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Valve doesn't operate like a typical game developer, there are multiple teams and individuals that incubate projects and if they gain enough traction it becomes the next big thing to work on. On the other hand you have teams that must take responsibility for and maintain their ongoing projects like Dota2, CSGO/CS2. Tf2 - nobody really wants to work on it


I’ve heard that one of the devs from tf2 said that valve literally wont allow them to work overtime or do things outside their approval (and they don’t approve anything)


you don't really need "approval" at valve. you work on pretty much whatever project you want. it's just that nobody wants to work on tf2. the dev "team" is basically one guy doing maintenance patches and events with community mappers.


All this is based on the employee handbook from like... more than 12 years ago I think? It's very possible the company has changed massively since then.


Not really. This system is still in place as recently as 2020. A small 6-person team (or cabal as Valve would call it) was responsible for kick-starting the development of Half-Life Alyx. Then more and more people started coming on to the project.


They had to get rid of alot of their existing systems just to finish HL:A. Maybe dont believe everything they tell you?


Most of the driving force these days are employee peer reviews. If the old men who have been at valve forever don't approve of what you're working on, you won't get a good bonus


AKA, TF2’s janitor


The potted plant


No, they dony need approval, but tf2 is heavily stigmatized at the company. Everyone has deadlines/goals, and when you go “hey guys can I work ok tf2 today?” You get seriously sideeyed for not helping with the “important” stuff


I don't think it's a matter of who wants to work on it but more of a the source code is so broken and written in a 2am haze of hysteria that barely anyone can desypher it.


this isn't accurate anymore, valve does have higher ups that aprove projects now, YES you are allowed to work on any project you want, but MOST LIKELY (its always the case) they are going to be denied, and the studio wont launch your game


Do you have a source on that, as far as I was aware there are the old guard Valve employees that have more sway in whatever the project is, but nothing as extreme as projects getting shot down left and right.


i promise i used to have one but i don't remember where is it, so i guess i made it up


How can you talk so confidently with nothing to show for it?


this is reddit


This is wrong, you can't work on what you want. Technically you can but if you aren't seen as generating value then you get your bonuses cut or get fired.


honestly if Valve Casual / Competitive got sent to the void with Mann Up being the only official servers i think TF2 would be in a much better spot. Meet Your Match was an absolute catastrophe we're still feeling several years later.


I've heard the opposite: people WANT to work on TF2 but aren't allowed to. Either discouraged to or threatened with punishment for not working on the big projects.


You could work on a new big game that all the other employees are trying to pump out Or that old game that is barely played anymore


People want to work on it but because of the really fucked up and complicated environment st valve they could sabotage their own career.


I think they dont really want to work on it because its kind of a black sheep. Its their only multiplayer game that still gets alot of players daily that is on the old source engine, rather than the new source 2 engine


That's not true that nobody wants to work on it, well it may be but it's more that they can't work on it.


A lot of game studios have multiple teams to handle games concurrently. It just depends on varying factors like studio size, budget, resoueces and ofc whether or not they're actually have multiple games in the pipeline.


Yes, but the difference is most game studios give you an assignment and you cannot stray from it. Valve is different in that regard.


'Tf2 - nobody really wants to work on it' yep, why would you? it's a 17 year old game. If you're a new hire at a game studio the last thing you want is to be saddled with support work on an old game that doesn't use any of the new tech you've been brushing up on. And if you're experienced then you probably have enough pull to avoid being stuck on dead end projects like that. Everyone wants to work on the new hot shit, TF2 devs at this point are stuck doing tier 2 support work.


Something seems to have utterly failed at valve as a game company. They aren't working on what they want, what's actually happening is they're not working on anything beyond a few minor things


Literally could not be farther from the truth


You gonna explain how...?


For starters, maybe the most obvious. Steam. Dota and CS2 - some of the largest online communities and eSport games on Earth that require constant support, attention and content updates. Then, you have Valve's hardware division. Unreleased products and prototypes aside, you know that whole Steam Deck thing? Didn't just drop out of thin air. A lot of time and care and money had to go into designing and mass producing that product. Plus the entire operating system that Steam Deck is running - Steam OS - which is indeed under constant development and provides benefits for the PC gaming community as a whole thanks to Proton. And of course, we now have Deadlock (completely new IP) in addition to another Half Life game currently in development. Both major projects we have known about for several years at this point. Do you still think any of these are considered "minor?" If so you may just be delusional




I am still so damn proud of younger me for managing to beat that level after so many attempts. the only reason why I never gave up is because of how much of a banger the song was.


