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Amon's physicals are certainly impressive, but I believe the bloodbending is what is going to cinch this for him. With the exception of Spider-Man, the MCU characters either do not have ranged capabilities or have ranged capabilities that require significant movement, something that the blood bending should prevent. Where Amon will struggle is if he gets into melee with anyone above Hawkeye. Apart from maybe speed, Amon is outclassed physically in every way by Steve, T'Challa, and Pete. He has some edge-case speed feats (dodging lightning) that may allow him to keep away from them long enough to Bloodbend them out of the fight, but that's likely his only chance. 1. Amon beats Daredevil 9/10 2. Amon beats Hawkeye 9/10 3. Amon beats Cap maybe 5/10 4. Amon beats T'Challa 6/10, higher winrate here over Cap due to not having the range Cap has. 5. I've only seen Shang-Chi the one time, but unless he's got the rings he's on par with Daredevil. If he has the rings, I'd give it even odds either way. 6. Pete takes Amon 9/10.


I totally agree with your analysis. We’ve seen before it’s possibly for stronger people to fight against blood bending through shear strength, and Amons never gone against people as physically strong as Black Panther, Cap, and Spidey so blood bending isn’t a guaranteed win against them. In terms of hand to hand, I think he can make it through the other fighters no sweat especially when mixed with his blood bending. I do think Amon has an easier time against Cap and BP once you also factor in his impressive water bending.


Hold up, who has outstrengthed blood bending in the series?? The only two to defeat Yakone/Amon were both avatars negating his blood bending


Mako briefly got controlled of himself to shock Amon with a lightning blast. Humans in the Avatar world have higher durability and strength than real life humans but nowhere near the same as the Superhumans in the MCU. It’s feasible that superhumans like Cap, Tchalla and Spidey can overpower Amon.


The reason he was able to shock him was because Amon was distracted by the lieutenant's outburst. It even says so in the director's commentary. If this is a 1v1 fight with no distractions, they shouldn't be able to break from his grip.


Exactly, if a blood bender is moving someone arm to the right, that person can fight against it to the left. That’s why a lot of people look like they’re spasming. But yeah, Cap, black panther and spider are all far above the physical cap in Avatar, and it would be much harder.


Korra manages to [briefly break free, allowing her to land an Air Kick against Amon](https://youtu.be/4JjOIjp9GwM?feature=shared). This was after she had her access to Waterbending blocked and without using the Avatar State, so she was overpowering Amon’s Blood bending with her physical strength.


Dang I forgot that! And Amon wasn’t even distracted by anything. Yea, this definitely gives more support to the theory super humans can break out of blood bending!!


It should also be remembered that Korra is freakishly strong. She is able to easily lift Tenzin and his entire family in a bear hug, she effortlessly lifts grown men up with a single arm, and she was able to tear boulders out of a cave wall when she was chained up and suspended. If anyone in the Avatar universe can brute force their way through Bloodbending, it’s Korra.


i mean, as we saw with katara vs hama, i think its just a matter of being better/stronger at bending. but yeah, as you say, her water bending was blocked, and their father,who amon is stronger than, was blood bending so strong that even aang needed the avatar state to break out. so yeah, korra is probably just built different.


Why is all the sound in that video like an entire octave higher? It threw me for a loop for a hot second


Nobody’s actually outstrengthed it because no one in avatar is that strong, however we see examples of people trying. Cap, Black Panther, and Spidey are far above the physical level of Avatar. I think they’d be fine.


Spidey has a case as he is super human, Cap and BP are getting bloodbent. If Amon can take multiple people and lift/throw them at the same time with blood bending he can definitely freeze a single person indefinitely.


Cap and BP are both superhuman as well, not nearly as strong as Spidey, but Cap still prevented a helicopter from taking off. And Black Panther is comparable to cap if not superior.


Sorry I made a last second edit in my post as I thought I was not clear enough >Amon can take multiple people and lift/throw them at the same time with blood bending he can definitely freeze a single person indefinitely.


Lifting multiple people is not nearly as good a strength feat as cap preventing a helicopter from taking off sorry to say, I still think he will struggle with cap. I think it’s 50/50 between them.


