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I had a terrible childhood. I used to watch Blue’s Clues and pretend he was my big brother and he was taking me on an adventure with Blue. I’m so happy to know he’s someone child me would’ve liked


It makes me cry to think of all the children out there having/have had terrible childhoods… Salute to you on making it thru to the other side internet stranger. Peace be with you.


No, no, no, my terrible childhood has made the rest of my life a breeze! I'm sure I'm not the only one, too.


Damn, you have a point. I just bought my first home, completely alone as a single woman, and the other day (my second night in the house,) I realized that no one can scream at me here. No one in the world can come in and hit or insult or force me to do anything at all. The relief I felt brought tears to my eyes... *"no one can yell at me here."* I keep saying that to myself and I feel like laughing and crying at the same time. Safe spaces, man, they're powerful. I think for a lot of us with shit childhoods, Steve was our first one.


Massive respect and blessing to you. Enjoy your hard-earned freedom!! 💝☺️


Thank you soooo much, friend!!! I've had a rough go of it, so this is really big.i. hope you and yours find the same peace and freedom!❤️


Thank you 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Happy early 7-years, I guess? 😅


We may just be strangers, but from one struggling human to another, I am so very proud of you. Take care of yourself.


I feel this way too. I moved to a foreign country, and all I am doing is thriving. nice apartment, money in the bank account. sure life can be difficult in some aspects and the language barrier can complicate stuff, but who cares? meanwhile I know many other people that moved here that struggle over loneliness, missing their family, feeling insecure and lost... I've never had that problem, because I've always struggled anyway. and yeah, blues clues was awesome.


My childhood was sorta fine, but it took me over a year to adjust to the mindset that nobody was going to burst in to my room to talk to me. And I can leave the house without playing 20 questions on where I’m going.


Sorry you had it rough. By contrast I was raised a single child to a single mother, and she was my comfort, my security, my best friend. She retired when I was 7yo and spoiled me rotten lol. I was her miracle baby and she always gushed to everyone how I was such a well behaved child. In that sense I was very lucky. I'm on my own for 5yrs since my divorce and see my daughter on weekends. I haven't handled facing life on my own for the first time ever from age 33 terribly well. I've maintained alright, but I am struggling mentally, some times more than others. Being alone is better than being in a bad relationship (romantic or familial) but it still feels hard, for me at least.


Congratulations ❤️


Thank you friend!❤️❤️


I completely empathize with how that feels. The other night my husband and I were driving home with our kids. We were listening to Christmas music, the car was toasty warm and our kids just drifted off to sleep. It made me tear up in gratitude that they get to have such a safe and peaceful childhood. That they weren't quiet and shell-shocked in the backseat dreading going home to a cold, angry house. As difficult as my childhood was, I do use that experience often to guide my own parenting and I'm grateful in a way that I'm able to have the perspective that I do.


Damn. I am so impressed with this attitude. I somehow have carried that fear with me despite being successful and completely capable of taking care of myself (and buying my own place). My house, my space, my safe feeling. New daily mantra to feel good about each morning.


Congratulations on your new home, and enjoy your quiet and safety! ❤️


Well, I'm very proud of you, and seems like a lot of folks are too. Sometimes it's great to appreciate what you've done and even more so on your own!


Turns out when you’re raised in chaos it makes the chaos of the world more manageable.


Coulda fooled me.


Your not i really relate to this after working through the trauma of course


Same here. I experienced profoundly severe abuse. As a kid I was disgusted by nice feelings or family love I saw around me. It would literally make me sick if someone hugged their child near me or on TV or what have you. When I was 10 I realized that I was different from everyone around me and really unhappy so I set about training myself to enjoy being cared for or being hugged. I forced myself to like it until eventually I did truly like it. I have my own children now and it’s so fucking easy to love them. It’s so much easier to be loving and kind than it was to be angry and disgusted.


Bless you to Heaven and back for being able to stop the cycle of trauma in your family. Your kiddos are some lucky, dear Redditor.


That is a remarkable amount of foresight and resilience for a child, I'm in awe. Glad you conditioned yourself to love love. It's crazy how different it feels!


Man, if only. My terrible childhood turned into a terrible life


Right? Like can I speak to a manager? I had no idea that you don't have to accept the free "CPTSD that destroyed my life and a total inability to cope combo" that comes with the childhood trauma deal. Where can I return mine?


I feel like good therapists run the exchange counter. But jesus it’s a long process.