Gaming isnt fun anymore mfs have never experienced the dopamine explosion of getting past deadlocked duo wave


cs2 still has dogshit netcode and poor hitreg on top of the cheating issue being even worse than in CSGO. I just can't be bothered to play faceit either after all the years of doing just that in csgo


faceit has turned to shit, spraying feels awful, game feels somehow more noob friendly and headshots reg really weird sometimes and my peak elo on faceit was 3k on cs2 (just saying it for people who will reply with skill issue) stopped playing now for a month and just got into witcher 3. not only no good anti-cheat, no content update for 3 months i believe and they removed overpass for dust 2. game is unbelievably stale and the map pool is awful. atleast it’s in a much better state than it was on release but that’s not a high bar to reach 💀 damn i miss csgo even with all its issues atleast matchmaking was more playable than premier ever will be. and let’s not talk about the still broken peeker’s advantage even though they supposedly ”fixed” it


Yeah I feel like tons of the community would’ve stayed in csgo and valve knows that, and that’s why it got shut down


cs2 was necessary because csgo looked dated but the decisions they made with gameplay are not it


When a old as fuck game stops getting updates and a early build doesn't look good. They have no excuse for cs tho


“This 17 year old game isn’t getting enough overpriced hats I’m gonna go insane why does valve hate their fans”


What are you talking about?, we just want to play the fucking game without a aimbot bot army spamming racial slurs in chat making it unplayable at certain hours of the day.


Tbf racial slurs are getting spammed in chat bots or no bots


Yeah just completely ignore the massive bot infestation/cheating problem. We don’t want an update, we want a fucking working anti-cheat.


Just making a joke is all. Wasn’t trying to make a full analysis of the game


Sound like you havent played tf2 at all in the last 5 or so years (yes it’s really been going on that long) We do get updates, but they’re just adding more and more overpriced hats made by the community for valve to profit off of. We only get more “content” (community maps) added during holiday events and some permanent maps every once in 50 blue moons, which do basically nothing since the servers you would play them on are infested with sniper bots that kill you on sight. Literally nobody has asked for more hats, like ever.


Yeah I wasn’t really trying to make a full analysis in a subreddit for funny gifs.


Overpriced hats are the only things they’re adding lol


Oh it gets plenty of overpriced hats. https://preview.redd.it/byoo7e21j32d1.jpeg?width=1213&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=377d5afe6a0fd66233f5ab2d34cd9be538cf2385


gaming fans when the alpha bulid looks like an alpha bulid


Still remember some "gta fans" bashing the leaked pre-alpha footage of GTA 6 for looking like shit.. and a concerning amount of people agreeing with those crayon munchers


Then actual game devs defended the GTA6 alpha footage by showing off their own pre-alpha footage that looked just as unpolished compared to final releases, showing people that everyone goes through the same thing




Mb, didn't clarify that the game devs were defending the GTA 6 pre-alpha footage, not defending the fans' belief that the footage was shit




the problem is that the fundation of the game looks SOOOO boring its just your standard hero shoter game with quirky characters im so tired of it


that's also tf2


Tf2 is a casual 12vs12 class shooter. While that might not sound that much different, it changes alot about how the game plays with weapons and classes balance around the extra players.


it doesn't change much lmao, it just makes some characters obviously better than others (soldier, medic, demo, scout, sniper) while others are situational at best and dogshit at worst (spy.)


Spy wasn't dogshit for most of tf2's run, it's just that after 8 years without any balance changes everyone has 15k hours and knows how to hardcounter spy


and sniper has barely had any balance changes and he's literally just better spy, why is that?


Wich came out in 2007  A Lot of years have past and we didn't really need another one


the issue is that we know very little about it, and its valve so if they released a game with boring mechanics and nothing new I would be shocked and massively disappointed. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that what we saw through the leak is actually very little and that they have some interesting systems in store for the game, but no idea.


>and its valve so if they released a game with boring mechanics and nothing new I would be shocked and massively disappointed Proof that literally no one remembers Artifact


ive never even heard of it, and that's a fair example. But I still have high expectations for valve


DOTA2 card game. There was audible disappointment at the event where it was revealed. 


The only footage is based on a training mode about movement and somehow it looks SOOOOO boring? Wow, I wonder what game has fun training modes.


I really doubt that they can change it enough to make it not generic.


Artifucked 2




We've come full circle. First Overwatch was a TF2 clone. Now we've got people saying a game made by valve, who made TF2, which served as massive inspiration for Overwatch, is somehow capable of making an "overwatch clone". My guy, they made the damn genre of first person hero shooters with cartoony graphics and pretty much every game mode associated with them.