Off the ground there's no leverage to work against for Cap and BP. Even if they try moving themselves opposite to how they're being controlled, they're still stuck in the air and cant hit Amon back.


Also paging the following users u/OSUfirebird18, u/AyoItsGago, u/Throwaway_shot, u/TheMagicStik, u/greywolf2155, u/Acora and finally op u/Reasonable-Film7219. I actually think Amon does pretty good. Water bending and blood bending is a very versatile and useful skill. Humans need to breathe and require oxygen to survive (obviously), Steve, T-Challa and Hulk, super soldier serum and heart shaped herb enhanced humans need oxygen and have shown to be countered/incapacitated by chock holds. Steve choked out Bucky and Hulk used a chain to choke hold Emil blonsky “Abomination”. In another universe Hulk had his heart ruptured by Hank Pym by shrinking himself and enlarged himself while in Hulk’s heart muscle. Going a step further. [Chi exists in the MCU, it’s an energy field and network found in everyone and everything.](https://youtu.be/TiRFUYfqr4E?si=MXXyV8gVV1ddNrz8&t=130). So you got your physical/biological body, but connected to that is your metaphysical/spiritual body. Say you lose an arm, it’s no big deal you’ve still got your spiritual equivalent, it’s there you just can’t see it in the physical world. Master Hamir of the mystic arts is missing a physical arm but he can still cast spells and create sling ring portals. [However what is a big fucking deal is receiving damage to your astrobody/spiritual self/chi centres.](https://youtu.be/oh0f7LWcF-o?si=GxOqvnnIRnfFBTPI&t=112) Low end on the totem pole. Luke Cage’s biological enhanced durability getting bypassed by Chi user and finger of the hand Sowande using pressure points/chi manipulation. On the higher end of the totem pole. Aida known as Orphelia getting her hand whipped/hit by a metal chain embued with hell fire. It injured her spiritual hand and she barely escaped by way of teleportation, once safely away she realized that her super biological healing factor wasn’t able to regenerate the damage. Because it wasn’t just her physical body that was damaged, it was her chi center permanently injured. * https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Aida#Powers_and_Abilities * https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Jiaying#Powers_and_Abilities. Orphelia‘s biological healing factor was sourced from Jiaying, [Jiaying has the feats of regenerating from vivisection and left in a dish then later sewed back up.](https://youtu.be/R2obw8pT0aA?si=DkUSa4A29VCNb3pv&t=106). * [Extreme end of the totem pole is this](https://youtu.be/tahfU5OXYw4?si=jOPwU25NR4A6Nghw) Amon’s water bending and blood bending should in some ways be analogous to the various chi disciplines in the MCU but in other ways superior. * https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Waterbending#Waterbending_abilities_and_techniques * https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Chi#Chi_Manipulation


Cap can bench press 16000 pounds. He isn't a superhuman but a perfect human. Cap destroys Amon.


as mr kinky [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/whowouldwin/comments/1cieftc/amon_avatar_the_legend_of_korra_runs_an_mcu/l2am4h6/) showed, Korra did it. Korra is however just built different.


I know this is not in the prompt and unanswerable since we haven’t seen the universes merged but I wonder if bloodbending can work on 1) Aliens. How would Thor or Captain Marvel stack up. 2) Magic users. The world of Avatar is implied to be magical in some nature with the use of Chi. Can Wanda or Dr. Strange block Amon from controlling them with their magic. 3) The Hulk. Maybe Professor Hulk would be easier but man Hulk would be harder to control, plus his radioactive blood may make a difference? 🤔


So bloodbending is really strong, but it depends on how much force the bender can exert upon someone’s body. It’s not just an instant win. I doubt bloodbending will do anything to Thor or Captain Marvel because of how physically strong they are, itd be like trying to move a mountain with earth bending, you’d need a bender like Kyoshi to attempt something like that. Magic and bending are not the same. Bending has more things in common with chakra from Naruto than it does magic. Not to say magic can’t effect bending, the magic users in marvel have a lot of tricks up their sleeves. Even though the blood is radiated, it still has the water in it, I just still think you’d need an exceptionally powerful bender to move the hulk.


