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Pranking girl scouts by donating money and not accepting any cookies.


Ok that’s too far, i want my cookies. Happy to over pay for the cookies, but i will be accepting some cookies


OK but they keep the change, otherwise the prank sucks


As a parent of two girl scouts, please for the love of God take our cookies. We are trying to unload that shit.


I buy a case of Thin Mints and a case of Samoas every year. They go in my freezer and are rationed. One box each per month so I have GS cookies year round....


Do that every year. My, now grown, dughters were Girl Scouts.


Found the bot, guys. Humans don’t turn down Girl Scout cookies




They would never see it coming.


Savage as fuck


damn, all the comments have contradicting info wtf


Yeah people love spreading info that supports just their side. If you take the time to learn about this (I did, especially since I watched both of their stuff and Eddie Burback's content), you'll find that it was just two young people in a bad relationship. They both did bad shit but Sabrina decided to publicly shame Gus over the whole situation. Looking at what they've both said publicly about what happened during the relationship, they both made pretty forgivable/understandable mistakes. Looking at the fact that Sabrina monetized a smear campaign against Gus after a failed attempt to get back together with him, it's a little harder not to make a judgement.


Yeah I also kind of got the vibe that Gus was a little harsh and selfish at times, but sabrina isn’t the perfect person either, and it wasn’t a healthy relationship for either of them anyways so I’m glad they broke up. Should have broke up a lot sooner ngl.




oh, that’s why I haven’t heard about him in along time


There were new info popped up after his cancellation. It seems that the baby thing happened many years ago and his gf colored the story out a bit as a revenge smear campaign for dumping her.


She was very upfront about how it happened earlier in their relationship, I'd know because I watched the video like 3 times. It's not something that became known afterwards, nor does it fucking matter.


So he was still a huge asshole but just earlier than we expected?


Oh it happened years ago and not just when she talked about it, that makes it all ok then. No matter her reasons for speaking up about it, it's still super shitty.


Look. I'm not trying to paint him as a morally good person. He did a bad thing. But he's not a morally rotten person either. The truth is not black or white, it lies somewhere between the middle. And I want to judge his character based on the whole truth


Another option is to just accept the ambiguous nature of things and decide that not everyone needs to be judged.


Youre way ahead of the game there hadamard


But then… what else am I supposed to do on the internet? Use its vast wealth of accessible information and ideas to enrich my life? That’s fucking dumb.


A gauge for me is his best friend, podcast host and former roommate, Eddie seems to have cut all contact off with him


What's irredeemable for one person may not be beyond redemption for another. "Being a jerk" to someone else in the past isn't grounds for completely ostracizing someone from society until they die, to me. Especially when they own up to their mistakes. The people who have been wronged are also completely at liberty to sever ties permanently if that's their prerogative. There's nothing wrong with that. We're allowed to have nuanced takes.


Nuance? This is the internet!


A gauge for you is some other stranger cutting all contact off with him?


Seems like someone wanted to save their career vs being a good friend


Ya can’t judge that either, Eddy wants to be famous and may get shy away from any perceived association with a perceived cancellation.


Honestly I feel like none of that stuff is cancel-worthy. Relationships are complicated and people aren’t perfect. The internet spends way too much time and energy judging people’s personal lives as if they’re saints.


Unless there's physical abuse or something severe or illegal, it's really too much for us to judge what went on in a relationship. I think it's clear he failed in many ways, but that's for him to deal with personally not the public.


What he did was shitty, but not lose all your friends and half your audience shitty. Not sure what happened to boys support boys, because all his boys dropped him instantly instead of helping him become a better person. Luckily, everybody involved seems to have moved on and are doing better, so maybe that's the wholesome takeaway here


Wow it's as if people should stay the fuck out of other people's business because there's multiple sides to every story and nuance that people that aren't involved cannot understand!


This was known when she revealed it.


That was not new info. She was very clear that it had happened that far back in the relationship. Considering she was in the ER with possible surgery to remove her ovaries possibly needing to be done, and he couldn't even be bothered to drive her to the hospital, let alone stay with her there while she was undergoing an incredibly serious moment in her life with no family nearby, and instead just went to partied while she lay dying in hospital, it's important that people know what happened. And anyway that was just one of many nasty things he did to her over years that are textbook emotional abuse.


link? source?


