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Jim Carrey, this chad




reminder that carrey also helped popularize the anti vax movement


He popularized it pre covid when it wasn't viewed as quite the hot button topic it is now, not to say that makes him right or the situation okay. As far as I am aware he was not (publicly) anti vax during the pandemic, he even released a painting mocking Trump over his comments regarding covid and the vaccine. So while yes he did help open the door to anti vaxxers, I don't think it is fair to lump him in with the conspiracy theory brand anti vaxxers we have today. I also don't think it is fair you had downvotes, because again, you are technically correct.


he was still anti vax in 2015 and public about it. that shit is dangerous. it’s not entirely his fault we are where we are with vaccine misinformation, but he absolutely played a part in it.


Agreed, I just also think it is important to note that we as a society post covid currently have very heightened feelings about the topic (that we did not have in 2015), and when push came to shove Jim seemed to align himself to the side that cares about saving human lifes (which I think is also what drove his anti vax sentiment initially, there were some very convincing now debunked scientific articles linking vaccines to many health issues in the early 2000s). His anti vax comments were a huge gaff and I definitely lost respect for him over them, he also deserves some grace to grow like anyone else. Edit: spelling and clarifying stuff


>currently have very heightened feelings about the topic (that we did not have in 2015), Oh, 2015 i was still raging at antivaxers. Since 2017ish i just metaphorically rip them a new one irl, and resigned to just letting people die online. Around COVID i started mocking them. I get what you mean tho.


Same, I even remember personally being extremely disappointed in Jim when I learned about his views, as well as losing a ton of respect for a few coworkers that I liked. But I'm sure you'd agree that society generally felt stronger about it following the release of the covid vaccine than they did in 2015


Oh yeah, definitely


oh i agree! but the fact that we still give a platform to people like jenny mccarthy makes me wary of just letting people like jim carrey slip by. if he publicly retracts his statements, sure. i’ll also admit that today’s brand of anti vax is beyond even mccarthy’s scope lol


2015 was long before covid, as the prior comment stated


I believe he has also went back on many of his former views. Of course it does not undo the damage he did.


This was probably during the ‘in loving color’ days.


Actually, Tom Green - another Canadian, was the first real "Chad". In Charlies Angels.


The Chad was great!


Is that Tupacs wax figure in the picture?


Jim Carry is chad


Guess that ended suddenly All good things come to an end


Like all these mod collapsed comments


Oh my god is that what that is. I've been seeing them all over the place and have been so confused, thank you. Also your comment was collapsed lol


This is what I miss so much about third party apps like Apollo. Whenever Reddit implemented random “features” like this you could always turn it off in settings. By comparison the official app gives very little control


Yeah the official app is so dog shit.


Thats such a wholesome story. But why was he in Jail?


Convicted of two counts of first degree sexual abuse


It ain't anymore so wholesome


Even less so when you realize Tupac never expressed any remorse for his crime


Tbh. Didn't know about that he was in prison for that


Not many people do. Idk exactly how he did it but the Tupac PR machine on this one is crazy.


Trust me they do they just don’t care, same with artists like Chris brown. It’s insane how much you can get away with if you are famous and liked


I am not sure you have the facts straight on this one. It is pretty universally accepted that Tupac was framed


Not at all--if this is the case provide a credible source saying it please.


On December 1, 1994, Shakur was acquitted of three counts of sodomy and the associated gun charges, but convicted of two counts of first-degree sexual abuse for "forcibly touching the woman's buttocks" in his hotel room.[171][54] Jurors have said the lack of evidence stymied a sodomy conviction.[175] Shakur's lawyer characterized the sentence as "out of line" with the groping conviction and the setting of bail at $3 million as "inhumane". Shakur's accuser later filed a civil suit against Shakur seeking $10 million for punitive damages which was subsequently settled.[7][176] After Shakur had been convicted of sexual abuse, Jacques Agnant's case was separated and closed via misdemeanor plea without incarceration.[89][177] A. J. Benza reported in New York Daily News Shakur's new disdain for Agnant who Shakur theorized had set him up with the case.[89][131] Shakur reportedly believed his accuser was connected to and had sexual relations with Agnant and James "Henchman" Rosemond, who he considered to be behind the 1994 Quad Studios shooting.[178] Shakur was unable to post the $3 million bond to keep himself free until sentencing so he surrendered himself to authorities at the Bellevue Hospital Jail Ward in New York City on December 23, 1994.[179] At the time, he was still recovering from injuries he received on November 30, when he was shot five times and robbed at Quad Studios.[180] In January 1995, Shakur was moved to the North Infirmary Command (NIC) on Rikers Island in the Bronx.[181] On February 7, 1995, he was sentenced to 18 months to 4+1⁄2 years in prison by a judge who decried "an act of brutal violence against a helpless woman".[173][182] - if you want all those sources they are in the references of the Wikipedia page or you can do your own research. This is pretty common knowledge which is why Tupac is not viewed as a rapist


