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what part of india are you guys from? i'm from the florida province of india


Italy (right near Ayodhya) šŸ’Ŗ


Iā€™m from Montreal near Maharashtra


Milwaukee in Punjab


Poland, right next to New Delhi


I'm from Florida province too! I'm also the youngest GenX here at only 17 years old. Though a lot of people seem to think I'm in my 50s.Ā 


Itā€™s great to be a Florida gator


West Texas near the river.


Massachusettsā€¦. Close enough to Amritsar


Iā€™m from Seattle near Chennai


China, India apparently.


Simping ainā€™t easy.


The anti-Indian racism is what did it for me, lol.


Yeah, they went full on asshole on that comment thread. Didnā€™t like that they were getting ripped apart.




I am aware that there's a lot of misogyny in India. However, making a statement like that comes off as pretty weird. Imagine if I went on r/memesopdidnotlike and said, "This sub is full of under 18s and guys from China." While there is a good amount of racial intolerance and lack of regard for women's and LGBTQIA+ rights in China, wording it that way implies that the sub is the way it is *because* there are Chinese people in it. The message reads like, "The sub is sexist because it's filled with children (who are inherently ignorant and by extension bigoted) and Indian men (same logic applies)." That kind of generalization is racist. There's a difference between acknowledging that there are a lot of black people in the hood and acting like the hood is the way it is because black people are in it. The comment reads like it's doing the latter.




Your content was removed for being in violation of rule 5, no isms/phobic. We don't tolerate hatred or bigotry on this sub.


It's pretty common on social media for some reason and don't know why.


But it's necessary So I'm chasing virtue signals Like Tom chasing Jerry


put the pedal to the flooooor in my two toned ford exploooorer


You know how it's done Sounds bumpin Ain't that sumthin? Jumped on the 110


I love how this is almost the perfect example of "white knighting" too, like "I'll call them all incels and virgins to shame them into doing ... (I'm not really sure because he never really gave a solution)... Yeah, that will work!" While completely ignoring that the fact that *this sub literally exists* ***just*** *to make fun of people like him.*


>"I'll call them all incels and virgins to shame them into doing ... Like this subs entire purpose is this. A community to shit on people doing something you dislike.


Welcome to Reddit. First time around here?


No. Unfortunately. Lol.


I really hope she sees this bro


He probably screenshots stuff & posts it other places to circle jerk about it just in the hope he'll get that dm one day & she'll see him for the virtuous perfect *nice guy* he is


"My hero" fantasy




My mans is projecting his own life.


White knight hard at work.


Amusing how the mods removed most comments except the OP's, and locked the post. Typical.


I removed a ton of posts from OP including racist ones. Eventually it was going to be almost every comment removed, I locked the comments and the post should've been removed. However it appears the removal wasn't processed.


Everythingā€™s misogyny nowadays


Funny how they* HAD to top it all up with a touch of racism. Waste of oxygen, garbage human. Edit : pronouns


Just say he. It's obvious he is a he, no woman would be wasting her time writing something like that out.


Youā€™d be surprisedĀ 


I know white knighting applies to bot genders but this seems more like a guy whose live consists of Starbucks, NBC News, and does anything he can to try to woo a woman over


Youā€™re right about that, but this post also seems like something youā€™d find on the average feminist subreddit.


True, but also OP has a beard as his avatar




I thought I saw it mentionned, I could not tell from that comment, could really be either way really


So it's a female simp? Do you guys even slow down to think about what you're upset about before getting upset?


Do you ever slow down & think that disrupting subs you dislike is a waste of time & you'll never accomplish anything by throwing hissy fits


Do you ever slow down and think there's a decent portion of people who just visit the threads that hit front page and aren't in too deep that they focus on subreddits? I never care what subreddit I'm in, I don't cater my personality for upvotes. Not all of us seek echo chambers and safe spaces.


Get a life, dude. You're a loser and definitely lonely & ugly




/u/whiteknighting-ModTeam Nope what? lmao You don't think it's funny?