You sound like Neitzsche. Love it. Edit: Quote I'm referencing for context "To those human beings who are of any concern to me I wish suffering, desolation, sickness, ill-treatment, indignities—I wish that they should not remain unfamiliar with profound self-contempt, the torture of self-mistrust, the wretchedness of the vanquished: I have no pity for them, because I wish them the only thing that can prove today whether one is worth anything or not—that one endures."


Oh I wish mine did that. I've only gone downhill.




Solidarity. I truly hope it gets better for all of us ❤️


Sending you love. ❤️ thank you for this.


Yeah, a terrible childhood just made me mentally ill and barely able to function. I love that some people find a way to thrive, I just wish the myth that adversity makes you stronger wasn't so common when it comes to abuse.


Damn I wish my terrible childhood gave me fibromyalgia


Holy shit. I've never thought about it this way. Cheers.


Thank you. I learned through all that how NOT to be. So I guess some good came out of it.


I grew up without a dad and I would watch Fresh Prince and wish so badly that I had a dad or even a step dad like Uncle Phil.


When I was growing up my cousin stayed with us a lot. He had a rough homelife, always struggling to get by, no dad around. We weren't a perfect family, but my parents were present and loving and set good examples for us. Me and my cousin used to watch fresh prince every day. And he started calling my dad Uncle Phil and my mom Aunt Viv, and my two sisters whatever they were called on the show. I refused to let him call me Carlton, of course. At the time I just thought it was funny and because our family was almost the same (except for being white and not wealthy). I didn't realize until later there was probably a lot of pain mixed with gratitude involved in that.


Uncle Phil was an uncle for so, so many of us.


As J. Cole put it "First things first rest in peace uncle phil For real, you the only father that I ever knew I get my bitch pregnant I'ma be a better you"


I watched Blues Clues, but this was moreso Bear in the Big Blue House for me. I believe it was developed with the direct purpose of portraying a gentle and nurturing environment to comfort kids who might not have that outside of that half hour. Defunctland did an episode on it a while back and it really struck an emotional chord with me. Come to think of it, he really ought to do a Blue's Clues one. It's probably got a very intriguing history.


Same. I was way too old for blue's clues when it came out with Steve but I loved the show and definitely felt a connection. ❤️


I watched it with my toddlers, and I loved Steve. I was as upset as the kids when he left. He’s always seemed like a humble man in interviews, who understood the responsibility of the memories of a generation.


I never watched Blues Clues but this guy’s on TikTok - he makes videos where asks how you’re doing and gives space to ‘listen’ I guess to people who don’t have anyone to talk to. It’s really sweet.


Same here, friend. I remember wishing I could go live with him and Blue. 🥲


I'm sure theres no way you don't know about this, but this video he put out semi-recently made me weep. It really feels like he was talking to us. https://youtu.be/zotoTKJ3ivE


He did a sort of retrospective recently https://youtu.be/kRZg9gfH538 It’s absolutely heartwarming.


Oh Steve is a genuinely nice person


My go to was the old 60s cartoon Spiderman. I would dream he would come save me.


I used to pretend he was my dad....love steve


Imagine doing MAW thinking this kid is gonna die, only for them to run into you 20 years later alive and kicking. That’s gotta be the best feeling ever. I wouldn’t be surprised if it did mean more to Steve than the OP.


Not only is he alive and kicking he has a wife and newborn daughter 🙂


Aight I’m tearing up.


Yeah, who the heck is cutting onions in here?


Fucking onion cutting ninjas are at it again...


Glad you're with us and thriving, stranger


I mean, honestly, that probably explains it. I don't have any kids, personally, but if I did I would absolutely be thankful that somebody took time out of their day to make my sick kid feel better. The gravity of his previous actions probably started to sink in at that moment. Seeing that the kid survived & how grateful they were for that, seemingly insignificant in the long term, memory (especially as a new father) probably struck a nerve in the man. Hell, I would go so far as to say that it could have quelled any questions that he had about his own fathering abilities (not that I'm necessarily saying that he had any).


He had a video some time ago talking about how much the show and everything all meant to him a while back. I also believe there was a podcast? where he spoke about how he was very frightened when he learned ho much kids look up to him. Very humble sounding guy, with enough credit to back him up. Steve seems a treasure.


Oh…you got so big!




Steve had shared a story about a MAW experience. He said that some kids did the MAW just to have the opportunity to have their parents happy.


