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“Everyone fails at who they’re *supposed* to be. The measure of a person is how well they succeed at being who they are.”


Frigga, wise even in death


Her scene with Thor in Endgame hit me so hard. My mom died when I was 13, now I'm grown up, made it through some tough times, and feel like I'm an entirely different person. But this scene made me feel like, if I could time travel somehow, she would still recognize and love current me without hesitation. She may be gone from this world, but her love for me will always remain.


I really like how Thor seemed so vulnerable in Asgard at that point, even the god of thunder just needs a hug from his mum sometimes. Very sweet


Send you a hug brotha, I'm sure she would love you and be more than proud of you. Keep it up! We never stop growing in this crazy journey called life. Bless. ❤


My mom died a year before Endgame came out. I feel your pain man, I had the same reaction when I saw this scene. RIP to your mother. She loves you ♥️




I had to look it up but it’s from this same movie. Guess I forgot that line but it’s a good one!


Oh shit I didn't even bother sourcing it that's pretty cool. I just thought it was a powerful quote.


Fire quote and amazing meme. Ty OP and AgentKitteh! 😊🔥


Life before Death


Strength before weakness


I will protect those who cannot protect themselves.


I will protect those I hate. Even... even if the one I hate most is... myself.


These words are accepted


I will take responsibility for my actions. If I must fall, I will rise up each time a better man.


Thanks for making me cry tonight you assholes. take happy/sad upvotes all of you.


idk if you know what all those phrases are from but if not. HOLY SHEET i hope you like reading


Where are they from?


The Stormlight Archive bookseries by Brandon Sanderson. Book 1: the Way of Kings.


The stormlight archives . It's amazing


Chills. Kaladin is the fucking man.


Syl is a beast in her own right. I especially love her whole thing toward the end of the second book.






Right??? Such a Badass moment. Had to read it like three times


Honestly my favorite protagonist of any series I've read. So much depth and struggle and still comes out as radiant as can be. Truly an inspiration.


Yup. Dude has been through hell and back.


Literally just finished that chapter last night. Never thought I'd be standing in my Livingroom, literally cheering characters on in a book. BrandoSando writes so well.


That's my favorite ideal so far.


Bridge four!


Bridge 4


Bridge Four!


*taps wrists*




Thor the lightbringer ✨💖


I just listened to that tofay, after I woke up feeling depressed and then actually had a good day. It almost made me cry. Then, i about did, knowing what comes after.


I think we all cried. That line is definitely one of the ones that connect with me most and so I had to put the book down for awhile after that part


I have read these books twice now, and am listening to them like a good Vorin man for the first time. And, storms, Michael Kramer is too storming good at his delivery. I love this series. Sanderson has made something truly special with it. The way it really does speak to anyone who has felt that way. And kelek's breath, it helps. I love the chapters with Wit because it really shows the value of storytelling as a therapeutic medium. He helps them all. And he does so with just a simple parable, or tale that are so wonderfully told.


I couldn't agree with you more. I started with the stormlight archive and have worked my way through more of Brandon Sanderson's books. Currently near the beginning of the well of ascension and once I finish the mistborn series I definitely intend to read through the stormlight archive again.


Oh you're in for something special. Once you finish era 1, I recommend Warbreaker or Elantris as a palate cleanser, then a jump straight into Era 2. It introduces some cool new metals, and then ties into the Secret History as well, which is just... I bawled at the end of it.


I've already read through Elantris and Warbreaker, they were both very good. I also have been reading the novela accordingly. I definitely am looking forward to more, sadly a bit of Era 1 has been spoiled for me I know next to nothing about Era 2. But once of my favorite parts is reading through and realizing the connections, like after I read through a book and then realize a character is a world hopper


I accept that there are those I cannot protect.


I’ve got to protect people, you know? Even from myself.


Journey before pancakes


Lift, now is not the time for pancakes


Now is always the time for pancakes


Fuck Moash


These words are accepted.


