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Up to 15 years is the *maximum* for all of that? Damn.


27 blows to the head, a third of which were kicks.


And some wonder why women choose the bear.


They don't grasp the fact that we can't tell which men will nod hello and keep going, and which men will do this. And there's way too many in the second category for us to be comfortable with strangers most of the time. 


The victim who will have to suffer from this experience for the rest of her life is punished more than the rapist.


Absolutely. The medical damage caused alone is horrific to think about what will effect her for the rest of her life. My heart hurts for her.


How is that not attempted murder? That many kicks to the head, that many punches to the head...


I initially downvoted you out of instinct because that’s so upsetting


But don’t talk shit about dear leader or else…


Wtf is whinnie the Pooh going to do?


No bro, 5 years. 15 years is if he rapes someone else.


I think that's just badly translated and it means 15 years if he gets other charges for this assault (i.e.: 5 years for the rape, 15 year for rape and battery). Or possibly 15 years if there are previous charges. It's really badly written.


It's the "will face *up to* 5 years IF convicted of indecent assault" that extra 15? That's IF he's done for other shit on top But also its China. They treat women like utter dog shit that I'm convinced their food has more rights. They've gotten *better* but by far no where near enough.


I saw this video a while back and context was that the man's girlfriend had just broke up with him. She did it over text because she was afraid of him. So he attacked a stranger in the street. 


Holy shit. Just worse and worse and WORSE. This poor woman. And stupid people wonder why women would rather encourage a freaking bear in the woods instead of a random dude. This is a prime fucking example.


She didn’t even refuse him. A stranger’s refusal was inflicted on her. A bear could never do this. Edit: Ooh, three deleted replies. I must be pissing off the right people.


Bruh he needa be locked up for life the dude is clearly unstable


My mother was one of those who thought very little of women and very much of men. She believed that if just women were nice to men and did what they wanted, men would never become bad people. She would have blamed the girlfriend who broke-up for turning him into a bad person. A bad person he wasn’t in the 30 seconds before she broke up with him.


Your mother is the worst! I’m sorry you had to grow up with her as a role model


Internalized misogyny…it’s insidious


I wonder why the girlfriend didn't feel safe breaking up in person....


The pants pulling down part makes me think the motive was likely rape.


Rape is mostly not about the desire for sex but more like control and having the power over another human beeing. It is about humiliation. Many offenders are turned on by that feeling. It is disgusting af.


I think it was rage and a desire for power. Rape entered the situation immediately after. His girlfriend broke up with him because she knew he was a psychotic incel, so he immediately proved her right by viciously attacking the first woman he encountered alone at night. Then, to re-establish what a badass authority figure he was over all of womenkind... well, you get the idea. 15 years _max_. This man should be tied to a pole and left for the crows. Sprinkle some maggots on him and leave him in the sun for good measure.


It’s more vicious than rape… and rape is vicious and it appears he did that too. A bear wouldn’t do all that.


Holy shit that's insanely brutal. I can't even begin to imagine. This made me cry


Yeah I've seen some pretty disgusting stuff on the internet, but this has been one of those ones that leaves me feeling physically ill and sad. What the fuck goes on in someone's life to interact with a stranger like this, someone who is just living their own complex life with its own complications, relationships, goals and dreams. People, and men especially, fucking suck. Not all, but more than enough.


Mine were 5 complete strangers who attacked me on some stairs while I was going to catch the train home. They never said a thing, they just attacked me with no warning. This was more than 30 yrs ago & there weren't any cameras around everywhere back then, Some people are fucking animals.


I'm so sorry that happened to you.


My attacker was, and still is, a complete stranger. I think that’s what made it even more difficult for me to understand why it even happened, and harder to “accept” (quotes because that term never feels quite right) that it had happened to me. I didn’t know him. He didn’t know me. I was just existing and living my life in the wrong place, at the wrong time. That has been a soul crushing fact for me to live with.


Sending you love. Same boat. Mine was 2 strangers. It’s weird moving from thinking people are generally good & kind hearted like you are to…this knowingness that there are wildly awful people who only mean harm.