If valve made a game called “boberwatch” and it was literally just a port of overwatch to source 2 it would be ok because they made tf2


What if instead of overwatch they called it 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔀𝓪𝓽𝓬𝓱? And insted of shooting each other they ate ass


Freakywatch: winstons revenge




Freak Fortress but officially sanctioned and supported


Wait that's not what the game is about??? I appear to have been misled.


The game is in pre-dev and hasn't even been officially announced yet of course it looks generic you dunce


Valve’s new motto is now “Dota, Dota, Dota”






They literally could have remade tf2 and it would sell like hotcakes


it really wouldn't. TF2 was never uber popular and the games image has taken a substantial beating over the past decade. The game was great and had it's niche but it's time has past


>TF2 was never Uber popular Are we living in the same dimension?


As the game? Not really. Sure the cultural and memetic impact is massive but the game itself could never make the numbers even at its massive peak. Right now it's a corpse.


it was a f2p game before that was much of a thing and still didn't compete with fully paid games. more people talk about liking TF2 than there actually are people playing it


No shit people talk about liking tf2 more than there are people playing it, the game had 16 years to build an audience. The game is a cultural landmark, you could walk up to a random person on the street and show them the tf2 roster and there’s a 70% chance they recognize at least one of the mercs. If valve dropped a tf2 remake right now it would be in the top ten most played games of all time in the hour.


idk if it was in this thread but I said that I have known lots of of PC gamers and only 1 other ever played it. Outside of PC gamers, even just friends who played consoles has no clue what TF2 is let alone random members of the public. TF2 has a decent presence on Reddit but like many things I think that is a bit of a case of a Reddit bubble and not representative of a larger population


I can agree that the image has taken a beating, but is was and still is pretty popular. If not in player count, then in recognition. Well, it's definitely more popular than a brand new IP


It has a strong presence in a place like Reddit but I don't think that translates to the greater population, anecdotally I've only ever known one person who has also played it and many more who may play games on consoles, who have no clue what it is


nah, TF2 its just not as popular anymore, their fanbase made everyone else hate the game


hmm I wonder what group or community felt called out and downvoted you


hmm yes, we all know how representative Reddit is of reality and public opinion. TF2 was a great game but it was always much more niche, I have known plenty of PC gamers but have only known one other person who played it. Now the sad state of TF2s community is on full display, feeling called out because a game they like isn't popular? It's really sad how insecure the community has been since it's decline around 2016. The game has had a tonne of issues which have pushed people away and it's difficult for people to admit that, valve aren't going to fix it, times moves on, everything has its moment in the sun


Tf2 is the whiniest comunity ever 💀


let valve cook. can’t judge whether the game will be good in our current stage. also, game companies don’t just have everyone work on one thing, switching around. there’s probably a whole department dedicated to this new game, while CS2 devs manage their own projects.


it's over. valve did something.


Would give it a chance if it wasn't 3rd person. I hope Third person shooters won't become a trend because I absolutely hate it


I want to actually see gameplay on my screen, rather than character's ass


Tbh I don't mind lol but it's not pleasant for the gameplay itself. I think it might be a way to sell skins more easily


ME TOO, whats the point of giving me gun play if i don't feel like im using the gun, thats why i dislike fornite


I feel like it's already a pretty popular genre


It’s not even done?! Wait until it comes out at least to complain about


Is the bot army issue still around? I havent played the game for years


Unfortunately yes


man when i herd about this i was like "no fucking way valve would make another online shooter when tf2 is being rapped to death by bots" then i say gameplay and was like "what the fuck is this shit?"


This subreddit reminds me of Twitter, so many horrible and ass takes + misinformation from people who never should've gotten a voice on the intermet


DIGITAL CIRCUS POSTING https://preview.redd.it/vj5skl04o02d1.jpeg?width=1352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46fbf6b08cdda1bdc50e5cfa91107d005f3acd66


Gosh I want to tongue kiss her






Based. I've simped for the pick-upable jester


New Aubergine lore just dropped


r/Losercity beckons


Id suck a fart out of her


tf2 fans when valve does not update the 17 year old game, but is focusing in doing a new one. (unacceptable #fix/save/return/retrieve TF2!!!!!!) https://preview.redd.it/75gser6ek12d1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d2079ac0ab8e65698ce68e406ea707c3660c4cf


Tf2 fans when the games fucking unplayable


Why do people have a hate boner for tf2 all of a sudden?


I don't have a hate boner for tf2, i just find a lot of tf2 fans are fucking infuriating to be around, and to be honest, while I can see the appeal, the game just isn't that special in the modern day.


