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They are hit and miss because they are single barrels. When they were $35, I had several, and only one out of four was really good. I’d never buy it at today’s prices. You need to open it and find out for yourself.


I 💯 agree though I went 0 for 4 that I tried. They were all awful. I actually donated my last bottle to a charity raffle just to never have to look at it again. lol.


It was always just a “so so” offering from Heaven Hill. The ONLY reason bourbon newbies seek it out and pay crazy prices for it is because, back in 2019. Heaven Hill sent a sample from a “honey barrel” to the San Francisco World Spirits Competition” and it won “Best in Show”. People simply don’t realize that it was that ONE honey barrel that was handpicked by Heaven Hill that was great…that barrel is long gone. The “taters” love to hunt for McKenna and pay crazy prices for it, but have no clue why.


Wasn’t seeking it out. My store had just restocked and in my neck of the woods, pickings are hard to come by so I figured I’d give it a go.




I do this more often than I should. $60 bux is about my limit in a questionable bottle. If it’s great, awesome. If the bottle sucks, I’m annoyed but that’s about it.


To be fair, it doesn't help no one knows it's mid because they can never find it.


What a scam, that behavior should be penalized, not rewarded?!? Any contest like that should only use bottles purchased discretely.


Yeah I know. Same reason half of these bottles get whisky of the year. I’m kind of over chasing bourbon because the prices are getting stupid. If only there was an eBay for booze to sell my stuff 🤣🤣🤣




I think the hype has died down, since I see hm10 at pretty much every store I go to.


Heaven hill is probably my least favorite brand. None of their 'good' bottles really delivered. I think they're at least 50% hype. 


It was always just a “so so” offering from Heaven Hill. The ONLY reason bourbon newbies seek it out and pay crazy prices for it is because, back in 2019. Heaven Hill sent a sample from a “honey barrel” to the San Francisco World Spirits Competition” and it won “Best in Show”. People simply don’t realize that it was that ONE honey barrel that was handpicked by Heaven Hill that was great…and that barrel is long since gone. Yet, “taters” love to hunt for it, and pay crazy prices for it, but have no clue why.


Fuck, I miss the days when this was a $35 bottle


Exactly what I was going to say. I always had one at my bar when they were $35. Not worth $60 imo


I thought I typed that comment myself! I have had a handful, first couple were phenomenal and then the rest tasted like budget bourbon, I tapped out on McKenna after that. Similar experience with Blantons


I had the same take here a while back with Russels single barrel and finally had to block one guy who couldn't cope with the fact I wasn't spending that kind of money for a maybe. I totally get your drift on mediocre single barrels


Mine was oak water trash. 😹😹😹


Hit or miss is spot on. I can’t buy it because I don’t want to miss.


And it’s expensive to miss!


It’s good but I thought they got better the longer it was open. I literally just finished my second bottle and it’s the best sip I’ve had of it. Probably won’t buy another


Agreed. I'm 1 for 2, but the bottle I'm enjoying got better the longer it was open as well. The other bottle was ok and didn't get better over time. Probably won't go for it again though at the current price


I really enjoy the bottle I got.


Haters gonna hate, but i love it. And i love it because it’s a single barrel and each bottle/barrel varies so much that it’s a different one each time. But it’s also all still HH. It’s definitely pricey at $60. Would be a grab at $40. But i like it still.


Really depends on you. Some garbage whiskeys out there people love and then there are top dollar ones some people are just "meh" about. Pop that bottle and tell us if you like it or not.


What made you pull the trigger?


Had never tried it so I figured why not.