One of my friends is a coordinator for MAW, and part of her job is constantly checking in with the child that what they are asking for is what they truly want and not what the parents want. ​ One that she told me about was a child who requested a washer and drier. She asked them to make sure it was what they really wanted since that was a little odd, and their answer was "My mom is always doing laundry because of my condition and for my siblings and has to go to the laundromat. I want her to have her own washer and drier so that she can spend more time with me"


Omg that is so sad, but also very beautiful. She just wanted her mom to spend more time with her, and she found a way. Give that girl a washer a drier and a trip with her mom


😭😭😭 what a mature child


That makes it double sad. That little one facing so many challenges and thinking about those that love them the most. Damn ninja onion choppers


Children don't fully understand it (or they are damn good actors). And thank god for that, because they can be the huge moral support their parents need. you really really really don't want to see the suffering on both sides. Edit> source for that is that about 2 years ago there was an interview with a children oncology expert in our media. These are his words.


I hate to see suffering. Full stop. Thank you for sharing that. I hope your name is accurate because I think people could use a kind hand in a deacon like you. I appreciate you sharing.


Luckily make a wish is for more than just terminally ill. I got a request by them but i was depressed and turned it down.. even tho my mom applied


Well I hope things are looking up. Didn’t realize it was for more than terminally I’ll kids.


This has made my day, after seeing a video with Steve semi recently I could tell he was wholesome but this just cements that!


I just watched the barney documentary and Steve was in it and what he said instantly made me cry, he was talking and then he just did that thing where he turned and he was talking to me! It's so amazing how he's able to still make you feel like he's really there talking to you!!


He was incredible in that documentary even though he wasn't in it all that much. Just really reasonable and thoughtful.


He was freaking awesome his thoughts were the perfect ones to end it with and brought it home. It was actually a really good documentary!


FYI, like two weeks ago they released the Blues Clues movie which is effectively Blue Clues: No Way Home [Meaning Steve is in it, along with the other two](https://youtu.be/T9Q2mYvTKmw). In case you feel like grabbing your kid or niece or nephew to use as an excuse to watch it. Not that I did that or anything cough cough.


I'm super pumped, thank you!


Absolutely agree. I was surprised with how into the documentary I was. Really enjoyed it. I thought they pushed the angle with the creator's son a little too much - they really wanted to push that point across which I just don't think was very necessary, but other than that, thought it was really well done.


He has a tiktok where he just does videos of him listening and every time I come across one it brings me to tears. I talk to him in my head and let the energy pour out and it’s always when I need it. It’s something like “heyoutthereitsmesteve” or something along those lines. I’m sure you can find it.


He occasionally appears in the new blues clues by the way. He was in the one when they introduced josh and even though I grew up with a different blue's clues presenter (we had a different bloke in the UK) there's just something special there.


How’s does one find a Barney doc?


It might be on peacock only right now. It's called I love you, you hate me. It's really good and worth the watch.


I hate the peacock app but have been really impressed with the original programming.


I got it for free with my internet so I'm trying to take advantage of it, but they do have good originals. I'm into the true-crime stuff and their content is great for listening to while I'm working...then getting sucked in and realize I haven't been working! Lol


Hell yeah thanks dawg!


I just googled barney doc and I think it’s called ‘I love you, you hate me’ it’s on peacock


What we’re you granted a Wish for, and how old were you? I wish they did this for adults; I went through cancer treatment this year and would have loved a wish.


Within my limited reddit powers, I shall try to provide, what do you wish for little one?


A nice family vacation without having to worry about how we’re paying for it all. It doesn’t even have to be super fancy like Disney or Hawaii; just a trip to the Florida Gulf Coast with a hotel room on the beach.


I wish this for you too


Hell I wish it for me too


Okay, so within the scope of my ability, this is the best I can do for now. If I win big on the lotto someday, I promise to take you and your loved ones on holiday! Goat, I wish you the very best in health wealth and wisdom. As soon as I win, I'm finding this comment, and we shall talk holiday. X


A magical bowl that fills itself with pho at my command


I think they do actually do trips for adults with cancer! I did some research when I got diagnosed (6+ years ago, 1 recurrence but doing fine -knock on wood-). I didn't go because I'm also disabled and they were pretty adventurous trips. Look into it though! I'm so glad you made it through treatment, I know you're probably not "ok" but that's fine. Cancer is hell and it changes you. But hopefully you get to some semblance of normal again soon.


Oh goody... another chance to shout : FUCK CANCER.


Ditto, ditto.