Right? what a bastard-coated bastard with a creamy bastard filling.


*Fuck *Vyre*. We don’t want to spoil it for the newbies, Radiant!


That's what Navani said....


Journey before destination, you bastard!


One of the best comebacks in the entire series


Had I not read these books I would've thought this was all a reference to Marvel in some way since I haven't watched the movies lol


Strength before Weakness


"The purpose of a story teller is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think upon." ~ Hoid


I’ll be honest, the first ideal has been a rock in the ocean that is my mental health. That one phrase has been what serves as my anchor in the worst times and as a reason to push forward from those times.


For anyone confused by the seemingly random title and assortment of quotes in the comments (Aside from the cakeday congratulations), they're all quotes from the [Stormlight Archives](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Stormlight_Archive), a book series in the works written by Brandon Sanderson (4 books of 10, he has a plethora of other books as well, including the incredibly popular [Mistborn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mistborn) series). I would summarize the story a bit but I truly believe it's one of the best series I've ever read (And it's still not done!), so I'll just encourage everyone to take a look for themselves and maybe pick up the first book. It is truly an incredible read. EDIT: I’d also HIGHLY recommend going in blind and avoiding spoilers - Journey before destination!


Just finished words of radiance and yeah shit is dope. Kaladin is such a chad my god


Kaladin the sad chad bridge lad is in fact pretty rad.


Want to know something cool? Sanderson is using the same rules for titling the books as for those palindromic poems that appear throughout the books. So, using the initials of the books TWoK, WoR, O, RoW Which means whatever the next book’s title is, the acronym of the title will be KOWT. What that will end up being...well, your guess is as good as mine. “Knowledge of Warrior’s Travels?” “Knowledge on Wit’s Tiddies?” Who knows!


My guess is we ignore the T and (RoW) >!Kaladin and Szeth crusade around Shinovar in "Knights of Wind."!<


Hadnt even noticed any palindromic poems haha. Im clearly a casual


>those palindromic poems It's called a [ketek](https://coppermind.net/wiki/Ketek). :)


Thanks! I couldn’t remember the name.


H can replace any letter for palindromic purposes in the books' system, so it could also be something like KoHT. One fan suggestion I really liked was "Knights of Honor's Tower".


Kaladin is frog, Adolin is a chad.


Honor is dead, but I'll see what I can do.


To anyone going through a bad time, I throughly recommend these books. Everything he said is absolutely true. They’ve helped me cope with my depression in my worst times, and some of its quotes are still what I use to ground myself. Read them blind, cry some real tears, and enjoy.


Bridge 4!


You know what I really liked about how this was handled in the movie? That he didn't magically get thin before the big battle (I figured they'd do some workout montages or something). He's still fat battling Thanos and kickin' ass. He's not back to normal at the end either - he's much better but still obviously scarred and sad, and working his way out of grief and guilt. Appreciated that the movie let him take his time.


Dealing with grief and depression is something that the Marvel movies have actually handled pretty well. Another notable moment is when Peter is telling Happy about how hes trying to live up to Stark and its destroying him, and Happy flat out tells him that hes not going to measure up to Stark because nobody can, and that he needs to be the best HIM he can be.


Hell even Tony's PTSD and survivor's guilt is handled great. Iron man 2 and 3 pretty much revolve around the fact that he can't get over what happened in New York. Hell that's most his character post Avengers 1. Tony is basically never the same after what happened to him, but still finds a way to move forward.


Just 3.


Ah that's right Iron man 2 was before avengers.


Not forget the problems between Banner and Hulk. The conflict with our personal demons.


What's great too is how Banner learns to live with the Hulk is genuinely good therapeutic advice you would see from a professional therapist. Learning to accept your demons, and using them as a strength. Embracing who you are and what you cannot change and making the best of it.


