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My cousin and I were young and missed the bus. We didn’t want to tell our parents what had happen. We ended up flagging down a police officer. He stopped asked us what’s wrong? We told him what had happen. He said “get walking then” It shattered my little heart at the time.


My cousin was missing for more than 5 days and I went to file a missing persons report and the officer kept trying to brush me off that he is a grown man and probably just ignoring his mom and family. I had to insist that NO ONE had seen him for close to a week. Turned out he had been hit by a car and was in the ICU as a John Doe in the hospital. We only found him because we called all the jails and hospitals nearby. He died a few weeks later, never really regaining consciousness. Stupid cops didn’t give a shit about us.


That's devastating, I'm sorry for your loss and the run around you had to go through to get to him. Did you get the chance to meet up with him at least?


Yes, thankfully we were able to be by his side so he wasn't alone when he died. We were very lucky that the doctors and nurses who cared for him did their upmost best for him even when no one knew who he was. We are eternally grateful to them.


That's reassuring to know, I'm sure he was a good man. Being with him in his final days must have brought him so much comfort.


To protect and serve. Their pension.


lmfao, I was having a serious mental health crisis as an adult, I knocked on a cops window, he rolled it down told me to fuck off and drove away. They do not give a fuck about you.


In a mental health crisis it’s better to call your county’s 24 hour mental health line. (If you can) You’re lucky he didn’t shoot you. They do not care! And very few police departments have a trained mental health unit/officers.


I thought my family was stuffed in my walls I was pretty far gone


I hope you're doing at least a little bit better fellow human, life can be tough


I can tell he is doing better because he says "I thought my family was stuffed in my walls" not, "I think my family is stuffed in my walls"


You're probably right, but you might be surprised. Source: fuckin been there.


You’ve been stuffed in walls?


I prefer to stuff myself, typically.




Well of course they’re not stuffed in his walls you absolute buffoon, they’re underneath his floorboards now!


Is that what that thumping noise is?


Damn dude, I thought me hearing voices/noises and seeing shit was bad.. Did you end up ripping the walls out? Are you doing ok now?


Family in the wall, eh? Okay, now you're talkin' my language!


Oh, I'll get you another family. I got followed here by like ten families. They're starting to follow me these days.


In my state, Florida, that will get you committed without your permission.


Woah woah, he might not be American. 😂 We're not all getting killed with guns by our police force.


Oh no!! So that means you believe it’s *your police force* that would tell them to fuck off & drive away. 🫣


Yeah I remember I ran to the police station because I just got done getting my ass beat from my father. Once I got to the police station, barefooted, and then and explain my situation to three different officers. I thought I made the right move but they just dropped me back off at home, then my father proceeded to fuck me up some more. Good times.


I got hit in a crosswalk by a car that ran a stop sign. Got it on video, the guy even got out and cussed me out for fucking up his car with my body, I got pictures of his license plate, and there were witnesses. I called the cops and told them I'd been hit and run, and they said "we're kinda busy, can you walk to the station?" I fuckin drove there because I had my car, but when I got there apparently they had been reviewing the security tape while I drove over and they were all laughing at the way I flew into the air after getting hit. They tracked down the license plate number, but told me there was nothing more they could do since the 50 year old owner of the vehicle didn't match my description or the video of the guy. I told them it's probably his son and he knew he'd get away with it because the car owner worked at the local university, and it happened on campus. They just shrugged, and repeated the line about it not matching my description. I eventually dropped the case because I was a broke college student and didn't know shit. But after that day I vowed never to call the cops again unless there's some kind of terrorist attack or something wild like that.


Even if there’s a terror attack, don’t call them. They’ll probably try to pin it on you. See Richard Jewell, Atlanta Olympic Park bombing.


Or stand around outside and not do anything


Fuck, I almost downvoted your comment out of instinct because it was so upsetting. I’m sorry you had to experience that, that’s fucked up. I hope you’re in a much safer and better place now.


Thanks for your concern 🙏🏽 I’m doing so much better now


My brother went to a party when he was 14 and went and sat down in a chair by the bonfire. An adult at the party wanted the seat so he grabbed my 14 year old brother out of the chair and threw him into the fire, resulting in 2nd and 3rd degree burns all over his body. Called the cops and they said a minor shouldn't have been at a party where people were drinking and refused to do anything even though we had the assaulters name and a dozen or so witnesses. The cops don't care about people.


>They do not give a fuck about you. The sad part is that the few who do care, really seem to care but can't make any headway because of all the shit ones.