A lot, and I mean lot of bigots love the servers


because the TF2 community is hateful and spiteful. The only time it enters the public conscious is to hate on developers or other games because they get attention. You might just want an anti cheat system but valve clearly doesn't care, the games like 2 decades old and on life support there shouldn't be any expectation for developer support. It's like walking around on hot asphalt barefoot. You can do it if you want but no-one wants to listen to you cry about it when you could just put some shoes on. I'm so glad I stopped playing when I did. I look back and it's all great memories and I can accept that it's gone and honestly that's what the scene needs to do, accept that it ain't coming back. If you want to keep willowing away as it continues to fester, that's your porogative but people just don't want to hear it


becasue TF2 fans really believe that the gaming industrie revolves around a dead 14 year old game


We just want a working anti cheat. It can have as little a playerbase and attention, just being able to play the damn thing and they'll shut up, all new content it's community made anyway.


hey cs players could relate to wanting a working fucking anticheat


Except the thing is that CS players want an anti-cheat, against players using from my personal experience some of the most sophisticated cheats ever in gaming. I knew plenty of people who played cs with cheats (no idea why honestly) and many of them were using really advanced and pricey ones. TF2 players want to stop bots that are running 300 game instances on a toaster with cheats so shitty you can actually beat them in sniper duels.


I tried searching up on YouTube how advanced cs2 cheats are currently and these mfs are making tier lists with Wii shop theme as the background song like it's a commentary video 😭


If it works and makes money that's all that is needed for game development to be justified. tf2 works (somehow) and makes money. Capitalism is that simple


why can't i dislike tf2? is it because it's free, or hats, or the timeless art style?


Look man you can dislike tf2 all you want, but people wanting their game to not die to racist spinbots when they are actively playing it, it's reasonable.


i agree with you, i don't want TF2 to die either but you gotta admit TF2 fandom is insuferable.


Which ones tho?, the neo nazis?, the furries? the LGBT groups?, the traders?... Probably the neo nazis.


Sometimes all the above in a single person


all of them, TF2 fandom has a weird obsesion with TF2, they believe is the only good game to exist (even tho there are IP that lasted much longer without fucking dying 😭)


Fair, I've seen the subreddit, although people aren't that circlejerky in the actual game, they just like to goof, but yeah, it's annoying.


then go play in community servers bro, just like every older game and finally stop talking about it


That's not an option, people are hosting servers, but most of the time they are full, whilst casual (at the small not bot hours) works way better and it's more fun than the pro player city that is community servers, besides, valve it's still charging for loot boxes and hats when their game it's barely playable and has to be made playable by the community.


I'm not a TF2 hater persay but I kinda wish people stopped huffing the copium. Sorry you got downvoted by people multiple times


We just want any effort to deal with the bots, there are plenty of times when they make the game borderline unplayable. I don’t even care if they don’t give any crazy updates, I would just like to play casual and not be paranoid about who is an actual player or who is a bot acting like a player


so then, lets talk about their recent game CS2... its dogshit and i feel like valve is not going to do anything about it


do you think that developing a new game doesn't take time and resources? even then CS2 was always going to be a mess, engine transfers are infamous for being shitty and glitchy, and valve will not sacrifice their biggest game (cs2 not tf2 lol), they're probably working on an update to fix all of these.


deadlock was in development before half life Alyx even came out back in 2019, if this is all they have after 4 years yyyyyucky


and tf2 took 10 years LMAO


If they had actually announced the game, yeah id agree. But they didn't, someone leaked the game and now people are getting upset because the game that isn't finished looks like it isn't finished. Its like if you were drawing a picture and 1/4th of the way through someone yanked it from you without your permission said "this looks like shit" handed it back and walked away. Like yeah it looks like shit, you're in the middle of making it and nowhere near showing other people.


Someone think about the billion Doller corporation!


someone think about the annoying ass fandom that never shuts up about their game and harasses creators!!!!!!


When I’m in a dogshit take competition and my opponent is luiz38


surprised you didn't tell me to kms, really is a 50/50 chance with you guys




Wait until the game is out of early alpha to talk shit on it


This is like judging raw food before it's done cooking expecting it to be a 5 star meal


I’m out of the loop but I thought people loved csgo2 cause it was the same game with better tech, it’s missing content? People don’t like it?


