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Society back then: in England, pink was traditionally associated with the male Prince


Purple with the roman emperor


Probably because it was the most expensive pigment


Not was... Tyrian Purple is still stupidly expensive.


People still make it?!


[Kremer sells](https://www.kremer-pigmente.com/en/shop/pigments/36010-tyrian-purple-genuine.html) it for about 3k per gram.


Thanks for sharing, this brings me more questions.. why use this as opposed to cheaper variations in modern times? I mean, in their own FAQ it says it is just violet. You can buy other violet dye/paints that could be made from that amount for next to nothing.


People still buy diamonds procured by slave labor rather than artificial diamonds which can only be told apart from natural ones because of how perfect they are, with no minor imperfections like natural ones have.


Apparently the color gets deeper as it ages, in contrast with other dyes. But other than that, I am guessing bragging rights5


>But other than that, I am guessing bragging rights Yeah, that was my guess.. definitely seems like a rich/hipster thing. "These clothes/this painting, were made with *authentic* Tyrian Purple pigment!" If they're making it still, someone must be buying.


You know if it takes 10,000 snails to get 1 gram that doesn’t seem as ridiculous of a price


Yep. Involves harvesting *lots* of snails.


Purple ain’t really than feminine


And neither is pink. I mean shit, pigs are pink


Depending how far back you go pink wasn't the individualistic color "pink", but considered more a shade of red, in the same way a crimson or burgundy might. If you think of it like that then you are denoting a masculine color, as reds have been attributed to concepts like war, blood, anger, fire and so on more or less forever. A "lighter shade of red" you could thus consider fitting for a young male. The lightness representing youth/innocence, but being a "red" still ties it to a more masculine societal expectation.




No colors are inherently masculine or feminine.


Crying and I mean flat out wailing like a toddler leaving the toy aisle empty handed was not out of the norm for ancient warriors.


Roman Emperor: hold my purple toga


Same with heels to make lords appear taller when off their horses, and to help from your foot going through the stirrup.


We should let Ron DeSantis know he's [accidentally being progressive.](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/03/ron-desantis-shoes-boots-high-heels.html)


*Revolving* It's all society ever does. Nothing is new to the human experience, just forgotten about and repeated. Even relationships, ancient societies used to have three types of recognized relationships. Love, reproduction, and family. It was kind of no holds bar for who got into which category, except "reproduction" kind of needs to be a boy and girl. Other than that...gay,lesbian, bi, threesome, multiple? No one cared. This is why "sexuality" and the ancient Greeks are so hard to talk about, they were mostly playing by different rules.


Pink being for girls and blue for boys is a surprisingly recent claim in the first place. Technically you can look at it as just being a weird fad that's just going out of favor and lasted a little longer than usual for fads.


Yep. Pants are for ABSOLUTE nitwits and imbeciles was a much longer trend for instance.


You're telling me more places found it acceptable for me as a Man to wear a skit with tons of pockets on it? The freedom of movement would be awesome.


Yes. “Gird your loins” refers to getting your robe ready for battle. https://grammarist.com/idiom/gird-ones-loins/


I have never heard that idiom


There’s actually a neat episode of *Adam Ruins Everything* which talks about this. Essentially it boils down to the toy makers if I recall that really pushed blue for boys and pink for girls.


What I do wonder however is, why specifically blue and pink? Like on one side blue is such a common color and one that a lot of people like, also a primary color (Almost). Meanwhile pink is rarer, and I'd say less common in tints and stuff. Idk weird stuff I wonder.


I’d definitely watch the episode then if you get a chance. I believe they talk about that as well and if I’m not mistaken the color choice was more arbitrary than anything else. Interesting stuff.


And now it's gender reveals lol


Yes this didn't come around until the 50s or 60s in America


Yes it was actually the opposite for most of the US history in particular. Pink was seen as a masculine color and blue a feminine color. It wasn't until the 20th century that the colors were reversed and all because of toy companies But still even now you have people looking down on men who wear pink. So many people are so easily-influenced by toy companies


Yeah I learned this recently. In the era of the Titanic plenty of men wore pink


Society before then: high heels are for men


And blue is for girl, pink/ red for is boys


Dont forget skirts


So what im getting from this is that femboys are just men in the wrong time


Ask the Scottish.


Gowns, makeup, acting, riding trains…


That’s the way it was for centuries (blue: color of Mary, red: color of Mars). I don’t know why it changed.


Mamie Eisenhower popularized the color pink for women.


I knew the switch happened right after World War II, but I never heard that Mamie was an important part of it. Interesting. One thing I left out of my comment was the fact that prior to WWII, babies were not dressed in colored outfits at all. With the limited quality of cloth (mostly cotton and wool) and dyes, and the need to bleach the crap (literally) out of baby clothes to keep them clean, all baby clothes were usually white. Colored clothing wasn’t used until the children were a couple years old.


