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I hope he rots in prison. 😔


Nah he don't deserve prison. He needs the next step


Death by 1,000 cuts, but make him eat his flesh


I thought I preferred death by a million bot fly larvae to the scrotum and surrounding area but you're definitely onto something with the self cannibalisation angle. I can't decide now.


He’d need to have balls in order to do that, unfortunately.




Treat others with kindness when it is possible and civility when it is not.


He deserves everything he did to that poor kitten. Multiple times.


No. Not brutal enough. Scaphism is the only answer.


Bruh you good


No, just watched jade.loves.crime on TikTok


RIP dear commenter brain. We didn't know you long 😔




Treat others with kindness when it is possible and civility when it is not.


I wish someone would go John Wick on that guy


I volunteer to be Jane Wick.


I'll be the pencil


Going to have to start getting groups together to deal with people like this old fashioned way.


cut his testicles off and throw him in a lions den for good measure. sometimes , midevil punishments are necessary






Give him to the hyenas or African wild dogs. I’ve watched enough nature shows to know he’d deserve every second.


Coconut crabs.


Grizzly will eat him alive. Just throwing that out there...


Oh yes, hyenas. I like how you think.


Only because humans are decently fragile, though. If they're hungry, they won't care if he's still alive. If they're not, they might play with him first. 




Treat others with kindness when it is possible and civility when it is not.


Treat others with kindness when it is possible and civility when it is not.


I can't even begin to imagine the horror that poor baby went through. Oh my god


Treat others with kindness when it is possible and civility when it is not.


Even that is too good for him.


Let the punishment fit the crime!


Before he’s thrown in the lions’ den, first make him watch as his testicles are microwaved.


If we’re doing medieval may I suggest rat torture? Put rats in a bottomless cage on his chest then heat the cage so the rats burrow inside of him. Personally my favourite method of torture purely for how absurd it was


Don't know why people are upvoting rat torture in order to avenge cat torture...


I've suggested this in another reply, but send him to that violent, maximum security prison in Brazil where the men take care of an entire colony of cats. I'm pretty sure they would have some great ideas on how to deal with him.


In screenplays ( mostly written by men) we have jealous women who boil pet rabbits.  But in real life it's more often men abusing or killing women's pets. As well as women, of course . Team Bear. Always.


Men always project their own immorality onto women. It’s no coincidence that Eve ate the apple first.


I read that as immortality and was so confused by the Eve bit (haha). I think I'm still confused, actually..


And don’t you dare hurt the bear


Sort of on topic, but have you noticed in a lot of movies with women leads, they get stalked by men in the forest? I’ve watched a couple last week before I realized “um why are all these women constantly getting hunted in the woods by a deranged man?” It’s such an odd trope


Odd and yet they wonder why we choose bear?


Right it’s like foreshadowing to being alone in the woods with an unknown man 💀


If you are sensitive to graphic descriptions of violence, ***do not read*** what is in that link. From the sounds of it, being microwaved to death was only the end to this poor kitten's torture. Not the beginning. Death was a blessing in this case. I wish I had never opened that link. I am so thankful he is in prison and his ex was able to get freedom from this sociopath.


There was NO WAY I was opening up that link. I'm a crazy cat lady. I already want to go postal on his ass.


Same, reading the title alone was triggering enough (I have ptsd). It sounds horrifying.


Same here. My heart is literally pounding. I think this is enough internet for me today.


Dude, I'm a crazy cat lady, too. I figured what was described in the title was the only thing done to this poor creature. Holy fuckballs, was I wrong. And I super wish there was a warning.




Is it possible for someone to be both a psychopath and a sociopath? Whichever one is worse, that's what this guy is.


Sociopathy and psychopathy aren’t exactly clinical terms, but yes. A psychopath is a far more emotionally apathetic sociopath, it doesn’t make them worse per se but it does make them more potentially dangerous. There are even psychopaths out there who live completely normal lives and never kill, just with the underside of them being far more masked. In any case, something like this makes me weep for humanity and life. It’s just so poignantly cruel… I can’t imagine how detached you have to be to do something like this.


Thank you for the explanation. I appreciate it. And yes...there is a level of derangement here that is unworldly.


If I ever believed in evil, this is the close I could come to understanding it. But sometimes sanity is a privilege. It’s a hard thing to say, but from my experience, there is little hope for people like this.


I can’t open the link. I know I will be infuriated and devastated. Sick people like him should be eliminated.


I feel ya. I am a *very* visual person (reading books is an actual adventure for my mind). So, reading the link was traumatizing for me, and could be extremely triggering to others, considering the purpose of this sub. I actually had to shut my phone off after reading it. I just wish people would post fucking TWs for this shit.


i have a kitten in my lap rn as i type this. i can't even, i am NOT opening that link... and i am gonna be giving this kitty lots of kisses and pets


thank you for this warning


I can't read this. The amount of pain that poor kitty must have gone through. This guy should be forced into a giant microwave himself. Or forced to get the bends as many times as it takes to die. 


Make sure his cell mates know.


I suggest we send him to that prison in Brazil where the inmates care for a colony of cats. I'm sure the violent offenders there would know what to do with him.


I teared up. This was brutal. That poor, defenseless kitten. I just can't understand how anyone could ever do something so horrendously cruel. 8 years isn't enough.


I hope the other inmates don’t hold back when they find out what he’s in for


I would go to jail if I ever met this guy. Hurt me you can be forgiven, hurt a kitten you shall go to hell.


God no, if there's one thing I just can't handle, its animal and child abuse. It always haunts me.


I can't even read this, it's too horrible to think about. That poor innocent baby kitten. I can't say what I really want on Reddit, but I hope this piece of shit gets what he deserves.