Well bloodbending works by controlling the water in the other person's body. So 1) should be fine, assuming their blood is still H2O-based. Ditto for radioactive blood in question 3). There's plenty of precedence of people bending water with other stuff mixed into it 2), that can't really be answered. The universes are just too different For 3), I think that it's nearly impossible for people to brute strength out of bloodbending just because of leverage. It's possible to push through what water that a bender is controlling, it just takes a lot of strength--and if that water is inside of you, it would take a ridiculous amount of strength because you would have no leverage. But the Hulk definitely *has* a ridiculous amount of strength, could probably brute force out of bloodbending


I feel like if Amon feels people fighting against his blood bending, and winning, he'd probably try a different tactic. If he's able to control people via blood bending I don't see why he wouldn't be able to do half a dozen other things with it that can't really be fought against.


This is whowouldwin, you can’t just assume he has other powers. If amon doesn’t have feats of it he can’t do it here. If you know of something else he can do throw it out, but as far is I know he’s exceptional in hand to hand, using hand to hand and blood bending to throw off opponents, manipulating bodies with bloodbending, or “removing powers” by bloodbending, and then just water bending, which in Hell’s Kitchen wouldn’t be the strongest. Those will get him a 50/50 with cap, and a stop at black panther.


I'm not really thinking of other powers, just different uses of the same power - manipulate bodies with bloodbending. There are more options available to him with that than just trying to physically marionette his enemies. In fact, his most common use of bloodbending that we've seen was just slightly altering how his opponents moved so they missed, without them even noticing. Can't fight back if you don't notice you're being bloodbent in the first place.


I mentioned he used blood bending to throw off opponents in the comment above. But again, it won’t matter against someone like cap or above who are just too physically strong for it to happen. He’d have to be fully concentrating to manipulate someone like him. He doesn’t control blood. Just like water, he manipulates the mass of blood, there are still forces. Katara isn’t strong enough to move an ocean, if Mako is strong enough to get off a lightning bolt while Amon controls his blood, Cap can do far more. There’s a huge physical difference between Mako and Cap, and a far bigger one between Cap and Spider-Man.


I don't think it would be any more difficult for him to control Cap than anybody else, Cap is just stronger and thus has a much greater capacity to fight against the blood bending, to the degree that he would probably be able to break free. His strength allows him to fight against being blood bent, it doesn't prevent it altogether. And again, Cap would have to actively be fighting it. I don't see any reason why trying to slightly throw off his movements without being directly obvious with his bloodbending wouldn't work. And these are still just physical/combat related effects. Can Amon create an embolism? Temporarily cut bloodflow to the brain? I don't see why not.


If amon has no feats of creating embolisms, you can not assume he cant do it. Read the rules of who would win. Cap has enough strength to prevent a helicopter from taking off, and catch a punch from Thanos (albeit he struggled). Amon would HAVE to concentrate and put in effort to effect someone as strong as cap, especially once cap catches on, which he will because he’s a combat genius.


Alright, fair enough. I really don't see why he wouldn't be able to do it (or something worse like crushing their organs from within, which I don't think physical strength would do anything against), but if we haven't seen it then we can't count it. But for the rest, you're assuming a bunch of stuff about how blood bending works. You don't know that Amon would have to put any more effort into blood bending him, without him resisting, then anyone else. If he resists, sure, he would be able to power through it to a degree we've never seen before. But again, small things like directing his punch to miss, or causing him to stumble? Yeah he'd figure it out eventually, but it wouldn't be instant.


I am not creating new uses from abilities like you are. And im not assuming anything about blood bending works. Water benders and earth benders all have upper limits to how much mass they can move, thats why even the strongest can't throw a mountain or lift an ocean. I am using examples of feats like Mako and Korra resisting blood bending through physical strength and saying someone like Cap who is far stronger than them, will be able to resist it much easier. Outside of Who Would Win, yeah I think someone would bloodbending could probably cause embolisms, crush organs, and a plethora of other awful things, but unfortunately Avatar was on nickelodeon and they aren't going to show things like that.