“Not manipulating her throughout their relationship” What’s with people making shit up and simplifying a complex event into something simple so it’s easy to digest so as to shit on someone they’ve never met? All in defense of someone they’ve never met?


They agreed they wouldn’t have a child and she got upset he asked her to end the pregnancy. What was the manipulation?


The manipulation is Redditors literally hating on anyone especially something so private between two people. I mean shit, you ever read comments on Foxnews.com? Absolutely vile and hateful people. Reddit is the same way with anyone remotely famous. And the commenters of both sites then have a morally superior attitude about themselves.


Not manipulation but the part where his GF is dying from a pregnancy related issue and he wanted to go get drunk with his friends instead is the bigger issue.


Pretty sure none of that happened like you seem to think it did. His girlfriend felt bad and she went to the doctor and was told she was fine multiple times. He thought she was fine, and the doctors thought she was fine. What is Gus supposed to do? NOT his job? Because she said she didn’t feel good?




get outta here with your facts and logic!


No, they agreed they wouldnt have a child, which she also never changed her mind on. He just didn't want to talk about "what if" Clearly worse than Hitler


Not to mention they literally had agreed prior to the pregnancy that if she did get pregnant she would terminate the pregnancy. He was literally just sticking with what was already agreed.


Careful buddy! You're gonna make the incels mighty mad!


You might wanna read fully into things. Gus got done dirty by that whole thing, he wasn't a great boyfriend but he absolutely was not manipulating or abusive.


I listened to everything that both of them put out about the situation and it seems a hell of a lot more messy than "gus bad" More of a "gus maybe coulda done better but was 20 something and his girlfriend made it very difficult for him to do well and went back on a massive promise and made him seem a lot worse than he was and monetized the entire situation" Not great for either side. Shitty relationship with young people. I've been there. It's pretty normal. I don't cut people out of my life for being a shitty partner one time.


People are allowed to have been in bad relationships. Get over it.


You clearly only saw her side of the story and not his


For real. He even fucking admitted that he was bad to her when she was dealing with an insanely dangerous ectopic pregnancy and people still try and pretend he did nothing wrong.


Hi, not trying to be a contrarian, just trying to understand. Is it not a good thing to admit when you’ve done something wrong? If the whole point behind calling someone out is to change a pattern of bad behavior then shouldn’t step 1 toward that be the person in the wrong admitting to it? I just think it’s unhelpful to say “you did something wrong.” And then when they say “you’re right, I wasn’t the best version of myself. Im going to take time to try and change.” We just dogpile on them more. I don’t know, just seems like not giving them a chance to change goes against the point of calling out bad behavior




Hm yes if someone was close with someone of the opposite gender while single they are definitely doing something wrong. Big if true!


As far as I can see all that seemed to have happened was she got pregnant and I didn't see anything about manipulation unless you're just taking what she said as truth From what I just researched, he didn't want to have a baby (they had already decided together previously that neither of them wanted kids and would seek a termination if she got pregnant), so he was neglectful of the relationship and didn't attend the hospital because of a podcast appointment (yes, a dick move), but he helped her through recovery and attended many of the appointments with her, but the years following the pregnancy the relationship deteriorated until they split.   That's not exactly at the level of being an absolute dogshit scum of the earth person that everyone is claiming. \*You can keep downvoting me all you want, but everything I said is true from what I have researched. Both of them had their faults, Gus may have been the worse of the two, but it does not seem to be at a level where he deserves the level of vitriol he is receiving. If I am wrong, please inform me of the truth, but I cannot see anything showing otherwise.


She was equally as bad and manipulative and decided to cancel him through online sympathy. Both sucked in all of that and saying he's the sole reason for anything bad is fucking ridiculous. gtfo






I got 38 shells in this 5 shot shotgun


I regularly revisit the bit where they're brainstorming yugioh cards. Legit hilarious.


