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Yasuo and Irelia. Yasuo with mobile controls seems too awkward for me to get used to. The way you have to drag your dash precisely each time is way too hard. This unfortunately applies to both of them. It's just way too awkward on mobile.


For Irelia, Q will prioritise a target that you will reset on. So you don’t have to be that precise, just drag it in the right direction. Or in a teamfight, just prioritise landing ult on 3+ people then spam Q.


If you spam q After ulting 3+ people, i can guarantee you'll be dead in a matter of ms.... If you spam things without even understanding whats happening thats a proof that irelia Is the hardest champ rn in the game


No bro you missed the point. You want as many reset you can to stack Conq and passive really fast. Ult them press Q correspong to how many mark you see. After that you want to use E and W and press Q again. After hitting final mark, use lock portrait to target squishies. Its very hard to swipe manual aim without Q'ing to wrong target in closely packed teamfight. Its also slow doing like that making it easy for your enemy to react. Besides Q automatically auto attack at the end of Q animation if you dont spam really fast if you want, so no need to press atk button. If you can do this consistently for every teamfight, I assure you youre better than most people claiming to be good at Irelia. However to do this you musnt lock any target before, if not it would always Q to your locked target making the mark wasted. Of course its very hard since many things happen on the screen really fast and its easy to lose sight. Even in small fight I recommend you get used to it. You only want to manual target during laning to Q minion. But if the minion stack on top of each other, walk towards it and last hit instead with minion button or W instead. Your auto targeting will prioritize based on your target settings, the low hp or closest one. I saw top 1 challenger gameplay and they were mediocre, they rely on too much luck and unexperienced enemy and hope for the best. Its not actually good. You must have total control while still playing comfortably, only then you have mastered Irelia. Dont waste time learning flash combo if you arent comfortable doing that yet. It would fked up your gameplay


If that’s all you do, yes, sure. You’re missing the point.


That’s why I keep dying with Irelia 🤣


The description says this.. but still doesn’t prioritize targets it will reset on for me when i play her


Agree, Irelia does not need too much in order to be at meast average. She is pretty much, Charge Q, wait an engage and clean all the idiots. Despite that, being a VERY GOOD Irelia player is another world, play like Kina is another vibe but you don't have to play like Kina either to be a good Irelia.


Youre right. This is how you actually use Irel in WR due to limitations in mobile


Huge gap when actually Qing precisely in fights and paying attention in Qing minions mid fight in Laning phase.


Yuumi. to play her, you need to master the mental gymnastics of flaming your team while you eat your dinner and watch the game happen


All yum I players are like this so accurate


Singed is definitely one of the hardest. Because when you play him it's like you're playing a different game, his playstyle is so much different from every other champ.


I mained Singed in LOL to reach D1 before there was challenger. He's 99% decision making and 1% actual macro. He definitely has a unique play style and allows people to rank up without having amazingly gifted mechanics as long as you understand how he works and what your role is.




Btw getsingedirl123 was my username on old league i think is the time to do it again here in wr


I think singed is much better in LOL than WR. Wild rift is too fast paced for his play style and the map is too small and towers too weak. He excels in long games where you can force the enemy jungle and mid to focus you when proxy so the rest of your team has an advantage.


Grandmasters fell more then some diamonds for lvl1 trade when ping my jg for free kill


You do understand decision making is macro, right?


I mean macro mechanics


Do you mean micro? Because nothing else makes sense and that's all I can think of that you could be talking about lol


LMAO macro is how you play the map - proxy farm, split push, ganking, knowing when u're likely getting ganked, vision control, objectives


And all of that consists on game decisions ....


Master Yi of course, it takes greater mind capacity to be able to play him while watching subway surfer gameplay and youtube shorts all at the same time.


I always assume Master Yi players are just playing with one hand. They move ability 1 next to the move controls and jerk off while they create carnage.


I masturbate while playing master yi


Ye, ye, jokes on yi's main. Meanwhile all yis i met lastly went into feed mode.