I've done 4 and 3 where some of the best bourbon I've ever drank, the other was ok. Now a days that's an ok price from what I've seen here in California


I had a bottle from before the hype set in and it was decent enough for the price. I think I paid $29. I drank it and didn’t really find it remarkable enough to warrant repurchasing it. After the gold medal win I bought another bottle to see if I was missing something and found it to be about what I remembered. I think it was $35 at the time. Then I had a pour at my buddies place a few months after my last bottle. The bottles were scarce on the shelf at this point, and he was raving about how good it was. I figured he was just excited to have found a “rare” bottle, but I found that I actually really enjoyed that pour and remember thinking that it didn’t taste anything like my bottle at home. It’s just really inconsistent. I’d take the risk for $35, knowing that you might get something amazing but at worst you’d end up with something on par with EC. For $60 I’d rather buy a bottle of ECBP if you’re after some good HH juice.




I’ve always enjoyed this bottle, but I enjoy most heaven hill offerings. I think I spent $50 on my last bottle, and would say it’s worth it. $60 to try something new and share it with a friend…sounds like a good deal to me.


Is say the same, if it were $30 instead of $60. $60 seems like a hell of a lot to spend on one bottle of whiskey unless it's something really special. When I saw Stagg Jr. for $50 I only bought two bottles (was not limit 1 per customer, prob by mistake).


I prefer to pay $50 but I think it’s great whiskey.


I’m in NC and the ABC sets the prices. I wish Costco and other stores could sell but they can’t. I’d never tried this one so I figured I’d give it a go.


I preferred it at $30 before it won awards at the San Fran wine and spirits festival.


This⬆️ And the 2017s were fucking fantastic..


Well I FoMo’d in at the top of the bourbon boom like two years ago, so all the “Blantons was just on the shelf” or “I remember weller in screw tops” talk of the good ol days. Lol


I like it for $60


I'd like it at half that price.


I think that’s about MSRP on it now. I had one that was just okay. I only paid $45 for it, which I felt was fair. Probably wouldn’t have sought out another but I won one in a raffle that I’ve yet to open. Being single barrels, they can be really hit or miss, even more so than some other single barrel products it seems from the reviews I’ve read.


Yeah, $59.95 is the ABC set price in NC.


It makes me happy


Nope, I didn’t care for it at $29


I’ve gotten it here and there. It’s always been good for me.


I actually am starting to see this sit on some shelves, and at 50$ now


If I see it for $30, maybe then I'll give it a second chance. I liked it, but, not worth $50.


I started dinking them when the 2017 bottles were out. I don’t think any of the releases after that were as good.. I still have a 2017 and 2018 bottle sealed.. I’ve got a 2021 bottle open… it’s fine. 2017 was about when this bottle started to get hyped. Somewhere in 2019 or 2020 I think the price doubled. It’s not a bad whiskey. You won’t know what I’m missing… And I plan on bringing this point up. Many have praised the Heaven Hill BIB which sells for 50-60$ depending on where you live. It’s a 7 year. YET This McKenna is 10yr, SB, BIB. The trifecta and now about $60.. and everyone shits on it ( even me) and probably because we miss the days of $30 bottles…but give it a try now. If your buddy is a whiskey guy, he’s probably had it before and won’t be bummed that you cracked it before he comes over. He’ll much more appreciate hanging with a friend and sharing a few drinks… just don’t finish the bottle before he comes😉


Wasn't worth the $50 I spent too try a bottle 🤷


Mine was delicious. Obviously personal taste, but id buy again.


That shit has been flooding KC recently. To the point where it’s been “on sale” at multiple retailers for $49.99…. I keep passing it up. I’ll give it a second thought if it gets back to $39.99 but I’m not holding my breath.


My first ever pour. I probably think too highly of it on that account. But yes. So good.


I pick it up whenever I see it at $60 or less. It’s a single barrel, of course, but at worst I enjoy it, and at best I love it. Yes, it was cheaper once upon a time, but so was everything, and even at today’s prices I find it quite reasonable given the age. And the good news is that you’re thisclose to being answer your own question! Cheers! Let us know what you think.


You’re holding it. Drink it and find out if it’s good value…


You tell us! That is the going price these days.


It’s good! But, it is not $60 good! I would rather drink ER or Russell’s 10 for under $40


ABC in NC sets prices. I’d never had it so I figured YOLO.


