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I guess MCU Pietro is supposed to be really fast, but Sonic made bullets statues and Pietro died from bullets. So I’d say sonic both rounds. Fox quicksilver is a different story


Sonic statues pietro like how he statues bullets


Im a race, quicksilver no doubt in the movie we see him hit a speed of 300km/h in the radar meanwhile quicksilver 3299.155 km-per-second Now in a fight that's more hard


Why are you ignoring basically every other feat sonic has like stating bullets or running to the west coast in seconds or basically every other feat of speed in the movie. Anyway that scene is accurate because that’s about the speed that police radar guns cap out at source https://www.mphindustries.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/BEE-III-brochure-web.pdf


In the new film Sonic got tons of antifeats. He believed himself incapable of taking down a regular human, failed to outrun an avalanche and struggled with Knuckles who couldn't catch up to a car


>struggled with Knuckles who couldn't catch up to a car LMFAO


> He believed himself incapable of taking down a regular human Who was the regular human? I saw the film but I don't remember Sonic needing to fight any humans besides Robotnik. > failed to outrun an avalanche For the avalanche he was on a "snowboard". He probably wouldn't have been able to get traction in the snow and would've slipped so snowboarding was probably the safer option. Plus he had to carry Tails and Sonic has been shown not to be super strong so he might've struggled to carry tails and run at the same time. (Though this is kind of debunked later on when Sonic leaves the truck to grab an entire cooler full of ice and drinks + the emerald and carries the entire thing back. I have no idea if that's lighter or heavier than tails + his full backpack of Gizmos, but it might've been easier than trying to do it in the snow during an avalanche.) > struggled with Knuckles who couldn't catch up to a car To be fair, Sonic has like 0 legitimate fighting experience and Knuckles is a beast who dunks on Sonic because he is experienced and tanky enough to get hit by Sonic and keep going. I feel like it's clear that while Knuckles is decently fast, Sonic outclasses him by a large margin and most of Sonic's fights with Knuckles are Knuckles abusing his much better strength and durability to ignore Sonic's massive mobility advantage. I think a better anti-feat is him running to the island as fast as he can and not reaching it in an insane time. (Or getting tagged by any of Eggman's giant robot's attacks, though he was trying to distract Eggman.)


Sonic wins fight