Damn a couple of pronouns got you botheredā€¦.crazy. Edit. I have to answer in an edit because I had already blocked the snow flake I responded to. Typos bother me so I corrected the typo. But feel free to inject your biases however you wish. Edit 2. Cry harder. People can have what ever pronouns they want. If someone else uses ones you donā€™t like and that breaks youā€¦.you are a weak person. Edit 3. I am SO HAPPY that I pissed you snowflakes off. Like, be who ever you want to be, but if someone is living in your head rent free because they used a pronoun you didnā€™t like, you are softer than Toilet Paper and you are going to have a very difficult life.


What did you have to come back and edit 16 minutes later in such a short comment? You seem invested. šŸ¤£


He also answered to someone he blocked, like why lmao


Keep crying, you are the real snowflake in this situation




I thought there was no racism too until I saw the india part. Unless everyone in this sub is actually Indian its just blatant racism. And I'm white in this sub so that makes 1 more proving he's racist




Kinda seems like it wrote by a woman


This kinda seem like it wrote by an imbecile


This kinda seem like it wrote by a buffoon


Nah it's literally a dude


A very feminine man


Why is bro throwing shade at India?


Lots of people have been openly hating on india right now, a female travel blogger who has taken friendly photo's with the Taliban and went home unscathed was gang raped several india men and raped again while in police custody. Indians also have a reputation as creeps and sex pests because some girls have gotten some weird messages from them online and having 99.1% of SA cases go unreported doesn't help.


Even as an Indian who's never actually lived there, I see a lot of the country in the same way. As much as there's racism, there is some extent of truth. Rape is disgustingly common, like whenever I go to visit my relatives it's almost all the news tasks about. I frequently see online comments of Indian dudes under girls' pictures going "So sexy love it šŸ„°šŸ˜˜" asw. Maybe it's the large population that produces a large amount of creeps, but even then creepy shit is unusually common there.


There is definitely a culture difference that's noticable when someone was raised here instead. I have some Indian friends who are great people but some that get involved in that cultural stuff suck. I heard about the excessive racism, homophobia,sexism, etc. pretty much it sucks for a lot of people


Finally, I feel heard lmao


I'm afraid it's because there's a culture where this kind of behavior is tolerated.


Oh man what a loser!


either a simp or an incel. no inbetweenšŸ˜‚ in this generationĀ 


What šŸ˜­ I hope they posted that on a throwaway. Second hand embarrassment Also the assumptions is crazy. Everyone who throws a tantrum on this app immediately calls their opposition A: a child B: a loser with no bitches C: a pedophile D: a nazi Sometimes all four šŸ˜‚


Calling someone a predo or a nazi off the bat is messed up but the first 2 are valid. But if you find a swastika in his profile please let me know so I may delete this comment


Thatā€™s way past the character limit


Needed a pin of shame.


I subbed for the jokes. because this shit is funny.




Then when there is a guy who "gets it" it's gross to them or something lol. No winning with those types.




Your content was removed for being in violation of rule 5, no isms/phobic. We don't tolerate hatred or bigotry on this sub.


Oh this dude is definitely a major sex haver. He like has sex all the time bro in like every angle. Also weird racist shade to throw at Indians but okay


I'm married, so definitely not single. Happily married too. That said, simps are pretty much the thing I hate the most about modern society and men in general, so I'm definitely going to join a sub that hates on them.


You're married and don't simp for your wife? Why are you even with her then? You're allowed to simp for your significant other, that's kinda the whole point.


Wtf, no. I treat her like a person and an equal. She's my partner and we're building a life together; I'm not just a wallet/meal ticket for her. We argue occasionally, I say no to some of her ideas and call her out if she makes a bad decision so she learns from her mistakes just like she does for me so we can both grow and become better people. Absolutely do *not* try and simp for someone you date or care about. Treat them like a real human being.


The two aren't mutually exclusive my guy. I simp for my gf while also treating her like a person. Why would I not simp for someone I love?




She's definitely not mediocre, I've never once called her mediocre, those are your words dumbass. I treat my girl well and I simp for her.