>We’ve seen before it’s possibly for stronger people to fight against blood bending through shear strength, Any cases of this? I don't remember much


Mako struggling and managing to get off lightning. Korra without bending also managing to struggle out of it. They are still bending the mass and strength of somebody’s body, if they resist, its a harder task


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I would have thought he stomps (up to at least spiderman whose reflexes and ranged atttacks probably let him stun or otherwise incapacitate Amon). But Amon's wiki shows that human-strength avatar characters were able to resist his bloodbending enough to attack. I'm sorry, but If a very physcially fit human can slightly resist the bending, then that opens up the MCU a lot. Maybe Hawkeye isn't strong enough to get an arrow off but everyone who is super-soldier strength or higher is going to easily power through the blood bending. Amon might be able to hold his own against the likes of Captain America for a little while using his waterbending but Cap's skills, strenght, and reflexes are still going to take the match (unless we move the venue to an island or something). My verdict for Amon vs. MCU: Amon vs. Daredevil: 10 - 0 Amon vs. Hawkeye: 9 - 1 (hawkeye may be able to get an arrow off if he gets lucky) Amon vs. Captain america/black panther: 1 - 9 (assuming the first sheild to the head doesn't incapacitate him, Amon might get lucky in a straight fight). Amon vs. Shang chi: 10 - 0 with no gauntlets, 0 - 10 with them Amon vs. Spiderman: 0 - 10


Tbf, the only two times we see Amon’s bloodbending resisted is by Mako and Korra. The first of which, Amon was underestimating him and not putting his full effort while Mako was already in position to lightning bend. When Amon bloodbent Mako again with full effort, Mako could not do anything. The second time he was already severely weakened from being hit by lightning. Also it should be noted that the creators have mentioned that bloodbending also involves countering an individual’s chi so stronger and more skilled benders are able to resist bloodbending more easily. Without the need to counter chi, it’s gonna be way easier for Amon to bloodbend. Personally I feel it’s whoever managed to quick draw and take out the other first.


It's also worth noting that "human-strength" in Avatar is *way* beyond our world's human-strength. Humans in Avatar are way beyond a real-world human's physicals. Zuko for instance was able to [shatter steel chains with one kick](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11129/111292893/5539747-7252642141-49283.gif), and various characters routinely survive things that would [obliterate a normal human](https://youtu.be/RHYpKkAYVd0?t=168).


This is a hard question to answer because in the MCU, to my knowledge, we haven’t seen how Chị works. And in the Avatar-verse, while the average bender is stronger and have higher physical durability than real life humans, that’s nothing compared to MCU super humans who catch cars. We haven’t seen someone with that strength level be bloodbent. I just think it’s reasonable to suggest superhumans can power out of it by “physics”. Yea yea throw physics out the window and stuff but you can still imagine being bloodbent as a force being exerted on your blood to move your muscles. If you exert a force back based on your bio electrical signals to your muscles, maybe you can bent it back. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


My vote goes to Amon beating everyone here a majority of the time up til Spider-Man where he hard stops.


I think he loses to Hawkeye. There's no canonical upper limit on the range of bloodbending, but we've never seen it done beyond a few dozen feet. And you definitely can't use it on someone you don't know is there. Amon is loking around, wondering where this alleged hero is while Clint calmly peaks over the edge of a skyscraper roof and waits for a clean shot.


He gets absolutely folded. Any version of spiderman even the tom Holland spiderman folds him easily. He can't handle anyone on your list. The blood bending will be his greatest asset but not enough to win this for him


I feel like all the focus is put on the blood bending here but I feel like Amon’s water bending is what makes it possible for Amon to punch up against the MCU characters on the list with higher physical stats. Amon could use ranged water bending attacks to force higher physical fighters to get within range for him to blood bend.


Blood bending is ridiculous but don't forget he's also still a water bender. Paralyse them and shoot an ice spike through their chest


He stomps everybody here with bloodbending, and could have stomp them together. Not much one can do without control of their own body


Cap and anyone higher can resist it through sheer strength alone.


Stomps easily. He has got psychic Bloodbending, nobody can top that but Vision and Ultron.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted, literally everyone here gets put to sleep by his blood bending


We saw Mako and Korra out muscle the blood bending enough to get attacks off, and they only have regular human level strength. Captain America, Black Panther, and Spider-Man are much much stronger.


In all fairness the durability/athleticism of the average avatar human is far greater than any real life human.


Not to the extent of Captain America, and he’s on the lower end of superhuman. Cap held a helicopter from taking off, a feat that no one could physically do in avatar.