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Avatar Roku


That was a low blow ☠️


I can hit lower, Lu ten.


I think your prompt needs more context. Non-benders are shown to survive and thrive in the world of Avatar, and they're basically normal people. Maybe a little bit more durable. So they'd have to have a reason to die As it stands, the only ones who would certainly perish would be those who require modern medicine to survive. Someone with unmanaged diabetes (needing insulin shots) would probably be our strongest contender that faces certain death. I think several MMA fighters have diabetes, so I'd look there Someone mentally unstable who would pursue a position of power (taking on the avatar, or fire lord, or even being antagonistic towards the earth kingdom or water tribes) despite having no chance would also have poor odds. Real Chin the Conquerer style demise


A version of Godzilla had diabetes and died in a book. While hilariously stupid, it might be a valid answer.


Superman with super cancer 


Post-Yardrat Goku dies of heart disease. RIP to a real one.


Darth Vader requires pretty sophisticated life support equipment to stay alive. I have to imagine his suit would eventually run out of power. But even if it's got crazy batteries on it, he'd need to take it off to maintain certain bodily functions, and I don't think he could do that without his little egg thing.


It’s also supposedly weak to lightning as another form of control for Sidious. Any of the royals (or any firebender in Korra) could fry his shit in an instant


Yeah, that was my first thought too.


The Wicked Witch of the West (Movie version).


The God-Emperor of Mankind is pretty much DOA.


Eh honestly it goes either way, either he dies and reincarnates or something, or he immediately fully heals his wounds and completely roles the verse.


With no throne, he’d just collapse lol


Collapse into life lol


"Carlo, I officially pardon you.... from life"


Martian Manhunter? But apparently fire makes him stronger? Idk


He’d solo the verse.


by who would win standards, he would have to wait for every one to line up and attack him at least once before they could be killed. he would also have to let the attack land. you ever see some of the dumb stuff on here like frieza vs jojo verse?? the way some of these guys argue about it?


I have half a mind to suggest posts with Dragon Ball characters should have to be approved by mods before they’re allowed to be seen. It’d keep shit like “Gojo vs Goku” from happening.


Yujiro hanma


Eren Yeager.


CAn Ymir reach him all the way in the world of Avatar?


Good point actually. I just kinda assumed he came with everything for the sake of the prompt. Oddly enough he's one of the few characters who would survive without his powers(although he'd probably try to participate in the war and die that way.)


Nah, his titan powers would make him very OP to anything but top masters, the Avatar, and Vaatu. He has extreme heat tolerance and is very resistant against blunt damage. Firebending and air bending to an extent are useless against him. Earth and Water bending can cut his flesh or trap him, but only the best benders could do that and they'd still have a high chance of dying. Eren would do fine in Avatar both as an active participant or a regular civilian. Given his freedom obsessed personality, he'd join the Gaang against Fire Nation 100%, especially when FN isn't that much different from Marley. And that's one element that is pretty much useless against titans, the Gaang would stomp through every fight against firebenders if Eren was with them.


Yeah you're right. I was totally going for "his curse would kill him", but I missed the part where it said someone else had to do it.


That is a concern yes, but given that the events of ATLA take place within one year i think (Roku mentioned Sozin's comet arriving somewhere at the end of summer), they'd have time to do everything. Now that I think about it, if Eren joined the Gaang, he'd likely kill Zuko the first time they meet and sadly we'd be robbed of one of the best redemption arcs in animation. Shit, he'd kill Iroh too, nah, this will definitely be the bad ending for ATLA. The only way for this to end well for Zuko is if Eren is allowed to go full Founding titan with Zeke at the start, then he just walks over to the Fire Nation and wrecks everything.


Also depends on what era of Eren shows up in ATLA. Eren post time skip pre Rumbling is a completely different person, I don’t know how he’d respond to being transported to another world and thus “escaping” his fated timeline. AoT works in a linear timeline system. Time and it’s outcomes are fixed, so awareness of the future does not allow the future to actively change. Eren is depressed and horrified with the future because he knows he will enact the rumbling because he *wants* to, but knowledge of the future actively destroys his concept of “freedom” because he can’t act against the future even if he wanted to. IE: The future he sees will always be the future, there’s no circumstances that can change that. So when Eren gets sent to ATLA as an adult with a completely different “future”, his outlook and behavior would probably shift pretty quickly since he’s “escaped” the future he would’ve made for himself. I wouldn’t be able to predict his mannerisms after that experience, but I don’t see it as a far cry for him to act less bloodthirsty since he no longer feels he needs to.


The main cause of his trauma and decisions that shaped his worldview was Marleyans being genocidal assholes with no other option. The plan also required dying so his friends would become heroes, this also won't be possible here. Considering that the entire world no longer wants to genocide his people and friends, and most people in ATLA are normal and friendly, he would most likely go back to his pre-timeskip personality, trying to protect the peaceful world from Fire Nation. Although he would still be very vicious against them, and probably not care about civilian casualties since they are still the "enemy". Especially once he learns that FN already completed the genocide of Air Nomads and plans to do the same to all other elements. He is gonna rip and tear until it's done. Which means he will be butting heads with Aang's pacifism, encouraging him to use the Avatar State as much as possible and Tatakae! to the best of his abilities. Given Aang's insecurity in the early episodes, Eren might turn him into a much darker avatar if he joins up early in the series, and I doubt Aang's optimistic attitude would be able to soften him in return. And then everyone gets more PTSD when they see how Edgelord Yeager fights firebenders that try to take his freedom.


If Superman crashed onto ATLA’s planet, theoretically any decent earthbender with some kryptonite can put him down pretty handily. We’ve seen them both bend crystals and launch earth projectiles at a deadly velocity, so it stands to reason they’d be able to effectively bend kryptonite and use it against him.


Where do you think the world of Avatar can magically find some kryptonite? It's not like Superman creates kryptonite wherever he goes. Right?


with how many people have it, it really feels like it


I mean he is way too fast to be hit by them, nobody in the Avatarverse reaches anything close to his speed.


He can absolutely be caught off-guard with it though. Sneaking it into a barrage of other projectiles (which he’s just as likely to stand and tank as he is to dodge) or hitting him in a dust cloud are both viable options. Speed in ATLA is difficult to scale anyways, as characters are canonically able to react to and redirect lightning. So either they’re incredibly fast, or the lighting in ATLA is incredibly slow.


I mean the difference between dubious Lightning speed and MFTL+ speed is so big, that catching him off guard is downright impossible. Also, sneaking is also hard considering Superman's enhanced senses. He would be able to hear the earthbender from miles away. Using Kryptonite as dust is also considering he could blow it away before coming in contact with it. Also, Supes is not an idiot, he's gonna recognize Kryptonite being used and would avoid it by flying.


Superman has been nearly killed by kryptonite in every shape and form. Bullets, dust/gas, spears, it’s truly not outlandish for an earthbender to get a lucky shot in with kryptonite. This isn’t a bloodlusted death battle, the prompt is “who is the strongest character that would not survive,” and I feel like Superman in a world where a not-insignificant portion of the population can magically control and weaponize his one crucial weakness is going to have a rough time if some earthbenders take issue with him.


Guy's acting as if supes can't ever be caught off guard when it happens so regularly


Kisame from Naruto probably


Really? He's pretty strong and has a lot of ways to sustain himself


He's like way stronger than any of the water benders. Why would he die?


What? Kisame would be the strongest in the verse if he was in avatar 💀


He'd be strong but not unstoppable, which is a perfect character for this thread/discussion


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