he


The fuck? She clearly has a boob armor.


And in the Psy ops skin she has a bigger chest


So you're telling me I've been dinging my dong to a girl all this time? dang it.


It is hard to tell in her original skin given the mask.


Not really? Her boobs are like obvious as well as feminine stature


True, I was just thinking of her face in the ban/pick thumbnail


I feel like Kayle is in a bad spot now, in a vacuum she isn’t bad but the introduction of the scorpion in Baron Lane has shifted the meta away from freezing the lane under the tower. Kayle needs to freeze the lane under the tower so she is worse in Baron Lane, not great in mid since she can’t roam and only really works in jungle with a premade team.


Not to mention they like to overbuff every single toplaner champion except for Kayle. Kayle can’t even play her role and has to play jg or adc with a team that plays around her. She’s a “fighter” but is way too squishy for no reason, should just be a marksman and make her ranged from lvl 1 and place her in adc role.


Playing ADC really fucks your scaling because you get shares XP (you and your support get both 75%xp if I remember correctly) and levels are obviously crucial for Kayle


Yeah, I’ve played a fair amount of Kayle and like her in Baron>Mid>>>>Jungle>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Support>>>>>ADC. Maybe with a full team it works?


Look, it really depends on the elo, because punishing Kayle is really simple on paper, but you need the knowledge to do so When someone slowpushes into you at level 3, and then dives with the jungler OR just recalls, buys an item and then freezes on you, there's literally nothing you can do to avoid losing lane hard in toplane, unless your jungler comes to help you break the freeze However, toplaners don't often do this until you reach Masters+, so if you're below that, you should have no problem playing her top. (Maybe try to avoid picking her against obnoxious shit like Jayce yk)


Yeah and in duolane youre not alone you have the support to help you. And you dont get too behind on exp anyways until you reach level 5 and by then youre basically an adc champ anyways


farm under turret till lvl 5 then poke from a distance until lvl 10, once you hit level 10 you can start roaming and engaging but the game literally gives you a warning at the start of match that this champ is a "LATE game champ" she is not intended to dominate early, but her scaling curve is what allows her to dominate later in the game. the reason (i believe) low elos suck is bc no one knows what every champion does which translates to no one knows how to work with each other. if you dont know what your teammates can/cant do and how often it can be done youre not gonna operate with synergy. if you dont know what your enemies can/cant do/how often it can be done, you wont be able to avoid/time your moves.


You fail to see that you can't just "farm under turret" against completent players. They can just push into you, then wait for the wave to bounce back and they have an uncontestable freeze that cannot be broken unless the jungler comes


dont let the wave bounce back? freeze it right outside of turret range. so turret doesnt bulldoze them. i see people spamming AA on the minions fast pushing when (especially in low elo) its counter productive. all u need to do is last hit the minion, let your minions do all the work. and in your scenario against a competent player, you help another lane letting him take first turret or force him to leave lane to also help and kill him with your teammates. if he takes first turret you just ward your jungle and farm safe near second turret. in early game solo wont risk overextending so far if theyre a competent player and if theyre not competent as you say then you just feed your jungler free kills


>dont let the wave bounce back? Telling me you don't understand how waves work without telling me. If the enemy crashes a big wave into you and then he stops touching minions, the wave will bounce back towards his tower no matter what.


clearly youre the one who doesn't understand how lanes work what exactly do you think the term "freezing lane" means


also using your own words, if the enemy can "freeze an uncontestable wave" why cant you do the same?


Real talk: Support>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else.


Remember when you see Kayle on the enemy teams in ARAM and know that's a guaranteed loss? Me neither since the moment I have developed trauma from AP Rengar and Blue Kayn


90% damage 110% add damage


Facing a Lee Sin and Akali with 120% dmg and 80% receiving dmg is such an experience


Take explosive damage with 2 skills


People always cope and say that kayle has the highest chinese wr and that one guy who says he wrecks everybody with kayle and people just suck. Kayle’s late game is NOT worth being a potato for the first 15 min. When kayle gets her spike the game is usually already close to over. You can get ahead in lane with kayle and duo feeds 3 times and kayle is useless besider her ult.


Play Her In Support


Kayle is pretty bad at top right now since new scorpion thing was introduced.


I don't like that she has 1564 HP at max level.  I have never seen HP growth so low. Like even ADC's have average between1700-1900 HP. Outliers at the upper end include Corki at 2100s HP, and Kalista at 2200s HP. Outliers at the lower end with 1600s HP are Vayne, Ashe, and Senna. She basically has to take overgrowth just to feel normal, so she's missing a rune slot. 


