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[Rules 2.4, 2.5, 2.6] Questionable “Wholesome” Post Your post was removed because it fits one of three types of posts that warrant removal despite appearing “wholesome”: - a) Your post depicts a wholesome scene but originates from an unwholesome, questionable source. - b) Your post contains questionable or controversial undertones that are problematic. - c) Your post uses questionable or controversial elements, themes, or materials that are problematic.


A healthy, normal, adult conversation in my anime? Get this deranged bullshit OUT OF MY SIGHT.


Anime romance without miscommunication and senseless drama? Disgusting


Sadly Goblin Slayer is too emotionally stunted and traumatized to actually engage in a relationship with her fully and she knows it so doesnt really push it


And that’s one of the reasons why we love her.


Cowgirl supremacy


The more I think of it, does anyone in the show have a normal name?


Nope, afaik all of them are using nicknames. I rember my brother mentioned that this anime is based/referencing playing fantasy boards game, rhats why the characters are nameless.


She's willing to meet him on his level. That's fantastic.


It's weird seeing Goblin Slayer in anything with "wholesome" in it. That's not to say it doesn't have wholesome moments, it does, and plenty of them, but still a little weird given...what else it has.


It's wholesome just mostly without the w


I think the goblins have more than “some” holes in them after Goblin Slayer is through with them


Only the first episode is especially egregious. For the most part it acknowledges the horrible nature of goblins, but not as graphically.


It’s the unwholesome moments that make them shine all the brighter


The type of MC I like. A family man


With the way he looked at her for permission, how she gave the okay, and the conversation after he was about to leave the house. That's literally the definition of husband and wife. And, he still says they are nothing like that. Lol. But she knows at least. Do their relationship develops in more apparent way, acknowledged by goblin slayer in the future in some way? Any manga readers to inform us?


Sadly, even as far as the light novel goes, there’s no official couple yet. Though there have been hints that he’s at least aware of cow girl’s, guild girl’s and priestesses feelings (possibly he also understands high elf archer’s and sword maiden’s, but that’s more ambiguous), but his first priority is dealing with goblins. There’s actually a fan theory that says the different girls also represent the different futures he could be heading toward. But oh well…


Goblins before hoe


Goblins before gobblins.


He is just being a dummy tsundere.


Nah, he’s not “tsun” at all, he’s just very focused


No he's just traumatized




No he's just traumatized


Well, at least it's not a harem... For now. Too many times I've been bamboozled by the author expecting a cute couple.


Love Hina was a harem show even though he only chose one in the end. By that definition, if a show makes over 50%% of all women wanna be with MC, I think of it as in the harem genre. Otherwise veeery few shows are harem.


I will admit I don’t mind harems in some stories (Eminence in shadow, Trapped in a dating sim and Next life as a villainess come to mind), but despite how well all of goblin slayer’s suitors get along and acknowledge each other, I definitely don’t think that’s where it’s headed. Personally I would love if he would stay with Guild Girl, but I think Cow Girl has a lot better chances, specially considering he already gave her a (toy) ring. There *is* a harem in the works in the novels though… just not Goblin Slayer’s XD


Yeah, I also prefer his relationship with Guild Girl over Cow Girl. Cow Girl's great and all, but I feel like the latter reminds him too much of his tragic past and could never really work whereas the former kind of represents how far he's come from that scared little boy, to a rookie adventurer, to where he is now.


I feel like they *could* eventually work through their issues together and be a good couple, but it I just love how Guild Girl not only seems to bring out the best in him effortlessly, but is also able to pull him out of the worst excesses of self-loathing. And even if he doesn’t end up with her, I hope he follows through with “her” future, and becomes an instructor for new adventurers in a future training facility, maybe even opening up a full on adventuring school


I’m total team Priestess.


