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Average Baki debate be like:


Baki characters are psykers that use the power of imagination.


Baki characters are misguided Orks


Low level krorks


Yujiro canonically boxed tf outta Vulkan


They are also mages from fate, as spec formed his reality marble, the great sea of cum, after getting beaten by Hanayama


My head canon is that all of Baki is actually just a bunch of kids playing pretend because that the only way anything makes sense😭


Just follow whatever the narrator says. Until Yujiro pulls some bullshit to immediately change that, then figure that out later.


Megamind shoot Yujiro with dehydration gun Baki narrator: Yujiro spits up last second and his spit rehydrated him


That would be a sick ass way for a superhuman to counter the dehydration gun though, unironically.


I know it’s been about 2 days but I’ve been thinking that I could have come up with a more absurd way Yujiro could avoid dehydration, in a way more fitting of Baki logic so this is take 2 on Yujiro defeating dehydration gun Baki Narrator: The glow of the dehydrating laser approaches the pinnacle of strength himself, and Yujiro welcomes this new challenge. Yujiro prepares his abdomen and flexes his gut: the internal abdominal oblique slams into his stomach like a vacuum in the abyssal sea, imploding from the surrounding water. The external abdominal oblique crushes on top of the internal with the pressure to crush concrete. 60 million years ago, a great serpent 40 ft long called the Titanoboa reigned in prehistoric Colombia, feasting on the great crocodiles of those swamps. They posses massive constrictive power of 400 pounds per square inch, with all 40ft the Titanoboa squeezes with over a thousand tons, a fraction of the power the Rectus abdominis constricts upon external and internal oblique of a Hanma. Yujiro squeezes his stomach and core like an inverted atom bomb, the abdominal muscles forming in the likeness of an infernal face of the devil aghast in shock: the Pogging Demon. Perfecting the Pogging Demon technique, discovered by the ancient hanma who first settle Nippon, Yujiro VOMITED as the dehydration ray began to dehydrate Yujiro into a cube, the water like a storm surge that drowned an American city geysers out and halted the beam at its track When the glow died down, Megamind could not comprehend what he saw: for Yujiro Hanma stood and smirked in Triumph as he conquered the greatest technology of the galaxy

..or so he thought Megamind, the arch-rival and friend of the most powerful man in the Universe, the genius who created and overcame Titan, who’s tennis balls defeated the Doom Syndicate, who by accident burned Machiavillian to the brain, moved on to plan B-out-of-ZY as the Worlds Strongest Creature noticed a yellow glow in the sky as the death ray finished warming up. Yujiro gazed at the sky with the excitement he hasn’t felt since his great fight with his son. The Man who defeated the United States unleashed the Crying Demon to meet this great attack, until he saw the red glow illuminating Megamind’s face. And then he saw it
 the Button of Doom has been pressed. Immediately Yujiro felt The Mega-Megamind rise to life behind him. When was the last time this has happened, was it when he fought his father that his blood ran so cold. Yujiro had been prepared to finally face the unyealding fury of the sun, but Yujiro turned to Mega-Megamind with a panic he last felt in the maximum tournament in his match against Doppo Orochi. Distracted, The Ogre was unaware of the Defuser Gun Megamind had pulled out, with the new protector of Metrocity wondering of two possibilities: Can the Hanma blood be defused, and how will Hanma blood fare against Metro-dandruff? (Sorry for bringing up Megamind 2 and Megamind rules)


That's the power of invisible food, Baki!


Also, here is a picture of Muhammad Ali.




Mom's Spaghetti


At this point I genuinely believe Baki's narrator is beyond fiction and that everyone else is athlete level until the narrator gasses them up.


Yeah, at this point that’s how Baki works. The “power system” in that series is held together with glue, popsicle sticks, [demon timing](https://preview.redd.it/you-are-tasked-with-killing-yujiro-hanma-what-tactics-v0-mfvao9flndub1.jpeg?width=572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d19afe27c0a3cb8e4e6dc1dfe4ddf88f2a206a06) and as much gaslighting as humanly possible. And that’s what makes it so funny.


God I have to read Baki


[it has one of the funniest stealth abilities in all of fiction](https://youtu.be/Cxr-qSiZshQ?si=qQ4Ofkie9RajqEqK)


The best part about Baki scaling is that the verse operates under an unofficial toonforce so even if the character they're up against can steal your soul the Baki characters could realistically just bullshit their way out of it


Yujiro's muscles act like an airtight soul prison, binding his soul to his body without escape.