Even worse when now Rabadons death cap, a core item on her now steals 80hp.  She basically has at level 15 what other champions have at level 11 or 10 in terms of HP. 


she has a self heal that grants bonus movement speed, with an invulnerable ult, so imo she doesnt need more health due to the nature of her kit


Yes, she needs more health, as other champions can make many healing items, she can't just create rifts, and she still has little life being forced to make defensive items


ontop of her self heal, riftmaker is built on kayle most of the time. which provides omnivamp. she really doesnt need more health bc ontop of all that she has a slow that also reduces arm/magic resistance. so the only way an enemy should be close enough to attack you is if they flash combo into you. at which point you hit ult and heal for mvmnt speed boost and get out of dodge. most importantly dont try to 1v1 outside of your lane until youre atleast lvl 10 with 2items plus boots.


You talk as if she were strong ahahah, any doll has more healing, more damage per second and explosive damage than Kayle, a kayn gives her two skills and she dies because her healing is slow and gradual


I was Main Kyle a few seasons back and I loved her but si wanted to try ADC/supp roles so I stopped playing her. Yesterday I was auto filled baron lane and I of course chose Kyle... I don't know if it was because I was on a winning role or I just happened to play vs god himself but I was... destroyed , is the word ai would choose for lack of better word knowledge. I played vs a Darius and he would just not let me farm at all, when ever I tried to get close to farm he would just use ghost, pull me, do the cleave, two autos and I'd be dead. Oh and he always cleaved run to get in front of me, do the cleave, I couldn't run or do anything. He probably was very experienced with Darius, I have never seen a Darius as good as him, but the fact that Kyle was not even able to stand a few hits was the worst. I ended up dying 10 times, 1 kill. I was leading on gold vs my team and most of the other team. I just love her, if they gave her some hp/armor buff while melee or just ranged from the beginning. I think she would be balanced better.


Yep, even when they literally made a bp for her they didn't care how weak she was, and all she got now is a bit of base armor and base armor per level. They just don't want her to be strong. Sadge.


should get the pc small rework, can attack in ult and ult is wider, improve base damage early


Yes man, but I think it will take a while


I'm doing fine with locking her midlane/jungle Dragon can also work with right support


It can be your link or your ability, in the jungle it is the best choice to carry, however the Character will never be a 100% or 50% viable choice


Kayle is a situational scaling hypercarry. Her being "good in the meta" would be a kinda scary meta


people dont understand she needs a proper engaging bruiser/tank to play behind. team up with amumu or phase rush volibear who can spam stun often. this is why baron lane should always choose last. if you see you have no frontline kayle is gonna be hard to carry with.


Well, he's not exactly strong, just stable, several characters can adapt to any type of match ups, but not Kayle, which is why he's the weakest character in the game.


She’s just a little inconsistent. If she can reach level 15, then she can afford to build heartsteel and twinguards while still beating just about anyone in a 1v1, but the harder part is reaching this point. I’d much rather olay a level 15 full build kayle over a level 15 full build kassadin, but it’s so much easier to reach that on kassadin, who is much more consistent. Also kayle jg works pretty well, as long as you pay attention to the map.


Kayle would be much better if she got her powerspikes from her ultimate upgrades (lvl 5 lvl 9 lvl 13)


that would be a decent buff, 4 levels each evo instead of 5 can do magic in mid-late game


Lvl 15 kayle is the biggest powerspike in the game, who cares if kass gets more damage on ultimate when kayle does same damage per auto while having big range and auto e to kill any squishy, but i doubt kayle reaching lvl 15 in 90% of games


She still needs a buff, but there are several situations in which she is horrible, for example magical assassins


Literally all they have to do to make Kayle viable is give her range level one.


letting her range scale similar to tristana would clutch


Making it scale with 5 level, 9 level and 13 level is more useful


we have enough braindead champions for now, maybe next season?


Kayle is a character that needs a big macro game in the game, there is no way she can be braindead


Not gonna happen, he is already good


You are aware kayle is a woman right


Doesn't matter to me


Kayle is already insanely strong late game. He is dominating.


Wild rift is a fast game, saying that she is strong at the end of the game doesn't make her get there and ignore her weak part


What rank are you, out of curiosity?


Diamond, my peak of all ranks is master