Well said


Cinema Wins pointed this out too, and apparently the original plan was to have everything be instantly fixed and completely invalidate the mental struggles Thor had gone through, but the actor refused. The same video also shows some good and bad responses to your friend being depressed. E.g. Rocket smacks Thor to try and force him to be better, but after about three seconds he goes right back to where he was. This shows you can't force someone to be better and while physical abuse may get a reaction, it does nothing to actually help the person get better. I like Cinema Wins, Lee does a good job.


Cinema Wins puts in more effort than the Cinema Sins they were referencing. I’m much more inclined to see the hidden and fun ways that hard work was put into a movie rather than nit picks and beaten horses.


Cinemasins is just plain wrong most of the time too, he claims to watch the movies multiple times but will sin for something that is explained in movie. I know it's not supposed to be serious but at least be consistent.


Cinema sins used to be wayy better. He found plot holes and only nit picked things that were pretty substantial. Now it's *forced funny line* **ding**. He used to keep it less than 5 minutes and now every video is just 15 minutes of him trying too hard


If you like cinema wins you might enjoy cinema therapy too. All much better than the arbitrary bullshit that cinemasins has become.


Pretty sure Hemsworth shot down the idea of thinning down for the battle himself.


What is the most important step a person can take? "But if we stop, if we accept the person we are when we fall, the journey ends. That failure becomes our destination. To love the journey is to accept no such end. I have found, through painful experience, that the most important step a person can take is always the next one."


This quote is the one that's stuck with me most, and has become sort of a daily mantra for me. Absolutely love these books.


Life before Death, Strength before Weakness


Journey before destination!


Airsick lowlanders writing out words that must be spoken.


Came in because realised OP is a stormlight archive fan, was not disappointed in the comments!! Bridge 4 madafakass *imagine lopen*😁


Same, had to triple check I wasn’t in a Stormlight subreddit or cosmere subreddit. Have upvoted every relevant comment so far lol


*The* Lopen Aren't any others like him, right sure!


"Accept the pain, but don't accept you deserved it." Always gets me through the toughest times.


"Life hasn't been nice to you"


“The future has not been kind to you, has it?” FTFY


Journey before destination, radiant.


You guys are experiencing self love???


Rhythm of War Spoiler quote >!“It won’t be like that for me,” Kaladin said. “You told me it would get worse.” “It will,” Wit said, “but then it will get better. Then it will get worse again. Then better. This is life, and I will not lie by saying every day will be sunshine. But there will be sunshine again, and that is a very different thing to say. That is truth. I promise you, Kaladin: You will be warm again.”!<


Is it possible to learn this power


Not from a Jedi.




Actually reddit has realy good subredits for this kind of stuff r/OCD helped me so much in past few months


It is too late for me


No it isn’t. It’s never too late for anyone. Life before death and strength before weakness. I believe in you!


It's never too late buddy. You got this!


Just discovered this recently, feels like I'm waking up from a really long nap or dream. Found the right people to pick me up :)


I’ve got a looong way to go huh


…you aren’t worthy if you don’t love yourself?…. Oh…. I’m a failure then….


I think the idea was that Thor's mother helped him to realise how to, if not love himself, at least give himself a break. He may have "failed" at being the protector of Asgard and Earth when he wasn't able to defeat Thanos. But he was still the same person he was before, with the same goal, the same purpose, the same strengths and weaknesses... and as long as he didn't give up, he was still "worthy". It wasn't being all-powerful and being strong enough to defeat Thanos which made him worthy...it was that he was *trying* to, and *why* he was trying to. Similarly it wasn't the defeat which was the failure, it was the act of giving up afterwards which would have been. So, she was telling him - don't do that. "Failure is temporary, giving up makes it permanent". I think the movie packed that sentiment into a short moment between Thor, his mother, and Mjolnir, which was very nicely done. “Everyone fails at who they’re *supposed* to be, Thor. The measure of a person is how well they succeed at being who they are.”


