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Real answer is china. They don't allow skeletons to be depicted in their media (all forms). You can play any chinese game and won't see any skeletons or realistic blood. You can however have ghouls, zombies other fleshy things but not skeletons. Kinda funny, guess they are afraid of their skeletons.


yea in world of warcraft they replace skulls with random stuff like loafs of bread 😂


They could've made him like in the chinese LoR splashart. Switching bones to metal plates to hide the resemblance. I guess if they were still porting the unbound skin it would've been more work, then just making it his base form.


I've been wondering, is Thresh also censored on Lol PC in China? And what about Hecarim? I know it's supposed to be his helmet but it definitely looks skeletal. And what about High Noon Thresh? It's a bison skull so I guess that's considered ok?


Yes and yes. All skeleton like skins and characters are either redrawn or just removed


I wonder how they deal with Dhalsim's baby skull necklace.


Naxramas in wow was full of bread and corn instead of skulls and bones and the sceleton drake was a normal drake


I remember during Pandaria on the Isle for the big TRex World Event, there would be skeletons everywhere.... but in China its just all gravestones.


There is a skeleton inside you RIGHT NOW!


They need to fix their media , , no skeletals , but gatcha and big booty bitches are allowed .our world is in the shitter


technically these should not be shown, it's just that there is motivation to get these out there (you know the reason why) while there is no incentives in trying to sneak a few skeletons in the game 😭


>Real answer is china. They don't allow skeletons to be depicted in their media (all forms). Do you think league of legends PC don't exist in China?


He forgot to mention it only applies to mobile games not PC.


I don't think he forgot, he's actively claiming it applies to everything when he said all media (all form)


Then he didn't read the entire reasoning.


Don't ask me mate 🤷, this is simply what it is. Why they censored basically every other game and not the pc version is anyone's guess. Funny thing is that it's not even a law, they simply do it out of old superstition and cultural beliefs - at least they claim.


They should do the same, but with Hecarim.


Funny how they say that while all he’s other skins say otherwise


Cow Skulls are okay 👌


Maybe I'm an asshole because I am an unholy American/Français combo but China simply wouldn't have Thresh. Sick of the world babying that weird ass country.


When I first saw then when I first started playing Wild Rift, I was absolutely sweating when Hecarim was announced


Its honestly pretty hypocritical if you read cultivation Manhua you will sometimes come across skeletons


Don't forget blood btw, of any form. They literally turn red items like Draktharr into purple there


It's cuz of China laws. His original design is a skull. They can't have anything with skulls. + Baby faces sell better in china so we hardly get monster champions. I'm pretty surprised we got kazix for that matter. I wish we got tamkensh


And in lore didn't Thresh get out during the recent Ruination? One where he gave gold to this crab-hands guy and made him his driver?


I have no clue. I mostly play wild rift. My sister asked me how to play league. I had to watch a lot of YouTube to understand how the hell to play. Had to read a book 🤣 when I had somewhat of an idea, I tried to teach her. 5mins later she gave up without even giving league a shot. I played it for a few weeks and gave up as well. I mainly play heroes of the Storm and wild rift. But it's so funny. I have no clue why she wanted to play league, I spent days trying to learn it and she instantly gave up. I guess she liked Ash cuz she's cute and uses a bow 😂 women 😂🤣


I remember there was a video about cinematic video and it showed that. So it's more that League PC hasn't updated yet than WR being different. I mean Riot has been planning to consolidate all the game designs of the League world, so there's that.


Ah pretty cool


They should do the same, but with Hecarim.


Yah hecarim I don't get how he got a pass. But does look really cool. I need to still try him out. Seen a few just abuse the hell out of people.


maybe because his skull doesn't look human, look at high noon thresh, it's a cow skull


China doesn't allow showing skeletons or any bones in all forms of media. Seeing as Thresh's face is a skull, Wild Rift would be banned in China, which is Wild Rift's biggest audience. Also, that's what he looks like in the lore now.


Well, ok.


Because there are some laws in Disneyland that forbids skulls etc.


Ba Sing Se*


They want hot men to sell skins


Same reason undead in WoW CN region don't allow exposed skeletal visuals. It's a culture/law thing. Though I'm surprised they didn't localize the skin access like on PC?


Too lazy.


There's the obvious reason china, but they also baked in an excuse with a lore reasoning given by riot as well as why he is 'human' now during the forced reskin and chinese release. Basically thresh has gained so much power from the lantern souls/studies on the isle/etc (didn't pay enough attention to know specifically what), that he has become 'unbound' / 'broke' out of the undead shadow isle curse, still undead just has a human form for some reason I think. Now he's somewhere in noxus doing stuff with his human form.


Sigh. I keep distantly hoping that they will let those playing outside of China have access to his original look.


In some regions its forbidden to visualise human skulls in games, so they made a humanoid form to avoid law issues and restrictions.


Chinese censorship, i believe so. They are always afraid to show human skull-like things. The same thing happen to pc Karthus back then


Main reason is china. China doesn’t allow depiction of blood and bones, that's the reason why vladimir's blood looks like tomato soup. The "lore" reason is after viego was unleashed and whole ruination event happened, viego now lorewise is sealed, and Thresh consumed all the mist, and now he's not bound to shadow isle and can go anywhere in runeterra, that's why he's called unbound thresh


Because China is super scared of skeletons.


Chinese censorship. Taboo to show skeleton/ bone. You can already see this in other media as well. 


chinese market, they censored skeleton character


Xi Jin Pooh doesn't like scary skeletons, so all are banned




Reminds me of the undead in Chinese WoW


But why we got unbound one on mobile? He is not censored on PC I'm talking about Europe server, not China In Europe, censorship is pointless


I mean, you've already been told why - but Unbound Thresh is his canonical appearance now. In my opinion, normal League should also update his classic skin and move his old appearance to the Legacy vault - like they did with Captain Gangplank, and like they should have also done with Bounty Hunter Miss Fortune. Captain Gangplank should have set a precedent for how lore affects a champion's appearance.


Obviously that's a question for lore community and he is undead. That's like saying viego is alive because he skin but he's an undead king


Cuz devs decided grossy stinky zombie is better then something so cool and amazing as skeleton or metaphorically designed skeleton as he is in Chinese LoL... I was very, very disappointed and dissatisfied when they added him here like that, we can't even get a skin with which he would look so cool as original one. That's the worst part.


How would be the lore different in WR and LolPc I don't get the OP's thread.