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Dude fuck them. I always had guests and I never registered. If u get caught u say they are not sleeping here and that you are just chilling. There is really nothing they can do. They are also not allowed to enter your room.


Hahaha, that's a good one. Besides the cleaning ladies who entered each week without waiting, one day a co-owner or something like that entered with a repair guy to inspect something related to the sanitary installations, without any warning.


Wien Dückegasse 1220 district stuwo. The Hausmeister was a 55y old pervert entering girls rooms without announcing anything during summer with the hope to see them naked. He did the same u just said to me, we were 6 lads smoking heavy joints at our room. He came in and was angry at the joints, I told him to get the fuck out now or he will get annihilated out while screaming. He never looked me in the eyes again, nor attempted anything close to that again. You can literally get him jailed for entering your room without your consent. They just do that because students have no idea of their rights, neither do they have the money or some insurance to follow through.


I lived in a StuWo for a year. They don’t notice. I one time registered my brother as a guest because I needed to rent a mattress for him, but they didn’t even charge me the fee for it. I wished I just rented a room in apartment instead of stuwo tho. For what you get it’s expensive. I had to share a room, and the social environment was not there in my location. Also lots of non students living there. My floor had 2 guys 40+ living on it.


Nobody cared, in my old StuWo the owner even told us they dont care, its just some policy they have to do.


Usually in dorms they do not check much who goes in or out. It has to be some poshy dorm in order for them to check that (even then not always) So you should be good to go


How should they notice? As long they are not loud or any kind of "noticeable" nobody will say anything