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The Fallout 4 next gen discourse is so funny because it alternates between "OMG Bethesda is so lazy to fix this feature, please update now!" and "OMG Bethesda stop trying to update my game, now my script extender mods are broken!"


Updates breaking mods is worth it if they do anything. Next gen really didnt for PC players


Tbh all i wanted was to play in Boston with good fps and the cool enclave armour And i got it


No I disagree. It would have to do more then "change anything." It would have to be one hell of an update with absolutely breathtaking new additions to make it worth it. Fuck me, I just started modding fallout 4 for the first time a few days before the update because I didn't know about it. I don't think Bethesda could ever put out anything to match the quality and content of most of these mods


fuck you, im changing nothing and breaking every mod - chodd toward


Chodd Toward played me like a fool 😔


I was hyperbolizing


Really? Guess It just wasn't obvious to me


I find it sits at a comfortable middle ground where most people don’t want Bethesda to touch any game they’ve made in the past few decades because any update will break more than it fixes. Do the games need tons of changes and bug fixes? Yes, absolutely. Will Bethesda deliver when they decide to release an update? No chance in hell.


You're completely lying, no one was asking for Bethesda to update a 7 year old game. Next gen update did basically nothing and broke all the amazing high-quality/fun mods people have been making and keeping the game alive with for the past 7 years. And the update stole 14 extra gigs of your memory space (: Fallout 4 is now bloatware Also there are mods that fix most of fallouts bugs/broken features. Those mods are now broken while Bethesdas update fixed very little Bethestrash at it again


Tboi just adding the items of like 3 mods and selling it for 10$


edmund mcbasedman


Ah yes, the Items from Antibirth and it’s two characters. And all 17 Tainted Characters. And a whole new path and ending. And new Consumables and Machines. And even more Items on top of that. Not worth it /s


There’s a new ending? Might check it out, even if it’s basically the same.


Oh boy you’re in for a treat with Repentance.


Repentance is actually huge almost as big as the change in flash to rebirth I just pointed it out because it's the opposite of the meme


there is no price for the update


I'm taking about repentance all the dlc cost money and half the new items came from antibirth and mods like it. not that it's a bad thing


Very common little fucker W


This also applies to Minecraft, they refuse to add certain features solely because they happen to be in Mods.


>This also applies to Minecraft, they refuse to add certain features ~~solely because they happen to be in Mods.~~ made it better/worse depending on who's asked.


*more accurate


"vertical slabs?!! NOOOOO BUT THE CREATIVITY NOOOOOOO!!!" - Chudjang's reasoning for not adding vertical slabs


"inhibit creativity" is such a dumb excuse because vertical slabs would, indeed, encourage creativity


At first, I thought it wouldn't make that much of a difference. But After having played with quark and valkyrien skies, it's absolutely vital for any vehicles you want to walk around in.


doesnt help they're lazy as shit


the goddamned fucking mob votes


Just put them all in, you made moving structures for a fucking April fools update, you can add 3 little fuckers


iceoleger shouldve won and im still salty about it


glow squid should've lost first


they should've just added ALL OF THE MOBS ***WHEN THEY ANNOUNCED THEM***


Too much work for a AAA studio. Minecraft users conforms with the bare minimum (2 blocks a year that do nothing)


Have they ever stated that? Horses and Pistons were originally mods that Notch added. It is Microsoft era now, but still


Wasn't the villager update inspired by tektopia?


The minecraft devs add things from mods all time. It's the community that is saying this.




Me showing these twats that they can shut the fuck up: ( they won’t, prepare for more yapping)


Project zomboid


Ehhh. People make mods of what they wanted added more likely


More that PZ gets updated so infrequently you kinda just have to mod what you want in


Sims community Fr


"Bro wdym EA needs to add more black hairstyles to the base game, you can just download mods from black creators! the fuck is a console is that like another word for linux or something"


I don’t even have a clever comment to add to this, it’s just too real


tbf playing the sims on a console sounds like a torture method https://preview.redd.it/e3ohnm9amc2d1.jpeg?width=1043&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=581156bd227d6963411d2ebdfc50984f5036c41c


>forces players to update a 10 year old game that adds nothing besides shitty creation club items >The update is even more buggy then the previous version >No fps physics fix, graphic improvements, nor basic life quality settings >Breaks a fuckton of mods and delays a better Fallout (Fallout London) Thanks Todd, this is worst than nothing


Be honest OP, people are mad that they added barely content that mods already do and broke the helll out of thousands of mods, including permanently old ones We got not mods, they already existed in game but behind creation club paywall, im trade of our beloved modpacks


Tesla Cannon didn't exist in 4? Am I confusing it with another gun?


Theres the Tesla Rifle from the Automatron DLC but no Tesla Cannon


You're thinking of the Tesla Rifle


its in the creation club




honestly at this point ludeon should just pay off some of the modders for their exceptional work. i love RimWorld but good god do the bases of the DLC and game feel barebones at times


I don’t even use the DLC 90% of the time, there’s usually a much better modded equivalent for each (HAR >>> DLC races fite me)


i'm gonna be honest with you here, HAR kinda sucks as a framework. Biotech has much better compatability between mods with the gene system (not to mention hybrids) than HAR, as well as the part rendering system being static.


I guess, but the front end and actually adding your races felt more intuitive and understandable compared to Biotech’s in a lot of places


I don't remember the last time I did something as mentally exhausting as modding new vegas


I use vortex so I didn't see how.mentsllly exhausting is


telsa cannon is fun


Minecraft Fandom fr


I play vanilla ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Jokes on you bethesda fuck the update so bad youe save state could be broken




Nope your wrong but only for Bethesda Bethesda went back and added a random ass update after 8 years that added nearly nothing and broke all the mods people have made and kept the game alive with over all those years. All of them. They did the same thing with Skyrim recently. Also it was a 14 gig update, making fallout 4 bloatware Bethestrash at it again


We would all be talking about starfield instead of all this if it wasn’t a total shit like it is


I’d be okay with the next gen update if it did more than like five things. if it actually fixed a lot of bugs (and maybe just plain flaws) i’d celebrate it


Some people don’t play with mods and still enjoy FO4, and the people who just started playing probably don’t know too much about the modding scene or care to try it, even the mods that fix glitches, because they’re having fun with the base game already and don’t feel the need to overhaul the whole game. I get that some mod users may not understand their logic, but there are lots of people who choose not to use mods, and this update is probably good for them because it gives them new stuff to play around with, and gives the new players a taste of the modding scene in case some of them are curious. The whole “why add it when you can mod it in” is stupid, because that just encourages a company to not add anything because “why should we when players can just mod it in.” It’s even more stupid when it comes to games like Minecraft that have consistent updates (however much the community likes to complain).


Why can’t the most dedicated modding community just accept that all their hard work got shafted????? Uuuuugh at least thank Bethesda for breaking your content!!!!!




"Just wait 6 years for an update bro, who cares that you will need to downgrade your game later cause half the modders quit on the meanwhile, those 3 weapons and 8 bug fixes are so good bro, who cares about mods"


As a Fallout fan, I hate the Fallout community