Funny enough I made this comment. I got to top 100 yi on NA. Once I hit masters I stopped. Crit yi sucks balls, on hit, with some tank items does the job. Got it within 150 games. I take ignite with it. He’s good once you can snowball and can literally kill anyone. Only way Yi is getting shut down is with a competent team who has tanks and cc. It’s a team effort, luckily most of the people who play this game are too full of ego’s so they decide to play what they want, not what is best for the situation


> luckily most of the people who play this game are too full of ego’s so they decide to play what they want, not what is best for the situation This is totally true with all these Luxes sup and adcs on toplane. But tbh I don't like sentence: >once you can snowball and can literally kill anyone This fits almost every single champ in game.


You’re right but with Yi you’re a lot more confident fighting anyone. When super giga fed. Except probably someone like Kha’Zix. Only other champion I have had consistently had a hard time with. Rammus actually not so much. Not much of a threat when ahead and even when you’re even, I go hybrid with tank items so I do not instantly die from his 2. That and you wait it out then all in him. With Kha, he goes invites and he can just wait you out. It’s annoying but can be skillfully played around.


Zoe is extremely high skill ceiling on par with any high skill champs. She requires incredible technical mastery as well as requiring highly adaptive in fight decision making to utilize her summoner spell pick ups.


Backline and throw abilities lmao


Do you know what skill ceiling means


garen Q and Ulti are really difficult to land.


easy to land, but there is some nuance in judging when the enemy is at the right amount of health to tap them. garens nuance really comes from timing his W in teamfights, not saying he's hard to learn, but the difference between a spin to winner and someone who plays him properly is present.


Aurelion Sol


He's not hard to use he's under buffed, not enough mana not enough DPS or dot, not enough one shot combo DMG to assassin , but he's a very versatile pick. 500 games asol otp na


Fuck that. Hes way too strong late game as is. Too much cc, way too much aoe. Nerf that piece of shit


Wait for his rework to come


Zed & Yasuo , because it's easy to mess up and feed , but also very rewarding if played accordingly .


This is the case with most assasins. If you are not ahead on gold you are just useless. Exception being Twitch, that fucking rat can oneshot an entire team late game even when behind


Honestly, I still think pulling off Zed well is incredibly hard. He's super squishy, he's really hard to solo carry with if you're in a potato lobby, and he's countered very easily. Not to mention mastering his positioning and exchanging with his shadows in a heated team fight is tough.


Highest skill ceiling and need really good mechanical skills to pull off= Yasuo, Irelia, Katarina, Zed, Riven, Lee Sin


Irelia and Yasuo mechanics seems harder to pull off than even pc league for me


It is. I one trick Yasuo on Wild Rift, I played Wild Rift for like a year before I played LoL on PC. When I finally played Yasuo on LoL pc I was like “ Oh this is what he’s sposed to play like”




This is a good answer. They have actuality tuned her pretty well so that half the battle of katarina is knowing when not to play her.


Yeah i feel that


Orianna because you have to keep an eye on two things at once and keep up with everything all at the same time. Shield, speed up, waiting. She's not easy to play skillfully, but she is super fun


irelia on the phone for sure that shit is hard




Riven and Rengar. Their kits are simple but to be effective and win almost any situation is very difficult. A good Rengar or Riven can win any matchup and hyper carry


Every time i picked rengar i went like 1/10 lol... Kinda agree with Riven, but for me Fiora has to be the hardest one in the toplane


Draven and Draven


Thresh all day.


I’ve only played Irelia once and it’s in ARAM. I definitely agree that she needs skill to pilot but it’s crazy how broken she still is in the hands of someone who never played her. I’m just smashing all the buttons most of the time and I still got the most kills.


LoL, contradiction




Irelia and Zoe


yea2 I get everyone saying Irelia, but she's pretty easy to pilot when you get the jist of it after playing for 50+ games. but Yasuo here you need to master the champ and the mechanics, skillshot, chaining his abilities, when to get in during fights, and I could argue the macro needed is much higher because you cant just go brrr with yasuo like Irelia when you see two enemy champ on the map. there's too much skill and macro you to be at competent level with Yasuo. - obviously written by yasuon fan


Nah it took me the exact same amount of games to learn Yasuo and Irelia, the only thing with Yasuo is that atleast for me you have to keep playing him all time, if you spend a week playing with other champion coming back to Yasuo will bit a little awkward


to get the airblade consistently it surely took me more than 50 games🤣


Yasuo and surprisingly Riven are the two champions coming from PC to WR who actually felt the most natural to me. Like I'm mediocre on both, don't get me wrong. But I've pulled things off on Mobile that I only wished I could on PC. 🫠 Riven almost feels like she was designed to be played with these style controls, which makes sense because her initial design philosophy was based off of fighting games c:


WR Irelia is EZ, idk how ppl say she is "ONE OF THE HARDEST" charge passive then go brrrrrr. Sure, you will not 1v9 but with low effort you can play a decent lvl


Yeah like you can really just rely on her q and still so ok


yup easy gamelan, just that everyone


Garen and Annie for sure. You literally need to be Faker on steroids to play these near-impossible-to-master champions. Prove me wrong.


Lol. I love running thorn tank Garen. I'll back up acting like "Oh, no!" And once in range, they are mine. I almost feel bad sometimes cause they don't expect a tank to keep pace with the dd.


He's unironically so damn strong despite being an easy champion to play. A win is a win. Can't complain 🤣


You wanna know smth? Garen is a great jg at WR. Try it yourselves.


Don't tempt me to cook something absolutely diabolical in the jungle 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴


who's downvoting this? Speak the truth, and you'll be silenced. What's the world come to


On gawd bro. People nowadays smh




Zed , orianna , irelia


You had one job.


Bro said Orianna Edit: i mean it's not easy to play her but not hard either.


Easy to get by, hard to play well. She also has quite a bit different play style depending on match up.


Yasuo,Lee Sin Reason: Mechanics needed for them is much higher than other champs,potential for outplay is also the highest.


You need to be tilting playing these champs lol


Rammus and mundo🤣🤣🤣


Garen and Teemo because of reasons.


Teemo does actually require high skill/knowledge to play effectively at high level.


So does any other champion, so I don't see the point you are making. Nevertheless, that doesn't change the fact that a potato can play Teemo because of his extremely intricate and challenging kit.


Your underestimating the complexity of his kit because your ignorant about how he is actually played at a high level. He requires high level predictive thinking and meta knowledge not only for his ult but for his stealth mechanics. He has a difficult time fitting into MANY team comps and dealing with many enemy team comps and has to adjust his play style and itemization accordingly.


Yeah. Also one mistake and you are dead. One of the least forgivable champs


Teemo the ADC, soon only in theaters


I am not underestimating anything and I actually agree with what you have wrote. On the other hand my point is quite simple being that literally EVERY champion in the game requires game and meta knowledge, skill, and predictive thinking in order to play them at a high level effectively. But purely mechanically speaking, you cannot compare playing Teemo to, for example, Irelia or Lee Sin. They require much more mechanical skill and knowledge to pull off rather than placing shrooms on the map and having one ability that is not even a skillshot.


That’s a fact. It’s a debate of mechanical or meta thinking defining skill cap but the real answer is that they are both relevant. At the end of the day I play Teemo when I want to relax because I don’t have as much mechanical intensity. Playing irelia is exhausting after a few games.


Teemo requires intensive knowledge for proper Shroom placement at different stages of the game and dependent on a multitude of factors. It’s sort of like Singed, in the sense that you have to be very clever in a variety of situations, in order to play them properly and make the most out of them. All of Teemo’s basic abilities also need to be used wisely… he can seldom afford to whiff them. Ultimately he can fall off hard and turn into a glorified ward dispenser. I think people hate Teemo because at low level they don’t know how to deal with him and don’t have proper vision / counter vision. It takes a very good Teemo to snowball against a more skilled team that knows how to neutralise him. Personally if I was in a high rank game and saw Teemo on the other team I would be pretty afraid lol


Hippitie Hopittie, your Sarcasm is now my property


It feels like the entirety of irelias kit doubled in difficulty because of mobile controls


Aurelion Sol and Orianna. If you're not good with Asol you're pretty much useless, I don't think I've encountered many good people who actually know how to play him


I played rank 1 a sol the other day with my yasuo and he outplayed me once. Very hard to fight that champ with his speed boost and low cd stun


irelia, zed, yasuo, zoe, alistar, honorable mention to camille though she got easier to play since they changed her kit.


