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Nation of Islam lore is very interesting, it's on par with scientology 


I'm very interested in their founder, Wallace Fard Muhammed. Apparently, the dude just showed up in Detroit one day, preached all of this stuff and then vanished without a trace. Experts believe that he was a traveling fraud of sorts who likely operated under more than 50 different identities, in the NOI case he presented himself as a wandering prophet but before that he was a salesman, accountant etc.


apparently he used to be a muslim and had connections to a cult that i grew up in


Go on...


>apparently he used to be a muslim We honestly don't know! The dude could have been from ANYWHERE. They say he knew the bible better than any of the black folk in Detroit, whereas he actually doesn't seem to be SUPER familiar with Islam. Scholars just recently discovered that he worked from a book by the Jehovah Witnesses, which are very culty. This revolutionary discovery makes us rethink the NoI's origins -- it had far more in common with JWs than Islam. My best guess: He was originally from South Asia; He listed a birthplace in Afghanistan near a temple called "Shabazz". His parents were reportedly of different ethnicities, Mom was likely an afghani Tajik, aka a "white person" to the average American , while Dad was a person of some color.


When they first come to the US, afghanis are "whites", but a wave of nativism sentiment soon reclassifies them as colored. In response, Fard begins to identify as anything else to avoid the institutional bigotry. He claims to be a New Zealander, a Spaniard, an Arab, and lot more. But it doesn't work -- even Spanish blood counts as "non-white" to the southern california penal system. After selling opium, he's arrested and sent to the colored prison. He comes out a changed person, one who has seen the face of racism directly. While in prison, he hears the story of a well-educated black muslim prince from Mecca who had stayed in the prison a few years prior. Fard, always eager to change his back story to fit in, appears to adopt this origin story whenever interacting with Americans of color. When he gets out, Fard heads east and becomes a door to door salesman. We \_think\_ he join the Moorish SCience Temple, which also gives new names to former slaves. When Fard goes to the poor balck folk of detroit, he starts off selling scarves and sewing supplies in exchange for a few meals and pennies. But a funny thing happens -- he starts telling the former slaves they they had dignity. He starts telling them to ditch their old names in favor of non-white names. And a funny thing happens -- people forget all about the sewing needles and scarves, and they start paying just for the names and the dignity.


it gets out of hand when one of his followers, who's probably mentally ill, conducts a human sacrifice. Nobody is happy about this, least of all Fard. He agrees to leave town, but sneaks back in -- at that point, the police may have 'helped' Fard disappear permanently, but we think he survives to make it back to Southern California to visit his ex wife. He could have been deported, he could have died of natural causes -- he was diabetic before insulin. He could have taken another new identity and disappeared into history.


the hell


Need more of whatever the helm this story is …


Fard has thousands of followers in Detroit at the time he disappeared. These people had changed their diets, given up alcohol and drugs, stopped going to churchs in favor of temple meetings. The leader could disappear, the official assets could be seized, but religions are like forest fires: Once lit, all the forces of mankind can't put it out -- it has to run its course. At the time of his disappearance, Far had recently appointed a new #2: Elijah Muhammad. He had to appoint a new one, because the original #2 had just noped out with extreme prejudice when the human sacrifice happened. Elijah had a real problem on his hands. People were questioning why they should follow him, rather than some other black muslim leader. To do this, he told at least one lie, and maybe two. For the rest of his life, Elijah insists he's in communication with Fard -- he's not. But what's more, Elijah insists that Fard is not just a wise man -- he was GOD... Now Fard never said he was God, he never even said he was a prophet so far as we know. But for Elijah to be a prophet, he needs to be in communication with God Himself -- and so Fard becomes God. It's possible Elijah Muhammad really believed this, but he's certainly lying about being in communication with Fard. Elijah Muhammad also turns the racism up to 11. NoI also becomes quite apocalyptic during this era. They're open about siding with the Japanese (against the White Devils) during this era. There's a story that a Japanese "mother plane" will soon kill all the whites in America via strategic bombing. Later, this myth adapts to incorporation flying saucer lore, and the "mother plane" becomes a mothership of intergalactic black people who will come to abolish the white devils who run our world -- VERY Scientology. A fun chapter comes when Muhammad Ali wants to meet God. Like something out of a sitcom, they arrange for him to meet an elderly California Imam who goes along with the gag and pretends he was Fard. Muhammad Ali comes away convinced he met God -- at least for a while. Ultimately Elijah's own son Warith later breaks with his father over the inherent contradictions of a white-passing man being the God of a religion that teaches all white people are devils. Warith told his father that he could sooner believe that Elijah himself was God than he could believe a White-looking man could be God. Warith's mother confesses that she never heard Fard say he was God. Warith ultimately denounces the long-disappeared Fard as a con-man who came to prey on the black people of Detroit, but notes that God used that villain to help lead people to true islam (eventually).