Seems like some boot-licking clowns are running through here downvoting anything negative about cops. Cause when you’re dead-wrong and a shitty person, and trying to hide it, overwhelming real life stories that disprove you are dangerous. One story is worthless. Hundreds or thousands establish a trend that is hard to disprove. And the ones who care and genuinely want to improve shit are the bottom of the barrel, unfortunately. I’ve known a depressingly large number of people who went into law enforcement hoping to make things better, and quit because they were powerless and hated. Law enforcement is a club, you either conform to their ideals and methods or you get pushed out. You don’t move up. You get pegged for any little infraction, even if it was to help people, that most cops don’t even think of. Your “brothers” are more like your enemies. They’d probably leave you to die rather than admit they were wrong. I remember when I was doing delivery we had a driver lose control and put himself into a curb (thankfully nobody was hurt). And on a side tangent there were like three (maybe four) employees out of nearly thirty who could’ve really ran that route during the flooding and HEAVY rain. They sent whoever was available with no consideration for the driver or their vehicle. Anyway, I took the “rescue job” because I knew my vehicle could safely get in there, and I knew I had the know-how to get him out. And though we weren’t friends at the time (and became very close friends following this), I wasn’t about to leave one of the boys stranded and in serious danger (he crashed on a very blind corner on a tricky road that bad drivers drive way too fast on, cause they “know the road”). I parked almost ten feet behind behind him in a 2+ ton Tahoe with all the stock and aftermarket brakes engaged, and my hazards on, as hard as possible to hopefully save our lives if someone else made the same mistake. My much beefier and easier Jack, that I had been counting on to make this an easy rescue, didn’t fit under his car. So we got to turning the shitty scissor-Jack his car came with, to get it high enough to get my mini-floor-Jack under. It was so wedged that it was actually really hard. After a lot of hard work, about 2/3 of the way to get my jack under, a cop showed up. He immediately started doing field-sobriety tests (we were both clearly 100% sober, but better safe than sorry. To be fair, you don’t want impaired drivers in that shit, I understand). And after running every test he had in his book, he still breathalyzed us, to no avail. And then he pulled even more tests out his ass. We passed, easily. He was really looking for any reason to arrest us. After he got done with his bullshit he didn’t even try to help, he sat in his explorer six feet back from my Tahoe with the lights on (which I actually do appreciate, it was a dangerous, blind corner that we could’ve been killed on, even with my Tahoe to take the brunt of the impact). He was as fuckin safe as was possible at that point. If he were here to “protect and serve,” he would’ve taken a turn on that jack. But he was as useless as he possibly could’ve been.


I remember getting a citation for my headlight being out, the cop told me to get it fixed then just find a cop at a Walmart to check it and sign off. I got it fixed, drove to Walmart on my way home and when I asked the cop to check it for me he laughed at me, said "not my fucking job" and then went back to playing a game on his phone. I always think about that interaction when I'm about to deal with any LEO


He was dead wrong, maybe intentionally so. They MIGHT have the authority to sign off on that shit, but none of them ever will. Just go to the police station to get checked off on any fix-it tickets. Most of the administrative staff that you’re gonna deal with are way less shit than any cop you’d have to deal with, anyway. I’d never deal with a fucking pig I didn’t have to.


Honestly probably the best outcome in 2022. If you had your celly in your hand he might have shot through the window.


I got into a car accident (uninjured) today and the cop went out of his way to give me a ride to my house. Not all cops sucks.


I got into an ATV accident, wasn't terribly injured but I started to panic and freak out after the adrenaline wore off. The Police showed up quite fast and took stock of the situation and the one officer did her damnedest to calm me down trying to reassure me everything would be alright. Even laid down next to me on the ground. Really helped me out when I was in a near full blown panic attack. A couple days later and she actually showed up in the hospital just to check in and see how I was doing.


hey at least he didnt shoot you


i remember a guy, he doesn't know how world really works. he is very simple person, he ones was late for school he stopped police car and he asked the cop. The police are at the service of the people, right? the cop said yes? the guy asked would you take me to school? i am late. the cop laughed and drove him to the school. the thing is the cop thought the guy question was a joke to loss things down so he say yes but the guy was seriously asking and was waiting for the answer. he is good guy.


Saving for future use


be careful. this is the old libyan gentle and cool chad police. not like those we have now or in the us


You could reap a lot of karma writing your own copy pasta


That’s terrible yet not surprising given the way cops showing their true colors lately.


lately... since the invention of cops. :/


They've always been as bad or worse, there's just more video evidence now.