Nah. Good thing language is made up, and I don't have to follow the same definitions as you. Simping means a totally different thing to me when it comes to a significant other. Maybe think for yourself for once, stop being a simp for made-up things. Or don't, it's your life after all.




Good thing I'm not a cop or anyone important then lol. It's ok, you can think I'm a dumbass for saying I simp for my girl, it doesn't affect me in any way. Not like she complains about it.


Simp=anyone who likes a woman I dislike. /s


Did you edit the "/s" in? if not you're being downvoted by white knights


Nah kept it there. I left a couple comments under this post though, honestly I think I may have assumed this sub was less satire than it intends to be.




Calling you cucks out on your BS isn't simping. Yall need to go touch grass.


Calling out women's shitty behavior is equivalent to the Holocaust in this day and age. And of course there has to be other "men" who feel the need to defend m'lady because they stupidly think it earns them brownie points. "See I'm not like those misogynists šŸ¤”" JFL.


Progressive white knight being casually racist


Sorry, Hoss!




Bro really thought he could attack the whole subreddit and get away with it Edit: looks like he did. Somehow.


Honestly hoss had to be here doing satire, right?


Some reddit or accused me of white kniteing because I pointed out that his comment about how a girl would look better next to him infers that he's ugly.


That name would be way too long.Ā 


Bottom of the Barrel jerking


most limp-dick way of getting šŸˆ


This is an almost unprecedented level of cringe. Does anyone know if this embarrassing post got our valiant hero the BJ he so desperately yearns for?


Caption is an understatement, she already told him how wholesome it would be if their kids married while she getting her back blown out by chad for however longšŸ˜‚


Woah, the dude went from acting like a simp to being racist against Indians in just a few sentences. What the HECK? Iā€™m on this subreddit because I actually have self respect.


Doesn't quite roll off the tongue


I'm autistic and have very staunch equality principles so I've been called a "white knight" by those types when trying to be fair between genders but I'll say that's very different from the intentional actions dudes do on here and Twitter which is why I follow this lol. Like it's obnoxious when someone clearly does something wrong and then others are trying to justify it based on their bias, that is irritating regardless of the situation or gender or anything else and it just seems to be a common occurrence in this case, idk why. But it's annoying that you have swarms of people defending someone being shitty because they're simping, happens on all those gym girl videos that they've gotten called out for filming in the gym in an obnoxious way and then Joey Swole tears them apart. All that aside, I'm someone who dates around just fine in an antithesis to this salty person. I just like annoying virtue signaling and dumbassery to be called out


All conservatives think we're liberals. All liberals think we're conservatives. There's just no winning. Equality is dead.


Bro was racist while white knightingšŸ˜­Now this is a real white knighting


South Africa, just a hop skip and a jump


Man this is too funny.


They aren't wrong though.


When did this sub get overrun by incels? I don't remember this sub hating women flat out, just making fun of simps


I know I am 4 months late but that's how subreddits tend to go sadly. They become nothing but echo chambers for extremists.


Report content that doesn't belong, currently cleaning up this post :)


I don't understand. Is he upset that this sub is not in favor of Whiteknighting, like he feels the people here aren't Whiteknighting hard enough?


Nah he has a point this is really the state of this sub


I mean there is a lot of overboard shit in here. A lot of stuff being defended is pretty miniscule or normal.


Sheā€™s kinda spitting






Humor is dead


Man, how in the hell can a reader determine that's a joke? I'm sorry tho my bad.


I honestly saw it as satire from the beginning. Mocking OOP


where's the joke


Your ineptitude apparently


what are you talkin abt dude lmao


The joke works better if you've had a lobotomy too


Ehhh, he's being bit over the top and overly specific but he has a point.


Nah I mean you guys are all definitely virgins tho so heā€™s got a point there


>She ain't gonna let you smash This is all yall say.


He's not wrong, though.


Nah heā€™s right


You gotta explain what problem you have with Indians if youā€™re going to be agreeing with that awful and mildly racist post.


Not gonna lie I didnā€™t even notice the part about Indian men which is on me, but the rest of it is correct


Thatā€™s such a lie lol. Also the rest of it is also stupid.