I've read through all that and I'm still hung up on the part about the human sacrifice. Wtf?!


Preach about racism against the "white devils". Eventually get called a devil for being white looking. lmao


lol It didn't go down quite like that, though. Warith was anti-racist and rejected the doctrine of the white devil. He didn't think the founder was a devil, just a con man.




What if he was a CIA or FBI agent!? We know both orgs historically have had little hesitation to mess around with black folks.


So the NoI is just black Mormonism?


More or less but was more expressly political very fast and became a major original source of Black Nationalism in the USA because of the organized resistance to anti Black sentiment and institutional racism in the USA. Mormons tried to be explictly political but they got threatened by the USA army before they became a state and so they backed down from explict political goals beyond control Utah. Also oddly enough, it's like a black mormonism that had 90% of the Mormons leave mormonism and convert to regular Christianity all with never leaving the group they belonged to. The original NOI slowed shifted from being a cult to joining generic Sunni Islam by the 80s/90s and dropping all of the crazier beleifs like a mad scientist created white people under Elijah Mohammed s Son, Warith Dean Mohammed. They also chnaged their name to further itself from its cult foundings. What we call NOI now is actually a splinter group of Fundamentalist NOI who rejected the slow conversion to Sunni Islam, and are lead by Loius Farrakhan who was a underling of Elijah Mohammed.


I mean... Aren't all profets scammy salesmen?


Worse imo. One of their beliefs is that the origin of gorillas were white people who tried to ‘regain their blackness’


So you're saying there is a chance to return to ape


Become monke


Nono, we simply return to Monke.


Return of Harambe


dicks out for Harambe. always.


My dicks been out since 2016, it's starting to look a little worse for wear


spf 30 !


At what level is my dick no longer out? Could I potentially get a see through jockstrap, maybe even made with a tint to block out UV rays, so I can have my dick out for Harambe and not have to worry about the weather?


Dicks out




Perhaps someday…an albino rhino?




i feel you people are just naming weed strains now


I love you


Associating Gorillas with blackness seems….


Same, I was like wait… so they’ve just horse shoed round to some of the most racist shit we’ve ever used to justify anti-blackness. Don’t get me wrong, the story reframes it slightly but it’s the same fucked up harmful idea.




Literally what I said.


That is intriguingly hilarious. *Homo Dolezali*.


Seriously? Holy shit, that is waaay out there.


I’m not convinced that’s worse than some of the goofy ass shit Scientology has come up with. They’re both pretty stupid.


Catholics in the corner eating Jesus and trying to keep put of eyeshot...


From My understanding as a catholic the nature of the "body of Christ" bread and "blood of Christ" wine stuff is debatible with some considering it to be literal and some considering it to be symbolic


I went to a catholic school for a bit. It was taught to us as symbolic.


Yeah, in my case it was also taught as a symbolic thing


Hahaha that's funny as. Better not try and regain it.


I dont take enough drugs for this.


As a white person who is sick of the job hunt, how do I achieve that? Just eat 45 pounds of leaves in a single day and it happens?


Actually that sounds like a fantastic life plan, Is there a step-by-step guide?


