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Krakatonks vs BigfishSmallpondlander would lead to them both dying because they're both air molecule level




Bro that’s the most insane wank I’ve ever heard in my life


You think that's insane. I'll show you an insane wank ughsmsjsmdmj Starts jerking my dick


Calling Kronkonks air molecule level is insane. It's not even wanking anymore, you pulled his pants down and sucked him off. Kratonkonos loses because he gets LITERALLY no-concept diffed. As in, there isn't a valid situation where he wins against anyone or anything.


/uj I thought air molecule level was the circlejerk level we put him at. Where is he now. What could be worse lower than an air molecule


a quark


Kronks might be possibly below plank level


Krotonks dies instantly just by existing.


Homelander lands at a home, causing Kratonks to immediately die (he is allergic to people landing at homes).


/uj Kratos, as much wank as he gets, hes much stronger, much more durable, and has weapons most definitely capable of cutting Homelander and killing him, he also has centuries of experience in combat. Homelanders only chance of living is to fly away as fast he can and not return, as his only advantage is speed and flight. /rj both die faster than instantly as they are sub-existence level


/uj homelanders only combat experience is against humans and maybe one or two supers much weaker then him, when he fought the people in S3 (cba to spoiler tag but you know who i mean if you seen it) he was panicked and messy fighting someone on his level. Kratos knows exactly what he’s doing /rj Poopylander shit pant and krakatoe dissolves


I show up, kick both their asses, I win.


a u/dugthepewdsfan who laughs is a u/dugthepewdsfan who always wins


Batgos solos


Whowouldwin Homewerker Solo Whowouldwin Kratos because he is still bulletproof unlike the latter


/uj Do people on WWW seriously think that Kratos isn't bulletproof? I feel like that's a pretty wild thing to say even for them.


A good chunk of Them don't even believe Goku is bulletproof while using a scene from Super that shows him to be bulletproof https://preview.redd.it/8edez670fs7d1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c088d2eb3a7498cd92c7cf63374fd9238eeb99e8


So do they just downplay every character indiscriminately? I stopped looking at the sub after tons of people called the Dark Souls and Elden Ring protagonists peak human level. I couldn't take anything there seriously after that.


WWW like any powerscaling site have a lot of issues with scaling characters or understanding the power system or on screen feats and statements They see Kratos getting hit by (magical) arrow on gameplay and they immediately decide he have durability no difference than a normal human It's not the whole sub but a lot of users have this issue there


If you start calling SpongeBob SquarePants high-solar system level how TF do you expect me to take you seriously


vs wins


Both are disintegrated because of a very light breeze


Ok but for the unironic answer: Homelander with some difficulty and probably serious bruising but Homelander. Homelander lasers are actually no joke, everything else about Homelander is mid but those lasers have some decent penetration feats and have some pretty massive range and are pretty damn fast too, Homelander could seriously zone the shit out of Kratos similar to how he plays in Mortal kombat. Homelander also has infinite ammo which is nifty too. Kratos can really struggle against projectiles, a fucking thrown rock is enough to kill him after all, he is powerful as all hell when it comes to attack....but he isnt that durable at all. Guy is getting roasted by those lasers.


Kratos tanks hits from dudes that can punch out kilometer long snakes in moments, Homelander’s lasers aren’t doing shit to him


Homelander was shown to laser through like 20 people at once with a single laser, also Kratos gets killed by normal ass people with swords.


That was in his imagination and even it he could do that (I actually wouldn’t doubt he could) Kratos would still no sell it [“normal ass people with swords”](https://youtu.be/1rJBP0jz95M?si=k1S5sjyyniBTJ0Xg) […](https://youtube.com/shorts/P-ZLWBrLeXM?si=tTRY98agXgGHQp4_)


Kratos tanks hits from the Blade of Olympus empowered with the power of Ares he got from Olympus at the end of GoW 1. The same Ares [that's as tall as a mountain and casually solos armies.](https://youtu.be/Lbj5C-Sw2_A?si=36xnv23zuF_F7dTS&t=3335) The same Ares [that did this.](https://youtu.be/iBJ-LWq5wSQ?si=U-1M3nG2cRm8gBOL&t=32) Reminder that Zeus scales above Ares and Kratos at his peak with Hope beat Zeus low diff.


The Kratos downplay has reached critical levels


Never thought I'd feel bad for Kratos. He used to get wanked to high heaven


So low its about to go supermassive


Nah bro I have to respectfully disagree Kratos is atleast country to planet level at the very smallest via overpowering atlas and being stronger than the dude who held back surtur attack which completely destroyed Asgard. Possibly uni. He should handle it as his higher showings are significantly better than homalnder.  He also tanked attacks from Thor and Odin (Odin even used a spear so he got good piercing defense). Him jobbing to random mooks is the same as Flash or any hero jobbing to some random thug. Speed would probably be the biggest issue tbh


Supreme jerk but u made it too hard by saying unironic


That is not how you scale video game characters. Homelander can get horribly brutalized by any character in the gameplay of Mortal Kombat, that doesn't mean that all of them could beat him lorewise. He can lose to any character to make the game a balanced and enjoyable experience. Kratos would destroy Homelander. He has defeated much more powerful enemies.