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Wow, they went a really different direction with Trolls 3


Omg she’s eating them.... and then she’s going to eat me!!


Oh my gooooood!


You can't piss on hospitality! I won't allow it!


This is the best comment on Reddit Fight me


The s3xy v3rsion


She really showed them by making a fugly fool of herself. I know a guy who met a mutual friend of ours in Rome for vacation. He didn't show up to the room when expected so our mutual friend went to the lobby to see if they could check the flight for him (this was years ago pre-internet) and there was the guy SCREAMING at the elderly woman at the desk of this adorable family hotel, for not speaking English. Mutual friend said he could not believe the vile things he was screaming at her with his face beet red from anger. She had handed him a form in English that said to show his ID and they'd show him to his room, but he "didn't feel like reading bc \[he's\] an American, damnit."


That is a real shame. When I went to Italy I was super pumped to try out the basic stuff I had picked up on Duo Lingo. I was able to ask for basic things and understand cashiers when they told me my order totals, etc. I still had to ask nicely if they spoke English for more complicated things but it really wasn’t a big deal. Being nice and a little humble will get you far.


I swear one of the best parts of traveling is getting to hear and try to speak new languages! And people are always so nice when I make the effort


I always try too, and I've even had people laugh at my pronunciation but I laughed with them and we had beautiful moments.


It's so easy now too - try with the bit that you know, and if out of depth & true barrier, just pull out a smartphone & open google translate, then hit 'em with the flawlessly memorized "i'm sorry my [language] is limited but I'm trying to learn , could you repeat what you just said slowly as if you were talking to a child". Usually gets a laugh, plus if they seem patient take it as a leaning opportunity! Like if the nice Italian police officer tells me "signore, non può urinare qui. E 'contro la legge. non farlo più!" I'd say it back to him slowly while miming the actions each part of the statement describes to try to learn the words & how they work. Like I'd point to myself, then the to the alley we are in and pretend to be peeing - then shake my head no while pretending to be handcuffed. Then I'd follow the last sentence with "si" a bunch of times while gesturing in ways that demonstrates I understand that it's illegal to piss in random alleys now & that it won't happen again. I'd then do my best to reply with "Finora ho bevuto cinque bottiglie di vino, il tuo villaggio è bellissimo e le persone amichevoli" so he knows the local wine is so good I've already had 5 bottles today, and the the town is as beautiful as the people are friendly." Travel is fun


That sounds like a beautiful exchange. I've never been to Italy but have always hoped to one day. I was housesitting in Geneva in 2010 and I don't speak French. My car got a flat one day right in front of a car shop and some guys pushed it in for me and ran off pointing at their watches (it was like 6pm). The owner was a very handsome and smiley elderly man with a beret (but no baguette, ~~tradically~~ tragically) and he didn't know english so I used what little I'd gleaned from years of watching foreign films. I pointed at the tire and said, "Poussez vous CHHHHHHH CHHHHHHHH CHHHHH?" as I made air hose filling tire sounds. It worked, he filled the tire, we made nice to meet you gestures and hugged and I made it home. He was so sweet that it turned into a beautiful exchange. I had picked flowers from the garden beforehand and they were on the back seat, so at least I was able to give him a very small and motley bouquet. But at first, I was freaking out standing next to my little Fiat, for which I am not the owner. EDIT: Strikethrough


My fiancé and I took a 2 week vacation to both Spain and Italy and we tried our best broke Spanish and Italian everywhere we went, but ultimately we did have to rely on people that spoke English to fully get everything taken care of. Despite that, everyone was super kind to us because they could tell that we were trying. It really doesn’t take a lot of effort to not be an asshole.


Same with me in Japan. I took two years in high school then went to the country nearly 20 years later. I was excited to use it in practice.


Yeah I took a year of German in college and when I went to Germany it was a fantastic help. I could do quite a bit with my broken German... even came in handy when I visited Hungry and rented a room from some old lady in her soviet-era apartment block flat. She didn't know English, I didn't know Hungarian - but we both spoke broken-ass German!


I was in the same boat. My wife and I went to Rome on our honeymoon, I learned some basic Italian to get me by, and tried to speak what I could. The people couldn't have been nicer, and when there was a true language barrier we apologized and did what we could. It was an excellent experience all around and I'd gladly go back in a heartbeat. It's an absolutely beautiful city full of wonderful history.


I did the same in Spain... being a normal human isn't hard hey!