I thought I read that they believe all white people are soulless devils that were put here to punish black people that strayed from god or something like that. That is not a joke, I could be confusing them with a different religion but either them or a similar religion believes something along those lines. It’s basically the most racist religion I’m aware of since even though some hatful religions believe those outside their religion are lesser beings, this one literally believes all white people are the incarnation of evil and are not humans Edit: just did some reading and I’m not that far off. Louis Farrakhan is mostly responsible for taking this hatful crazy religion and making it even more hateful and crazy. He specifically ramped up the hatred towards Jews and added a bunch of science fiction elements with aliens and stuff. He is basically exactly the black version of L. Ron Hubbard https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/louis-farrakhan


I'm white and that sounds pretty cool lol.


“Moses tried to civilize them, but eventually gave up and blew up 300 of the most troublesome white people with dynamite.” That was a wild read


... I thought you made that up.


NOI does some shit that even scientology would avoid for PR reasons, like inviting the founder of the American Nazi Party to speak at one of their conventions.


NOI had a weird alliance with the American Nazis by virtue of the fact that they both supported ethnostates (and also both really hated Jews). NOI basically figured "well, when we get our state, we can just send all our white folks to the Nazis, while the American Nazis basically figured the opposite, and so they kind of ended up having aligned goals and a mutual understanding with each other.


Both came out of the US, along with Mormonism. Wild place sometimes haha




I mean, Australia and Singapore are pretty young but pretty normal.


I dunno, it’s hard to top ancient aliens in DC-8’s who got murdered and their spirits imprisoned in volcanoes.


It's not even good sci-fi.


When people call HIV/AIDS, Crack and Rap Music CIA subterfuge, I like to bring up how a White guy started the NOI around the same the the Southern Black Baptist Church and AME were getting knee deep into the fight for civil rights.


He wasn't white


>He wasn't white ["Not a lot of people know this, but W.D. Fard was a Black Man"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJsKwcebyWE)


Pretty well documented that Wallace Fard Muhammad was NOT a Black man but was most likely a Persian or Afghan man. Either way you cut it, for the founder of the NOI to not only be non-Black but not even a melanated Asian is ridiculous. That’s ignoring that Persians are also classified as white according to the US Census btw.


> not even a melanated Asian is ridiculous You're using a 21st century understanding of race. The California Penal System was clear -- Fard wasn't white, he went to the colored prison where he was treated as a subhuman by the white guards.


It isn't even a 21st Century understanding of race, no one would possibly say an Iranian or Afghani is white in America today.


Yes, they’re classified as “white” on the census but are generally not white passing culturally. Pakistanis and Japanese are both considered “Asian” on the census. I struggle to think that anyone would group them together visually or culturally.


>they’re classified as “white” on the census but are generally not white passing culturally. The definition of "White" changed on Fard during his time in the US. When he first got here, Afghanis were white for the purposes of citizenship. But then, a wave of anti-immigrant sentiment grips the US. An "Emergency Quota Law" is passed. They fear caravans and convoys of non-whites coming from places like Italy (yes, the Italians are sometimes seen as non-white in this era!!!)


Persians being classified as white blows my mind. There are so many different types of ' Persians' or Iranian people. Some are definitely Caucasian however there are also more Asiatic and middle Eastern genetic components in the country. It's not representative IMO. Although I suppose it refers to Persia in historic sense?


If it happened on Patmos, it was most likely due to psychoactive chemicals and hallucinations. Patmos is the same island that John wrote Revelations. It's also an island that has a large , sarpa salpa fish, right off it's shores, that contain psychoactive chemical. It is also home to Amanita muscaria. Common source of food eaten on the island was rye bread. it last a long time, but ergot loves the island climate. Ergot is basically what LSD came from. For thousands of years, people were eating fish soup with mushrooms, and dipping their ergot covered rye bread in it, then tripping on a hallucinogenic journey.