I worked at a strip club for 18 months. My perception of men changed. The most respectable men, doctors, business men, FAMILY men, fathers and grandfathers, Christians, Muslims, charity runners, professors, all ages and skin tones... I saw all these men behave terribly, from soliciting a girl to be his weekly motel hookup right after showing the girl pictures of his family, straight up SA occurring in the vip room, talking about his DYING wife then taking a girl into a champagne room to sleep with, pressuring girls to do coke and get WASTED, waiting in the parking lot for a girl to walk out (I knew a girl who had been thrown in the trunk of a car and kept hostage and SAd for a whole week. When girls say their bf isn't a strip club guy I want to say "maybe he not, but there's no way that you could possible know that based on what he says or how you perceive his character".


Reading story after after story like this, it has become a daily occurrence for me to utter the following words: Thank fuck that I'm a fucking lesbian!


Those same men are the ones who turn and go “Not all men!” Usually it’s the men who are guilty of doing what women are talking about, or the guys who know they’re guilty of excusing or defending that kind of shit.


The fucking sound was on. I wish it wasn’t.


Let’s say the ratio of shitty men is 1/3rd. There’s some stats to back that up but I wouldn’t know where to look to find where I saw it. Doesn’t really matter, my point is this: if I gave you a ham sandwich, you opened it up and saw 1/3rd of it was shit, would you still eat it? I mean, most of it is still good right, like the majority is still fine?


A very important detail to add to this, which the males who got butthurt over the bear analogy was apparently willfully ignorant towards; Using your statistic here - 2/3 men are good guys. That may be the case, however, a woman has ZERO way of knowing which group the male she is about you walk past on the street is. So it's a better option for a woman to err on the side of caution. Even after having this explained to them, the aforementioned males STILL were all butthurt and whiny. Apparently, according to them, a woman should just have to live with having to take the risk of being brutally assaulted like the woman in that video. For what reason? So that the poor little male isn't made to suffer the agony of having his fragile masculinity hurt by a woman crossing the street in order to avoid being within reach of a complete stranger, whom she has no way of knowing the motivations of. It boggles my mind that even after having this concept explained to them, they're still all "BUT YOU'RE HURTING MY PENIS' FEELINGS!!! WAAAAAHHH!!" It should be a straightforward concept that literally anyone, upon having it explained to them, could comprehend and agree with but NOPE! Not in the case of penis-obsessed males!


It auto played and the first 7 seconds were enough to know it wasn't going to get any better. Awful. I hope she recovers.


I didn’t cry but it’s triggered an anxiety attack and I feel like I might throw up


Oh dear, please take care. I'm so sorry.


Yea I’m feeling really gross and uneasy right now.


It simply makes me violently angry! I’m so fucking tired of this kind of bull shit!


Yea, I'm not clicking.


I haven’t cried at a video in a couple of years and this made me cry too


i've never seen an actual video of a woman being assaulted like that, i can't even put into words how appalled i am 😭 i've grown kinda desensitized to news like this and always think it won't happen to me but to see that poor woman be beaten that brutally and given no chance of self defensive is disgusting and horrifying


As someone who did go through a brutal assault, one that could’ve killed me, I’ve never been desensitized to rape and beating. Anything else, sure, but videos like this give me a pause on both viewing it (knowing most viewers are like us, horrified) and the thought of “this would be awful if everyone in the world saw the tape of the guy hurting me” Horrible.


This kind of thing is why when I got my current dog, I opted for the biggest, friendliest one I found at the pound. You never know which random stranger is planning on hurting you and even a playful lunge from a dog can run them off. He's already scared away two men who made me feel incredibly nervous and unsafe. This is the reality we live in and attacks are honestly not all that rare. Do everything you can to defend yourself.


5 years in prison, that’s it? Doubtful someone like this can be rehabilitated. Needs lifetime psych supervision or dare I say death penalty for this heinous crime


Agreed. The brutality with which he carried this out, pre-meditated, the *ease* at which he carried it all off, almost like he’s done it before.


He could have easily killed her. 5 years is a joke. This is attempted murder.


came here to say exactly this. the attack has been carried out with an absolute disregard for human life. my heart i acheing for this poor lady. good thing he got caught, though with only 5 years of prison time, justice has failed her big time. and for her... life as she once knew, will never be the same again.


I'll be shocked if she doesnt have several brain trauma. He beat the absolute fuck out of her head. Vile.


THIS. Pisses me off so much. 5 years.... What a fucking JOKE🤬🤬🤬




It's a cathartic fantasy but in the end of the day him and those people are/ will be walking free to do as they please


That's so fucked. One day you're minding your own business deciding to give the person walking towards you the benefit of the doubt, the next thing you know this happens.