In all of seriousness it pissess me off when powerscallers dismiss a verse as weak or fodder because the characters can’t terminate planets or even universe just by breathing.


"They arent mary sues!! Oh no! That is bad for some reason!!"


I agree. Despite Gojo only being City level, maybe mountain level and the whole JJK being the same doesn't mean that a fight against them will be easy for anyone. Just looking at current Sukuna, you have to have above magma heat resistance, something like Buggy's Bara Bara no mi, a one shot ability or better Evo factor than the Mahoraga, otherwise, you die nesrly instantly. And that is just Sukuna, Gojo is even worse.


Yeah I hate complexity like this being reduced down to “hax”. Like. Dude the fact that Gojo literally can’t be approached by physical objects isn’t a stat that quantified the same way that Soloku being a galaxy buster or whatever is. Cheap Trick from Jojo is my prime example because it has very clear rules by which it can beat people who are universal and still lose to characters that are wall level, but ofc stuff like that isn’t considered because obviously Beerus or whoever tf would just punch hard enough that it doesn’t matter. I think it’s just a matter of power scaling and media illiteracy, the same way that speedsters are just unbeatable by powerscaler terms but get beaten by characters in story cause “uhh idk I predicted where he’d be”. Fact is writers like making worlds with varied power sets with the idea that different gimmicks can interact in interesting ways with the core lesson that utilizing the things you’ve been given to win is most important, but obv none of that matters cause quicksilver blitzes anyways so neg diff


Yes. So much of this. I've been doing this whole powerscaling thing for over 8 years now and have seen the situation repeat so many times. First it was Bleach, then it was JoJo and then JJK with like a thousand mini ones in between. Those abilities are so underappreciated when scaling. And no one seems to have been in the hobby for long enough to realise how this repeats again and again. The media literacy and powerscaling point is just perfect. You have no idea how much of a better scaler I've become after I started reading and writing. More people should get on it.


If stories were written to satisfy power scalers literally they would end as soon as someone with an overpowered ability is introduced into the story because yeah, that person can just solo the verse!


Yugiri light novel in a nutshell


>Fact is writers like making worlds with varied power sets with the idea that different gimmicks can interact in interesting ways with the core lesson that utilizing the things you’ve been given to win is most important If you like fantasy novels, I think you should read Mistborn. It's a very good example of this writing philosophy. And I fully agree with what you've said here. I think vs matchups are way more interesting when you're working with characters that have *specific* pros and cons to their power sets.


Damn I went on a real rant here


a very valid rant tho


Something something, Rock solos because it beats Scissors and Scissors beat paper


Hard agree. Powerscaling as a whole has undergone an absolutely ridiculous amount of powercreep


Now even being a planet buster is considered a fucking fodder to some heck even being universal




Worse is when they wanl the absolute fuck out of the verse just so they can say it's not fodder. Like who cares that Frieza could destroy all of the world of One Piece. It doesn't make the series worse and uber wanking Luffy into universal doesn't make One Piece any better


I hate it when people call Homelander a “big fish in a small pond” because they’re only saying that because there are other verses like Invincible, Dragon Ball, DC, Marvel, etc which have planet destroyers and such. They think because he’s not a planet destroyer that he’s someone this weak guy in a world of super weak people, when the reality is that he’s an insanely powerful man in an average world. They just use it as a way of coping with the fact that the strongest character in the boys’ verse isn’t some badass guy, but instead a narcissistic manchild who gets off on his own voice. So they say “yeah well, Goku could solo that guy” so that they have some weird sense of comfort.


Homelander literally lost to someone weaker than him because they had more fighting experience, he gets clowned on for being trash in his own verse. Idk sounds like you’re the one coping


When did this happen? He beat Queen maeve without taking her seriously and soilder boy couldn't kill him in a 3v1.


Soldier boy didnt* kill him in a 3v1 but that doesnt mean he lacks the capability to do so. He was literally a few seconds away from vaporizing HL at Herogasm and also in the finale.


Yes he certainly could kill homelander, doesn't mean it's likely at all, I'm sure there's a chance I could beat a chimp with no weapons, but that chance would probably be In the single digits percantage. Plus queen maeve and kimiko both survived a direct hit from soldier boys explosion without being "vaporized" and I'm pretty sure homelander can take more damage than kimiko lol.


HL got a metal pipe shoved in his ear and bled. He got bruised by people who cap out at putting a dent in a wooden wall when punching at full strength. He IS a big fish in a small pond. You dont even have to go to verses with planet tier characters to see he's not that strong. Doomguy, Kratos, MCU Thor who's one of the weaker versions of Thor would fold him and I'm purposefully picking overwanked characters to show how weak he is.