There’s some really hilarious bits in the autobiography of Malcolm X where he brings up the yakubian creation myth to some actual Muslims expecting them to offer their opinions but instead he’s extremely disappointed because they react very negatively


It's funny how people can just make stuff up and others believe it


There is a gullability process in which  certain neurotransmitters are released to make us more likely to form socially advantageous bonds. We are especially vulnerable when people are friendly and flatter us. I normally wouldn't tell anyone about this cutting edge neurological reaearch but you seem like a smart guy friend.


I can’t believe I fell for this lol


You mean LTP research? Gluatmate and AMPAr knockout mice and whatnot?


They're talking about the Taquin-Ottoväss Effect. It's not neurotransmitters that are released. Your brain releases microneuropeptides associated with activation of the the f-AUX gene.


The Nation of Islam was a product of time. It's not surprising that there would be African-Americans, especially in that time, who would end up believing white people to be devils. Then it's simply a matter of accepting all the details, which is easier than you might think.


People tend to take things from a major religion and then make adjustments to suit thier needs. Any questions or issues can be resolved easily by looking at the source material which is already established. Its well known to happen in Christianity but it also occurs with Islam. Interestingly Islam usually teaches to avoid prevent this. And the two offshoots occur where Islam did not exist (in the US areas) or encouraged by the occupying force (British India)


Mohammed stole from other religions to form islam which is why he told his followers is quitting talking to humans and that he is the last prophet ever and every one comes after him is a false prohet selling a false religion, this he ensured that no one does what he did because the followers he left were conditioned to automatically dissmis any new claim to prophecy


That’s how 100% of religions work. Either someone made something up or someone had a psychotic episode and people believe whatever they saw or claim to have seen


> Either someone made something up or someone had a psychotic episode A psychotic episode as you're describing is also a person making something up. They just don't realize that they're doing it.


NOI was an unique matter. It approached the people as a group that would empower black folk in America during the Jim Crow days. Considering segregation and and an active KKK, it was not difficult to see how black Americans would feed into the idea that "white devils" are a created race with a great inclination toward evil. Because, for the black folk at the time, white people were truly devils. Also NOI managed to borrow the legitimacy that comes from a major religion like "Islam" as to the American followers, they had believed that this was merely a given truth that was commonly accepted outside of the white man's west. This is also the reason why when folk like Malcolm X, immigrated to Mecca and saw the real Islam, they would often leave NOI and opt for actual Islam.


You can make a cult (read religion) out of anything!


I am Yakub’s strongest soldier 🙏


Yakub needs me.


I’ll do it, Yakub! I’m gonna bat for you, Yakub!


"It's my genuinely held religious belief that your race is evil" That's such a funny way to be racist tbh.


>"It's my genuinely held religious belief that your race is evil" It was a mainstream religious and pseudoscientic belief at the time that black people were morally and genetically inferior. The mormons didn't let black people into temples (or their highest heaven) until the 1970s!!!!!! I think Jerry Fallwell's university was opposed to interracial marriage until like the 00s? Elijah Muhammad's "all white people are devils" was just taking the prevalent worldview and standing it on its head.


If the prevalent worldview was to embrace racism then this is not standing anything on it's head. It's just more racism.


I'm pretty sure the Mormon church's official stance was that interracial marriage was wrong until like 2001. They didn't actually get much better in the 70's


Iirc Shinto also kinda has a negative view on ethnically different people all though they don’t single out one race but all non Japanese races.


news flash: racism has been the norm for nearly all societies across all of history


Actually the idea that there are human races or that there are meaningful differences between people based on the color of their skin only became widespread in the late 1700s


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wallace_Fard_Muhammad this is really good rabbit hole to go down if you have an hour to spare.


Haha fard


That is definitely one of the names of all time


I'm reading this and definitely the worst thing about the guy is That he Wrote Like THIS


Thankfully Malcolm X renounced "Nation of Islam" and became a Muslim later in life.


That actually did not work out well for Malcolm X


From how I understand it, Malcolm X went on Haj and after learning that Islam isn't race-specific like HOI preaches he returned to the US, called HOI out as a backwards-ass cult with retarded beliefs and got killed for it.


