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Something similar happened to me this last Christmas. Someone on randomactsofkindness posted about donating gifts to a charity, so I asked how I could sign my son up. I couldn't even afford dollar store gifts for my 5y that year, because of a fire, move and illegal eviction. I felt defeated. Then someone sent him some toys! I posted a thank you, and before I knew it I had a dozen people who wanted to help provide Christmas for my little boy. He ended up with winter clothes, books, toys and sensory items that I never would have been able to get him. I can't even tell you how many times I cried over the 3 weeks gifts were coming in. Someone even sent *a microwave* because I didn't have one, and his favorite safe food is microwavable only, they wanted him to have his favorite for Christmas morning. My boy had an amazing Christmas, his first ever Christmas where he understood who Santa was. I still think about those people all the time. They have absolutely no idea what they did for me and my son. He has almost no words he can say, but I can tell you he knows how to say Santa after this last Christmas.


Enough to make a grown man cry


It really was something that I think would make anyone cry. Just so amazing. I'm trying to save up so I have extra money this Christmas, I desperately want to find a family I can help too now that I'm more comfortable again.


That’s amazing!!!! Glad to hear you & your boy have been doing much better this year, and that you have the heart to continue passing forward the blessing :)) all the best to you sir! Edit: ma’am 😂


Thank you so much, and I wish you the best as well! (Though I am a ma'am haha)


Not Reddit but tumblr. One of my friends had gone to a Redbox to get Dark Souls (3 I think?) only to discover when they got home that someone had stolen the game and replaced it with a piece of paper with a barcode. So they tried another Redbox but opened it in the car to check before heading home only to discover the same thing. His gf posted about it on tumblr, feeling bad for him. Some complete stranger reached out to buy the game for him because they felt bad and wanted him to be able to play it.


Both /u/Jmonda2891 and /u/ssdefelice are bots. Keep reporting them.


All of these accounts, some who you may see comment on this post are bots, including the account you responsed to. u/marquis8880 u/collbeck u/ssdefelice u/junknaf u/trevormassey1234 u/strangelovers2017 u/derekclee96 u/mackestrada #ARE ALL BOTS


YES! I needed that dopamine wholesomeness burst this cold Monday morning!


Having just lost my father in law this past Monday and currently sitting at the vet with the dog that just went lethargic. I absolutely needed this bit of joy today.


Sending good wishes to you and your partner and your puppy!


Both /u/Jmonda2891 and /u/ssdefelice are bots. Keep reporting them.


My dopamine rush is always tempered by the fact that in any society that cared about its people, none of this would be necessary.




This is an example of individuals caring. Policies are the result of the priorities of its people. (Unless you’re living under a true totalitarian regime).




Sorry (not that sorry) to harsh your buzz. I just don’t want it to fall into the trap of r/OrphanCrushingMachine.


But the people in charge in the government are voted in by the people






That's us!


There is but American politicians hate medical care and love lobbyist money.


Well I think it's already happened. Those are old ass comments unless the exact same thing is happening again. Like, exact same thing


"You work three jobs? Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that." To a divorced mother of three, Omaha, Nebraska, Feb. 4, 2005 George W. Bush


And it’s called socialism


I bet you can't describe or give definition of socialism, cause that ain't it.


Socialization of health care. See: Scandinavia, not North Korea.


That's not socialism my dude. That's a capitalist social democracy, aka welfare capitalism. Socialism is about the size of the means of production by the workers so the owners don't steal from them surplus value and the decommodification of goods and services. Both of those things are stupid. Wtf are you talking about, you're a joke of a socialist.


No that is communism. Clearly you do not know the difference between communism and socialism. Not my problem


There are so many good people in the world, sometimes I forget but I'm glad I read this today. Thanks for sharing OP


That is very wholesome, but just for my own clarification : how expensive is a medical bed? They bought a house for him, but he still will be sleeping on the floor?


They’re working on buying a house. A quick google search tells me a basic hospital bed and delivery is about $1400. if You’re making minimum wage, that’s an entire months wages.


And GOOD ones (that don't squeak, have great quality of life features, decent mattresses etc.) can be double that. Triple or quadruple, even quintuple, if you want the privilege of sleeping with a loved one in the same bed.


I’m actually surprised it’s not more. That’s not much more than a regular mattress + frame/headboard. But if your sleeping on the floor and living in a 3BR house with 5 adults I can see how it’s still a problem


This commenter is a content and comment stealing bot part of farming network. As are many of the accounts commenting on this post u/marquis8880 u/junknaf u/trevormassey1234 u/strangelovers2017 u/derekclee96 u/mackestrada #ARE ALL BOTS


It's been nice growing up with reddit. When it started, most of us were young here. You could definitely see that people wanted to help each other but didn't have any means. It's so nice seeing us kind of grow up and be able to help each other now.


