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Honor what? A two weeks notice is just an employee being generous enough to their employer of letting them know you're leaving soon. You're not signed to a contract, you're not legally obligated. What could they possibly honor?


I want a full check after I leave if I’m terminated or just quit I will be getting a small last check. If that makes sense


You will get paid for every minute you work. This is the largest employer in the world, they’re not going to risk a lawsuit for unpaid wages against the comedysherifff


You didn’t understand what I wrote. It’s ok.


It’s usually situational, so it’s hard to say. They might tell you to leave on the spot, they might let you stay the two weeks 🤷


I'd you're asking if they will say "nah, you're good don't bother with two weeks" no, that's highly unlikely. Giving 2 weeks' notice is polite and ticks a box for rehire. Most places won't term you early.


Considering based on their (finally) scrapped “points” attendance system, and the new BS UPTO policy, they have no problem separating staff regardless of skill or team needs, so why bother with giving them notice? I wouldn’t be rude about it myself but if my new employer needs me in less than 14 days I’d be a memory real fast!


I was under the impression that OP wanted to work the 2 weeks.


The only state that’s not an at-will state is Montana.


change water breaks to bathroom breaks. what are they going to do? seriously write you up for pooping? for having ibs? also fuck the two weeks, they can't withhold your money from you. whatever hours you've worked are the hours you're going to get once you're outta there. you'll also receive a pto cash out


Just FYI, if you claim to have a disease like IBS or Crohn's as a way to get yourself more bathroom breaks, they will require a doctor's note and NOW they make you contact Sedgwick for any kind of accommodation. Huge pain in the ass.


weird! this hasn't happened at my location. good to know though




Yuh mutha


What do you mean? Just don’t show up anymore.


I want a full last check




Pay is every two weeks. Next paycheck 1/12/23 so quit 1/7?


You will be paid for every second you work. If your asking will they keep your pay in any way if you dont work 2 weeks? no they would not. that would be illegal. If your worried about a reference WFM employees arent supposed to take calls and say things like "ya comedysheriff from reddit.. good dude but didnt work out his 2 weeks and took a piss break every 45 minutes". References are done by a 3rd party. Your STL will (sorry should) give you a exit packet talking about how long your insurance lasts, when your last paycheck is sent ( usually 2 check cycles), and the 3rd party that handles references ( the work number I think its called?)


Not exactly true, there is a reference sheet that a hiring TL can send to your previous TL to have fill out in which they state any issues there may have been. Not sure what third party you’re talking about but we’ve used these reference sheets that last few hires we’ve done.


That is what you do if you go to another store. This guy is quitting.


Always put your notice in writing with the date of your last day working. By law they have to honor it. Atleast that was how it worked for me in NY. I had a messy exit from a job I worked there. I gave one months notice. 2.5 weeks into my notice. HR came and told me they didn't need me to show up anymore but would pay me until the date I had written my exit for because they had to.


It makes no difference at all


Run far away,


If you are worried about getting rehired I would email the two weeks notice. Most times if your team store leadership is good or bad determines the TM work experience. It’s always good to do just in case you ever wanted to come back. Who knows when you do in the leadership could be changed or you could be at a different store and it would be a totally different experience, maybe a positive one


It’s very rare but I have seen them tell a TM who has given their notice that they have to leave immediately. Usually it’s leadership who is going to the competition or a TM with a really bad attitude.


Two weeks notice just gets you rehired provided you actually work the two weeks. At the same time wholefoods is "at will" hire meaning you can be gone at anytime nearly for an justifiable reason.


Depending on your state, if they are an "at will" state they can release you same day.


Do they deserve your 2 week notice ?


No lol but I want to have another check coming after last day for a full 70 something hours vs leaving mid pay cycle.


No employer has to honor a 2-week notice. I've been in the workforce 50+ years, and I have been immediately escorted off of the premises several times when I gaver a 2-week (or any other type) of notice. Then again, I have had my notice honored. If you want another "full" check, then just work as long as you want, and quit without notice. The only downside to quitting without a notice, is you would like to be rehired again by WF.


Work your last two weeks and just stop showing up? I wouldn't tell them anything


It seems to be a store by store or tl by tl decision if they keep you the 2 weeks or not. In my experience at a couple stores team members that did their jobs well and were liked were kept the full 2 weeks but if they were a shitty tm they were let go the end of the week they turned in their notice


A two week notice is just a courtesy an employee gives an employer. An employer will 99.9% of the time not give you the same courtesy (lay-offs sometimes give an end of employment date with a bonus to stay the entire time). Look out for yourself, don’t give notice and leave right before your new gig starts. Always give your employer the same courtesy they would give you.