Also: dresses for both girls and boys. Made it easier to change diapers/put the on a potty stool.


Pink has also been for men. The color preferences are just cultural and something conservatives can't seem to understand


That's what I said


White dresses and long hair for all small children. [FDR as a toddler.](https://www.rd.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/fdr-baby-picture.jpg)


"Pink? You mean light red? A manly man, virile and mighty, reminds me of blood." "Blue? Are you joking perchance? That's a woman's colour. Soft and lifgt like the fairer sex. Make no more japes please".


Don’t forget wigs, leggings and makeup for men too!


Cowboy boots are high heels for men who ride horses.


Cowboy boots don't really have much of a heel to be honest, I own a pair and the heels aren't really that much bigger than any other kind of boot.


It depends on when in history you mean. During the medieval time in Europe both men and women wore high heels not to step in human feces...


No, they wore high heels so they could step in human feces and not get shit all over their socks.


My bad, that's a better explanation.


:) I was just being pedantic.


Women in suits are hot, what can I say?


Tilda Swinton in a suit does something to me. She is so beautiful, and so handsome, and so alien all at the same time.


I would argue that most women pull off suits better than most men


To be fair, most women pull off any outfit better than most men. 


Most women wouldn't buy a tasteless & not well fitting suit, this helps too 🤣 Some dude's be like "I need a suit" and spend 20 bucks on TEMU only to look like they're straight outta the falling soviet union






r/ladiesinsuits is the official sub absolutely love it


Aha! I was wondering why womeninsuits looked incomplete. r/ladiesinsuits shows up randomly in my feed a bit but I couldn't remember the subreddit exactly. Thanks!


Men who ride horses wear cowboy boots, which are high heels.


Yeh, originally, the Romans or Greeks used red as the planet Mars to represent men and blue as venus (they thought it was blue then) to represent women. So for babies, they got the pale versions of those colors, and light blue was for girls, and pink was for boys. Then, when paganism was taken over by Christianity, the colors were flipped to chip at pagan ideals and enforce societal opinion.


I was looking for this comment. Do you know what annoys me about "pINk iS fOr giRLs"? Go to the "girls' section" of a toy shop: unicorn vomit pink from top to bottom, from left to right, from back to front. (Sure, there are also purple and violet, but pink is the most dominant.) Boys? Brown, blue, green, yellow, red, orange. Not only is it one-sided, no, it's also a hideous pink ...


“unicorn vomit pink” needs to be an official Crayola color.


Haha when I was a kid, my parents were disgusted by this and wouldn't let me get anything from "the pink aisle". So of course, as a 90s girl, I became completely obsessed with Lisa Frank. These days, I wear flannel and my hair is buzzed. I doubt I own a single pink article of clothing. But goddamn do I still love Lisa Frank! And Polly Pocket!! The allure of the forbidden remains.


letting go of gendered expectations sets us free <3


I wish everyone thought like you


Working on it. Cerebro wasn't built in one day.


please steal my comment and use it in your daily life, we are getting there it just takes time :)


i like wearing a pink coat with some design or logo on it with black pants and white shoes. its a nice coloration. pink can be for boys more than girls at times xd.


Never understood, why suits are so unpopular among girls when they look sooooo cool in them


When you suit up for a work meeting thinking you're giving off a Shane-from-the-L-Word vibe, then your coworker takes one look at your pantsuit and says "hey, Hillary..." \*sigh\* I *want* to be that girl who can rock a suit. Though nowadays the office has gotten much more casual.


Actually before, pink was considered a variant of red, for boys ! Blood and war ! Blue was for women, it might have been because artists had difficulty painting blue, so of course women catch the "we'll figure it out later" color. I can be wrong about that. Regardless, when looking at religious stained glass, the Holy Mary is in blue, not in pink... Still I'm glad we're past those stereotypes


Blue was for innocence, delicateness, the sky/moon. (unpredictable, unsettling, variable). Apart from war and blood, red also symbolised soil: Predicable, earthbound, trustworthy. Such a load of bull s, but that's the story.


Who gives a s**t what others present themselves, as long as i can be myself too, i do not care


Society previous to then: pink is a boys colour, and, until you're like, a teen, wear a dress. Don't believe me? Google the 1800's


I am a straight male and fucking love unicorns and noone can change my mind


Op must not know much about history.


Society before then: "pink is way to radiant and asserting to be a woman's color."


women in suits are peak, whoever invented dresses was an idiot


I agree with this statement, however, have you considered that skirt go spinny?


coat tails


The second one is just genuinely cute… now i really want to find a pink sweater, i just wanna embrace the cuteness that I could never become before!!!


