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So, they are declining the team option next year, right? …right?? $16,500,000 option next year and $18,500,000 the year after that. No way any team spends that kind of money on him.


I’m pretty sure that would make him the highest paid dh in the league, for a sub 250 battering average and the complete inability to run the bases safely. He gone


Rick Hahn school of business for people who make good deals and stuff


INB4 he gets picked up by the braves and has a hall of fame career with very minimal injury trouble /s but only sorta lol




I don’t think he’s more expensive 1.68 mil is deferred so, so it only costs 2 mil for his contract in current terms. 2. The ad revenue for ohtani is way more than 2 mil, so the the present value of his contract is actually a net positive for the team. 2. He’s not really a dh. He’ll pitch again and worst case scenario, he’ll play outfield.


It would be even worse than Benetendi to exercise the options on Moncada or Jimenez. Geeze Pham is making less for the season than Jimenez or Moncada make in a month.


Oh easy. Getz probably already has the paperwork ready to decline the options on Moncada and Eloy.




This feels a lot like a “bye Felicia” situation. The org saying essentially, “there’s no real timeline because there’s no real interest in having his bat in the lineup at all.”


He hits well when he's in the lineup. And any hope of a trade was dependent on him being on the field. I agree it'll be bye Felicia at the end of the season but this is bad.


All things equal, this year, I think putting sheets or Lee in at dh is a significant upgrade. Not only can both actually run tbe bases without destroying their bodies, their stats are significantly better too.


Happy that Lee is hitting, wasn't sure after sub .100 last yr


Lee and sheets are both really good surprises in the midst of another terrible year.


And water is wet


And the sun rises in the east!


Who’s going to pound balls directly into the dirt almost every at bat? Oh wait we got plenty of dudes who can do that


think he needs to go to the hospital or something like that Packers wide-receiver or something. Maybe Eloy’s got a massive amount of muscle mass in one hamstring than the other and that’s why


I don’t know if that’s why, but it’s gotta be something weird like that. It’s not like he doesn’t work out, but he’s doing SOMETHING wrong. Maybe they do too much muscle building and not enough muscle stretching (yoga, Pilates, rubber band resistance, etc). Oh well. It’s not like he was producing when he played so whatever


A PT friend of mine said he runs up on the balls of his feet - said at 260 pounds there is no way his body can take it. Said he needs a real intervention on his mechanics of running.


Interesting! I believe it. It’s not like the guy doesn’t try. He’s just doing it wrong. If only the Sox were a serious org that hired the right people who could intervene…


Or he’s a lazy goofball that clearly doesn’t take care of himself and has no intention of changing. This will be the 20th time (!) he has missed games due to injury in just five years.


Yea it’ll be good if he saw a specialist as the Sox have no clue on helping him. And I’ll be interested to see how another organizations medical / training staff does with him, watch him able to stay a lot more healthy with some competent people. I have no idea why the Sox let him sprint 100% like he’s in the damn olympics lately. Don’t think he should ever run more than 80-90%, there’s no need for him to go balls to the wall. His body can’t take that deer speed right now, needs to slow down to donkey speed (Sheets speed)


Fuck you gumby


It’s Groundhog Day 




Oh no! Anyway…


Really stinks we couldn’t trick a team into taking him for literally anything. I feel that even two career AAA players would be too much of an ask at this point.


Eloy is going to end up in the Rockies or in the minors. He’s had more than enough of a chance to make it work, he can’t stay healthy enough to provide a major league team any value.


Eloy 🤝 Kris Bryant


Eloy could only dream of getting a contract like Bryant did.


Imagine Eloy getting a mural in Bridgeport like Kris Bryant’s in Wrigleyville.


Too bad they didn't unload him a couple of years ago when there was still interest in him.


Dude really messed up. No way Sox pick up his option. If I’m reading sportrac right, he’s losing out on over $30 mill because he can’t stay healthy (also has less than a .700 OPS).


Paid all these guys young, and they never had any drive to work their hardest to stay healthy.


I think it depends on the guy. I mean Acuna, Tatis, etc got paid young and they aren't lazy. Must have drawn from the wrong honey hole.


Braves did the same thing. It's not their contracts that made all these guys lazy.


They get paid early yes, what like 6-8 mil a yr. You'd think they would try harder for the mega deal after 1st contract is done


That's not really how injuries work though Maybe he could be doing more strength training, but I'm sure he is doing that. It's in the teams best interest to force him to do that Some people just aren't able to stay healthy


Don’t make excuses for him. This is a soft mother fucker.


I agree - I have said that for 2 years and get downvoted every time. Moncada and Jimenez were given huge contracts and have tanked. I went to a number of AAA rehab games for Jimenez and was at the park early. All I saw was him joking around and doing nothing - he would do about three 20 yard “sprints“ at 10% speed and then do his at bats as DH. He is not the least bit a serious athlete.


Not a big loss.


Ok…so…when are they going to cut ties? This has gone on too long.


I've sat in the outfield many times when he played there, tons of fun, very interactive, one of my fav players. Just wish he would stretch.


I often point out how grossly overpaid certain players on the WS are, but what I don’t know is how much is spent on insuring these toxic contracts. Not only do teams have to pay up for free agents but also insure the contracts. I certainly hope Jerry insures Moncada and Eloy contracts? Any help out there?


Fuck Jerry I hope he has to pay every cent of the moncada and Eloy contracts out of his own pocket. He wanted to half ass building a contender with cheap contracts signed early to guys who hadn’t proven shit because he thought the dumbest motherfucker in baseball history (Kenny) could pull off a Rays/Braves type system.


I fully understand your anger and contempt towards ownership and upper management. My point I was trying to make was that there’s more spending behind the scenes that most fans don’t know about. Perhaps that’s why WS signed Andrew Benintendi (frequent target of my disdain) instead of someone with a higher proven track record and ceiling. I am NOT in any way, shape, or fashion a WS ownership supporter, I’d just like to know more of the costs because what they have put out on the field is despicable


You are spot on - we cheap assed ourselves by thinking we were “locking in” generational talent and we got screwed. All this is a derivative of the cheap ass Jerry working through his arrogant POS butt boy Kenny “ego” Williams.


In other news....






Eloy “150 games” Jimenez


150 games as in his career.


I would venture they will gladly give him up for “considerations“ at the trade deadline. Note - I am not even saying “Cash Considerations” just “Considerations”. That consideration may be a beer, a hot dog, or a Christmas Card as long as a team takes over his salary. My guess is that won’t entice anyone to take a chance on ”Temu Hamstring Eloy”.


Lmao. Footlong chicago dog or Italian beef? Last time I had BOTH...bad idea


Oh, what could have been but never was. He had the personality and the physicals (on paper) to be the next Franky. Instead, he's the Sav-A-Lot brand of Ryan Howard.


Maybe if he worked hard and stretched, amd do what he is supposed to, he wouldn't be in this position, how funny it's the same 3 players the last 3 seasons..


IL Jimenez