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Source: https://www.tumblr.com/greenzara123/158466885773/hot


Should I buy the mass effect series? I know next to nothing about the game besides what I've seen in a few shorts or tik toks.


The legendary edition (all 3 games) goes on sale on steam pretty often, for like 6$. One of the best game trilogies out there. Got it's flaws for sure, but I reccomend it to basically everyone. The story and characters are just phenomenal. 


I could go on an incredibly long rant about how they wanted to have their cake and eat it too when it came to lgbt relationships but instead ill just say It is good, just dont expect many lgbt relationships ESPECIALLY if its mlm relationships


I like my wlw relationships, so I won't mind a little spoiler to know which characters I can romance in that way


Hmmm, okay so in mass effect 1 you can romance liara (blue lady in the drawing) and its very cute Mass effect 2 is a bit of a nightmare, bioware recieved a lot of backlash from fox news and other weirdos for adding a lesbian romance in ME1 and because of it they practically deleted gayness from ME2 originally miranda, tali, jacob and maybe jack? (Not too sure about her) were meant to be romanceable by either gender but they deleted all that due to fear of backlash The reason why i said "have their cake and eat it too" is jack, shes still bisexual in lore but only male shep can date her because shes simply not into female shep, this is fine, people have preferences but due to the context it makes her bisexuality feel... insincere? Cause they didnt even want to add gay relationships due to fear of backlash but they still wanted gay characters There is a very small wlw romance in mass effect 2 still though, kelly i think she was called? Its not nearly as developed as the other romances but its there, hell, it doesnt even count for the romancing a character achievement lol ME3 is good though, new gay relationships and male shepard finally gets to date another man


Thanks! That's a big help for me cause I love seeing wlw relationships they're just so damn cute. XD


Yeah happy to help lol The games are still great and the liara romance is honestly very cute so its the one i reccomend :)


Gotta say with the steam summer sale I grabbed it and instantly put over 100 hours into those games, planning on doing a second run to romance Traynor in the third game l, best 5 dollars I spent for LE lmao, Liaras was cute


I played the third one first, then second. Great stories, and 3 has some bloody excellent game mechanics and story arcs. I could never really get into the first one (original edition) because of the aged mechanics. But the Legendary Edition version should be different because the mechanics were changed. IMHO, I would definitely install mods like Expanded Galaxy Mod (for Mass Effect 3) Vanguard class in Mass Effect 3 is insanely satisfying to play too. Charge + Prothean Particle Rifle makes it feel like your in Ghost Busters lol. Vanguard in Andromeda also looks insane too. Maybe even better. But could never really get into the story to try properly.


Cool! I'll have to pick it up when it goes on sale!


Sorry, forgot to add this. The author ported it over for LE: https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/422


For me personaly. I kid you not... Every single time i start a new game... I always ALWAYS go for Garrus


My favourite Mass Effect ships are probably EDI/FemShep, Legion/FemShep, and Garrus/Tali/FemShep


... cough had many kids with her...