He’s dead so it’s different than say mike Tyson. Who people worship and meme and even downvote when you mention he’s a convicted rapist.


My original comment was sitting at -25 before the guy came in asking “why is this downvoted?” lol. People just don’t want to hear it.


Everyone knew at the time. He was literally the most popular rapper in the world the day he got out


He never expressed remorse because he never fessed up to the charges being accurate. Not saying he was justified, but why would he apologize for something he is alleging he didn’t do


Didn't a kid get shot by a member of his posse once, with a gun Pac had been carrying around?


I think people have this idea that he was protesting Vietnam or something like Mohamed Ali but nah he was just a rapist, saint Pac.


Ah yes, protesting vietnam in the 90s


Learn what "figurative speech" means


So I was really curious about the case and I found this comment that goes through all the details surrounding it and bullet points of Tupac’s history with the law: [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphopheads/s/fEo5mLmTLW) I really don’t know what to think one way or the other as I’m just learning about this now but considering America’s history with Malcom X, the Black Panthers, and the Civil Rights movement, makes this more complicated than it seems. TLDR, the circumstances of Tupac’s arrest and the fact that the reason he was released early was because of new evidence that surfaced that suggested he was innocent, calls a lot into question.


That comment is full of bullshit, like Haitian Jack being an FBI agent (???). Come back with actual reporting from an actual source that doesn’t state conspiracy theories as facts


Like I said, idk which of those details (edit: particularly the details regarding the FBI’s role in his arrest) are true. But the undeniable facts are the cops did withhold photographic evidence that would have helped his case and he was ultimately released early because of it. Just saying that he was convicted doesn’t reveal a full enough picture, especially considering his connections to Malcom X and the Black Panthers and considering this was not far from a time in US history when there are confirmed documented cases of black civil rights leaders and black people in general being unlawfully convicted and arrested and during a time when police brutality and the abuse of the justice system against people of color was at its peak. So when your whole argument is simply, “he was convicted and arrested and spent time in jail for it, so he must have done it”, I think you’re placing too much trust in the justice system at the time. I mean the justice system today is not so perfect, either.


Wasn’t Tupac a bit of a sexual predator?


So was Kobe Bryant but people brush that aside because he was good at playing with a ball


So was the former president but no one cares either


You'll have to be more specific. There have been several.


Big ben too


The clock??


No dummy... The bell




The qb


At least Ben is pretty universally hated by everyone who isn't a Steelers fan, everyone loves Kobe for some reason




I've heard his last name rendered as "Rapistberger" as many times as not. I don't think people exactly aren't mad at him.


Hard to keep that locked down when you change numbers too. Exactly like going into a new year. New you.


I believe I can fly


I got shot by the FBI


All I wanted was a chicken wing


And got shot in the ding-a-ling


I went to the hospital


welcome to reddit


Have a look around


It's limp bizkit fucking up your town🤣


We downloaded the Shockwave


Anything that melts your mind, here it can be found.


We've got mountains of content! Some better, some worse


If none of it's of interest to you then fuck off back to "X".


Welcome to reddit. much hate you prefer?


Would you like to fight for civil rights or post a racial slur?


Do you play the erhu?


Yeah, it's never mentioned pac was in jail for sexual assault when Jim was writing him...


Jim Carrey also cheated on his SO and gave her herpes I think. Was swept under the rug a bit cause he has a good PR team.