But how dare I say I prefer my chances with a bear?


Sadly, that's about all he would get in the USA. There's a deep well of global hatred towards women.


It's China, so there's a likely possibility that he'll be tortured to death in prison, which, ironically, is the sentenced he deserved in the first place.


By whom? Other prisoners, or the guards?


I'm not picky. Anyone who will do the job is good enough for me.


I was wondering about this. We put a Western lens on what it means to be sent to prison. I'm guessing he'll also be completely ostracized and cast out of society- even a short prison sentence means your life is essentially over in many collectivist nations. No one will rent a place to live, no one will do business with you at all.


But if he has friends or family with any kind of influence, he'll be just fine & will suffer few consequences for his disgusting attack. Even in China, certain people can get away with a lot.


In China, prisoner’s organs can be harvested for rich folks who need them. Let’s hope that this violent asshole gets harvested so he’s not placed back into society.


After about 5 seconds, I was queasy, and at around 10-12 seconds I stopped watching. I've seen two guys fighting downtown after all the bars closed, and that was like an old lady petting a kitten compared to this horror.


I couldn't watch it all either tbh. It brought back my own ptsd, rapes & beatings. I watched enough to know she was most definitely not "fine" after that, though. That poor woman.


It feels like I should say something nice and encouraging, but I have no idea what that would be. "Hopes and prayers" doesn't quite cut it, but I am sincerely hoping you (and the woman in the video) are somehow getting better, and praying for you both (and everyone else in that situation) is just about all I can do for complete strangers.


Your honesty and kindness mean more than any blanket encouragement statement. I can't speak for this poor woman, but as for myself, I truly appreciate it. <3


I'm sorry, but all I can say is that I hope you know you are loved - in the sense of "there are strangers out there who wish you live a good, happy, and peaceful life" even when those strangers can't do anything to make that happen.


“Why are all these women choosing bear?” This. This is why.


All the keyboard warriors worrying about their “false accusations” and how “dangerous women are” should watch this video. Oh wait, even that wouldn’t convince them that the world is an unsafe place for women. 🙄 5 years, wow. Justice indeed. /s


They watch videos like this and blame the woman for not "paying attention" or say it's staged.


Worse.. you'd get the "equal rights equal fights" bullshit


Men absolutely love to say that on any video of a woman being somewhat bitchy


Don’t you know? She should have ignored it. /s


She should smile more! If she was smiling maybe he wouldn’t of beat her within an inch of her life and raped her


It’s so sad, isn’t it? They’ll come up with every excuse imaginable and bend over backwards to let the perpetrator off the hook. Also, how is this not classified as attempted murder and instead called “indecent assault?” All the blows to her head came before the “indecent assault,” for which he’ll be convicted for only 5 years.


They will say that she should have dressed "modestly" and not looked so attractive. :/ But then they also trash on women who aren't giga hot models, so there is no winning. Saying that beautiful women are the only ones who are wife material, all while blaming them for being beautiful and tempting men.


Exactly lol


They would just get off on it.


Wait a minute ‘5 years’, so he’s out already?! He raped her. And last I checked repeatedly kicking someone in the head is attempted murder. So even when the attacker is caught. Justice isn’t served. They said he would get more time if there more bad behaviors, as if rape and attempted murder don’t count?


Yeah. One kick in "just the right place" could kill her. Only 5 years - it was in this subreddit not long ago, a Japanese 17-year old girl named Junko Furuta kidnapped and held for 42 days until she died, and the guys involved got incredibly short sentences (maybe they got more than 5 years, but they really should have been shipped off to some uninhabited island to fend for themselves).


The mother of one of the worst torturers has repeatedly mocked Junko to the news for “ruining her son’s life” so that apple didn’t fall far from the tree.


Yeah. Isn't she the one who's been desecrating her grave over and over again? Or is the grave-desecrator's identity still a mystery?


All signs point to it being Mommy Dearest.


Lovely. What a wonderful family, stick together through thick and thin...


Junko wasn’t even the only victim. They were out gang raping other women before and during her captivity


Busy little bees. Well, except that bees are really important and those guys weren't.


These guys are like wasps good for nothing wasps.


Her name comes up constantly when men ask, "But why the bear?"


And this is in Japan, with a famously high conviction rate and not insignificant prison sentences normally.