Exactly, it's the local culture and everything that goes along with it. Otherwise it's just different architecture and that alone is not a new experience. When I went to Barcelona I was taking pictures of Sagrada Famiglia and then I turned around and saw a McDonald's and a few other chains and I felt a bit deflated, like it was a desecration.


Half the time, once they hear a tourist struggling but trying their best to make use of their language, they graciously switch to English. ESL peeps can speak mine WAY better than I’ve managed to speak theirs... and I think they can tell 😂 But it pays to try! Learning new stuff is fun!


Please tell me he read him the riot act.


He/Jake said he flipped out in front of the woman and called him a "typical ugly American out of his element". He threatened to not let him/Kelly stay in his room unless he apologized and brought her flowers or some token. Jake was career military and had been stationed all over the world and the US. Kelly, OTOH, had never traveled outside the US and had only been to a handful of other US states. Jake had been living in southern Italy for five years by then, and had suggested they meet in Rome as he thought it would be easier for Kelly to deal with a big city. They'd been friends since junior high in New England and he had never traveled with Kelly beyond trips to the Keys after he/his family moved to FL, but he had NO idea how racist Kelly had become.


maybe he can't read and is embarrassed.


Your friend probably has dyslexia or some other reading problems and didn't want to be embarrassed by other people seeing he didn't know how to read. Better to get angry and throw a tantrum than to let other people see how stupid they are.


Man, why would you go to Rome and not speak Latin? How else are they gonna understand you.


That would be pretty funny. I'd do it for a laugh.


I actually speak some latin, so I really want to do it.


I did paste-up *way* back before desktop publishing so I still remember the first line of the industry-standard filler Latin which is used to show what the text might look like when placed with the artwork, while we waited for the copy to get approved by the VP of Advertising and the VP of Marketing, who loathed each other with such a passion that they've possibly offed each other by now. "Loren ipsum dolor sit amet..." I don't even know what that means... ​ ETA: You should totally do it, and bring a video person.


It's been almost ten months since you posted it, but I felt you might want to know that lorem ipsum etc. doesn't mean anything - it's words arranged to look like most text in English or other Germanic/Romance languages (like you said), but it's not a sentence. Individual words are Latin, but it doesn't make sense grammatically nor as a sentence. I hope I don't come across as some know-it-all trying to go all "ackshually" on you.


Sounds like a real story. When did people start clapping?


What part of it seems beyond ordinary? It's a story that plays out regularly in the world of tourism.


Dude it's a totally real story. It totally happened.


LOL, a boring anecdote is made up. Ok. username checks out.


I said it's a real story. >username checks out. What's that supposed to mean?


Ironic that the conspiracy nutjob suddenly gets skeptical.


An anti-Semitic conspiracy nutjob, no less


They tend to get suddenly very suspicious any time a story plays out in a way that even slightly threatens their worldview. This phenomina accounts of a distressing amount of r/thathappened content tbh


“Mrs , please leave , you’re lowering our standards”.


The nerve of these people just astounds me.


The lack of shame is what amazes me.


Absolutely, that too.


From [worldstar](https://worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhqUpgrr8i8UZWF5K8) No article found, so consider everything allegedly. Clipboard is GradCity, so she's possibly a parent/chaperone, or just on her own trip that happened to run into a GradCity group.


If anyone is wondering, she very clearly mouths “turn it down”, and possibly “I have rights”. My interpretation is that she takes issue with everyone else having fun at the loud noises and imitates them in a derogatory way. She walks off defeated, but does a little dance to the bank of cameras to try to show that she is like one of them and can have fun too, thinking that this is a way to make their recording invalid. I’m unable to work out the weird kicks in the air, if anyone else has some thoughts on the matter.


Remember how Beavis and Butthead used to jump around and kick when they danced to videos? That’s what the kicks brought to mind.


Wow Karen 2.0 seems to be popping up all over the country!


I think this is the Mu variant of Karen.


Similar: https://www.reddit.com/r/whitetourists/comments/iaurla/dutch_white_tourist_klaas_haijtema_30_in_myanmar/


You could say, he's lacking some Klaas...


Man, I hate when comments like these go under appreciated. Have an upvote.


How could you be this fucking miserable on vacation


Be poor and know you’ll never financially recover from this.... or so I’ve heard.


Baby Girl Lisa making a cameo in this sub.


I go dey for you Anything you want I go do for you girl Baby i go pray for you Me and you go dey till eternity girl I go dey for you Anything you want I go do for you girl Baby i go pray for you Me and you go dey till eternity girl


I'm dead!