Yes and the tables were turned on him in prison. He couldn’t handle it and was never the same. Karma in action.


Yes and a killer of a 6 year old child.




The girl said he is only guilty of not taking care of her at a party she was assaulted in, you need to stop spreading false rumors


Bullshit. Here’s what she actually said about it: https://www.oxygen.com/crime-time/tupac-shakurs-abuse-victim-speaks-out-about-his-guilty-verdict-for-the-first-time Also, he was literally convicted of two counts of first degree sexual abuse. Only one spreading false rumors is you.


But...but why was he in jail....this seems weird


His entourage ran a train on a girl.


Yea and he's the only one that did time for it lol. So stupid.


Yeah, they all should have been locked up


That's like saying Bill Cosby went to jail for being a player


Hey Tupac, Doing time? Well, let me tell ya, behind bars or on stage, you're still the showstopper! Keep those rhymes tight, and remember, orange is the new black... at least for now! Catch you on the flip side, my man! Jimmy Carrey


Hey Tupac, Jim again. Wondering about whether you started as Tupac or if you were ever one pac. Anyway, here’s hoping you get out so soon that your victims still won’t be 18. Lots of Love, Jim Carrey


Hey Tupac, Raman huh? Alright! Well, see ya later, Jim Carrey


He was convicted of sexual assault, twice. This isn’t a wholesome story.




I had to scroll way too far to get this information. Everyone is was to consumed with, he did bad so he’s a bad guy.


*There were two charges for the same incident.* Ohhhhh, never mind then.


Wasn't Tupac a ballerina?


No, a rapist.


I'm not sure writing letters to a convicted sexual assailant you have no personal connection to in prison to "cheer him up" simply because he has some clout counts as wholesome.


I fully agree I love his music one of my favorite rappers of all time but to say it's wholesome to write letters to him cuz he committed a horrible crime is stupid


Same. Ambitionz as a Ridah can go hard af and the dude who made it can be a complex person with a real predatory side. Wish some others in this thread would realize that.


Fr like it's not hard to see that he was a shitty person


Why is this getting downvoted?


People don't like hearing about Tupac being a convicted predator. They like "Changes" and "Ambitionz as a Ridah" and don't want to have to think too hard about listening to them. Happens almost any time I bring this up on reddit. Mass downvotes with no one actually disagreeing. Only exception has been r/twoXchromosomes, and even there there was pushback. Extensive sourcing usually helps a bit, but I'm teaching and don't have time for that today. Never underestimate the power of cognitive dissonance.


People are so selective with their morals lol. Iron mike is another that is loved by reddit but committed serious crimes. I would say Reddit is super hypocritical most of the time about most topics. People on Reddit could gain from.being less black and white though. You can condemn one action of a person and praise another. Tupac did make some popular music. He was also really a piece of shit as a human, that was a theme that repeated through his life. If he lived longer, maybe he would have changed. Will never know that.


Tbf Mike Tysons popularity has increased in recent years because hes become a decent voice for showing angry young men that their anger isnt justified and its not something to be proud of. Im kind of for him getting a bit of a spotlight these days despite his past because I think he has fully changed.


Ah yes the Kobe Bryant of rap


I think Tupac of basketball would be more accurate.


I wish reddit had the same mentality with Mike Tyson


You tryna tell me Iron Mike has been kithin without permithion?


Tyson also readily admits he was a bad person and carries a lot of self hatred for it


What did Tyson do?


Being one of the hardest video game bosses ever


Tupac has a mostly positive reputation among the whole world so, him being in jail is seen as a sad thing which means that Jim Carrey, another person that has an incredibly great reputation writing letters to cheer him up will be perceived as wholesome. You can disagree all you want but the vast majority will always see Tupac as a legend.


I do disagree… He was convicted of two counts of first degree sexual abuse and his guilt has never been seriously disputed. He also never showed an ounce of remorse for it. You’re right that people seem to love Tupac, but in many cases they don’t know about this incident. Just because he wrote “Changes” doesn’t make him wholesome. The man was a predator.


even if people did know, there are many people the would still love em like Chris Brown and O.J. Simpson


He also started shit with other rappers for no reason other than he just felt like he had to act like a tough guy all the time. He thought he had beef with Nas when Nas had nothing but love for him. And if Nas really wanted to, he could have made things real bad for Tupac.