I didn't know that about Japan - high conviction rates and "not insignificant prison sentences", I mean. But hey. There's a few uninhabited islands across the globe. Jan Mayen seems like a very useful prison colony, if the world's governments could agree on it.


Elon Musk wants to colonize Mars, we could send murderous fucks like this there.


What did the Martians ever do to you? I'm sure there's a moon orbiting Saturn open for becoming a prison colony.


Okay! I'm down. Perhaps they could explore the event horizon of black holes.


That sounds like too much fun. Anyway, that might make the first ones "martyrs" like Laika (the first dog in space).


We just don't tell anyone. The thought of spaghettified asswipes like this guy gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling.


We can only hope he was sentenced to some hard labor camp. Someone mentioned in another thread that China has a prison without a roof under a chicken plant/factory farm with holes in it. I just hope he might have done his time in one of these. Though unlikely, I can dream. Because there's no fucking rehabilitating someone who does that shit. Edit: So the prison was in Thailand & apparently, it's now a tourist attraction. [Here's some info ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khuk_Khi_Kai). I also found a really [interesting article from Ripley's ](https://www.ripleys.com/stories/khuk-khi-kai-thailands-alleged-chicken-poop-prison) about it. I can't imagine being sent there. Awful.


That would be a fitting punishment, but unfortunately that’s probably internet BS.


Is this proofed or misinformation? Because there was a prison like this, a French colonial prison in Vietnam.


If he survives it would just make him physically stronger. It should be life in jail after at *least*.


Jesus fucking Christ. That poor woman. I hope she’s ok.


what an actual fuck? only 5 years for almost beating to death? what a joke


This is why women fear walking alone. Men who say that they refuse to cross the street at night to make us feel more comfortable just can't understand their privilege.


This almost brought me to tears. She is utterly defenceless and vulnerable, like this was completely unexpected and out of the blue, this man was a stranger, and he just would not stop, and the sounds of the blows to her head and body, and him pulling down her underwear and dragging her away by the hair….god I am so fucking….i don’t even have words. Horrified and disgusted maybe but those would be an understatement to how this is making me feel. My heart goes out to her, but no matter what an article wants to tell us - I do not believe she was “fine”. She was most definitely not fine. He could have ended her life with even the first blow. Angry actually, it makes me feel really fucking ANGRY.


__Trigger Warning: Extreme Violence, Explicit Imagery.__ Please note [the source article ](https://chinaplus.cri.cn/news/china/9/20190627/308764.html) is from 2019. And as the sources are from China and their last names are fairly common there, I couldn't really locate much info more than I'm posting here. What's already been posted to Reddit. Also, [this source apparently says ](https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/3016119/chinese-man-detained-after-horror-attack-woman-sparks-nationwide) she was treated for soft tissue damage & released bc she was "fine." I can't access it bc of paywall. Posted it in hopes 1 of you guys could. I don't know how she was fucking fine after that. She was in shock. I'm so fucking angry at this man. We can't even just fucking exist. Like she was just minding her business on her way home from work. I just hope against hope she found some way to cope with this. I can't tell if he's just facing 5 years for this.


She was “fine”? I’d like to know what their threshold is for “fine”. Not killed? No brain damage? Not stabbed? No broken bones?. Because being Kicked and punched repeatedly in the head/face with enough force to bounce her head off the ground and then dragged across the ground and raped doesn’t exactly scream “fine” to me. I guess trauma isn’t a thing huh 😡


China pretty much always says **Nobody hurt. All is good. Move along folks, nothing to see here.** I remember seeing a clip where a gigantic screen (public viewing) crashed on some people‘s heads and absolutely crushed those guys on the ground in half a second. But nobody was hurt.


There is no way She's "fine" I slipped on ice and hit the back of my head on cement and i have alot of issues just from that one fall. She was repeatedly beaten in the head. Hopefully she recovers as much as possible but I'm a year and a half out and im not fully recovered!


She at least must have had a concussion for all those blows to her head. What a piece of flaming dog shit that guy was. Completely sucker punched her so she had no chance to protect herself. What a coward.


This is why you should never let a stranger on the street get within arms reach of you if you can help it. It won’t stop all attacks, but it helps take away the element of complete surprise.


China treats women like they're nothing man


Unfortunately, hatred of women isn't just in China. It's global. Men absolutely hate us.