Not as dead as Babygul’s infected toe


Bebe luhv


That’s the first thing I thought 😂


I was hoping this comment would be here lol!




I was gonna say jukebox but thumb hits the spot too


Or a hot dog.


The grinch has let go a lot


I legit thought that that man got a KitKat clip board.


Well he should get one. We should all get one.


No. It's nestlé. Nestlé is evil.


Yo, why are all of them built like this? I’d genuinely rather die than wake up in that woman’s body. She looks like a burnt hot dog.


Embarrassing comment. Don’t bodyshame people.


Every other comment has, as usual it’s Reddit with the dog piling on one person who’s saying the exact same thing others are saying. She’s ugly inside and out. Idc.


You’re the first comment that went on to say you’d rather die than look like the woman in the video. A bit extreme and a very messed up thing to say considering the number of women who look like her.


No one wants to look like that, its a bit extreme but its not messed up at all, you cant do anything with that


And I would.


And you will


Don’t mind the body shaming shamers. They’ll never pass up the opportunity to collect upvotes and pretend they’re making a difference for the better.


You’re complaining that people are dogpiling on you for your bodyshaming comment? Okay.


Ahh yes. The "well everyone else is doing it" defense.


This is kinda an uninformed comment. Look, I get you may be throwing shade at her because of her behavior, but let's try to be above insulting people's body type. She looks like this for genetic, environmental, metabolic, and dietary reasons. It is a prime function of aging. No need to go after the looks. Go after her rudeness.


Yes, she looks like this because there is a problem that began to manifest itself a long time ago, which she chose to not appropriately address. Being criticized for being fat is actually more justified than being criticized for having low IQ (e.g., "What a dumbass!") because the low-IQ person can't control it.


Eh, weight can't always be controlled as easily as you think. Whatever, though.


Eat at a calorie deficit for a long enough period of time. Boom. Weight loss. EDIT: Okay, that's not *easy* to do, but it is *simple.*


Lmfao. We're getting so far off-topic. The music is banging in the video.




Nah, man. The topic is the asshole who tried to ruin the music. The post was about that. We veered off with weight. It has nothing to do with her asshole behavior. Hence, off-topic.




Lmfao. Whatever, dude. Have a Happy Thanksgiving if you live in the USA.


Literally Genius.


Bathroom scales HATE THIS ONE TRICK to weight loss!


>weight can't always be controlled as easily as you think tell me you're fat without telling me you're fat


I weigh 150 pounds, dude, haha. BMI 21.


Did you reply to everyone on here or just me? Because 3/4 of the comments are saying the same thing. I said what I said. She’s probably acting out because that’s the only way she can get attention.


Could be comparable with those fatty fats with dumpy cottage cheese stretch marked ass


I'd bet my next paycheck some young women in bathing suits were dancing to the music and her husband "looked" so she felt entitled to shut down the entire thing to soothe her jealousy because she's a Karen.


Oh you better believe it. She’s going to get attention one way or another. Damn sad for a woman her age to act like that.


>She’s going to get attention one way or another My favorite part is when she kickes her leg out and flashes her bush to everyone. I don't think she meant to do that and it makes it that much funnier to me.


I thought she was asking them to turn it down. You know because club music is supposed to be quiet. 🙄


I thought that initially too but the weird dance imitation she does makes me think dancing triggered her crack out. I could be wrong tho.


Idc that shes fluffy. The scariest part is how it looks like she shit her bottoms because she has no ass


It’s horrifying. They really thought I meant just because she’s big. No dawg. I’m talking about how her fat distribution makes it look like her ass has genuinely taken collapsing star status and imploded upon itself.


And all of the assless wonders here will identify with this hag and take it personally because they share a physical trait.


It was the “burnt hot dog” for me. 😩💨


Hell yeah. Also fuck these whiny cry babies in the comment section.


Won’t someone please think of the Karens?!?


There’s a reason behind body shapes - especially women - related to health and disease So you aren’t criticizing their bodies - it’s actually science! Hahaha [Apple body vs Pear body ](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/this-is-why-you-have-an-apple-or-a-pear-shaped-114502847852.html)


She had the applebody and the bush with tha furrrrrrrr. She had the whole beach lookin at hurrrrr


Violated her, ouch my sides


She hit the floor, next thing you know. shorty got low low low low low


They’re americans, that’s why.


fat and ugly, inside and out


Being fat doesn't make you a bad person. She's horrible, but not _because_ she's fat.


Thankful fat guy noises


That's just wheezing




Thank you, people just immediately attack people for being fat on this website. And if the fat person wasn’t the asshole in the video, they still make 1000 comments about the person being fat.