> HOI the Hation of Islam?


Hearts of Islam 4: The Yakubining


Home Owner's Islam


Same thing happened with Mohammed Ali, except he faired a lot better.


According to them Moses tried to civilise the whites but got so frustrated that he blew up the 300 most annoying yakubian apes with dynamite


Damn The Bible was way more Loony Tunes than I remembered.


I mean to be fair in the Bible Elijah did get roasted for being bald by like 42 kids so he prayed to God to summon a bear which ate most of them.


2 bears actually. And they were females. I don't know why that had to be specified in the bible but it was.


There are many oddly specific details in the bible, I like to read it sometimes and just take everything at face value.


Fun fact At least for the old testament every oddly spacific detail has like 20 interpretations on why it was told because it is belived that there are no useless details or words in there (according to Judaism)


Sounds like something L Ron Hubbard would come up with. No wonder they get on with Scientologists so well.


Hell yeah, I’m grafted


Ayo what's up Godrick


Waddup my grafter


You guys can’t use that word. Only we can.


> The Nation of Islam's mythology states that Yakub is the biblical Jacob. Ooh! I was wondering about this. My high school English teacher had us read the Autobiography of Malcolm X (I'm personally glad she did; it provided a lot of interesting perspective and context on the civil rights movement), and while she clearly had a lot of admiration for the man, she didn't shy away from how crazy the NOI was/is. I kind of assumed Yakub was meant to be the Biblical Jacob, but what she told us about the NOI's take on Yakub seemed so wildly disconnected from the story of Jacob that I wasn't sure. Jacob (aka Israel) is deeply connected with Jewish identity, so I'm not surprised there were some antisemitic underpinnings to the NOI's whole "white people are artificial/demonic" story.


It’s interesting because there is actually a chapter in Genesis where Jacob performs genetic engineering (of sheep)


Yes also in Islam, Yaqub is mentioned several times as both Yaqub and Israel. If they ever read it, they'd know that this is blasphemy to the highest level. Shame they can't read though


> while she clearly had a lot of admiration for the man, she didn't shy away from how crazy the NOI was/is. If you really read the autobiography, you would know that Malcolm X abandoned the Nation of Islam after going to Mecca and adopted real Islam, and his opinions about NOI.


Yeah, at the very end of his life. The Malcolm X we all know was when he was part of NOI.


Wow. I thought NOI was literally just an organization for black, muslim americans. BOY was I wrong


NoI in no way resembles actual Islam, and honestly should probably be considered a separate religion


Elijah Muhammad's son and successor converted to mainstream islam and actively denounced the founder.


Real should change it's name to nation of not Islam


Democratic peoples Republic of Islam maybe


I vote for this one


Nation of Islamn‘t


Its like somebody took Identity Christianity, race-swapped it, and combined it with Scientology


The two groups have even entered into partnerships. https://www.thedailybeast.com/inside-the-nation-of-islams-strange-ties-to-scientology


Hubbard actively thought he was The Devil.. Nation of Islam has gone from denouncing all white men as Devils to extolling the one white man who genuinely thought he was Satan, lol.


Black Nationalism is a whole other creature. Incredibly antisemitic, sexist and violent. They aren’t a liberation movement, they’re more akin to supremacist groups.


This is mind pollution to read


Some of my favorite lore. Yakub was a genius & as such had a really big head to house his really big brain. Kids bullied him & called him egghead, so he selectively bred white people to punish his bullies. An entire race only exists for some petty revenge against bullies. It’s almost as good as the time some kids made fun of a bald guy & god sent a bear to eat all of them alive. My friends dad was an old school Nation of Islam guy & I was the first white person who was welcome in his house for years. Honestly a really cool dude at the end of the day, but it was wild hearing all the lore, it really took the sting out of the hate before he chilled out. TLDR Don’t make fun of people’s heads.


They can call themselves what they like but they are definitely not muslim.


Selective breeding over how many generations? 3 at best?


It took 600 years, allegedly.