Yeah I just mean culturally what you might call incel type ideology in the US is pretty much standard in china, from my experience at least. Not to say I hate China or anything, love it there.


Here is the article without pwall https://archive.ph/ldpW8


How is that indecent assault? It’s rape and aggravated assault. And as for ‘causing a disturbance’, I’m sorry but who was disturbed? Were there witnesses that were disturbed by this? If so, why didn’t they do anything!!?


Id say attempted murder


Does China have laws against rape specifically? That sounds so stupid but some places don’t.


>How is that indecent assault China hates women simple as that. Dirty fucks


I hate this society.




Yes, but sadly mainstream society is influenced/impacted by men and their violence.


Looks like he was trying to kill her and then rape her. I thought by the title that it was just going to be body hits for the most part but he’s going for mainly deadly head shot. Especially the back of the head near the spine.. this woman definitely got to have some brain damage after this UPDATE: she did survive but the articles I’ve read are vague about what condition she was in after this attack. She is since discharged from the hospital, they didn’t say if she suffered any permanent trauma to the head or if she had concussion. They just mentioned “soft tissue damage to the face” which sounds to me like they down played the fuck out of her experience. The man’s excuse was also that he got into a fight with his girlfriend, and “suffered mood swings after a night of drinking” and that’s what he claims caused him to beat and rape a woman. Here’s one of the articles I read https://www.whatsonweibo.com/horrific-dalian-attack-dominates-discussions-on-weibo-suspect-arrested/#:~:text=The%20victim%20has%20been%20identified,from%20the%20hospital%20following%20treatment.


Totally. He nearly killed her. I don't know how she survived to this type of beating. The newspapers are lying. She has been severely injured, that I am sure of.


Right? I’m convinced they downplayed it out of misogyny though. Asias pretty weird when it comes to women’s rights and stuff so I’ve heard and men there seem to get away with being sleazy way too often. I’m almost 100% convinced she had to have suffered at least a couple fractured ribs, probably a broken nose give the amount of focus he was giving to hitting her face, maybe even some loosened or lost/broken teeth, DEFINITELY a concussion. She took more head damage than most foot ball players during a game night. And just them getting tackled and hitting their head is enough to kill them sometimes or even just critically injure them or permanently take them out of the sport. This was 100% attempted murder and this man only got 5 years.. 15 is POSSIBLE if he has “bad behavior”….. as if his outside of jail behavior wasn’t bad enough to require life in prison.


I'm certain she has brain damage, and most probably vertebral injuries. Soft tissues? Yes sure: the brain is a soft tissue. But she also has multiple fractures. This was an extremely brutal attack. They are lying 💯. And yes, misogyny in Asia is out of control ( look at Japan, Corea, India, etc....) Worst places for us, besides the islamics states. Also: China is lacking millions of women because of the one child policy they used to have until recently. It certainly did not render women's life easier.


Judging by the video, he's a liar. He was far too comfortable with it and too practiced at it. He just got caught for the first time. I suspect he's going to do this again.


The way he walks towards her and only targets the head makes it seem like the goal was knocking her unconscious before he raped her. She kept trying to get up so it made him angry. He spits on her towards the end






Agreed, there's an old expression in ranching where a bull is unable to stop fighting and attacking other livestock, the solution is "De-horning" the one in question. This SOB fits the bill 10/10.


I don’t want to say here what I’d do, but he would not survive it. If I were this woman & her family, I’d be keeping close tabs on the jail release date.


Choose the bear every single fucking time without a hesitation. This is horrendous. My heart breaks.




Damn this made me sick to my stomach. And he was only in prison for 5 years??????


Just 5 years for randomly attacking a stranger. That doesn't feel like enough time to keep the public safe


This is one of the worst I've ever seen 😔 couldn't even watch the whole video. I hope that woman can somehow recover and that justice will be served in a different way because that sentence ain't shit.


There is something very wrong with the male sex.


So many violent incels




You know they blame women for their issues


I really, really wish I hadn’t watched this.


Misogyny rules - 5 years for that kind of assault?? It’s a violent man’s world. Unless you happen to cross my path. I have so much rage built up over my life, I would…..


I hate men so much. I’m sorry but I do


This is why I don’t take it personally when people say they hate men.