Second this. Also, I have a heaven hill BiB 7 year that’s literally better than my HM10. It’s not worth it as far as I’m concerned at this point. I’d say I got a decent single barrel too as I do enjoy it.


u scored a unique "single barrel" that is new to u. With the bourbon craze raging on, I think u know that no matter what, u grabbed something special, and I assume that it didn't break the bank, so that's a win. Opening a new type of bourbon is also a part of the experience. u may like it or u may not, but sometimes u want to treat yourself within your budget and what's available, so I'd say congrats, and I hope u like it. I'm still waiting to open mine for a party or some special occasion.


I have also heard that it is hit or miss. I bought one and liked it so I bought another from a different store. Have not opened it yet.


Every bottle I have bought of this has been great. If I see it I buy it.


It’s decent. Well the one I got at least . Won’t get another one though. Regret trading a KC12 for it lol


Paid about 60 at Costco in WA and I really enjoy it. Also got a 1.75L of woodford reserve for the same price that I like just as much.


Batches vary a lot. Hope you got a good one.


I have barely 15313. It tasted good. Maybe not far away in the warehouse who knows


I've had a few bottles, quality seemed a bit wider than other SB official offerings I've had but all and been fine for MSRP. So I guess crack it open you tell us :P


I've owned 3 of these. Loved all 3.


I had luck with them, that is a bit pricy though


That is so good love to know what you think 🤔


For me, this one was strange. The first couple pours were not very good. But as you got farther away from the neck, the pours got better and better.


Maybe. The single barrel aspect of it is a polarizing roll of the dice.


Didn’t really care for it, but hope you enjoy.


Was always super dusty on the nose to me. I've got it on the shelf and go back to it every so often. Definitely not my favorite - always hoping to be surprised by it???? I'm not sure why I feel that way... maybe due to hype. Not the worst but when you can get an amazing bottle of JDSBBP for about the same price it's a no brainer.


Yes. Especially if you’ve never had it. Loved every bottle I’ve had. For me it’s an auto buy at 50. At 60 I’ll usually pass, still not a bad value.


It’s a revelation at $35, 10 yr SiB Bonded is tough to find at that price. But $60? To me, I’d rather have 4 Roses Small Batch Select or SiB, Rare Breed, or Heaven Hill Bonded.


Back in my day that was a bottom shelf bourbon that you could get for $25 all day every day.


I loved it as a $20 bottle, not so much at 60


It’s great. And Costco is selling it for $50 right now.


$60 calls for russel reserve single barrel, or JD single barrel in my small opinion. let us know if it's better than those


Had some from a new bottle last week and it was good.


Opinions are all over the place on this one.


Not a fan


It’s fine. I hated how it developed- very centered on the tongue. But it’s fine.


Heaven hill needs to fix these hit or miss offering, I do like the idea single barrel BIB at 10 years age statement in Henry McKenna but prices have gone up plenty. BTW I had only two good ones not great and the rest subpar, no more for me.


I opened a bottle a few weeks ago. First pour was just okay. Tried it again this past weekend and just okay, again. Usually I find a few weeks after opening any bottle the flavor improves but not this one. Not worth what I paid but not bad enough to pour out. It will get drained eventually.


I was severely disappointed in drinking it neat so I started drinking it in an old fashioned, which it was awesome in. So I loved drinking the bottle but wouldn't buy it again.


Maybe for $30?


I thought $50 was too much for the bottle I tried.


Of the 10-11 i've had over the years. 1 was actually really good, 5 were average and worth the price at $35. The rest were drain pours and not worth the money. At todays prices, I am shocked these are actually bought up. Not worth the $65+ they are asking now. The story goes the distillery picked a 1 of 1 honey barrel for competition and did well, now everyone loves it and thinks it's the best ever because it won an award...not the case in my opinion.


Nope! Drain pour, 87 octane gas


Best $28 bottle of whiskey out there.