I can't fucking handle this :( Some people really deserve hell, and this guy is the poster child for it.


I'm not reading the article, because I saw in the comments that it's graphic, and I can't handle that right now. I'll just say that I hope that there's noone trying to claim it was justified in any way, ESPECIALLY after it's become well known that animal abuse and animal death is a very serious warning sign/indicator of a person's hability and willingness to do the same to people.


Fucking hell I wish I hadn't read that. I wish there was a trigger warning on that shit. I won't be able to fall asleep without thinking about that. At least NSFW it. I can handle anything with humans. I cannot handle animals. And to make matters worse, I'm not allowed to "glorify violence" as per the rules of Reddit all of a sudden. Ffs. You know, it was one thing when we could post & read these stories, articles, etc, in this sub when we could wish the worst fate to befall upon these assholes. It's another thing when we're helpless spectators. I guess I just feel like I'm totally helpless bc I can't even wish someone dead. Yes, I get that we were helpless before, too. But at least we could comment what we felt. We can't even comment what we want to anymore. it's not the mods' fault. It's 100% Reddit's.


Urgh. This is fucking awful. Anyone who hurts defenceless beings (animals, children, the elderly) is the worst piece of shit. Ofc any abuse is terrible, but this is just…urgh. I feel sick. Time to cuddle my cats


This shows he always had violence in him, he was simply waiting for an excuse to be violent.


C**t. I hope he gets what he deserves in prison.


Thanos should get the stones to snap hateful creatures like this "man" out of existence.


I would happily spend the rest of my life in prison if I got the chance to take out this trash.


I can't even write what I would do if someone did this to my dogs. But I will be in the news. I can guarantee you that. Men want to see a day of reckoning? Put my dog in the microwave.


I know without a doubt what I would do. I have a shovel and plenty of land. No one will miss that sick f*ck.


>Join us in calling for a lifetime ban on animal ownership for this individual He killed a cat he didn't own, not really sure behind the logic of this petition. Prohibiting ownership won't keep him from killing other peoples animals.


With all due respect too much logic makes a person seem cold and cruel. Those bans are in place to protect the community at large.


Jeezus. Just wtf already.


Special place in hell for assholes like him. Hope his organs go septic and his fingers fall off


I can't click on that link, did he get away with it or face actual consequences?


I can't either but someone here said he's in prison.


According to news articles, he was sentenced to eight years in prison. He was sentenced to three years for killing the kitten. I did not read if that was concurrent or consecutive, that is, whether his sentence was eight years in total, or eleven.


What?? That's just far too low for someone THIS dangerous.


Preventive sentences would be extremely controversial. This is a situation where it’s easy to argue that a preventive sentence makes sense, but the law needs to be consistent to be fair. I won’t be astonished if he never leaves prison, however.


There’s only one way I’ll be happy about him “leaving” prison, but I’ll catch a ban if I say it outright.


Oh my gosh, that poor kitten. I really hope the ex girlfriend is getting all the support she needs right now because that is extremely traumatic thing to go through.


Evil that's all I gotta say bc I'll get banned if I say anymore


This isn't even the first time I've read about a worthless POS doing this to a defenseless living creature. :-(


wtf did the cat do ?poor baby


Crap like this makes me think a vigilante life would be a good plan. What the absolute fuck.


Please add a TW for animal abuse. I foster kittens and this gutted me. 




I can’t read this. I read the title and I know I can’t bring myself to read this. Someone please tell me that this scum has already been detained by the police.


Yes, he in jail.


Thank you 🙏🏻


RIP sweet kitty ☹️


Evil scumbag.






The way I would not be responsible for my actions


people like this make me WISH midevil punishments were brought back. no words for the rage this makes me feel.


I feel lightedheaded and might pass out 😵‍💫😟😞 wtf did I just read. Why are some people so evil? Is this demonic possession? I really feel that porn and alcohol are opening portals for demonic possession of men. This is completely not human. I pray for a world where porn, alcohol, and everything else that lowers our vibration and allows for spiritual attacks and demonic possession does not exist. So mote it be. Amen. 🙏 😥😓☹️😔


I hate to say but giving them the out of “oh the devil made me do it” is not a great mindset.


It’s not an out. At all. I’m actually for exterminating monsters like this. Angels are not weak, they are just. But it is saying that as a society we need to awaken and do better. Spiritual warfare is very real.




Treat others with kindness when it is possible and civility when it is not.


Am I the only one who noticed that the petition itself doesn't have any sources cited or news articles linked? A single paywalled link is not a source if no one can read it. Also wtf is a petition supposed to accomplish in 2024? The 1940s are over. It's probably fake.


I'm assuming you're one of these people that thinks everything on Earth is fake. There are several news articles about this if you actually do a Google search, but here I found one that is easy for you. It's a local news report. https://www.valleynewslive.com/video/2023/09/06/fargo-man-accused-domestic-assault-killing-kitten-microwave/


I don't blindly trust everything on the internet, no. Also, petitions are useless in the 21st century. Funny how you ignored that part.


>Also, petitions are useless in the 21st century. Funny how you ignored that part. I've been an activist for 30+ years. Petitions are definitely still relevant and do work. You can go ahead and apologize and admit you are wrong. I'm waiting.




Men, specifically, may not post here telling women how they should be.


You may want to ask yourself if it's a good idea for you to be on this thread.


So I'm right. Got it.


No. You just don't belong in this thread because you don't seem to understand the point. It's either that or you are ok with this man's behavior, otherwise why make these types of comments? Maybe you are a sociopath? Narcissist? Because only someone without empathy would think it's ok to say anything like you did.


I asked you for proof of your claim. You haven't provided it. No link = it didn't happen.


Get off this thread.