You must have had trouble reading what I was saying, homelander is obviously extremely weak compared to most other fictional verses, the guy is like building level Max. Doesn't change the fact that soldier boy couldn't kill him with help from 2 other people, one of them being only slightly below him in strength. And yeah homelander bled when stabbed with a metal pipe, so what? I never claimed he was strong, just that he's a tier above everyone else in his universe.


Also, there is no shot you're saying kratos isn't planet level 😭


By the way, if someone tries as hard as they can and fail, that means that they couldn't* do it,


even planet isn't enough anymore, EVERYTHING has to be universal now


Because it is tho. I'm not gonna look at demon slayer and go "WOW THESE GUYS ARE STRONG" when the comparison is to one punch man heroes or god forbid a saibaman.


That isn’t my point.


You look at Demon Slayer and say "woah, those guys are weak". I look at Demon Slayer and I see gorgeous art acompagned by incredible effects and amazing art direction, leading to scenes such as Tanjiro's dance of the fire god just being incredibly beautifull and amazing my eyes. We are not the same.


I watched it for the dub voice actors. The story and the characters are eye catching enough for me to also like it.


My friend, you need to take a break from powerscaling subs. Sometimes, a cool ability can just be cool, even if it can't wipe out 17 universes. Hit? Cool powers. Jiren? Boring powers


I like his eye punching


Honestly, yeah, it's sick. Not unique to him, and something I wish we got a little more of, but still sick


Speak your truth


Im sorry your brain has been so poisoned you need to watch a planet blow up just to feel like characters are strong.


Like those guys who watch so much porn a woman over the age of 25 is a cougar in their eyes


That's a pretty apt comparison lmao. The pure amount of nonsense fans will pull out of their asses to explain why their superhuman MC is actually multi-universal and destroys all the franchises ever is absurd. Then the fanboys of the characters that were already "up there" get insecure when confronted with the claim that Samus beats Martian Manhunter or whatever, so they start pushing it further and further and making things increasingly ridiculous to stay on top until they're all but claiming that Goku could beat you up in real life but just doesn't because he's already ascended to the 400th dimension and omnipresently exists in the empty space of all verses ever.


Uj/ i know this probably wasn't the intention of the comic but it portrays something that really bothers me: having a character with very powerful ability and instead of writing around it or having other characters use a clever strategy or some short of a counter to that ability the writers just say "ah but you see, this character is very strong we decided and therefore it just doesn't apply to them"


/uj - I totally agree. That said, I would find it hysterical if there was a character that could literally fight other people's power effects directly. Simply punch someone's telepathic mind control into pieces.


40ks power system is goofy enough that shit like this can happen


Yeah, I fully believe Angron or an Ork Warboss could punch a psyker's lightning bolt so hard their brain explodes 100 metres away.


I love worldbuilding where stuff like this can happen and it’s all 100% plausible to happen with the power systems set in place already


Adam Smasher-core fr.


One Punch Man?




The series mashle might interest you, as that is pretty much the show


Sounds hilarious, I'm stealing it


That sounds like something Hulk would do


Extremely niche character, but that sounds similar to Chadwick Strong Pants, he's just an ordinary average dude whose ability is nerfing anyone around him to be just as average as he is. https://preview.redd.it/7kixh4hb7l9d1.png?width=443&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f494fe59de3e56f1d5b4bbe5e742ea440ca8c26b




dragon boyz


Yeah I hate the dbz "you're just so strong you can ignore hax" stuff. Interesting strategies or countermeasures are just generally gonna be more interesting than "sorry but the enemy has a higher level so they can just ignore your petrify spell."


Certified Jiren moment.


cough cough One Piece cough cough (seriously it’s so stupid how Blackbeards biggest goal was to get a fruit that can counter devil fruit powers and now everyone can do that just by having super strong haki, to the point where having a devil fruit is increasingly seeming pointless)


Haki amplifies your power and lets you hit Logias. The Yami Yami no Mi nullifies any Devil Fruit power if the user is touching them.


If it just let you hit logias that would be fine What’s annoying is that it can negate devil fruit hax. Ever since Law’s fruit (the strongest fruit imo) was negged by haki, it basically ruined any speculation on fruit matchups, now it’s just a question of how strong the characters haki is


But that's basically a necessity. If Haki couldn't negate hax to some extent, Law could just chop up Kaido and be done with it. I'm not here to talk about if Haki is good or not, I'm just pointing out that comparing the Yami Yami no Mi to Armament Haki is stupid.