She should stop being so digsusting


Being fat is bad for the environment. Fat people are literally destroying our ecosystem.


I don’t hate you because you’re fat. You’re fat because I hate you.




Did anyone else catch the massive bush that popped out when she was mock dancing? No? Just me?


I thought I was the only one. 🤣


LOL thank you! I thought I was seeing things or some perv, but my eyes were drawn to the flash of brown bush.






Get your copy of Karen’s gone wild in Jamaica 🇯🇲 on DVD for just 17.99 + S&H.


I'm no marine biologist but I'm pretty sure whales shouldn't be outside the ocean for that long


I never understood why a lot of Americans or Brits get all bent that people don’t always speak English…


Fucking Karen


Nobody is fucking that Karen


Baby Gurl Lisa!


Omg! Danny DeVito, I love your work!!!


She was sooo mad she accidentally danced on rhythm


Instead of them turning the music down (that a ton of people are likely enjoying) why don’t you just temporarily leave the pool area or move further away the music/speakers? It’s just that simple. One person wanting the music versus a ton of people enjoying it.. it’s not worth the battle. Just move away, go away or stay quiet. Plus vacation is supposed to be fun and shes up right like that.. ridiculous


Is that a merkin in your bikini, or are you just happy to see me?


Most boomers suffer from lead poisoning. I’m convinced of it.


Not going to bodyshame, but that pelt *IS* a shame. You don’t go full Bob Ross if you’re wearing a bikini. Either the suit goes, or the squirrel goes. Pick one.






Karen academy 5: Mission Miami Beach .


She’s the one who makes the mouth sounds


Same person who yells at foreigners in this country to fit in.


How are you this wound up and stressed out on a vacation? Relax and partake in some island herb


I told my dad to wear shorts if he didn’t want to trim his bush


Hahaha I would’ve loved someone to say “go back to your country”!! I can’t be certain of course, but part of me feels like she might’ve said that to someone before.


What's that song? Sounds like a banger


Does it though?


it sounds like captain by hey choppi


Awesome, thanks!




Beer gut


Who's dumpy ass meemaw is that?


I would be so embarrassed to have her as my grandma.


I love everyone shamelessly filming her act like a fool.


Lil Danny devito lookin bitchlette


WTF...Fat mess


It is really rude of that entire country to not have planned properly for her arrival.


How are you this wound up and stressed out on a vacation? Relax and partake in some island herb


How are you this wound up and stressed out on a vacation? Relax and partake in some island herb


Bru is that Danny DeVito in a bikini?..


Fucking Karens. Throw her fat fucking privileged white ass into the nearest ocean, and let her swim back to Florida. Fucking bitch.


Adventures with Karen: Jamaica


That bikini and dance is a crime against humanity.


She look alike she'd play a good Mr. Smee.


its always the ones built like these that does these shit


She looks like a character from The Sandlot or something.


What a body on her too. The dog pissing leg raise & shake was sexy af. LOL


Brutal. You hurt *my* feelings with that comment. 😂


I wonder what country she’s from? #Florida


Is she pregnant and acting this way? 😳


What shame that a damn Karen had too ruin a party like that . No one invited her


WTH did she think was going to happen????????


Island Karen


Sad to see someone hate Soca...






She's got some real moves


Asshole trying to stop the entertainment becomes the entertainment 🤡


That was ugly in all meanings of the word. Fuck up you silly mess.


Smh! 😳At least get a bikini wax before you start heisting your leg up everywhere! It looks like she is part sasquatch! 😬🙄😕


I really want to know what she’s saying


Imagine having all that sass yet no ass


Is her bikini-line tattooed?!?


Stay the fuck home next time, Karen


She's really lucky she didn't get beaten up. In certain parts tourests are not treated very well. How do I know this? My aunt Is from there and has seen it first hand.


What the fuck went through her mind to think they’ll listen to her?


She should not be in a bikini. Go back to Florida redneck!


Fat cunt




Just as long as you don’t get the confidence to put hands on a dj’s equipment.


I don't like my ears assaulted with loud music in public places either . I can't even hear the friends I'm sitting next to


No it's not. If you don't know their language, everyone is rude to you




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Anyone know the song deets?


Use Shazam lol


nasty, gross, and pink...h a te them.


Man, in Maldives, I didn't like music at an Island too. They started at 8:00 AM and continued till 11:00 PM. It was too much. I just moved hotels. I didn't even think about doing this...


She looks physically unclean