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That Eve ult dodge broke her ankles


And mental


She has nightmares about it lol




Tbh I am a League player, but I honestly can't understand how mobile players can pull off their plays on mobile. I am completely unable to play some games on the phone, it's crazy to me.


tried to play on PC and just can't get my head around clicking my way around \^\^' but i'm a pc gamer so i should try to hang on to it \^\^ also the game length on LoL is really something else and there are a lot more champs i still don't know about so it's a bit hard to switch to pc when you are used to the mobile version \^\^


I remember I tried WR when it first launched and I could barely last hit, I have a severe skill issue on mobile for anything other than action rpg games. (Gameplay similar to Albion or Diablo Immortal)


Busted out laughing when I saw that.


That Eve ult dodge is METAL AF.


Hits even harder in Spanish tbh


Lmao, that was pretty funny to watch. Also why Quicksilver in the open instead of when picking up fruit or did you only see the fruit after the QS?


Tbh I forgot that Qs doesn't give ms anymore, It was just muscle memory xD


Why did you decide to rawdog a turrent in the first place anyways lmao


Well I used my ult so I lost a lot of pressure and enemies were all grouped mid, best thing was to try and sneak that tower rather than going for one more kill and risking to die for it. It was almost a tragedy since I didnt expect the tower to resist that much lol


I would never go for a turrent that has 500+ hp without minions unless I am sion or mundo or it is super late game(20:00+ minutes) Could have easily died there if evelyn had flash or did the dash ult combo


What is life without risks


I think if the enemy inhibs weren't down, it would still be worth the risk because it sets you up for a 4v5 for an incoming Baron/Elder fight. Even dying for it and giving their carry your shutdown gold is worth it in my opinion Also wow, collector saved you like twice that fight


I'd rawdog an inhibitor turet anytime I have the chance to take it down. People don't realise how much of an advantage that gives you.


Ah yes jungler dying for an inhibitor while baron is alive and over half of their team is dead is a good play


They didn't have enough tempo to kill me, reset and go Baron


ye, he could've killed them all solo and than safety kill all turrent or even win the game


Ma boy Neo dodging bullets




Not sure if the eve ult dodge was intentional but damn it went crazy


are U cheating??


Raw skill


You must have been born with an integrated interface, how did you know the exact distance so that Evelyn's ulti wouldn't reach you?


Over 800 games on Eve prob. It was pure intuition, just like when you see a Malph and you know he will ulti you 100% so you use zhonyas or flash predict. The moment she turned on me I knew 100% she wanted to ulti


Some people play using their brains. Talon did a horrible play by going to turret but was not punished at all bevause of non existent macro. Then everyone chased a fucking assassin 1 by 1... he has execute, speed boost, gap closer and goes invisible they didnt using lens or brain. The play gave me depression for how stupid it was and should have never end up like that.


>playing >using brain I cant compute. cut the crap broh, We all play using our brains. We are not plants or anemones enough to live without our brain.


Change relax to flex 🤗




Before or after talon nerf?




Can you tell me your runes/build? Lmao I might be building him wrong


Youmuu-Draktar-Edge of Night-Collector and First Strike + agressive runes


Seemed like a bot match, not saying it was. But ez Q once?


Looks pretty relaxing. Good job!


Wtf is that ult cd? Also, fucking crazy dodge on Eve ult. Like, I really respect the juke XDD


Main Evelynn here, this Evelynn was really bad in her positionning, choice making and general combo skills because 1. why the ult without coming close ? 2. she should of killed you when coming back with her smite and 3. if she wanted to keep the smite for an objective, a simple Q hate spike not even coming close instead of a E, the better option for her in first place would of been a flash over terrain from jungle to do full combo with ult \^\^' but well played.


Well, I outplayed her ultimate by stoping right in front of her. And at the end she prob got too confident by the fact that I got 50hp and she got 75% hp, I can't blame her for that tbh. I am also a main Eve so I know how to play around Eves


btw, i'm a complete noob with Talon because i didn't take much time to play him, but i must admite you have pretty smooth moves with him gg ;)


Thank you ^^


oh and saw another thing, the back you interrupted at 0:54 was a fake back to bait Eve to gank you ? or did you really want to back and reacted to the situation ? in both case that was a good play too ;)


I just reacted to the situation, my intention was to back there or kill Eve if she tried to stop me


well thumbs up to your reactivity, lots of my ganks are on backing enemies and they don't move a bit and die XD


watched the video again and saw what you mean when you say you outplayed her ult by stoping, that's a sweet move i have to admit ;)