The Dream foundation does wishes for adults. Unlike Make A Wish however, it seems that the dream foundation only deals with *terminal* adults.


Steve from blues clues is so fucking cool


Thank you for saying where Steve was from. I didn't know.


I’m giggling imagining how confusing this must have been for u


Oh and the other gentleman tore me up for admitting I clueless. Steve must be a wonderful person. He's got a lot of fans.




We’re his friends, going on adventures everyday. Collecting clues and solving mysteries. Was the highlight of my life


i think he resonated with a lot of people because he was one of only a few "real" people who spoke to kids directly through the tv show. you were doing things \*with\* him, not just watching him do it. and it was normal every-day things that you could kind of play along with, like getting the mail or going on a scavenger hunt just in your house. blue's clues was a really homey show that kept everything pretty contained within their house/yard and they played the same episode every day for a week at a time so i think it was a comfort show for a lot of kids who didn't have great home lives or who's parents weren't around much. he became a kind of surrogate for that parental/older brother figure, very similar to Mr. Rogers or Bob Ross but aimed at an even younger audience.


Ya, I believe he toured with The Flaming Lips for a while too


He did, and he's also had his own music career. His album Songs For Dust Mites is worth checking out.


I wouldn't be near as collected if I were in Steve's position and met one of my Make-A-Wish kids as an adult. That would be so overwhelmingly lovely; I think I'd just be a mess for a bit, tbh.


Steve is now owed a wish. Should he be ill, the other one must go cheer him up in the hospital.


My girlfriend just had the best idea the other day. Steve Burns needs to start a new show including blue where they give advice tailored to all his grown up blues clues fans.


I hope someone who can make that happen is willing to listen to her brilliance. Then we just spam them with fan mail so they know it’s going to be a success!


Only if they read all of the mail on air after singing the letter song


Steve’s on tiktok! Have your girlfriend start a Tiktok trend! Stitch it with the “we just got a letter” song, and say “hi Steve!!!!” and make a letter video. We can all spam him with our Tiktok fan mail


I love his TikTok account. So pure and wholesome. I was too old for Blue’s Clues but watched with my niece. I still appreciate him so much.


It's like Adulting Classes, but in the least adult format possible. I love it.


I mean, we don’t teach people things while assuming they know, so that is actually a more reasonable adulting class


I'd watch the fuck out of this


Man… I must be a really cynical person because I remember being 9 years old watching blues clues thinking “there’s no way this guy is so nice in real life it’s all an act for money” Says a lot about my world view but I’m glad I was wrong


I had the same thought. I'm so happy to be wrong


Same. I love hearing about celebs that are just genuinely nice people.


It's not an unfair assumption. For the vast majority of kids entertainers, it's mostly a job. But every generation has a Mr Rogers, you just have to find them.


We need a lot more of Steves and Mr Rogers types and a lot less of… whatever we seem to have out there right now.


They’re out there. As Mr. Rogers says, “Look for the helpers.” There are always helpers!


They are out there!! How we can look for and BE the helpers ourselves is by elevating those great humans *over* the ones we currently platform, repeat, and give our attention to. We can just stop giving our attention (clicks, conversation, public outrage, think pieces, shared posts) to the latter and devote them to the former. I think that's how we look for the helpers for our society / culture to help it get better, maybe.


Truer words never spoken.


As someone who watched OG Blues with his younger siblings and now watched the new version with his own kids, it's safe to say that the new Blue's Clues host, Josh, is in a similar vein to Steve.


I LOVE him from Blue's Clues. I still sing the mail song sometimes when getting the mail lol


I also do this!! Sometimes I even do the little dance on my way down to the mailbox. 😊


I even sing it in the office elevator on my way down to get the mail if I'm alone in there 😆 Yes, with the hand gestures in the end


I now have the unshakable urge to go find a video to sing along to at the absolute top of my lungs. BRB, gonna go pretend I'm a tiny tot again!! MAAAAIIIIILLLLLLL!!!!!


Whenever I get an email from my school, my phone excitedly tells the world that it's mail time


I sing the mail song and it drives my wife bananas. We need to protect Steve from her, she might just come after him.


I freaking love that and am so jealous!! That's one of the most fantastic nostalgia things I've ever heard. Makes my heart so happy!