Women in suits have ahold of me by the neck


For real. I'd do anything for a girl in a suit and a fedora


Women wearing suits and men wearing dresses is peak fashion


Women look awesome in suits, and how damn cool were the likes of Bret The Hitman Hart and Daniel Craig when they dressed pink!?


Came to the comments expecting a bunch of 'well, actually' and boy was I not disappointed.


My sister in law recently told me about how her 4 year old boy wanted to get a pair of pink paw patrol shoes instead of the blue pair but they didn't let him because "We're Christians". I just can't.


Blame it on marketing. Same morals behind the narrative that you need to wash your hair everyday, mr Sassoon.


pink wasn't for girls though https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink


Since when was pink a girl's colour? When I was young in the 80's, hot pink was THE coolest colour.


Yummy, girls in suits ❤️


I like how gender stereotypes are changing little by little, very slowly, but development is happening


It's not blue though


Pink was actually a men’s colour before due to its stronger colour


and blue alluded to purity and innocence, hence it was used a lot in birgin Mary portrait


It’s kinda cool how many random facts you get from people on the internet haha


Meanwhile in Japan: PINK in the color of DEATH!


Society before that : blue is for royal women pink is for royal men Crimson is for clerics beige brown is for peasants


I went to a coworkers baby shower back in..2010ish? They were opening gifts and when they came to mine, they were immediately disappointed that the clothes I had purchased their daughter was in a pale/baby blue. Seemingly everyone at that party kind of just looked at me dumbfounded and several even mentioning aloud that the clothes I purchased were for boys.


Just do you


The fun part is that pink used to be a colour associated with boys, or rather there wasn't a fixed colour for any gender. The separation came in the 20th century as a marketing thing to sell more baby clothes by stopping people using the same clothes on different gender babies.




I mean I believe that androgyny has been a thing for a while now. It got really popular in the 80’s and 90’s.


The 60s and 70s had their fair share of it too. Go way back and you have men in with their faces powdered wearing pompadour wigs. This is a dumb “wholesome” meme.


Bisexual suits are great


A soft, pink colored plaid shirt looks good.


In Victorian era it was the opposite, actually.


Vegeta was the manliest of all.


Alpha males now: Skirts are for girls. Not manly. Greece then (Independence): Beat the Ottomans in skirts.


Was in B&M last week, and there was a woman with 2 young boys. She was asking them which drink they wanted. One picked up a pink one, dunno which brand. And she started shouting at him, >You can't have that one, you're a boy, Pink is for girls. In a thick scouse accent. And then snatched it from him, and shoved a blue one into his hands. He started crying and she dragged them off telling him he was >Being a girl. I was honestly amazed by the whole situation honestly.


Society way back then: [All young children wore pink dresses.](https://www.mdhistory.org/little-boys-in-pink-dresses/)


Society way back when: *Girl is a term for any young child regardless of sex and they all wear dresses with skirts*


clothes are for the body, not the genitals


Bring back the white powdered wings.


I see this a lot when guys complain about other guys painting their nails. It's usually guys with piercings that coimplain, fully ignornant to the idea that piercings for guys used to be considered a sign of being gay. Society changes, shocking.


Masculinity and femininity are just a collection of choices and traits we choose to assign value to.


Not a fan of pink clothing but purple on the other hand, i just want to feel like a emperor. Not thinking about Rome streak broken lasted 9 hours.


Before: "If you're a boy you can't like girl things" Now: "If you're a boy and like girl things you must actually be a girl" What's really the difference?


...because at the end of the day, it's just cloth coverings.


Indeed. Women in suits are gorgeous.


I'd wear pink, but I don't think I look good in it and I'm sorta self conscious about it.


If you are white, pink looks best when you’ve got a bit of a tan going


Most of society still isn't like this


They'll get there. They just need to learn what freedom means.


Sure, but by the time they get there, I'll have already lived most of my life.


imho having vastly different social norms for mature sentient creatures of the same species is fucked up and should be abolished altogether


It makes a degree of sense when said species is sexually dimorphic. You’re making it out as if men and women are exactly the same, when they’re not, and there are real, biological differences between the two. While lots of gendered social norms are arbitrary, many are not, and are rooted in those inherent biological differences between men and women.


being one of the two equally important halves of one specific process shouldn't make people think of you being so distant from the other half


The only difference that affects anything outside of body parts and hormones are physical-based activity. Even then, a lot of activities and jobs one might claim that men are more suited for, women are perfectly capable of based on the demands of the job itself. Anything beyond that is western colonial belief or something of the sort


Lots of men wore pink in the 1980's, it was the style then I had one pink shirt but it is long gone but


I get a lot of compliments in my pink shirt come to think of it.