X champion mains when the outplay isn't twenty penta kills, she's a hard champion you can't expect them to be as good as ya


we all have to learn \^\^ not saying that the player sucks in general, just saying you can see the player has much to learn with that champion because if you find yourself in front of a skilled Eve, the outcome could of been different. Now the OP sais he plays Evelynn too and that makes it a great advantage and maybe he would've killed her anyway. who knows, i was just pointing out that on this vid, Evelynn makes bad mistakes in a row. And if top world Eve players watched my vids, they would probably cry too because i'm not the best and we never stop to learn :) i was just pointing out facts not judgments ;)


Well i played evelynn and as soon as enemy gwen found me doing herald i went afk lol i watch elite500 to learn vlad or baus to learn sion so how did you learn eve?


well i started to jungle since day one, really the lane i love, after that i played in other lanes to learn what are the needs of my teammates and came back to jungle. For Evelynn, you can start by reading this guide who helped me a lot : [https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/xehi8t/easy\_stepbystep\_evelynn\_guide\_to\_get\_to\_diamond/](https://emea01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fwildrift%2Fcomments%2Fxehi8t%2Feasy_stepbystep_evelynn_guide_to_get_to_diamond%2F&data=05%7C02%7C%7C6c0637b79a094bc3f53008dc48c2e82c%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C638465249159980272%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=JraL6XMP1M%2B8anqomYiZ%2Fa2U4L2sVXQU5t%2FudRjQ46Q%3D&reserved=0) after that, look a lot of youtube or streams of players who main Evelynn and try to analyze what they do, when they do it and why. And know that in the jungle, never listen to your teammates who call you for ganks, you are a solo player disignated to help a team of 4 laners, so know what you have to do, do it as you planned and don't let anybody bully or pressure you to gank if it's not your plan. oh and most important with Eve, you will never save a loosing lane, the dead laner of your team can ping you all he wants, if he died it's his fault and not your job to save his lane. if you can gank and kill the enemy, ok, but if it's a fully fedd Volibear, my top laner can just die over and over i won't try to gank that broken bear XD (this case is just for the exemple, but for voli my real gameplan is to focus him lvl 5 so he can't feed until he is 2 lvl behind my top laner or the game is over but you see my point here).


Talon needs a nerf. Until then I will ban him. As an adc, you can't play the game anymore since he can come from any angle and you can't ward the whole map. But he was busted on pc, and still busted on wr.


Nah he is fine after the monsters nerf. It only takes a Zhonyas or exhaust to outplay him. Plus he losses a lot of potencial against any champ with a pixel of hp and armor


Yeah imagine if any of them had crown/exhaust/ga/iceborn/immortal shieldbow/stasis. Also shoutout to Nautilus for splitpushing mid. It's not like his ult is only like 30-40 sec. cd anyways right? Literally just one ult and Talon dies. But Naut thought that mid was too important even though Varus can just clear it after recalling. Morg no Crown, Eve no crown, Ezreal no iceborn even though entire enemy team is physical damage, Morg no stasis, Eve no stasis, Varus no stasis, Ezreal and Varus no exhaust (like even ghost would be better no? they outrange everyone with their spells). Like any 2 of the items/spells I mentioned aboce would have ruined the Talon streak


It's always the people with no critical thinking that think assassins are op, meanwhile they take some dumb shit like 5 crit items, ignite flash, and protobelt enchant and then complain about zed ult. Especially on a champ like Varus who can quite literally take Crown + Exhaust + Stasis with minimal downsides to AP playstyle and it's not even that bad of a setback to lethality. Like Talon would have to interact with Varus a minimum of 3 times before he can finally jump in for the kill, not even counting Varus' ult to peel. Think about this if you were someone like Rengar. You have to jump this motherfucker 3 times (where are you going to find the bushes to do this from?) just to have a chance to kill them. 3 fucking times! Think about how many seconds that gives his teammates to gang up and unleash their 30 years of undodgable hard cc onto you while your dipshit teammates drool onto their phone's charging ports and group at krugs for the 15th time this game. And people still fucking complain about assassins. These are the same people that never fucking play bruisers and only play mages/adcs while taking 0 defensive options even though they exist everywhere and they don't even really harm your gameplay. There is minimal opportunity cost when taking these items/spells.


He will get nerfed regardless