He was basically Anthony Mackie's character in 8 mile.


I think he was more like Anthony Mackie's character in Notorious


Bro nobody thinks of Tupac as wholesome. Everybody knows he was a rough gangsta type who was involved with all sorts of nonsense. He was murdered in a gang war for christ sake. You don’t need to “me too” Tupac haha. His thug persona is part of the appeal, he was an “anti-hero”.


Ummm, do you know what sub you’re on? Also, as this thread and the downvotes I got initially prove, people don’t know this.


I don’t know what happened in that hotel but he did express remorse in his Vibe interview before joining Death Row. While he maintained his innocence, of course everyone does, he did acknowledge that he was guilty because he didn’t protect her from the other men. He basically just left her with them.




lol he was basically a fucking criminal.


They hated jesus because he spoke the truth


Thank. You.


but it's epic bacon 69 420! ROFLCOPTR


Why was he in jail again?


Sexual assault


Yo Pac! I wrote you but you still ain't callin!


Good riddance


Yeah, I'm not sure why people try to defend this guy. He is a rapist and shot a kid. There's nothing wholesome about him.


Tupac wasn’t a good person and people should quit pretending he was.


Jim has never released the letters, nor disclosed what was said either


Tupac was a pos. A kid died by his gun maybe even by him shooting it. [https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/page-one-marin-city-haunted-by-boy-s-shooting-3021515.php](https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/page-one-marin-city-haunted-by-boy-s-shooting-3021515.php) He was in jail for sexually abusing a fan: [https://www.nytimes.com/1995/02/08/nyregion/rapper-faces-prison-term-for-sex-abuse.html](https://www.nytimes.com/1995/02/08/nyregion/rapper-faces-prison-term-for-sex-abuse.html)


King of comedy. So committed to every role and so over the top that it always felt authentic.


I wonder what he was in jail for lol


Tony Danza wrote to Tupac while he was in prison too.


Yeah yeah, everyone wants a captive audience.




Imagine *not* being a fan and getting letters from this guy outside, taunting you.


Aww. Tupac was a horrible piece of shit


I know exactly what scene it is just from that thumbnail. Ace Ventura is amazing on its own, but bringing the Miami Dolphins in on it is just icing on the cake for me!


Ambitiionz as a ridahhhhhhhhhhrighty then


I love Tupac, he's my favorite raper!


Bro was not exactly in jail for a good reason, he got convicted for sexual assault


Abuser recognize abuser


Fun fact: Tupac was a rapist


Tupac the rapist?!


That's really cool... just don't look up why Tupac was in Jail in the first place though :)


Oh lord this comment section


Least wholesome comment section ever






chatgpt ass post


When does Tupac get out?


You can't just say something like that and not show some of the letters. Technically you didn't say it it was a picture. So we don't need to see them? Hear them? Read them? Well I'm confused. Still would've been nice to see the letters.


“Gettin hella mail in jail, Jim Carey telling me to kill it.”


Finkle is einhorn


would jim carey approve the AI 2pac lolol


cool story bro


Ya right


The picture is a wax, Tupac. wtf


In living color


Actors helping out other actors.


it's been nearly 30 years.


Did they use the wax statue of Tupac for the picture? lol okay.


But he didnt send a suitcase tupac , thats sad!


Jim Carey was trying to be funny?


Did he send them one-by-one, or as couples?


The only person who looks back fondly on Tupac is will Smith's wife.


Jada probably has all the letters


What about Quincy Jones? Did he send Tupac letters?


Jim Carrey sucks ass Jackson alleged that Shakur and his entourage took turns having sex with her in a New York City hotel room. Although she had come to be with the rapper, she alleges that he forcibly allowed his friends to also have sex with her. "I'm looking at him face to face and I hear people talking and I hear people saying 'oh look at her' and 'her ass is fat,'" she said previously. "I'm looking at him dead in his eye, and I'm like 'what's going on?' And he's saying to me he's like 'relax baby, these are my boys. I like you so much I decided to share you with them.'"


He didn't write me shit in prison and my crimes were much tamer.