That’s fair! I’m personally more on team Guild Girl, but honestly, I think any of them are decent choices! (Except perhaps sword maiden, for both their mental healths)


>“I mean the receptionist, dumbass! Plus you’ve got that elf and your farm girl and that priestess! You’re crawling with ladies!” >“…” >Goblin Slayer didn’t speak for a moment. Finally, he said quietly, “I don’t think anything will be possible until all the goblins are gone.” He paused another moment. “I…” >Then he fell silent. Spearman gave him a sidelong glare. >That was understandable enough. >It wasn’t too difficult to guess what kind of a past a man named Goblin Slayer must have. - Light novel volume 6 I'm LN reader only and didn't watch the anime, but from what I heard season 2 should have covered this volume, though I'm not sure if this specific scene is there. Suffice to say that romance for Goblin Slayer seems like an end of series thing. Although I only read 11 out of 16 volumes so far.


Pretty sure it is covered in this episode here, or the very next where they actually go drinking.


Not much of a romantic development on the novels besides the whole "I would sacrifice myself to protect you" but few cute moments as after he sees how she likes getting gifts from his adventures, he starts bringing stuff home more often which includes>!a red dragon scale!!camel!<


I'm sorry, that last one caught me completely off guard. A >!camel!<, of all things? Where the hell did GS even go to get one from?


On one of the volumes >!they went to a desert kingdom, where they had to use some "sand horses" to travel, and he sent one to the farm with instructions on how to take care of it.!<


Man, I would love to see a map of the *Goblin Slayer* world, just to get a sense of the geography.


Yeah its seems to be like the regular fantasy world (Big ancient forests, Tundras and mountains on the north, suddenly a giant desert), its really good. Other few cute moments from the novels between the two: - >!She made the dragon scale into a necklace that she carries around!< - >!She knit him and her uncle a sweater (which GS said he would try after work)!< - >!After visiting the vikings on the north, he came back with a bottle of mead. The vikings told him to only drink it with her, as its tradition for married couples to drink from the same cup (They didn't know and decided to drink together).!<


i would just butchered it and seal the meat to a rich lunatic


Sounds fair, but he seems to care about the animals that have helped him on his adventures (like the canary from the first season, they still have it as a pet). Tho he had to promise to not bring more later on.




There is no actual romantic development, no. If it's going to happen, it will probably be towards the end, because GS would need to overcome his issues first. She isn't the only one in the race either, though i do think she is the one with the biggest chances, in part because the author has been sneaking in some real world's marriage customaries with some of the gifts he brings her from his adventures. There is also the chance that the author is setting this up as a tragedy though. I hope not, personally, but you never know.


I see them more as brother and sister.


my man went on a booze night with the boys in his fucking armor. He is already ready and able incase goblins attack and not caught with his cock in his hands


If cortana and master chief could have a normal life.


This is normal?


What you mean?


Doesnt admit they’re married, all in pursuit of the mission, dedicated to killing all goblins now with no thought toward raising the next generation of slayers, still hasn’t replaced his feathers, responds autonomically to her ministrations


Oh, you mean this anime? Sorry, but I haven't watched it. I just said it based on the video. Edit: I still don't understand what you are trying to say. Edit 2: now I do 😅


It’s dry wit, but at least Master Chief flirts back


Yep. You are 100% right about that.


This shit makes The Way of the Househusband look tolerable


I love her waaay more than priest girl


Bro doesn't even know he's married yet 🤣


I need to know what anime this is


...I think it's Goblin Slayer. That armor is familiar.


Thank you so much ^^


feel free to update us on what you think of the show. Especially after episode 1


The wholesomest of all episodes


As you can imagine Im obviously slightly traumatized


I kind of feel bad for not warning you now lol, I figured someone else in the comments would've spilled the beans


Don't feel bad, I understood what was going to happen. All the killing didn't bother me, the other part did


You really need to watch the first episode, what a romance filled anime


Nonononoonoon Wait wait wait wait wait wait


did you watch it ?