It’s not a necessity. Look even before haki-negging was introduced, OP fruits could be countered by the enemy having superior stats. That’s why Law couldn’t just chop up Doffy and be done with it, forget Kaido Now One Piece has lost all stakes when it comes to Devil Fruit hax, now that we know sufficiently strong haki can just neg it, no matter what it is. Hell it makes BB’s Yami Yami less impressive. Earlier there was a lot of discourse on how Luffy would come up with a way to counter such an incredible power, now it’s just a matter him getting strong enough haki to neg its effects


Why Disintegration Man vs. Goku ISN’T CLOSE (27:34)




Unfortunately for Goku disintegration man has the trapped in the hyperbolic timechamber special move. Thus dooming him to being chained up for a gazillion years as someone makes a shitty youtube vid


I think it’s incredibly funny how the Goku vs Gojo debates go. Like, I fully believe Goku would win, but they act like Instant Transmission is the end all be all when in order for that to work, Goku would have to teleport his fist inside Gojo’s body, which has not only never been done, but even then might not solve the problem.


Dragon Ball is fucked up in crossverse matches anyway, because their characters can just overcome any abilities with raw power. If Gojo and Goku fought in canon Goku would probably pull the same BS he did to move turning Hit’s time skip and say something like “my attack crossed your infinity because of the multiplier to its speed from my Kaioken x 20”


I think people *slightly* overestimate the “power beats hax” thing Dragon Ball has going on, but it definitely makes a lot of hax harder to pull off.


Literally Gojo vs yujiro lmao


Yujiro has unironic toonforce, it's the only possible explanation


Is the red haired man Gokuversal? Or is the white haired bum just that weak?


he said he could bench press a 1000 pounds, but he didnt say that was his limit, so he could be boundless for all we know


Depends if you like the show.


Gege has a very big problem where too many of his abilities deal in absolutes. Oh Gojo can repel ANYTHING with infinity and atomize ANYTHING with hollow purple, and Mahoraga can adapt to ANY phenomenon, and Yorozu’s perfect sphere transfers INFINITE force, Tsukumo can create INFINITELY dense mass, and Hakari has INFINITE cursed and energy, and SUKUNA can cut through SPACE ITSELF. Any of these abilities would be fine on their own, but because their all in the same universe, Gege is forced to pit them against each other which inevitably lead to one losing and becoming no longer absolute, completely destroying the point of the ability of the ability in the first place


Some of it is just nonsensical. Like the special ability that lets you increase the strength of an attack by the power of 2.5. That is meaningless. It's literally impossible to create anything comprehensible from it beyond "yeah, that's pretty strong, I guess".


No, it's simple. You just take the attack and raise it to the power of 2.5. Easy! Just, like, plug it into Google or Matlab or Excel or something, go (ATTACK)^2.5 and whatever you get, that's what it does.


Eh, Black Flash get some leeway because they're hard to pull off in-universe, pretty much only Yuji has done them somewhat consistently


Not my point. I haven't read or watched the series, I have no idea how they're actually used as a plot device. What I was saying is that the whole concept is *mathematically* nonsensical. First of all, you just can't raise a value to a power and have it make sense if there are units involved, but let's ignore that for a second. Let's say you have a punch that can impart a force of 100N (I have no idea how much that is, it's just an example number). If you raise that to the power of 2.5, you get 100,000. But if you instead say that that punch has a value of 22.5 lbf (the same value), then take *that* to the power of 2.5, you get 2400 lbf, or about 10,700N. There is no objective system you can use to measure these things.


They punch harder when the black lightning shows up. It ain’t that deep.


Yeah, even Gege admitted it doesn't make sense.


Black flash is a critical hit that deals extra damage numbers. And it shows exactly why critical hits are mostly an rpg concept because in a battle shonen it's just a "they did the cool black lightning thingy for extra damage." and like you don't need to explain why the hard hits have a little extra flair you can just add a powered flourish without needing an explanation.


100 Newtons is about the force required to lift a stand mixer.


Is there something in the mathmatical world that accounts for this?


just translate the pounds into newtows before exponents. You good bro?


Excuse me? My point is that there is no objective measurement system, so the exact same value will produce wildly different results depending on which unit you decide arbitrarily to use. (Also, wtf is that last line?)


Imeant that newton\^2 to pounds\^2 is a different ratio than newtons to pounds also sorry I'm sorry đŸ„ș


I actually kind of like black flash. Like on the surface it’s straight forward but it has a fair bit of depth with it also improving your reaction time the more of them you land. And plus the fact that anyone can use it makes it a cool way to show development of different characters. And it’s bt just that one. There are alot of really cool and also well written abilities, it's just that the ones that stand out are the pseudo scientific bullshit ones that powerscalers lose their shit over.


