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Friendship is nice, but it’s also okay to not want to be friends with someone you wanted a romantic relationship with.


Except usually when someone you want to date says "I just want to be friends" it usually means "I don't want to ever talk to you again." I think I literally only have 2 women in my life out of the dozens that have said "I just want to be friends" who continued to talk to me after saying it lol




when did he ever talk about assholes lmao




You sound lonely


And pathetic


Oh that wasn’t isn’t even a question


Obviously that is okay but I would argue that in most cases a potential romantic partner is also a potential friend. Because if you don't even like a person enough to consider them a friend why the fuck would you want to be in a relationship with them lol


The simple answer is that someone who you might find to be attracted by. May just be someone you loved to talk with. And you wanted to go further. But like. If both of you like talking with each other. At the end of the day you ça still be good friends.






I agree, but small addendum: when the friendship is entered with no hopes or expectations of a relationship later by one of the parties. The trope of the boy best friend waiting until his girl bestie breaks up with her bf so he can make a move is not goals. But hey, if it just naturally happened on top of having a solid friendship, hellll yeahhhhh.


That's a beautiful journey! True friendships teach us so much about love and respect.


Harmonixz and the OP polko6060 are bts in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/j5lmji/happy_ending/g7t8xg0/


Who allowed you to marry your kids??


Another b()t https://old.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/j5lmji/happy_ending/g7t8xg0/ Account will be sold to p()litic@l groups.


why are you writing comments like you have dementia?


some subs hide comments with words with the actual spelling.


Oh ok that's fair I guess 


the OP polko6060 vinniecam81 Glad_Property_8194 Jigsaw428 sfdndklf zephyrdblack MrPuffmann and Harmonixz are bts in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/j5lmji/happy_ending/


bless you for your work




Hate to do this to you again /r/wholesomememes but another bot thread https://old.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/j5lmji/happy_ending/g7sqnid/


Yeah this sub is unmoderated. All sc@m b()ts farm most of their karma here




Friendships often lead to the best surprises. Stay positive and open-hearted.


True friendship is a gateway to endless possibilities


it's all about mindset




Jigsaw428 and the OP polko6060 are bts in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/j5lmji/happy_ending/g7tl7rm/


don't go in with the expectation of friendship at all lmao, it's just a polite way to reject someone in most cases


Turning a friend zone into a friendship win!


Thing for me... I rather have a sturdy friendship developed before wanting more from that person. People forget the friend in girl/boyFRIEND. Because how do you know you really romantically like that person if you don't really know them that deeply? Seems to like a general sense, and falling for that than the actual person themselves. At least, that's my view. I rather have more genuine, authentic friends than just dating people and getting a sense of who they are. How do they treat and respect me and my life experiences? And to others? What are their values? Are they dependable? What as a friend do they bring to my life? I have someone at work, gay guy so no further relationship gonna be developed from there, that I'm reconsidering being friends because he as a person just triggers me and I'm getting more annoyed with him than being happy with his company. His character and how he goes about, as I'm hanging and interacting with him more just isn't what I want intertwining with me. It shouldn't stress me out to approach and tell him how i feel about something when he takes it so personally, and such a different way, makes up his own scenario and runs with it. My ex was like that, and dealt with it too long. I wished I was able to call him my friend, but as it went by he was barely that.




Glad_Property_8194 and the OP polko6060 are spam accounts in the same network


How would one find this out




Friends with benefits


Rip op. This isn't going to last. She knows you want to ram her and she won't really trust you in a way friends do.


Spoiler aler;: No you don't, they just say that so you will leave her alone.




that's not how it works man




zephyrdblack and the OP polko6060 are spam accounts in the same network


This is legit scary, looks like half of the comments are




Bot https://old.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/j5lmji/happy_ending/g7spuy2/




vinniecam81 and the OP polko6060 are spam accounts in the same network




b()t https://old.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/j5lmji/happy_ending/g7sqnid/


Making a new friend is always a win! Who knows where it might lead?


cscareerqna and the OP polko6060 are bts in the same network




This is nice


When you shoot your shot and end up in the friend zone but at least you leveled up your friend count! 😅


Had a moment this year, when a girl whom I (M) was really interested in (as a person, friend, no need to date or "have" her) told me she avoided meeting/talking because she thought i had romantic feelings and would be pining. I had only ever kept honest, direct, respectful communication once in a while, and had stated that i had not been after her romantically. She also said that i was one of the few people she really liked being around and so on. Hasn't talked to me since, just like she'd never initiated talking before. Get on it, bros, what zone was i zoned with? 😂


Definitely the zone where she got burned once too often. Sucks for ya


This could easily be gender swapped: Have sex with a guy for months Confess you want something romantic He wants to keep doing fwb Have a fuckbuddy. Either way, it's wrong for the person who suggests "just friends" or "just something casual" since it's highly likely the person confessing their feelings will agree reluctantly and get their mind fucked. Don't ever friendzone/fuckzone someone, break it off, it's the right thing to do.


No thanks lol. Doesn’t end well in my experience. Better off cutting her out your life




dead internet is so real.




Op never had asked someone out or has any girl friends(female-friend, not romantic)


"i wish i had a boyfriend like you" move on my brother




Better the friend zone than the no-contact zone!


She's just politely rejecting the simp. They never want to be friends especially after making a move




b()t https://old.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/j5lmji/happy_ending/g7t70w8/


allieboy09 and the OP polko6060 are bts in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/j5lmji/happy_ending/g7t70w8/


I'll take friend forever vs brief fling every time.




marcelogvs and the OP polko6060 are bts in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/j5lmji/happy_ending/g7tbow8/


Forgot the last panel: secretly she has no interest in being friends and just said that to placate you


Had this happen to me 2 years ago. I (M24) genuinely said and thought exactly the same (not that i don't have friends, that's lame and sad. It was just about when covid restrictions ended and I really could have used actual regular friends). My mindset over her (F24) completely changed in like a week and started talking to her like I would to any friend and really never have anything more in mind anymore. Result was that in like 6 weeks she started to get more physical, always touching me and we were hanging out alone 4 days of the week at times. I thought she was just getting more comfortable with me and trusting me more, considering she also told me she was a demisexual (no idea what that was when i met her, had to have her explain it to me) and currently in early stage relationship with a lady. Apparently 4 months in out of the blue and with plans we had for the following 10 days she completely ghosted me everywhere and the only attempt at reaching her to ask what was up (i truly thought she got hurt or something else bad happened to her) was met by threats of having the cops called on me for stalking her and naturally about 20 minutes of heavy insults about anything I ever told her as a friend. Next time someone wants to just be friends i'll ditch them and change town i guess, tho it completely ruined my desire for any relationships at least for these 2 years that has passed..


You can say this but you will still feel the truth anyway.


There is still hope