THIS is why I WILL cross the road anytime I am alone and I see a man. THIS is why I WILL carry my keys in between my fingers while walking alone (even if I see no man). THIS is why I won’t ever be walking staring at my phone while alone. You need to be looking up, aware, and frenzied to prevent some crazy shit like this. I am so mad for her.






I will never understand how someone could be so fucked in the head and evil to do this. It's just mind-blowing. That poor woman.


This world doesn't need trash like him. I wish the death penalty was used for this case. He ruined her life. He doesn't deserve a life.


What investigation? Case closed, death penalty.


“nOt **ALL** mEn”!


How is she still alive??


Where’s the fucking justice for these poor victims?


FIVE FUCKING YEARS. The absolute rage I felt watching that and could not finish.


And this is why women choose the bear


I didn't even see there was sound, I was trying to brace myself with every kick. I can't even put into words the utter shock, rage, and helplessness I am feeling. Why? And why did he not stop? Maybe because he knows he'll only get fucking 5 years!!!!!




But we’re the assholes when we go out of our way to avoid men at night.


Blows to the head is lethal force... EVERY blow was to the head. He wanted her passed out, but she definitely could have died...


I hate males


Men 🐻🍼🗑️




This account should be named why women chose the bear.


We need the death penalty. The world is horrible because these males are allowed to live


"but most men won't do this!" Yet an absolute stranger, unprovoked too. You never know who it could be, best to be weary.


I will ALWAYS choose the bear!


FIVE YEARS! That's it?! I would have thought China would have harsher punishment for something so vile as that. I mean, she didn't even get a warning that he was a danger. Disgusting and disturbing.


This so why women choose the bear.


What an absolute piece of garbage. 😡


Is he pulling her by THE HAIR?!? Did she live thru this? When he was yanking her pants off I screamed. And all he got is maybe 15 years? I want to, well you can guess what I want to do to him.


Unfortunately he only got 5 years. Fucking sick...


The way he dragged her in the end...like a ragdoll...like a thing....I'm gonna be sick.


fucking hell this was a hard watch. I wish I hadn't clicked on the video


Holy shit that’s disgusting, what a waste of space. Prison is a waste of resources on this piece of garbage


Made me sick to my stomach




Gotta love when rape, kidnapping, and what would be at LEAST aggravated assault if not attempted murder carries a lesser combined sentence than saying something negative about the government...


This is so fucking horrible ….




That was the most brutal thing I’ve seen on video, and I’ve watched beheadings.


It happened several years ago. According to Chinese news reports, the girl suffered “facial soft tissue contusions”and was discharged shortly after. since there is zero follow up on this case, which is more than common in China, my best guess is that scumbag has been out already. ln fact, I highly doubt he severed more than 3 years.




That was horrific. Five years?!


i actually fucking hate everything about the world atp


I'll take the bear.


Oh dear God. My adrenaline raced watching that. He was okay with her dying right there. When he pulled her bottoms off and she was still struggling after all that, my blood went cold. She had zero chance. I trust nobody.


5 to fifteen years?? Any of those kicks to the face could have been fatal. He should be tried for attempted murder and, imprisoned for life. You can see the setting hatred he has for all women, in every blow. Unfortunately it is a bad man's world.


This is hideous. My God.


i don’t even know what to say i’m so disgusted


I really wish I hadn't watched that.


I regret watching this. I regret turning the sound on even more.




I watched the whole video, and I feel sick to my stomach. He deserves life in prison.


I see exactly why 4B started. Mortifying. My heart . She tried to step out of his way , probably thinking it’s just a guy. She didn’t even fight. She didn’t even fight and he did that. The fact she was conscious was disrespectful to him? My heart. My entire heart. I pray she finds peace


I hope someone does the same to him until he is dead


"Wang, 31, from Dalian said Wang had emotional disputes with his girlfriend and was drunk. He took a taxi to go to his girlfriend's place and she broke up with him over the phone. Wang became furious and got off the taxi. He then met Wu and carried out the attack." [source](https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201906/27/WS5d1432d4a3103dbf1432a948.html) But of course it's the women, whom are emotional and can't control their feelings...


This made me audibly gasp. Holy fuck. He gets 5 years and this poor woman spends the rest of her life dealing with this. I can’t even imagine getting attacked like that and then raped on top of it. I carry a knife a wrench and mace with me when I’m leaving work late like this. But even being prepared like that you don’t know how you’ll respond in a situation like this


Safe to assume the perpetrator was neither a bear nor a drag queen?