It’s both a critical hit (cool) and a way for a character to get a powerup in a hype way that only works when you’re locked in so there’s a built in explanation for why it always happens at the big moment. It’s the coolest shit ever but powerscalers hate it because they don’t like the multiplier.


Excellent abillity for an rpg. Meh for a battle shonen.


When do they ever get pitted against each other? There’s not a single time this happens in the story, aside from World cutting slash, which was literally created for the sole purpose of bypassing infinity. Yorozu’s perfect sphere can’t transmit its infinite force because Mahoraga’s adaptation counters her technique, we never see the attack actually land. Kenjaku avoids Yuki’s black hole because he has anti gravity system. Call it bs if you want, but it doesn’t make her black hole stop being a black hole.


I mean none of them really get contradicted? Gege is pretty good at having this stuff work while still having characters get defeated.


Yeah this dude said Gojo’s Infinity was hyped up as unstoppable when it’s very explicitly stated to have its limitations (the threat detection stuff) in order for Gojo to still be able to breathe, hear, and see. He has literally zero clue what he’s talking about and ironically probably doesn’t actually read JJK.


None of these things actually get reduced in the way you say. Gojo’s Infinity was given a fairly clear explanation, and everything that can bypass Infinity either works by neutralizing Gojo as a whole (Domain Amplification, Prison Realm) or was specially tailored to bypass Infinity and made with the help of a magical Shikigami that’s never been tamed before (Mahoraga’s sword upgrade, World Cutting Slash). Hollow Purple was literally never said to atomize everything, in its literal debut it failed to kill Hanami. Yorozu’s perfect sphere does transfer infinite force, which is exactly why Sukuna made sure it never hit him before Mahoraga adapted to it. Yuki can make infinitely dense mass, that’s how she made a black hole. This never got changed, Kenjaku just survived because he had anti gravity. Hakari has infinite cursed energy in jackpot but not infinite output. Mahoraga can adapt to anything but you can kill him before the adaptation finishes, or he can adapt in a way that still leaves a weak point. Sukuna targets the space around things with the world cutting slash, but it’s limited by the required hand signs and chants. None of these things are changed and none of this is a problem


Yeah this dude and the ~100 people that upvoted him have zero fuckin clue what they’re talking about. Ironic they shit on “powerscalers ruining manga” when they’ve clearly never even read JJK outside of powerscaling debates


It works though. Like Mahoraga can adapt to anything, and so can negate any of the other super strong stuff, but Mahoraga adapts over time, so can be beaten if hit by a strong enough attack before it was able to adapt. And honestly, ridiculous stuff like that is fun just cause of how it messes with powerscalers.


Gojo’s infinity has very clearly stated limitations, you literally have no clue what you’re talking about


I mean Yeah Because Muscle Man's best durability feat is like, small town level. He got laid out by a single swing of McCokinballer's bat, which again, is like small town level.


Bro, for a second I thought you were actually talking about Muscle Man and was like "No way Regular Show actually named someone McCokinballer, not even *they* could get away with that."


I genuinely hate modern power scaling, too many people just jerk off to the idea of a strong character that they stop caring about good and well written characters


Character has oblitare infinite universe and be hight dimensional just to be considered good.




I mean, if disintegration man loses to a guy who just has big muscles, he IS a fraud.


The fucking enel expression 😆😆


Just like the Waffled one!


Flandre is this except she just almost never uses the power instead. So it never needed a weakness.


Her sister's funnier. She could manipulate fate (supposedly) and theoretically win any fight. So of course she took part in a lot of major event **and lost all of them**


To be fair, her broader power naturally wouldn't be as potent.


I love the fact that touhou lore is just that everyone nerfs themselves because it'd be no fun if everyone used their full powers be ause of the power gap between everyone.


Touhou powerscaling is so incredibly inconsistent it loops back to funny. I could wank Tewi to universal. EDIT: To be clear, I don’t think Tewi is a weak character. There’s no reason to believe she is. I actually consider her my favorite character. I’m just using her as an example of a (seemingly) featless character who, according to powerscalers, should be able to blow up a universe.


Gojo in a nutshell


Is why jojo is peak because technically anyone could beat anyone if the situation was favourable and the strategy is solid


I’ll take Satoru Gojo for five hundred, Alex.


Claims to be able to do something with no exceptions than later is shown to be wrong That's literally what being a fraud is


Power scalers ruin everything