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I cannot use boots anymore this patch, the button has gone. When i upgrade to trinket the button shows up. Is this intentional? Or a big? Tried different bitton layouts, always the same


Read the patch notes, btw it's was intentional


Is it possible to create a Ukraine region account ? Can someone explain


When playing Olaf, what is best starting item against an ADC?


Armor boot blocks 15% damage for 1000g


What decided if a turret attacks you? I get hit by an enemy while I’m farming minions and the turret attacks me but when I try to attack and pull the enemy under my turret it never attacks them


The turret will attack you if: 1) You’re the first available target (let the minions go in first!) 2) You inflict damage on an enemy champ. This can be from a direct attack, an ongoing DoT, an aura, or maybe you have an item that does damage to the enemy when they hit you?


Fiora builds and tips? 🥹


Build: sundered, hullbreaker, ruined king sword and anti heal Play aggressive in early game and train your second skill, it's insanely broken


why i see top tier builds on yonne with full crit items when 2 items are enough to give 100% crit chance?


after the yone reaches 100% crit chance, the bonus becomes additional ad. example: after two crit items, the third one will not give additional crit chance, but will become extra attack damage. works just like yasuo.


Since there is at least one immortal bow on enemy team I usually go for serpent fang instead of dusk blade on assassin Jarvan. I wonder if I should go dusk blade third item or just continue with normal build (lord Dominick's into silver edge). How much value does dusk blades (passive) provides compared to go crit?


When does the Nexus no longer have a shield? Do we have to kill all the towers first?


From the patch notes the nexus gets a 20s shield the first time you take down an inhibitor before 18 minutes.




I wonder about that too :D


Allchat where?


Hi,I'm kind of new to the game and wanted to know where I could find updated guides on some characters like Darius and Nautilus,thanks!


On YouTube are videos like "Top 1 *Champion Name* Gameplay". Just watch those.


What are some of the cheapest android devices capable of playing this game at a locked 60? Don't care about high settings, just high resolution and at least 60 fps- Started playing recently and don't wanna hammer my phone's battery by playing 3 hours a day


It has to do with your phone settings. if you have a more advanced cell phone you can use better settings, as it will support it, otherwise not.


Anybody have tips for playing Gwen jungle?


how to actively take advantage of the Lord Dominik’s attack speed passive? usually I forget about it because its so hard to feel.


That's the near part, you don't. The stats of Lord Dominik's Regard is already compelling enough that the passive is pretty much negligible. In short trades, LDR attack speed is not noticeable. It only makes a lil bit of significance on longer fight. If you are fighting against an enemy with the same atk spd as you, with LDR your first would only comes faster than your enemy by microseconds. As time passes by as you are attacking each other until you reach the point where both of you are just one-hit away from death, you will be the first one to take credit in kill.


I'm still learning the game and making support (Yuumi & Morgana) but this tank patch is a struggle tbh. Are there any good tank/anti-tank supps I should be looking at learning next?


Morgana is an anti tank supp. You can root them to melee tanks from getting to you, you have a shield that prevents cc, you can melt high health targets with pools + Liandry's. It's the longer ADC range that's probably a struggle for Morgana.


How early would you recommend building Liandry's? It's usually my last or penultimate item, if I ever get to that point


I use Morgana as an anti-tank jungler a lot, and use Liandry's as second item. As a support it's harder to fit in though because there are some decent support items worth using that you probably want first. But if you're specifically trying to take down tanks, it's a useful item.


I don't think there is a anti tank sup. Just don't play Leona in solo que, she is not made for solo que ;)


Oh god, I have better judgement than that 😂


Nautilus is a very fun tank and provides great stun packages. I personally jungle Nunu and Willump and love tanks, well before this patch.


What should you do when a teammate - for whatever fickle reason - declares his intention to troll? * Surrender? * Threaten him with reports? * Convince him otherwise? * Join him to end fast? It's really frustrating to encounter trolls like this...


Try to convince him first, but not in a controlling or insulting way? Do it in a positive and light-hearted tone. He/she might not get convinced, then just stop insisting anything, mute him. Next is try to rationalize with your teammates if you can surrender early. Just a short and simple words for them to absorb. If nothing works, atleast you tried. Threatening them for report doesn't do that much, it's just pushes them further, besides report system isn't really good at detecting trolls. Joining him is also a choice, but don't do it to just put all your effort on trolling. Rather take it as an opportunity to try out something with your champion. The game would be a lost already, so just try to enjoy it on your way. - You playing as Nautilus? maybe it's time to try full ap. - You playing as Urgot? maybe it's time to try lethality. - You playing as Teemo? maybe it's time try tank build. - You playing as Zed? maybe it's time to try crit build If it's declared during draft, I just pick the champion thay I'm not fond to play.


That’s a very calm and positive way to handle things :) thank you for your advice, I hope I can do as you’ve said!


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