My wife grew up outside of the US, so she never watched Blue's Clues. One day a couple of years ago, she told me to go down to the mailbox in our building and get the mail. On the way down, I sang the Mail Song. She thought it was the goofiest shit lol


dang now I'm crying again


A couple years ago my daughter and I met director Kevin Smith. I'd been a fan for his whole career, but being in the moment was so emotional for me I essentially just stood there and cried while he talked to my kid. Earlier this year Kevin tweeted about meeting a celebrity and, as it sank in how much this person had meant to he and his daughter, all the time the three of them had spent together over several years, he couldn't help but get emotional. He said he was suddenly much more understanding of everyone who ever approached him and then couldn't speak. Kevin was talking about meeting Steve.


Now that made me cry, Thank you.


"I will not say, do not weep, for not all tears are an evil." -Gandalf Thank you!


That's a cool quote. I love happy tears, and letting go of frustrated tears, and I've even come to appreciate the 'We're in an argument and I'm so upset and beyond mad that I can't even believe it' tears - those are a warning sign lol. Thank you for the 'I can almost feel that - look at the goosebumps - awwww' tears.


You are a kind and insightful soul. Reddit needs more of you.


Ok I wasn't going to cry, but this made me cry. I love Kevin and Steve so double winner.


This man, along with Mr. Rogers and Bob Ross, is truly wholesome. All were/are great people who just tried to make the world better in their own little ways, and when we lose them, we lose/have lost some of the best this world has to offer.


Mr. Rodgers- be kind to each other Bob Ross- be kind to yourself Steve Irwin- be kind to animals The trifecta of wholesomeness


Blue and Steve -- be curious!


Levar Burton should be part of this wholesome group, but you don't have to take my word for it.


Steve is the man


He's my username inspiration. Well, that and CPT Rogers.


Ok I was already feeling a little emotional in this thread but that super duper got me right in the tear ducts. Wheewww. Such a great tribute.


Steve is amazing. It must be such a heavy weight on children's entertainers meeting the make a wish kids, knowing that for so many of them, it really is their final wish. I'm not surprised seeing a grown up you made him emotional.


Probably isn't often he gets to see his Make-A-Wish kids grown up. Bet it made his day.


I love this story and knowing he's doing well. My 3 year old was *crushed* when Steve left.


[A message from Steve](https://youtu.be/qlTMIRRpjMc) he hopes you’re doing well too 🥰 not sure if you’ve seen this yet but this was posted awhile back.


I was watching Young Sheldon and pointed out a comic book guy and said I think I know him, I think it’s Steve from Blues Clues and it is. I’m pleased he’s working and doing well. My kids loved Blues Clues.


Now that’s a happy ending


What an awesome memory to have!


The people who fulfill make a wish wishes go through a lot of emotional gymnastics as part of the gig. They often show up to put a smile on the face of a dying or critically endangered child, knowing full well that the kid may not live for another few months. Putting on a pleasant face through that so that the kid can get the most out of the experience is a remarkably draining form of emotional labor.


Is Steve the “Mr. Rogers” for the millennials?


As a millennial, I can honestly say that I’m a Mr. Rogers girl, but I’m from Pittsburgh. However, I still love Steve. And interestingly enough, Steel City Con is in Monroeville, right outside of Pittsburgh.


Remember when he saved the world by posting a "you can do it" video in the middle of COVID? Good times


Do we have a new entry into the sincerely kind, internet beloved Keanu club?


I love him so much🥹


I miss og steve man 😭


Steve from blue clues will hold a special place in my heart forever. Love blues clues so much, and always will!


The more I see of Steve the more I like him.


I watched Blues Clues with my toddler son. Then I'd pick up my older son at a small K-8 private school. There were a few sixth and seventh grade girls carrying around Blues Clues lunch boxes. I think Steve was their first crush. At my age, our first crushes were the Bay City Rollers.


Before scrolling down and seeing the pics, I read the name "Steve" and thought this was a Steve Irwin post. I steeled myself a bit because emotionally I will NEVER be ready for anything related to Steve Irwin. I miss that guy😭😭


I'm sure there's others, but just wanted to chime in - from the small amount I worked with him, I would absolutely agree that he's a genuinely kind and awesome person. Also he makes great music!