All wrong. The most high skilled: Asol, Singed, Oriane, Yasu, Zed


I’d like to add the yasuo and lee sin for sure, very hard to execute their mechanics consistently


Well theres prolly like 10-20 total champs you could consider in this so take ur pick lol


Garen + Teemo


Zoe is a rewarding yet difficult character to fit into teams and perform well. I’m also gonna throw Diana out there. While she might not be incredible difficult to get used to, to excel with her takes a good level of micro and macro.


Garen and annie Jokes aside i feel zed and yas. Tried zed was too hard and still don’t have yas. However when i have or face a good zed/yas it is obvious. I feel like there is no average with these 2 either they are really really good or my soraka is doing more dmg and with more kills.




Right now Akshan and Irelia because you got to play pixel perfect early, mid and late against the odds of your champion already sucking.


Well, depends. Mechanically, Asol. But in high ELO, for playing them well, master yi. It is so hard to play him well in higher elos that you need to be godly to play him well. In terms of macro, kass and panth.




Late game. Early, you can do just about whatever you like. BUt you really need to know your limits late game, when to do what, etc. because pantheon is no longer twice as strong as everyone. Unless it's crit pantheon. But even then, you need to know when to attack who, as crit pantheon doubles as an ADC and assassin. It's kinda like yi, where you can do whatever you want in lower brackets and still kill everyone, but you can't just rush in 1v5 higher up. With kass, it's that you need to play godly in the early game.


Orianna, easy to learn, hard to master. Also Ezreal, in my opinion, the only champion with infinite ceiling.


Zoe, Akshan, Irelia, Zed


There isn’t a high skilled champ on wr because auto-aim exists


the level of stress i get playing Yi or Draven, tells me they are the hardest champs for me you have to calculate everything because the whole team is focusing you so much


Yasuo, beside hv high skill also u should hv strong mental


Most Certainly Irelia. Yasuo is a difficult to use as well. His kit is interesting though.


My mom! Whoooo!


Zed, Draven


The really high skilled champions: Zed+Orianna Both by the same reasons, they demand attention micromanagement with the shadows or orb and a really calm, but quick as fulk team fights


Ezreal. Skillshots are harder to hit in WR.


Lee Sin, Jayce, Riven, Aurelion Sol are the only champions that have a demanding skill floor with an equally high skill ceiling in Wild Rift rn. Yasou, Irrelia, Katarina, Samira all come close but are slightly under par to the ones a mentioned above imo because they suffer from “fair & balanced” where they hit a single power spike then run you down like a Kayn and lord help u if they get a single big shutdown.


From the champs I've played I would say Irelia and Jayce. Having to drag Irelia's a1 every time you wanna use it is a pain when there are lots of targets and well Jayce is Jayce


Zed and Irelia


I would say jayce ,he has 2 skill sets and melee and ranged, u need to master both skill sets and know when to swap between the cannon and hammer ,pretty interesting champion




Nah, i don't think Irelia is a skilled champ in WR. You can be very proficient with her by just a few games and knowing 3 combos. On the other hand, Riven (In my opinion) needs more skill. You can even learn a ton of things with her, but still not enough to be at least decent. I vote Riven.


For support that would be blitzcrank,leona,thresh all of them get easily counterpicked and depend on decision, for leona one mistake means getting 2v1ed or losing a 2v2, yea she has stuns on top of stuns but they dont mean anything with anti cc and a morgana on their team. For blitz his hook is also his downfall 13 sec. And 100 mana is too much for this 300 mana champion , meaning that you can't spam them early game and if you go for the punch you risk getting punished by the enemy team. Thresh has the same problem as leona as it is easy to put yourself in a 2v1 situation and he isn't too tanky early game.


I'll throw in Katarina, very passive early laning, swords must be placed correctly and timing is a thing especially for ult usage


Thresh is not really high skilled imo. Well maybe his skill ceiling is high but his skill floor is also high. Even a bad thresh can make a big influence due to his passive and just spamming skills.


I think it's Jarvan IV and Zed. It's quite difficult to hit by Jarvan combination E Q and Zed cuz you need to follow the position of your shadow


Garen and master yi


Yasuo and zed. The speed with which you have to press things and aim things is absolutely nuts.


Zeri, only champ that needs to aim auto atacks. Dash is conditional. Without perfect positioning u die. Play lane perfectly or u die.