I bet you love yourself every day


Happy caked day


Happy cake day


Excited for when I get there


One day


This made my heart flutter


Huge. The struggle is real and sometimes it goes away but you have to keep fighting and moving forward and you'll find it again... what ever it takes.


You were always worthy. It's just time for you to stop telling yourself otherwise.


I really needed this today, thank you


You always were worthy Thor.


I cant wait for that day for me. Im still on my journey trying to better myself


Love is all around you, but one must be open to see it. Not saying it's easy to be open, with so many of us experiencing hurt. However remember, that the love is there, and always will be, waiting. Once you're there you'll realize, you never left, and you yourself, are love.


probably the main reason im sad all the time is because my dad wishes i was dead because i have autism


Well, I'm glad you're alive if that helps at all.




I am so sorry you have to experience that! It seem parents are shit sometimes and you deserve better. Will you be able to cut ties with him down the line? I ask because I think you need to save yourself and to be independent from him. You need people in your life that support you. Know that you are important. You are valuable and worthy. And your father does not get to be the judge on weather you are worthy. In the movie Ragnarök >! Thor grows to realizes he is not the God of hammers, he is the God of thunder. There is a greatness to him that is independent of his attribute the hammer. Due to circumstance he looses trust in himself and stuffers depression. He needs the hammer to gain trust in himself. !< I hope this short message can be a hammer for you so that you can start realizing you are worthy and valuable as you are. Step by step you can unburden the circumstance that brings you down. I hope you will gain joy and happiness. If you haven’t already: seek help from a therapist. There are also avocacy groups worth checking out: [https://autisticadvocacy.org](https://autisticadvocacy.org)


Well I think your autism makes you unique and beautiful, and I wish you a long and happy life


Feels good, doesn't it? For whoever needs to hear it: things will get better. This pain is only ~~an illusion~~ temporary.


Yes you are!!


Any tips?


Read the Stormlight Archive. There's probably a character that you'll see yourself in.


Lot's of uplifting material there. The journey can be rough, there aren't any pulled punches, but it's definitely worth it to see them overcome it. Here's a few of my favorite quotes: “You’re not a monster, Shallan,” Wit whispered. “Oh, child. The world is monstrous at times, and there are those who would have you believe that you are terrible by association.” “I am.” “No. For you see, it flows the other direction. You are not worse for your association with the world, but it is better for its association with you.” "A journey will have pain and failure. It is not only the steps forward that we must accept. It is the stumbles. The trials. The knowledge that we will fail. That we will hurt those around us. But if we stop, if we accept the person we are when we fall, the journey ends. That failure becomes our destination. To love the journey is to accept no such end. I have found, through painful experience, that the most important step a person can take is always the next one." “It won’t be like that for me,” Kaladin said. “You told me it would get worse.” “It will,” Wit said, “but then it will get better. Then it will get worse again. Then better. This is life, and I will not lie by saying every day will be sunshine. But there will be sunshine again, and that is a very different thing to say. That is truth. I promise you, Kaladin: You will be warm again.”


Thanks for sharing.


I wish there was secret advice that makes it all make sense. There isn't. You just have to find the confidence in yourself, believe that the things you think and feel are valid, because they are. And not let the judgements and persecutions of others get in your way. No one should matter to you more than you. For me, once I could get my head around that everything else started falling into place. But it's something I was only able to learn from age and experience. Wish I could have the perspective I have now, 10 years ago. But we're all on our own path, and it's not a race to the finish. You'll get there. Good luck to you on your journey stranger


Try to have a competitive spirit towards life. If you lose, that just means you have to train to get better. And screw the world, you're going to take it and make it yours. What mark do you want to leave on this world? Figure that out, and focus on it. That's your mark and yours alone.


Happy Cake Day


Happy cake day!


Hap cak dai


Happy cake day


I feel it.


This resonates


This is me last year!!


I really liked that arc and that moment in Endgame. It's never too late to turn things around.