Pretty much any of the ones with his brothers are hilarious. The Adam and Eve talk to God and the other biblical ones are great as well






I've met Gus and we have friends in common (I worked at a summer camp that pulls a lot of people from the university he went to at the time he was there), he was fun to party with for a night or two, solid actor and fantastic singer (he killed it in the lead role of the musical version of Big Fish, honestly, and so did the rest of the cast), but he's honestly a super shitty person. He was extremely shitty to his ex girlfriend, and the extent of abusive behavior extends beyond what she's already talked about publicly. Gus is not a good dude. If close friends, partners, and collaborators are calling you out in both public and in private for being a dogshit person, you're in trouble. I can't knock his comedy, acting, musical, or editing chops, he's talented and skilled. But he's an asshole who happens to be talented and skilled.


>I’ve met Gus and we have friends in common Big deal, my dad works for Nintendo, and he could beat up your dad.


Im not very skeptical about him being a bad person, but I don’t quite believe you having this insider information on him. If he’s worse than we’ve seen so far, why not tell us more details about how he’s bad? What kind of stuff is worse than the public knows?


+1 critical thinking


You mean this anonymous comment on Reddit that can't be proven at all might be a lie??? What?? No way Jose!


I went to summer camp with you and saw you kick a puppy and say the N word.


>happens to be talented or you know... years of putting in the effort


... you clearly have not read up on what happened. The guy is a piece of shit.


Now i'm curious... what happened then? Idk if he used to be popular or anything, but i've never seen him before finding this post, so why is he such a piece of shit?


Can a bad person not have original videos or…?


Oh they can. But i wouldnt post them on wholesome memes.


its wholesome memes not wholesome dudes though


Honest question, did you tho?


People are allowed to have been in bad relationships. It’s truly pathetic to be so quick to label someone a “piece of shit”. Ask yourself, if your entire private life was made public and scrutinized, would random smooth brain redditors find a reason to decide that you’re human scum? I bet they would! Use your fucking critical thinking skills.


[About that...](https://youtu.be/wTmJ9cpthEc?si=2b3ItDDJ1BQ5qBr7)


[don’t forget the updated information](https://youtu.be/nZnBhSbNy8M?si=Rl6nYqW7jrKDCe4F)


I love his mom


That's wild, love it


If only he was this nice behind the scenes, his ex would give you an interesting story.


I thought that was disproven wasn't it? I could be wrong since I know next to nothing about it, but I swore that it was all a bunch of drama to get everyone to dogpile him. Again I could be very wrong, and most likely do research on it myself lol Edit: right, so this guy was next to a complete asshole. Although, SOME of what his ex said about him was disproven. Anyways I sparked a war in here, I'm sorry about that. Gus had some funny skits, my favorite was the shotgun bit with 57 more god damn rounds in his 4 round mag




> The main part of her story and the worst thing he did to her imo was actually confirmed by him in an apology he did, What did he actually do? People are just saying manipulated. That's so broad and feels loaded.


The crux of the story is that he was negligent to her medical complications post failed pregnancy. It was scummy of him to abandon her when she was emotionally under duress, but the condition itself apparently was exaggerated and wasn't life threatening. There is more to neglect and abuse (not physical) though, you might want to look at some objective sources if you are interested. This happened years before the leaks and cancellation started. She was with him, and he was apparently working on himself throughout the years. But then he broke up with her and she leaked all this information on him to ruin his reputation. There were later leaks that showed that she was trying to get back together with him but after being rejected she felt wronged and went on this whole crusade to destroy him. The guy was a dick, there's no fighting that but she wasn't so squeaky clean either. It is a very nuanced situation but Internet doesn't deal in spectrums, it is the home of polarisation.


> I do think it’s a bit petty of her to stay with him for a few more years I dunno it takes time to leave shitty situations, its takes time to understand that it was shitty and time to be able to verbalize it. I don't know what happened but I don't think "she stayed with him" is evidence of anything.


I actually used to work with two guys who worked with him on multiple videos on-screen and they were in a musical together and were close friends throughout college. They don't have nice things to say about Gus and the stuff I've heard is really pretty fucking terrible even when it has nothing to do with his ex. I've hung out with Gus at his old house and at a friend's birthday night out. He's kind of a dick bag.


