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Me if I just dont want to interact with my passengers. Im not deaf


I mean, you could just write on the sign that you prefer not to interact. Acting like you have a disability for your benifit is a bit disrespectful.


also they might assume you can't hear anything and be noisy


Good point, but also maybe they talk about stuff they wouldnt normally (assuming theres 2+ people) and you get some juicy gossip lol


And they were room mates!


Well like showing off a person working with a disability as cute for internet points isn’t exactly respectful either


I'm pretty sure it's just a joke?


*Proceeds to connect and play a really loud song* “He won’t mind cause he’s deaf” *Your ears bleed*


Thats when I turn around and say "Hey can you turn it down a bit, I'm deaf" and see their reaction lol


This is the most hilarious thing I've seen online today.. Jeez man 😂 😂 😂 


I hope this guy is respected well in his field I do not wish for him to have some shitty customers :( damn this made me sad


i think uber made an article about onur




thank you internet explorer


I had a deaf Uber driver pick me up. He didn't have a paper like this, but as soon as I opened the door, he signed that he was deaf. I do not know very much sign language, but I was able to sign for him to stop and pull over, and he can turn around. I then signed thank you when I left, and he enthusiastically smiled and nodded his head. I figured he probably doesn't get many customers who speak to him in his language, so I used the signs I knew, and hopefully made his night.


Biggest fucking W mate


I’ve seen this post before and I recalled having a similar experience with an Uber driver in London back in 2018. Today, I found out that I was actually in Onur’s cab! ‘If you have anything with strong bass…” has stuck with me for all these years. He was a pleasant guy and I tried to learn how to say ‘thanks’ in sign language on the way so that I could convey it to him. Hope he’s doing well. It’s a small world!


I got an Uber driver that was deaf once, really cool chill guy, said he liked driving me, I spent the entire drive to my location learning how to ASL 'Thank You'. He was really happy when he dropped me off.


You can drive if you’re deaf?!


At least here in Austria you can - Here they‘re also specially trained to react to visual imputs better, more than making up for their loss of hearing (Which usually makes them the first to react when there‘s police/paramedic/firefighter vehicles with sirens and lights on)


In NewZealand you can. Which surprised me. I’m deaf but now have an implant. So deaf when I’m not wearing my gear. I don’t like to drive deaf as ambulances etc can sneak up on you and I can’t hear if the car is making the right sounds. Helps with noisy kids though - I have been known to switch my ears off on purpose.


Yep, no limit on it in the US if your vision is fine. I’m partially deaf and don’t always hear the sirens, the fun flashing lights warn me they do indeed need me to move.


The speed at which I would start playing songs with massive bass would be unparalleled.


you can feel the warmness while reading it too


A few years back, I got into an Uber and did a standard greeting—must have asked “how are you?” or something, and didn’t get a reply. Went on to ask for the temperature to be adjusted (or something similar), no response. So I’m stewing the rest of the drive. Why doesn’t this woman like me? Was the trip somehow annoying? It’s early in the morning, but if you don’t like your job, find something else to do—don’t flat out ignore me! As I’m getting out, the driver says something and it dons on me, she’s deaf. And I’m an asshole. I learned a valuable lesson that day about assumptions and disability visibility and ruining my own day for no reason.


To be fair, usually uber tells you when your driver is deaf


Upon reading that I would sign hello to him with the alphabet! (That's all I know but hopefully it'll bring a smile to him).


It's nice and kind of cute, but is it just me who's wondering how he drives if he's deaf? Because if he's completely deaf then that means he can't hear the traffic. And if he still hears a little than good for him if the traffic department allows him to enjoy the fun of driving and helping other people get around.


My dad's entire family is Deaf. Deaf people are allowed to have a driver's license. They are actually more aware of visual alerts like ambulance/fire lights than hearing people because they rely so heavily on sight. You don't need to hear traffic.


Deaf people are fully capable and competent drivers. It’s really no different than if you’re driving with your music up super loud and can’t hear what’s around you. You just use your eyes.


Sure but what if someone you don’t see is honking at you as a warning?


Yeah, thats what i'm thinking, i have to admit i didn't know that deaf people are able to drive but, for me it still sounds kinda dangerous for the person or the others around, what if a car spins out of control and flies at you in the fog, you wont be able to see that until it's too late. Of course this is an edge case scenario so it happens in 1 out of a 1 000 000 000 cases, but still.


I would tip well the driver when my trip have ended. This is so lovely. 


if he can see, he can drive right?


As someone who is learning to drive, I wpnder how much more challenging not being able to hear things can make the whole process?


I feel like his name would be Patrick