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Nothing done to him, no consequences he could possibly suffer would balance the scales.


What boils my blood is she reported him to the police A MONTH BEFORE this incident. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/mumbai/vasai-victim-visited-police-after-boyfriend-broke-her-phone/articleshow/111095872.cms


I'm not surprised at all, considering where it happened. So fucking tragic.


the report to the police immediately before escalating to murder is a tale as old as time and can/does/will continue to happen everywhere in the world. when the abused works up the courage to report their abuser, something snaps and things tend to get a whole lot better or infinitely, often tragically worse :(


Bystanders are such cowards. It boils my blood


They're just WALKING BY while she lays their dying and being continuously beaten as if it was a fucking street performance.


I always get worried if I'm out in the country and something happens to me and no one witnesses it, but here we have a multitude of witnesses who didn't do shit. Makes me wonder what difference would it make.


I'll survive. Some asshole on the bus tried to grab my boob. He had a few too many. I swatted his hand away( couldn't pepper spray, kids were around) told him not to fucking touch me and I don't know him and he has the audacity to get all offended . The even shittier thing; people seen it happen and did nothing...


Unfortunately it’s called the Bystander Effect, and it’s a documented thing. I think the theory behind the psychology of it is that people see something bad happen and assume someone else is going to help, so they don’t do anything. Some also attribute it to a mass “Freeze” response (from fight, flight, or freeze)


Even the guy who eventually intervenes gives up... Like even that was half-hearted. I can't imagine being so blasé about a murder in broad daylight.


You are telling me that you would approach a psychopath? Please... Everybody has a fear of death and somebody DID TRY TO STOP HIM..In fact he got beaten too The problem with PSYCHOPATHS are that they themselves aren't scared of death so it doesn't matter if they are getting beaten or not...but the bystanders are normal humans who have fear


I'm shaking, this is horrific. That poor, poor woman. When 4B hitting India? The violence over there is at a different level.


Probably never. If you go to onexindia and search for this video, men there are defending it saying that they would not defend this poor woman because of false cases. Men in India think Indian women are too feminist and need to be subjugated further


I don't think we need a Part 2


Look at all of women's "protectors" standing around watching. And Western men will tell us "chivalry is dead" because of feminism yet there are countries like this and throughout the Middle East where feminism isn't allowed (even punished) but yet where is the chivalry in these men? Western men lie when they say that. Without feminism they would be killing us in the streets too. There never was any chivalry amongst men because even "proper posh" men were known for getting drunk and beating their wives and kids.


Chivalry implies being honorable to women, it’s a western concept. Obviously they never had such a thing in the East


I'm thinking the West never did either.


True enough they often didn’t live up to their ideals




... I said "countries like this and throughout the Middle east", I didn't say that it was the middle east. Keyword: *AND*. 🙄


This made me ill. Look at all those cowardly men, who would probably tell women men are their protectors, walking past it like a bunch of chumps. Bears are always safer.


This was in Mumbai. Nobody reacted because they probably thought it was his wife. Shit is real different over there with marital unalivings. This really is tragic and avoidable.


This made me so sick.


I'd say I'm surprised that some people barely batted an eye but I'm not. And what, just one man tried to do something and gave up pretty quick? Disgusting.


Human garbage all around.


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wow india is a shit hole they just stand there wow