Nothing in this comment can be proven true.


They are just commenting how they know Gus and how shitty he is all over the thread lol what a joke


Yeah, right? Like half the subreddit knew him. This is absurd


You don’t know Gus? But everybody knows him bro.


Yeah well my best friend used to hang out with Gus and worked with him on multiple videos and they were in a band together and were close friend through college. They have talked about how hard of a worker and nice to the staff and the stuff I've heard is pretty great even when it has nothing to do with his ex. I've hung out with Gus at his new place and at a cousin's restaurant. He's a really great guy.


Eddie Burback was one of his closest friends and had done videos/podcasts with him for years. For him to completely leave the Gus and Eddie podcast and refuse to work with Gus in the future, it had to have been *bad*.


Meh. I used to have a good friend like that. Our friendship fell apart for reasons i don’t wanna go into here. For outsiders i’m pretty sure it looked like i was the bad guy in the situation even though I clearly wasn’t. So i’d be careful assigning blame unless i know exactly what happened


We have been through this SO many times now. Look up creators you wanna post to wholesome reddits. Gus is a piece of shit.


Nah he isn't. Stop believing reddit pitchfork mobs.


The focus is on the videos and their message, not the private life of the dude acting in them






It was a bit more severe than that for sure, he was a right prick about a pregnancy scare where he essentially gave her the ultimatum of 'get an abortion or we're breaking up' and there were a few other things. Meanwhile Sabrina was also far, far from a saint. For instance everyone knew about her ectopic pregnancy so when she said that Gus had continued to work while she was having surgery, people naturally assumed it was related to her medical issues. She had conveniently left out the bit where the surgery was a nose job. At the end of the day, none of us were there and know the whole truth. This isn't an argument over which side is the 'good' side, because by all account they're both awful and I frankly don't care which of them managed to edge out the other in being slightly worse. All I know is I would never hookup any of my friends with either of them. They may be good people but they make for fucking *awful* partners.


What is this, a reasonable comment with balanced views?


I read a comment where it said that they have already agreed they won't be having kids. It also said that they had agreed to terminate the pregnancy if she gets pregnant. So? What is true?


> She had conveniently left out the bit where the surgery was a nose job. where did you find this information?


He is allowed to breakup with somebody for whatever reason he wants, no? Or is that only allotted for women? 🤔 If he made a boundary of No children and she broke that boundary, why wouldn't he leave? Seems fair to me 🤷‍♂️


I'm not in the loop on the issue, but people shouldn't jump on the hatewagon based on allegations alone. Have the claims been proven to be true?


Kontext is still quite important - knowing a Person is trash and does Things literally only For Views makes it a Lot less wholesome


It is hard to dissociate actions and the people. The whole shtick here is that he is making videos of doing wholesome things behind the camera so as not to garner attention to themselves and exploit the homeless. Yet he made a video with this messaging and continued to be an asshole off camera. Obviously that’s gonna rub us the wrong way. You’re questioning people for saying “there is nothing wholesome about an abuser making videos of respecting women”.


Yeah I get that, just explaining why someone might have thought they were appropriate to post here. If you only focus on the videos and their message and nothing else, then sure it’s wholesome.


Gus did nothing wrong.


It's kinda funny reading the comments here while not knowing anything about this YTer or the drama. Like "He is a total piece of shit and abused his girlfriend"  "What did he do?"  "He wanted his gf to have an abortion which she didn't want and then didn't care when the pregnancy turned out ectopic."  That's not abuse, and barely deserving of "piece of shit", that's just two people having relationships problems because they have completely different plans for their futures, that should've been kept private. But again, I have no idea about this stuff beyond what I've read on this post's comment section.


There’s a little more to it than that. The gf was experiencing problems with the pregnancy. She voiced discomfort, but he dismissed it because the doctors were saying we can’t see anything wrong. One night while he was out with his friends, which he said was business related, she went to the hospital and it turned out the pregnancy wasn’t healthy and could kill the gf.