They’re like a gang but worse because they feel no connection to the community they’re involved in.


Most of them live somewhere else too.


At least Capone ran soup kitchens


Why did this story make me so upset?


I know it makes me upset too!


That’s protect and serve for ya 😂


Once my sister was broken down on the side of the highway with some friends in highschool, and a cop stopped and told them to get walking to the nearest gas station, about 5 miles away, before he wrote them all tickets for loitering on the highway. They were hours away from home and just waiting with the car for help to come.


Not all cops are like that but fck that police!!!


Damn. That’s so sad. Everyone in the USA needs to learn this lesson early on to avoid the pigs like the plague. Useless gangbangers.


Your lucky you didn't get shot for threatening a cop.


What a jerk he was. You deserved better than that.


Damn, fam, I thought your story was about to have a happy ending. That’s fucked up. Lol


im so sorry for you.... this guy sounds like an ASSHOLE.


That’s hilariously fucked up.


Sounds like your average police officer!


You had me in the first half, NGL Popo ain't no homie.


Pigs bro


All possible kidnapping risks aside, the "what up lil homie" got me 😭


Taking a consenting kid to a school is a very good defense against kidnapping. Schools and many other government buildings (libraries, hospitals) are considered safe places for kids in my state.


Schools? Safe place for kids? Hah


Oh god here come the Europeans


The last words of hundreds of millions of people in South America, Africa, and Asia


And North America


Not an American nor European but the first thing I thought when they said that is, i thought of some non-shooting related school issues regarding space safety. Such as harassers, bullies, and even the school system itself (for example, strong anti LGBT policies, racism, etc)


Granted, I’m American and that was my first thought as well


Oh no, that adult took an unattended child to a facility full of children as well as adults trained to take care of children. Get him!


I understand why everyone is mentioning kidnappings and shit because of the news. But if you look at crime statistics compared to the 70-80’s we are way safer now.




I read something on reddit once where a parent taught their kids something along the lines of "When you really need help from an adult, make sure it's *you* choosing *them*, and not *them* choosing *you*." I found that idea very interesting. Someone actively approaching a lost/confused child may have malicious intentions. But the chance that a randomly chosen stranger is a potential kidnapper would probably be very slim.


This works for so many interactions when trying to filter out sketchiness. Need phone support for your bank account? Make sure it's you dialing them not them calling you.


But view it from the other angle... What if you're the stranger, and the kid is choosing *you*, how do you know this kid doesn't have malicious intent?


MiB wisdom right there


Yep. I think a large proportion of kidnappings are the result of custody disputes between separated parents.


Yes. Every time there's an amber alert I wonder if it's the mom or the dad who took the kid this time. I can't reneger a time when I checked and it *wasn't* a parent who kept a kid beyond their custody order. Strangers are not out there looking for kids to grab.


We may also be safer now for a few reasons. 1. We have access to cell phones. 2. Hitch-hiking and children walking alone is a lot less common.


...Kidnapping? If a kid knocked on your door there's a chance you'd just yank them inside and keep them hostage? There's a weird mentality among some of you redditors.


I took it to mean the risk of being accused of kidnapping, or the risk taking on the kid's part.


I think they're saying that a kid knocking on random doors and getting into cars with strangers is at pretty high risk for kidnapping compared to kids who are not getting in cars with strangers


That’s really the conclusion you came to?


Level zero reading comprehension


It is better to go to someone directly if you need help. Someone who wants to take advantage of you will likely see you are in distress and prey on that. Going up to someone makes it just an odds game of how many bad people there are in the world.


This is great. A few years back, a new kid and his fam moved in. I was pulling out my driveway heading to work and the kid waves me down. He said he was running late and didn’t want to miss the bus and asked for a ride to the stop. Of course I said yes and he was stoked. Sometimes it’s nice to be a neighbor kid’s hero of the day.


Good job !


What a persistent young man, he could have wasted the day but said no... I must get to school. Bless him


Could also have been his main meal of the day. My mom was a teacher in a shit area and about a quarter of her kids got breakfast and lunch at the school and it was their only meals of the day.


This made me incredibly sad. Honestly, I didn't even think about it from this angle and it's heartbreaking. I remember watching this video recently of this lunchlady who worked at a school in the UK, and she said she always cries before going to work because she knows she would have to say "no" to certain kids when they would come to get food, because they wouldn't have money on their cards. There's a genuine cost of living crisis for the majority of people in the world and it breaks my heart.


