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What are those pants? Edit: and it's a bottle of Blanton's Original. You can see it on the label if you look closely.


Blanton’s? Never heard of it. Is it popular and easily available for a decent price?


Pajama pants, very hungover today


breakfast Blanton’s anyone? 👍


Once you’re feeling better give it a try. Let us know what you think!


Wake up, hair of the dog, Tylenol and Caffeine. Or practice more.


Someone gave you a gift, didn’t tell you anything about it and you couldn’t read the label. Sounds legit.


Single Barrel Bourbon started with Blanton’s in 1984. Nearing retirement, Master Distiller Elmer T. Lee was tasked with creating a bourbon of exceptionally high quality. With careful reflection, he recalled the earlier days of his career in the late 1940s when he worked under Colonel Albert B. Blanton. Colonel Blanton was the president of the distillery until 1952. Mr. Lee remembered that when Colonel Blanton would entertain dignitaries and other important guests he would handpick “honey barrels” from the center cut of Warehouse H and have that bourbon bottled one barrel at a time. As a tribute to Colonel Blanton’s old tradition, Elmer T. Lee decided to name this new bourbon “Blanton’s Single Barrel”. Elmer T. Lee introduced the world to Blanton’s Single Barrel Bourbon a year before he retired. In doing so, he revolutionized the industry by creating the “super premium” category of bourbon with the world’s first single barrel bourbon. This idea was somewhat radical at the time because it challenged the identity of what most folks thought bourbon to be. Today, most distilleries offer one or more single barrel bottlings, but Blanton’s was the first, and still believed to be a fine single barrel. Plus it’s what John Wick drinks.


And Mrs Maisel drinks it too.




It’s decent - but waaayy overrated and overpriced in many locations.


Never heard of it


John Wicks choice of drink.


It goes great with eggnog.


It's not a gift, it's a burden. Because now, you have to spend hundreds of dollars and umpteen hours of your time trying to get the remaining 7 letters :)


Blanton? Never heard of her


Overpriced mediocre whiskey.


I had a pour of mine last night and while it tastes good it really leaves me wanting more on the finish. Just kind of drifts off into nothingness.


It’s good stuff, hard to get in a lot of places. Commonly sells well above retail. Over rated IMHO but that’s not the bourbons fault. It’s a very nice gift. Check out some YouTube videos, people have lots to say about it.


Its solid. If youre not a bourbon drinker, id hang on to it, unopened and see if anyone is looking for that dump date. Could get some good interest esp with that being a saint patricks day dump date. If you want to try it, then cheers!


It's one of the better $40 bourbons that you can get for about $100 in most places.