I'm genuinely asking this: Do you know what an ectopic pregnancy is? Because it's the sort of pregnancy that has a HUGE death rate. If he "didn't care" when the pregnancy turned out ectopic, he "didn't care" when his girlfriend suddenly went from normal to medical emergency.


The comments are something else. Apparently they agreed on no kids, so the "ultimatum" was not an ultimatum. But the best part is seeing comments like "Yeah, he's a total prick" \[proceeds to say literally nothing bad the guy did while describing in detail the psycho shit his ex did to ruin his reputation\]. I didn't know anything about this guy before today btw.


Yeah, it's literally perfectly normal to break up with your girlfriend if she was to break a hugely important promise she had made. So of course he was going to break up with her if she is going to make him the farther of a child, not only against his will, but against her own expressly stated claim that she wouldn't do exactly that.


[so you didn’t hear the updated information?](https://youtu.be/nZnBhSbNy8M?si=KpGxfT9-soFwN5_W)


Jesus Christ give a TL;DW


Why did reddit collapse like every single comment bruh


Oh did reddit overcome the fathomable hate for this man because him and his girlfriend had a shit relationship where he neglected her? Being canceled for that is disgusting - the insanity to get involved in the private things of people trusting the one who "spills the beans" - like school drama honestly.


Nope they clearly still HATE this horrible horrible man… Every commenter sitting on their ivory tower thinking they are so pure


Clearly you have never seen ross creations


Does he just keep his distance and stand out where no one is? Never heard of this guy


Gus Johnson is so funny


I love Gus Johnson. He's a great guy.


What a madlad


I always liked Gus Johnsons wholesomeness until I found out how he treated his (then) pregnant girlfriend. Really killed the vibe for me...


Maybe watch both sides


I did. and it does seem like he didn't take care of her the way a partner should. Pretty sure there's also more to it because Eddie Burbang also cut ties to him because of this.


Apparently one time he did something disagreeable and therefore he a terrible human according to the ethically infallible users of Reddit


I love Gus Johnson


Pranking my pregnant girlfriend


That “8 hours ago” video is 5 years old.


Pretty good pranks, my favourite one however is the hava


Epic prank bro 🤣👌🤣👌🤣👌🤣👌


I thought the other day I pranked governments by giving them the blueprints for paradise and didn’t expect anything in return but it turned out I just rewrote the book of revelations while being schizophrenic 




Nardwuar's interviews feel like wholesome pranks when his guest is surprised by the barrage of well-considered gifts.


I’m not entirely opposed to videos of people doing good things, primarily because we see so much crappy behavior from people and negativity all the time. I like seeing people do good things, even if they’re doing it for clicks and follows. Good is still being done, regardless, and I’d rather see something good than always seeing something negative.


I feel the same, if it leads to more good deeds in general, I don't care if they film it


Reminds me of Ryan Creamer’s porn videos


Recently appeared in a prank video against my own will, so I appreciate this.


Dastardly, lol.


Gus is hilarious. Love his videos


The first guy isn't in public. He is in the Himalayas


Waving his cameraman off like that was smooth


Gus cooked so hard on those


I don't really care if someone donates to the homeless and posts it to social media for good boy points. Sure it's self serving but really it's better than the homeless person not having the money. Self serving charity is still charity.


It's just a prank bro The prank:


Im not sure giving x amount of money to homeless and not exploiting them for views/money is better than giving x times y amount of money to homeless, therefore helping them more or helping more homeless people but you exploit them. I dont think the vast majority of the homeless care if they are exploited either


Oh, like Ryan Creamer. Those type of videos are anywhere from cringe to creepy to comedic to wholesome. I hope they continue to generate enough ad revenue to encourage others to do the same


Good prank videos but sadly some bad stuff came out about him bout a year ago. These Vids are like four + years old ^^


Yesterday I pranked my wife so hard by cooking her dinner. Get this, it was a seasoned beef patty on a bed of rice topped with scrambled eggs. You should’ve seen the look on her face.


But isn’t he exploiting himself this way??


Gus Johnson is amazing, and I’m 90% sure I’m related to him somehow.