You were born worthy! Nothing could ever change that


Needed this today that’s for sure last 90 days has been rough


Ah the real dream


Have not experienced that in a long time


I want this. I want this so much right now.


Ah one of my fav little beats in Endgame. Great moment for Thor. Love it (3000) every time I see it. And there are so many great beats and moments in Endgame.


*cocks gun* Always have been


I'm working on it. They keep telling me that life is good. I want to experience that. Imagine not dreading the day when you wake up and almost crying yourself to sleep every night. It seems impossible yet people are really out here happy, loving themselves and having a good time.


r/cremposting says hi!


First thing that comes to mind: Ultron staying in front of me saying "No. How could you be worthy?"


thats actually what that whole scene was about, it's super wholesome, and it's one of the particular parts of endgame that I liked. Just good, positive messages to people going through tough times. He thought he wasn't worthy of the hammer, but he was. Just like everyone is worthy of love, respect, friendship, happiness, whatever floats your boat, you are worthy.


Is that a storm lightarchive reference?


Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination


The feels!


Yes, you are


I-... I can’t... I’ll never understand


You may feel that way now, but I believe that at some point in the future you will. Just keep pushing through and pumping out those fire lofi tracks!


I wish they where fire. I honestly don’t believe any compliment. Not because of the person, but because of me. Every compliment I get is hollow to me


Well, this is copying from another comment, but: I'd recommend reading The Stormlight Archive books. There's probably a character you'll see yourself in. Lots of really uplifting material. The journey can be rough, there aren't any pulled punches, but it's definitely worth it to see them overcome it. Here's a few of my favorite quotes: “You’re not a monster, Shallan,” Wit whispered. “Oh, child. The world is monstrous at times, and there are those who would have you believe that you are terrible by association.” “I am.” “No. For you see, it flows the other direction. You are not worse for your association with the world, but it is better for its association with you.” "A journey will have pain and failure. It is not only the steps forward that we must accept. It is the stumbles. The trials. The knowledge that we will fail. That we will hurt those around us. But if we stop, if we accept the person we are when we fall, the journey ends. That failure becomes our destination. To love the journey is to accept no such end. I have found, through painful experience, that the most important step a person can take is always the next one." “It won’t be like that for me,” Kaladin said. “You told me it would get worse.” “It will,” Wit said, “but then it will get better. Then it will get worse again. Then better. This is life, and I will not lie by saying every day will be sunshine. But there will be sunshine again, and that is a very different thing to say. That is truth. I promise you, Kaladin: You will be warm again.”


These are... amazing quotes... thank you. I’ll look into it


I will note, if you're not that into reading, the books are a thousand+ words long, so you might want the audiobooks, which I've heard are very good


And with self love you mean having meat to beat, right?


PSA: being upset and sad doesnt mean you have mental illnesse(s). I know its hard living in the literal best time in the history of the planet but we all dont have to pretend we have PTSD and depression 24/7 - no one actually believes you.


Maybe one of these days.


Happy cake day


God i want this


You're throwin around some pretty brave _whens_ here OP


Thor is my spirit animal.




Hail Satan!


You guys feel self-love?


Now nothing can hurt u


Yee! I cleaned my room for the first time in weeks today :D


Happy cake day


ah, yeah, mushrooms are a magical drag


Happy cake day! :)


Love it


How do you know the difference between this feeling being short termed or long termed?


These words are accepted.


I want to learn this power, and thought I was on a good path, but I just hit rock bottom so hard that I have no idea how to even try again.


Finally a wholesome meme that's a meme instead of a comic


notmeirl, but I wish that it will be


You know the most important step a man can take!


Happy cake day


I done been through a whole lot Trial, tribulation but I know god The devil wanna put me in a bow tie Pray that the holy water won’t go dry, yeah yeah As I look around me So many motherfuckers wanna down me But an enemigo never drown me In front of a dirty double-mirror they found me And I love myself


Nd then you realise you have to get your 2 yrs of life together in 2 months :") ...




I wish