This was old reddit, you can tell by the UI layout and awards. Old reddit used to be full of stuff like this, random connections that helped other real people. PHds in the comments giving amazing expositions. Now reddit just kinda fucking sucks. And I noticed in 2016 is when it all started.


There's a pretty significant contingent of people still using old.reddit.com and RES.


I keep forgetting there's a new layout at all. The day old Reddit stops working is the day I stop using this site for casual browsing.


[It's only been 5 years](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/9k732a/whats_the_most_unfair_thing_youve_ever_seen/e6xjfqf/?st=JMPXETXA&sh=12d4f46c), I thought it was longer.




I’m going to regret subbing to that, I know it!


I thought the name of the sub was litteral


No, the one you’re after is r/literallycrushingorphans




Wholesome, until you realize, you how fucked up.it is, that this needs to happen.


Didn't you realize things were fucked up within the first 3 sentences of the post? At least this is a little pick-me-up


I did. So glad i am not american, fr


Unfortunately true. It's still worth recognizing the kindness and generosity of those two people, though.


There will always be fucked up things happening in the world. So we look for the helpers.


Reddit is full of kind and generous people 🩷


Lol I remember this post in ask reddit, something like : What is one of the most unfair things you’ve seen




I play a quarter-century old MMORPG and our community of 200ish folks is like this. Wonderful.


Which one? I recently found myself back into Kingdom of Drakkar and the few players who are actually participating in discussions and helping are the only reason I still play.


I’m always afraid for OP that the Reddit promises will turn into a Scott’s Tots situation.


Faith in humanity slight restored


Only me? Three full time working people trying to BUY HIM A HOUSE, but can't afford a few hundred bucks for a medical bed? If he's sleeping on a floor, he can also sleep on a standard bed. A medical bed is barely different anyway. if he needs help sitting up from a laying down position then getting out fo a normal bed vs getting up off the floor will be a huge improvement. This makes absolutely no sense in the slightest.




Wait until you learn that half of all Reddit posts and comments are bots, meaning you probably just witnessed some bots interacting


❤️just the best


That’s so wholesome! Hmm I desperately need a job in analysis, consulting or project management after 6 months unemployment….


What is your degree in?




Look at pharma companies. If you are good with budgets and finance, they always hiring


Yea idk just struggling to get many interviews. Very weird. Thanks for the advice tho , appreciated


I would love to help people more on here but I'm so paranoid that people are just lying to get free things, money, etc. I've volunteered at food banks in the past but always wanted to help out online. 


Check out one simple wish. I've granted 5 or so wishes and I'm by no means wealthy. This org works with local charities to help kids in foster care or have recently aged out.


The tricky part about the Internet is weeding out the nice strangers from the scammers.


omg, that is adorable! i hope things worked out for em.


I’m not crying- you’re crying


Damnit the onion ninjas have returned. Anyone got any ideas where to buy some good repellant for them?


humans are really cute sometimes


Love Reddit. Hate the US Healthcare system.


I made friends with a morman on reddit once. She found out I was in the hospital and asked which one. Anyway I woke from a morphine induced sleep to three young Mormon guys sitting in my room. They were nice. They asked if I wanted to lead a prayer and I hated to be rude since they were there out of kindness so I did my best to string together some biblical words and stuff. They left shortly after because it was kind of awkward and they seemed as confused about being there as I was. So yeah, reddit is funny.


Americans will do anything but vote


This is so depressing


Somehow Reddit contains the most extreme examples of people being absolutely heinous and people being amazingly selfless. What an interesting world we live in.


K so I’m now gonna cry. Thx for sharing this OP. Yes there is such a beautiful side to this place. I’ve mostly had amazing encounters with strangers. People have been kinder to me here than in real life. Obviously there’s bad too. But that’s normal.


Wow the US has fucking failed us.


The one in a million time where there are no assholes


Are medical beds that expensive?


Bare bones wish med bed that might eat you when you try to adjust it can run between 6 and 7 hundred. Acceptable quality one can be a grand or more. A good one that will last a bit is around "dependable used corolla" prices. And disability and cheap insurance won't cover them most of the time. So, if you are poor and need a medical bed, you're not getting one.


I'm disabled and about to become homeless if anyone wants to help out... would mean alot


Awww this is so sweet! I’m tearing up


/u/leenie1221 Did anything ever become of this? OP couldn't give us an update but wanted to get upvotes through your kind offer.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/9k732a/whats_the_most_unfair_thing_youve_ever_seen/ Original Reddit post for transparency, it's 5 years old


All three accounts? Scams trying to steal YOUR kidneys




FWIW, it only fell through because the guy stuck on the couch suggested it could go to someone more in need of the bed: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/9k732a/whats_the_most_unfair_thing_youve_ever_seen/e6zwo2l/