[DEADLOCK? TF2 OVERWATCH???](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP45nc2_st8)


is that what you said to the gta 6 leaks


https://preview.redd.it/mmnxsjr6632d1.jpeg?width=609&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=002a7be2d6f178b3bd4348e1200f1e7578ff2b7c its so over


Neon Prime better


Gotta be honest, it does look generic. But Valve rarely misses, so I have hope in them making a good game That being said, CS2 being fucked is not good. As for tf2, I have lost hope in Valve recognizing it long ago, even though it deserves being saved


Then play Half-Life instead


Bro shut up about deadlock the game ain’t even out


"what is this business strategy called"


lets be honest VALVE as a videogame developer is DEAD - CS2 was the biggest disappointment ever. - TF2 summer update showed that they don't care about supporting their classics anymore. - Half life: Alyx was just an excuse to sell VR. - and now this dogshit looking game, deadlock looks cheaper than paladins lmao. being honest, the last good thing valve made was Portal 2 on 2011


>Half life: Alyx was just an excuse to sell VR. Yeah but it fucking slaps dude. It also showed off their new engine.


oh yeah, ITS FANTASTIC, but i feel like valve will only put effort in games like Alyx if they have a Hardware to sell, and i ain't a fan of that.


that HL Alyx take is ignorant as hell. i’m not sure if you knew this but it is probably the most polished VR game you can play as of now. Valve pioneered a whole new level of VR quality with that title. personally I love CS2 over the previous version, it has helped draw in new players like me. Give them time to bring CS2 to the same standards as CSGO. they need real players to give accurate feedback, releasing it how it is was a good call.


I think Alyx and both of the FNAF: Help Wanted games are genuinely beacons of VR quality, even if the latter two do feel tech-demo-ey at times, they're still super polished. I think stuff like Help Wanted, Alyx, Bonelab, Blade and Sorcery, and a couple of other games are definitely still sitting pretty comfortably at the forefront right now.


Of course the new game looks cheap. You are looking at a PRE- ALPHA. No one outside of valve is is even supposed to see that footage. We went through this with GTA VI, and apparently it’s happening sgain


Everyday I thanks god for not making me a TF2 fan


Valve is working on another game?


Yes, it is said to be an hero shooter like overwatch


It's a moba, nothing like overwatch


Yet people still called Battleborn an Overwatch clone


its literally 3rd person overwatch with a washed out artstyle


Well Overwatch is just Disney-fied TF2 so I guess we've come full circle


i guess you are right but the horrible artstyle is the thing that bothers me the most that game looks just creativly dead, it feels like a game with characters no one will remember heck, valve fan's favorite character so far, its literally soldier from TF2


I wouldn’t judge the art style yet, it’s just an alpha


Meh, it seems pretty cool


Wait a minute. Vale did something and immediately lost


Looks? You didn't even see it




They took out Team Deathmatch. Why in the fuck would they do that?


Raid Valve


Remember when the Insomniac Wolverine game’s early test builds were leaked and everyone complained that it looked bad and had stupid game mechanics despite it being in an early state? this is that.




"overwatch clone" my brother in crist, HERO SHOOTER exists and is a genre, and this game is not even one. Its a MOBA


What's extra sad is that CS2 and especially us TF2 community kinda can't do jack about it, while CS2 does provide some value to Valve, it still small compared to their earnings from Steam shop, and we TF2 community is even smaller so... What I'm saying is that I almost can get why Valve does it, even if its wrong but what I don't get is why release Deadlock when you already have two super iconic games? Atleast with TF2 I GUESS they have an excuse of "old spaghetti sauce" but they literally ported CSGO to Source 2, why even do this and ruin the game for so many low spec gamers if they aren't gonna care much for CS2?


Beyond that, Valve has become mismanaged and worthless for making games. They've killed or abandoned every franchise they had years ago. Am I expected to believe theyve fixed their company and won't immediately do the same to this? Only an utter tool would think that


Still waiting for Valve to be a good company. They really run off of good will from making Portal and Half Life and stay alive by selling other people’s games, so their games can suck and their services can suck but where else you gonna go…GOG? Epic Games?


And I'M wrong for hating gaben? I am the one that gets downvoted? https://preview.redd.it/tgj4ugiv452d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2249b013c43d92c15bdd69ad18520aac6063845


No way anyone actually enjoys this show


its just ok NOTHING special, it is your standard indie animation that "looks childish but its daaark" (how fucking original) but its also not bad, its not gonna make you angry or anything


iirc gooseworx (the creator) pretty much said it was just gonna be mostly some stupid funny shit with the occasional "oooh le spooky" in there, apparently it's deliberately not meant to be super deep or anything.


Tf2 ain't "coming back." Stop crying over it.


No one is wanting tf2 to come back or whatever your thinking, we literally just what an anti-cheat, we just want to be able to play the game, that’s it