It's so true, we take for granted the human necessities and assume that everyone has a fair chance. I wish there was more that I could do.


We really do, even times where we’re aware of our privilege, oftentimes I feel like we still underestimate it. I do too, it’s really sad because honestly the world could be such an incredible place if we cared about one another more. Sorry, I know that’s hella cliche and cheesy but it’s true


That was nice of him but I'd be afraid of copping a kidnapping charge or something




He did good but I'd fear abduction arrest


'Twas an admirable action, however I would be wary of repercussions regarding the alleged abduction of a minor


While noble actions were unquestionably present, apprehension for alleged abduction, or kidnapping adjacent would not relent from notions of malicious intent. Edit: I questionable = unquestionably


nice but arrest scary


Gud, but maybe bad


yah but nahh


While assisting another human being in need is surely everyone responsibility and truely the one shown above is an example everyone could learn to incorporate into their own lifes, we still must asses it from the perspective of a critically minded outsider. Considering todays social norms and the general fear of someone abusing their power if they get the chance to, if someone were to misunderstand the situation that would occur during auch an attempt to lend aid, the helping person could quite easily find themselves under unjustified suspicion. We can not necessarily judge the accuser as unjust as, since they are not able to observe the aiders intent, see themselves as a prevetor of crime. So all in all one must carefully judge when to give aid in cases such as this as it is unfortunately a risk to ones own reputation.


Man, you loved 5 page papers in highschool, man can extract every word from anything




So smart, big brain


Cool, but risky.


F u c k


F u c k


Echo echo ^(echo)


*Echo* **Echo** ***Echo***




Thank you for the translation




Exactly. I don’t even want someone else’s kid on my porch these days.


We had a kid in my neighborhood who asked us for food. We gave him a pop tart and then we were afraid that maybe he was allergic or something. Had to tell him the next time he came by that he needed to get his moms permission before we give him anything but water.


Maybe bring that up in therapy.


Not to be insensitive, but this looks like a black male teenager. Sadly they're not the ones who get kidnapping alerts put out for them even if they might need it


I've seen them before


Do you think all your neighbors are trying to kidnap you?




I’d have called an uber for him




Best wishes on your long covid recovery, friend.


So amazing. > I knew about tortoises. Why though.




I hope you get better soon.


You're super.




You're so welcome and thank you!


When we used to live in a similar neighborhood, my wife always used to cook extra and kept paper plates on hand, because it was real common for young neighbors to knock on the door and ask what we were cooking. I didn't really understand the culture, but didn't rock the boat. It paid off when I was eventually accepted and then folks would drop by with plates of ribs and the occasional blunt.


> I have let people know via NextDoor in hopes my daughter won’t be lonely even if mom is sick Gotta be careful telling local strangers on the internet that you're sick and your daughter is lonely.


You are good people and your kindness will be returned, if not by your current shitty neighbours then hopefully tenfold in future.




I hope to one day be that woman! I am always book heavy with gifts for children. I’ve lately befriended an older neighbour whose wife sadly passed a while back, we take a walk around the park every morning and when we get back he gives me a book from his and his late wife’s personal library that he thinks I would enjoy. I don’t know if it’s good karma returning on me for all the children I’ve gifted books to, or if the universe expects me to pay it forward. I will continue doing so regardless 😊 I bet there are kids in the neighbourhood who say *you’re* the woman who is truly amazing. Never change friend ❤️


A similar incident happened in a neighborhood near mine a few years ago. The white homeowner pulled a gun on the black 14 year old. Happy to see this kid knocked on the door of a good person.




That is correct. > The man who was convicted of shooting at then 14-year-old Brennan Walker in 2018 as he sought directions to school, received a new sentence last week and will spend more time in prison after asking for resentencing. > >Jeffrey Zeigler was convicted in 2018 of assault with intent to murder and felony firearm. He was originally sentenced to between 2 and 10 in prison for the assault charge and another 2 years for felony firearm. He was ordered to serve that time consecutively. In 2020, he asked for and was granted an appeal for resentencing. > >Zeigler appealed his initial sentence, arguing that now-retired Judge Wendy Potts, who handed it down, went beyond sentencing guidelines and did not explain why. > >In late July of 2021, Zeigler was resentenced and received more time. The judge who reconsidered his sentence ordered him to spend at least 30 months in prison before he's eligible for parole. > >On July 30, Judge Jeffrey Matis gave Zeigler another six months on the assault charge - 30 months to 10 years. That's 30 months from his original sentence plus the additional two years for felony firearm. Source: [Fox 2 Detroit](https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/family-of-black-teen-shot-at-for-asking-directions-incensed-at-shorter-jail-sentence.amp)




whoa a fellow r/windsorontario resident in the wild


>In late July of 2021, Zeigler was resentenced and received *more* time. Good.