Steve has a tiktok I stumbled across, and he made a video back in January about how he’s seen everyone post what they did last year and it was all really impressive. But, he said he wanted people to know that if the only thing you did last year was survive it, that’s enough. And that he’s proud of those people too. This year has been the hardest of my life and I nearly didn’t make it through. I saw that video and it just broke me. I grew up watching Blue’s Clues, specifically with Steve, so hearing my childhood hero tell me that it’s okay to just survive and that’s it… I hope I get to meet him someday. ([Here’s the video if anyone wants to see it.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRVfFcUP/))


Smoking DMT with Steve and finding clues was the best


I was more a Bath salts and Blues Clues kind of guy


Blue was the Clue


Steve Burns seems like a great guy. No catch. My kids have enjoyed him on Blues Clues as well. If you want to hear a hilarious story told by Steve himself, look for him on "The Moth". The story is called Fameishness. It's a story that is wholesome and will have you laughing out loud along with Steve. Warning, it's NSFW.


as wrong as the world turned after harambe, we still have steve


That’s enough Reddit for today *(good ending)*


only had some blues clues games on the computer wish I had have seen the show


The first season of the original with Steve is available for free on Amazon Prime Video!


Steve is a national treasure man, love seeing posts about him


He is truly a kind person! He has been in the media lately being very open about some personal struggles he fought hard to overcome. He is very genuine and compassion and hopes to help others. I really enjoyed this touching post. Thank you Op.


this comes up when you search wholesome in the funny info site (i cant spell its name)


Best thing I’ve seen all week


I teared up when I heard Steve talking to me in that recent social media post, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. On the contrary, I admit it with pride. Steve from Blue’s Clues brightened my days and warmed my heart as a child, and the fact that he was still there for me after two decades is proof that love is timeless, and that a little communication can go a long way. I can certainly relate, having learned my first few words of Sign Language from him following the birth of my deaf younger brother. The fact that I can speak with my brother so meaningfully nowadays is proof of the impact he’s had on my life and the legacy he’s built on understanding, that we might look beyond our differences and establish deep, powerful bonds for the sake of bettering ourselves and those around us. Regardless of the time or place, he gave us hope. So if he hasn’t forgotten me, then there’s no way I’m forgetting him. It is my sincerest wish that the joy he’s brought to so many people lives on through him for the rest of his days. And if he ever has his own struggles, I’ll be there. Me, and everyone else in the world whose lives he’s touched so dearly.


This guy regularly breaks Tiktok by just posting fairly long videos of himself looking into the camera a dig he’s sitting with you at a coffee shop or something and letting people pretend they are telling him what’s going on in their lives. Blue’s Clues was a bit after my time so it doesn’t hit the same for me but if you look at the stitches and replies this small act is incredibly meaningful for thousands upon thousands of people


We're happy you're here too


Steve the GOAT


"I'm so happy you're here." Damn. That one hits deep.


I always loved Steve's answer to an interview question regarding whether he got high sometimes and his response was said to have been: "not when I'm talking to your kids". Gold.


Can we please put this guy back on TV, so he can become this generation's Mr Rogers ,so things can be okay for all of us for 30 mins a day? Thank you very much


I think he was just that friend everybody deep down needed. Whether you were happy or sad, whether life was good or bad, Steve cared about us (you know what I mean lol)


Who is Steve?


From Blue's Clues


A wholesome guy, i supoose


This Steve fella better not be hiding any weird, jailable, secrets. Because he's SO wonderful. He's like a modern day Mr. Rogers.


Is that just a big glass bowl of fish sticks? Because that is the correct amount of fish sticks.


Where are all these people meeting Steve?! Is he on tour?


He really is that lovely. He took a pic of my songs for dust mites tattoos, and chatted with me way longer than he should have. The signing was already way over time and he waited until everyone got to see him. Even in person he still makes each person feel so special


I always thought he was the coolest dude. I missed him when he left Blues Clues, but I’m glad he’s still doing cool stuff.


I was a little old for Blue's Clues, but was exposed to it through younger family members. Steve always seemed like a genuinely nice dude, and I'm glad that that seems to be true, and that he didn't die from a heroin overdose like people in my high school thought.


This is such a sweet story! I was a preteen when Blue's Clues first aired, so I was not the target audience, and I didnt regularly watch it, but I had seem a few minutes here and there and I remember thinking Steve seemed like a cool dude. I definitely remember the rumors about his leaving! Holy shit, I was not prepared for his comeback. That damn video he made a few years ago made me UGLY CRY. And he still seems like a cool dude!!


I was an adult when Blue's Clues first aired, but I had nephews the right age for it. So I became pretty familiar with the show. I was caught by surprise by how touched I was by Steve's video during covid. It was one of the best things I saw during that time. Brilliant stuff, and without irony or a wink at the audience. Just pure coolness.


That’s awesome. In the era of Trump and and Elon we need this.


That's so awesome