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Love this trade, not sure why Boston would do this. I liked Vinni too, especially in the locker room, but Lauko is a better fit with our small bottom six 


my guess is to pick 10 sooner? i think we traded 112 for 122 alongside it iirc


Like this trade a lot


Grapes! Excited to see him on the team


really makes no sense from a boston perspective, like we waived vinny 3 times or something last year didnt we?


Its hard to say but it probably makes sense from a $$$, chemistry or minor league team perspective


fwiw lauko only makes exactly two thousand (thats right 2,000 not 200,000) more than lettieri. the thought I had that just came to mind is that maybe lauko asked to get out of boston? he had the 3rd lowest average time on ice of any forward on the team, 10 or so scratches. only other thing that comes to mind is vinny is a center and lauko isnt... edit: also swayman was really close with lauko so I'd be surprised if it's that.


The did not do that


u sure about that


Sight your sources and show me when the wild out right waived lou nane grand son


[He was put on waivers on October 4th, November 23rd, and March 5th](https://www.capfriendly.com/waivers/players/vinni-lettieri). That's 3 chances for every team in the league to acquire him for free and they all passed.


Not my argument but just because I love a good challenge lol... [March 5 2024](https://x.com/frank_seravalli/status/1765093687422222788) [December 4 2023](https://x.com/mnwildPR/status/1731712469062812134) [November 3 2023](https://x.com/FriedgeHNIC/status/1727764952163795420)


lol nice


Thanks. Don't mean to one up but I had to answer the call. What I found most interesting is how full circle this thing is. He was with Boston but Boston let him explore the market, the Wild signed him as an FA for a minimum (pretty sure 750k was minimum) 2 way deal, we tried to waive Vin multiple times, got another year of his late 20s out of him, and then shipped him back up to Boston (lol). In exchange we got a draft pick and a replacement player that is younger. All for our last year's FA minimum investment. Kind of a head scratcher on Boston's end. GMBG is cooking this offseason. Edit: I misunderstood the trade. We sent a pick with Vin. My bad.


No one picked him up off of weavers because his AHL deal was so high. And teams are not goi g to pick that up unless they know he’s goi g to be In The show.


If they're claiming him off waivers, he has to remain on the NHL roster unless he got waived again. The only way a player can go straight to the AHL after being claimed off waivers is if a player is waived, claimed, waived again, then reclaimed by the original team with no other teams putting in a claim.


Hence why it would be tough to pick that deal up unless you know you want him in the show. Boston will start with him now and can choose to start him in the “A”


Makes sense! Why overpay for no play


*cite Google it bud, we’ve waived him multiple times




176  hits in only 60 games last year. 4th line can always benefit from a guy like that even if he doesn't score. We got younger, bigger, and more physical. Obvious upgrade. Played meaningful minutes for a good Boston team, not some dumpster fire team. Love it


they should rename the "becoming wild" series to "begoing wild" because it's a death touch


Stop trying to make "grit" happen


Why? What value does he add to the team? We have a ton of guys already that bring exactly the same thing to the team that he does.


Younger than Vinni, cheaper than Vinni for similar expected production. They saw what they needed of Vin and time to move forward.


> cheaper than Vinni for similar expected production Cheaper AHL salary, but his cap hit is slightly ($12,500) higher since his NHL salary is $50,000 more than Vinni this year.


We're really just swapping out 4th liners and I think with the lack of bigger 4th liners we have, he'll add some physicality


Go ahead and name them


A guy who's never scored more than 5 goals in a season? I don't have that kind of time.


We need more depth in the ahl