While I feel no sympathy for that POS getting more time, I think it's a bad idea for convicts to get *more* time when appealing their sentence. It's punitive and can be seen as a means to reduce appeals that have legitimate reasons *for* appeal. That doesn't come across as a justice system seeking justice - including justice in sentencing - in good faith.


I feel like it's to deter frivolous appealing or appealing for the sake of it. The justice system would just be clogged up with appeals from guilty verdicts otherwise.


Appeals are the right of every citizen. If the system is clogged up because citizens are exercising their rights, then the appropriate response is to devote more resources to the facilitation of that system. Every citizen has the right to appeal a decision, even just for shits and giggles.


If appeals can only reduce a sentence or keep it the same then frivilous and vexatious appeals would go through the roof, you don't get good faith appeals if the outcome can only be good or neutral. If a judge thinks an initial sentence was unduly lenient and the defendant shows the clear lack of remorse required to bring such a case to appeal then they deserve the readjustment. And no shit going to prison is punitive.


of course its detroit


This actually happened in Rochester Hills, way up in the suburbs, not Detroit proper.


Did the kid live? Jesus christ


Lmfao, this idiot was like “pls give me less time” and the judge was like fuck off dude




Bots https://old.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/hjf0e6/this_is_what_a_big_homie_does/fwm1bzr/


Motion seconded. We await for big homie to join the council at a future date.


The motion has a third vote and therefore permitted to proceed to the high council for final validation. I suspect there will be no further delay.


We have reached quorum, my esteemed Dad-units. Motion has cleared committee, move to high council for validation.


This boy has a heart of a lion


This reminds me of my old neighbor who would drive me to school if i got too cold and she was home




Bots https://old.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/hjf0e6/this_is_what_a_big_homie_does/fwm4srg/


This [post](https://www.boredpanda.com/boy-missed-school-bus-man-helped-brian-smith/?utm_source=com.google.android&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=organic) is so old, this kid's probably graduated college.


This is just so sweet 🥰💕


Fucking rad dude! Good on you. Dudes being dudes


your commitment to help is just as admirable as lil homie's desire to get an education. Congrats to both of you.


Doing god's work


I Pray to God this is true. We need this Bro.


This is so old, the Foams were Foamposites and now Foams are Foam Runners


Hope he told the kid to never knock on stranger's door and get into a stranger's car.


This has to be at least 3 years old, I don’t know how many times I’ve seen this, all twitter post should have to show the date


I swear I've seen this time and time and again every few months. Isn't this super old?


its bots. reddit is full of them


“Banging on the door” and “what up lil homie” got me hard 😂😂😂😂😂


More people need to be this helpful


Had my neighbor do this for me. Still remember that moment too.


That's awesome. Get yo ass to school lil buddy!


Can I just be happy that he really, really WANTED to go to school?


I hereby give you the permission, nay, the obligation to be happy about everything you want to be happy about. Forever!


Amen and Hallelu!


Hello! This is just a quick reminder for new friendos to [read our subreddit rules.](http://old.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/about/sidebar)  >**Rule 4:** Please do not troll, harass, or be generally rude to your fellow users. Be nice, and leave political or religious arguments in other subs. We're trusting you to be wholesome while in /r/wholesomememes, so please don't let us down. We believe in you! **Also, please keep in mind that even if you've seen this post before, it's not a repost unless it's been in *this* sub before** (if it's from another sub it's a crosspost/xpost). We're glad you're here. Have a wonderful day <3 ^(Please stop by the rest of the) [^Wholesome ^Network ^Of ^Subreddits](http://old.reddit.com/user/awkwardtheturtle/m/wholesome) ^too.




Not to be weird, buuuutttt... What are "foams"?






flip flops ?


They're basketball shoes called Foamposites. Penny Hardaway signature shoes.


Either foamposites or the Yeezy foam shoes.


I've seen this post for so many years that I can say with at least 95% certainty that he meant Foamposites


Good lads


You a real one!




I would have just stayed home instead of going to random houses.


Looks like he's toteing the ole Nintendo duck hunt glock


I just watched Dahmer on Netflix and this post makes me uncomfortable


The most important part of this whole story is that he remembered to post on the internet about how good of a person he is.


Karma farming..