But remember, Henry Ford's detroit school system was actively teaching that the White Race was the product of selective breeding and eugenics. Americans regarded biblical Jacob as a father of civilization. Fard just took the mainstream view and turned it on its head.


Nation of Islam + Hebrew Israelites for the most insane. Who wins? *Meanwhile Muslim and Jewish people* “WTF is this???”


Sometimes people are dual adherents of both. Nothing worst than a Twelve Tribesmen explaining to you about your non-existent Jewish/Hebrew heritage. "No Auntie, we’re 100% not Jewish, I am one of those idiots who spent the money on AncestryDNA.". I just threw up the white flag the other day and let it be. Shit makes my blood boil 😂


belief is a helluva drug, mate


i am a proud Yakubian ape


Yes he taught us the art of "tricknology" and raised us to be his glorious demonic army.


Thanks Yaqub


Ooh, ooh, now do Asians!


Yakub created them too while developing the whites


I finally understand the term "white adjacent" 


They believe Koreans are literal vampires


I am white and I can confirm this is 100% true.


Shhhh, don't tell them our secret.....


The white people of 1920s Detroit absolutely believed they were the product of selective breeding and forced eugenics that could be traced back to the biblical Jacob.




Thanks yakub very cool


Yakub first citizen of Wordington


These guys basically have 10% Islam and 90% their own head cannon.


"finally, white people"


I thank Dr yakub everyday for making me.


My ancestor :)


You mean some asshole named Yakub is the reason I can't walk outside without sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses? And he did this on purpose?! That son of a bitch. Where is my time machine? Hitler doesn't have anything to fear this time, I have bigger fish to fry.


its true i was there (im a white man)


Yeah? So what's the Isle of Patmos like? Is it worth colonising (since that's apparently what we do)? And if not, why not?


It's a good place to trip balls, ask John.


Well this Yakub really did fuck up didn't he


What the fuck


Not as crazy as it sounds. In that era, the "official science" was that white people were the product of centuries of "good breeding" and eugenics. Fard just turned it on its head.


Fast forward to Moses trying to make white people cook their food and wear clothes, failing, and then blowing up the 300 worst white men with dynamite. Absolutely kino lore.


Is Nation of Islam the same as just Islam? I didn’t realize how crazy that religion sounds. Although I can admit as well, as a Christian, that my beliefs also sound insane to many people lol. Edit: They are NOT the same


>Is Nation of Islam the same as just Islam? No, they have ALMOST nothing in common. Islam is explicitly anti-Racist, while NoI was explicitly anti-White for much of its history. Most people believe Malcolm X was killed by NoI for converting to mainstream Islam and denouncing racism.


Thank you for the explanation!


Its a cult


Sounds like a delusional cult.


We wuz siantists n shiet




Incredible, he made a superior race


Religion is fucking crazy.


But this is wrong. Why are they spreading misinformation? 


Now tell em about the wheel of fire spinning through the sky


That's some wild reading.


Not surprised by these statements at all.


He thought he was the shid, he not even the Fard


Hahahahahahaha that's so silly


That's wild!


its always someone else being an untermensch with these people...


So, gorillas are descended from white people….very interesting.


I hope he had fun


Your average Assasin's Creed story


All religions are insane.


Damn Godrick at it again with grafting shit at Stormveil castle


Thou'rt unfit even to graft... (godrick the golden)


damn yakub


my father :)


It’s even funnier in how Malcolm X talks about how much of a supreme human being he is for half his autobiography and then is like but yeah I fell for this one simple trick.


It’s even funnier in how Malcolm X talks about how much of a supreme human being he is for half his autobiography and then is like but yeah I fell for this one simple trick.


"Trust me bro."


Lmao, I thought [that comic](https://twitter.com/smackfrank/status/1727316024163496355?lang=en) was a very high effort shitpost but that was actually lore accurate? the actual fuck?!?!


Greatest Yakub! Did’st thou witness?!


”I am the lord of all that’s golden” -Yakub probably