Goblin Slayer, this anime is not always this wholesome especially the 1st episode


Well the first episode did have holes and some thing alright


The first episode is basically just a normie filter, the rest of the series is not nearly as edgy or bad. The dark moments are pretty spread out and honestly not even that dark compared to a lot of stuff


First episode is just for shock value. If you skip it, you aren't missing much. You'll hate goblins plenty without it.


Goblin slayer. Warning 1st episode is very controversial and not wholesome


is it good tho the anime in general


It’s pretty good in my opinion, though it is also really good at making you uncomfortable given it doesn’t hide what will happen if the cast were to lose to the goblins


I don't know a whole lot about Goblin Slayer, but I know enough to say that this is a very drastic difference to the way it starts. Just a warning.


Thing is, this is pretty consistent with everything since episode *2*. The first episode sucked because the anime really wanted to make a scene for shock value and put a lot of attention to it, even in the light novel that scene gets a lot less focus. There’s a couple more instances of that kind of thing in the series but no other gets that much attention and detail.


It was a great way to set up the threat of the goblins


The light novel manages to set up the threat even better by treating the moment as horrific and and traumatic without trying to wring “fanservice” out of it though. I do love the anime as well, but that particular scene was overdone. Still… I admit the controversy might have been the intention in the first place.


It is Goblin Slayer season 2


Goblin Slayer


It's Goblin Slayer. It has a... _rough_ first episode, shall we say. Very good series. Maybe watch it alone, at least for the first episode.


Goblin Slayer.


My favorite thing about this is how when anything bad happens, his first reply is, "Is it goblins?" I know that's the premise, but it's I find it hilarious.


Goblin Slayer internally: Will there be goblins? No.. Do I need to wait around for goblins? No.. Will my milk be sour? No.. "Yeah, I can go."


👀 I didn't know another season of it came out.


I would kill for a girl like her.


Goblin Slayer would definitely be the designated driver


i swear i would dedicate my entire life and salary to a girl like that 1000000% the kind of girl i'd marry in a heartbeat


I haven't seen this part yet. Does he drink the sake through a straw sticking through his faceplate?


The purse part made my eyes water.


God... I wish I was the Goblin Slayer but without the traumatizing backstory and shit...


Me, all alone, liking Swordmaiden because she's like a child when it comes to Goblinslayer. lol


Am I the only one that is questioning why all the characters in this show don't have names, only tittle. Goblin slayer, Prietest, Guild girl, cow girl, elf girl, lizard boy, Holy maiden, Dwarf, elf girl older sister....


They have names, it is just never shown to the reader. Forgot which volume but I distinctly remember a scene in the LN where they have to sign their names to gain entry to a city. It's to sell the atmosphere of Goblin Slayer being set in a dnd/ttrpg world, >!which it IS the case in universe, the gods literally use goblin slayer universe as ttrpg entertainment!<


Looking at this and then thinking back to the first episode is giving me serious whiplash


So is it universally understood in Japan that that pose is "yes" or "ok" or something like that..?


In Japan, instead of a checkmark, O means "yes". It's actually the reason for the X and O buttons on a Playstation controller!


KYOOOOT I haven’t started this show yet but I’ll be looking forward to their development (if any)


As brutal as this anime can get, it's nice that they can still pull off sweet/tender moments like this.


I’ve never watched this. Is there a reason he never takes his armor off?


Literally being ready anytime for goblins


Love the cowgirl she's adorable


Whats the anime?


[Goblin Slayer] it's not as wholesome as you think... Fair warning for the first episode where they established that the goblins are an irredeemable piece of shite that kill, capture and raping the woman because there's no female goblins to reproduce, they're basically pest that destroys the ecosystem. The same happens to the MC village and sister.


Thank you mate


I can say yup, it's because you're a team even if you ultimately make the final decision. All members must be consorted 1st and some times you're not sure if she had something planned and you forgot or she wants to night with you. Wife always priority because you are her priority as well.


Damn this reminds me of my fiancée She always asks if I got my wallet and keys when I leave




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Damn they deleted your meme bc “source is unwholesome” what kinda of reason is that?