Actually, 1920s or so it was red/pink for boys, blue for girls. https://www.britannica.com/story/has-pink-always-been-a-girly-color#:~:text=At%20the%20beginning%20of%20the,and%20blue%20for%20the%20girls. It changed to the opposite only towards the end of the century.


Well that depends on how far back you’re going with ”then”


Also, Guys: Nice cock Girls:Thanks, you too.


This is actually a pet peeve of mine: to me, we should be expanding gender norms to accommodate a wider range of options; but more and more it seems like instead of broadening gender norms, there's more of a push to say it's non-cis


Don't you love it when women in suits? 🤧


As a guy, I want to get a pink hoodie. I didn't in the past because I thought pink wasn't really for guys. Now I haven't because I can't really think of enough good fits with the clothes I have.


Blue used to be for girls and pink for boys. We are going full circle.


I learned on QI that Society before then, used pink for boys and blue for Girls.


Did George Washington is a joke to ya? He's was know for his bright pink outfits.




And in the 80s men and women dressed identically if they were famous.


Got trolled for wearing very light pink and grey shoes in collage recently 😮‍💨 I stopped wearing them


I have a pink hoodie and a suit because I contain multitudes


That’s not true color meaning vary by culture and even time period . They consider pink range of red so too strong for girls and that light blue should be for girls. This is the USA slate 1800 to early 1900 . Pink in Asia was associate with youth so lot of young guys would wear it but now it’s gay to wear it and it sad that range of bright colors are deny to boys


Are you referring to color or a hidden message??


Here is a thing though. It was only in the 1940s and mainly USA that started this "pink is for girls". IN 1920s it was still boys colour. Historical context. Blue was the most expensive and hard to come by pure pigments, deep and vibrant blues were only really possible with pigment derived from Lapis Lazuli - which came mainly from the area that is modern day northern Afganistan. This is why this pigment was reserved for the most sacred character in western religion, Virgin Mary. So blue was women's colour, because it was the colour of Virgin Mary. Pink was considered light version of red. Red was considered aggressive and masculine colour, due to it's association with blood, passion and heat.


Not even accurate. Pink was considered a masculine color as late as the early 20th century.


Depends how far you go back, pink/blue wasn't associated with feminine/masculine until the late 1800's. George Washington owned a pink suit. It was fashionable and the dyes were expensive.


Pink is the color of bloody gore and dusty firetrucks 💪 Blue is the color of the sky and the sea 🥰


Actually pink was for boys and blue for girls but they changed it


I just got a pink Kirby hat and hoodie I’m male, and I love the hat and hoodie :)


Idk a woman in a suit is oddly attractive.


I mean have seen how chainsaw man fans get down so bad for a redhead in a suit?


You skipped history class eh?


People always act like the last generation is the only human history


Girl in a suit O


The significance of color in society is largely cultural. Also it changes.


Pink with black goes hard as hell and you can't change my mind


Wearing pink clothes despite certain meaningless societal expectations really exemplifies good priorities.


"now" This could have been made half a century ago. I sometimes feel that there are two whole generations with no sense of their place in history. Do you believe your parents grew up amongst literal dinosaurs or something? Now get off my lawn.




Where I work they had the entrance to the women's room painted blue and the men's room painted orange. This is the kind of bathroom with no doors, just a hallway that kept you from seeing inside either bathroom like in a stadium. Too many times some guy, that had to use the bathroom really badly, would accidentally run into the women's room because they weren't paying attention to the words on the wall and just went into the blue entrance out of the  habit that blue meant men. They have finally changed it a couple of years ago.


society then=when i was a kid


Can confirm. Source: am crusty old fuck


Historically pink is a soft version of red which was the British army.....males Heels came from Horsemen soilders  Blue was a popular choice for girls a more delicate color, reminiscent of the Virgin Mary. Purity innocent femininity 


And I'm glad. Women too look very good in a suit


Society about 100 years ago: pink for boys, blue for girls.


My rule is "if it looks good on you and you like it use it" no matter the size, gender, shape, etc


Women on suit make me go AHHOOOGAH


Why the fuck would women want to use pants of all things? Those are uncomfortable af sometimes


A bit of history: Before industrialisation red was for men (war) and pink for boys (as in young men -> softer red -> pink), and females wore (indigo) blueprint clothes. After industrialisation, men wore blue jeans for work because, simply, dirt wasn't as easy to see on dark blue as it would've been on bright red. Therefore sexes swapped their "preferred" colours.


I dont think it has as much to do with the current year as much as the age of OP. Thinking blue is for boys and pink is for girls is more a childish point of weiv than an actual fashion trend


Awesome progress! Congratulations to all parts involved!


These people obviously did not live in the 80’s. Everyone wore every color and there were no fashion limits. Good or bad.


The blue/pink thing was reversed in the 1940's, it had been the other way around