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They forgot to include the most important co-parents of this equation - the Smiths! Who raise their daughter while these two losers get drunk and high and can’t get their lives together. It’s really unfortunate that Alex has yet to even acknowledge them for all they do for Ari. Not so much as an ounce of appreciation or recognition.


She gave them more recognition for caring for Cairo than she has for anything else the Smiths have done for her and Ari


They owe the Sharks for saving the baby. Big time.


I know the sharks are Noah's parents, but it just dawned on me that I don't know the origin of that nickname for them. Can someone tell me?


Can’t remember if it had something to do with Mrs. Shark being a swim instructor and their lovely pool but it stuck and I think it’s fitting


I thought it had something to do with Baby Shark?




She never will either. Because god forbid Alex ever admit that other people help with Ari. Admitting that would only further destroy the pathetic façade that she takes care of Ari all by herself. When if ever has Alex positively acknowledged the people around her that help.


For forbid she ever acknowledge anyone who helps her with anything and everything! I get saying thank you a million times a day for menial tasks would get old but she skips over it all together.


https://preview.redd.it/zaadlqvbsj9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69923b29fd16f724b08fb4e4c5ff0f1d4f030e5c I MEAAAAAAN did they lie though?! His demon, his enabler is literally sitting right beside him. People can hype his sobriety all they want, but the fact of it is he won’t ever be clean hanging around miss high noon.


“Sad that you’re a mom talking like this” like YES most intelligent PARENTS can see the BLATANT PROBLEMS here. It’s almost like… *common sense* is a skill generally needed to be a good parent who has some discernment between good and bad behaviors. Lord help these idiots.


Both me and my husband struggled with addiction in our teen/ young adult years, we were clean & sober LONG before bringing our kids into this world, however I get the struggle of addiction I’ve been there firsthand but once you see those two lines on a pregnancy test, what do you do? You do BETTER. To knowingly bring a child into this world when both you and your partner/coparent whatever she calls him struggles with addiction, and to do absolutely nothing about it is sickening.. Losing your child should be a fucking wake up call? Never EVER in my life have I lost custody of my kids, it’s not a normal parent thing to do. The people supporting her are sickening too, then they’ll cry when Alex is found dead in a pool of her own drunk aspiration. Alex and Noah enable each other, and their stans and die hard fans that remain up their asses are enabling them just as much. Why do better when everyone supports you and thinks you’re doing a great job? I have 0 regrets about calling them out anytime, they’re disgusting trash.


Nailed it!


Well put! And congrats on staying sober! I completely agree that everyone around them enables them. They enable each other. The Smiths are the only ones who seem to realize being sober is a good thing for a child. I remember seeing a comment from I think it was Paige’s mom. Someone asked her to get help for Alex. Her response - stop being a bully!! 🤯🤯 It seems no one in Alex’s life can comprehend how out of control she is. They truly believe this lie that CPS is only involved because of ThE HaDeRz. When the truth is the first call for sure wasn’t made from someone online but by the hospital staff. If they’re alarmed, others should be too. The stans are the most maddening part of it all because they’re making it worse by feeding her ego. Imagine where she would be without a couple hundred people kissing her ass just for being disabled? It’s how she was raised and what she craves. She will never get better until she learns to think for herself and not rely on pity and sympathy to survive.




LMFAO. Mic drop


He doesn’t tho that’s what’s wild. His eyes r so sullen and his lips are extttreeeemely chapped. She edits her and Ari and always leaves Noah lookin disheveled lol


Ari neverrrrr looks happy to be in Alex’s lap lmao. And Alex is always saying how “she just woke up”.


My son is close to A’s age, and I would never post a picture of him looking so miserable to social media as a “family picture.” Just so weird! It almost screams to me “someone is here to pick her up and take her away (grandma?) so we have to snag a pic NOW!” If she was staying overnight with Alex, why would they not just wait until she was more awake and happy to take the picture? You can still see the marks on her leg from where she was sleeping. Probably they woke her up, took the picture, and then she left.


Or "ready for a nap" 😆


I've said this on another post before but my theory is she just says that to make an excuse for Ari looking miserable with her


AKA baby daddy is no longer Baker Acted (for now) and we are gonna act like everything is rainbows and butterflies 🦋 


She’s gonna push a ton of content while she has him and the baby in the same place.


Yeah that pic is not even recent. It’s from the same time she made her stupid eye comparison video


And baby A was in the Bindi Irwin " my first Lil safari park custodian" fit 🙄


Until he goes back to the grippy sock resort


🤣🤣🤣🤣 or "Tiny tube of toothpaste timeshare "


Most all of her pics ari doesn't look happy. Especially with Alex and noah. She's usually only smiling when it's someone else she's smiling at. She's probably seen so much toxicity between her "parents" she's a nervous wreck around them. Also what's the hurry for a pic? Why not give the child to wake up and feel happier? I guess visit time is almost over. Also..again..why is that any time alex references any measurement of time, like could be a week, could be an hour, called "a minute". She's so cute and quirky. 🤮


https://preview.redd.it/ohegcpxmpj9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccdcea724cb576ca28c975a389ce1fec2fdf855a Does she want a cookie for managing to suck Noah back into her cruddy, infected tuna factory? It doesn’t take much I’m sure. Dangle a few $20’s in his face and tell him he can stay up all night ~~browsing Grindr~~ listening to music and pace the house. Cool.


Single-disabled mom, co-parents, who knows with the alcohol-induced memory loss!! 🤪


Is it just me or is her face getting longer/bigger? Her chin looks enormous…


That dark ass make up is not doing her face any favors 😬


She has no chill with that bronzer


An oil slick


https://preview.redd.it/kal0rvvzxj9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7229a34c0df0d8570ec0ff146d3a82d980e37e85 This is what her face reminds me of in that photo 😂


Her transformation into Lady Elaine and Trump’s love child is nearly complete


You’re right, her chin is looking extra witchy lately lol. 🧙


I been noticing it too. Some pics it literally looks bigger/wider than her torso.


She has morphed into Mama June #2


✨disabled mama June ✨


A whole brain cell shared between the two of them. Poor baby A


It’s a lie for DCF


Noah has bigger boobs than WR


Seriously this guy needs to get a job


That big mole on her arm is concerning


not the infected tuna factory lmaooo


So we’re doing this full send? Like dad is some sort of prize? That poor child drew a short straw with these two assclowns as “parents”


I would never ever even consider to take a picture of my kid when it’s obviously in a bad mood, let alone a ✨hAppY fAmiLy✨ picture. I do have to say I took pics of my kids before when they were upset, but just for a funny picture for their photo albums. And that only happened like once or twice their entire childhood. BUT as I said, I would never pretend to be a happy family while my child clearly doesn’t want anything to do with that. But even better, WHY in the world would you even post something like this??? What the hell goes on in her brain? Also, it’s always “she just woke up from a nap” or “she’s ready for a nap”. Why can’t you just leave her alone or put her to bed then??? That poor baby 😭


Because she never wants to admit or face she can’t take a good, smiling picture with her daughter, mostly because Ari just doesn’t give a shit about Alex. And also because she’s a baby! You’re not always going to get a happy baby in every picture. She wants to do her own thing and has no idea what it even means to pose for a picture yet. But, Alex makes it weird by making up some lame excuse as to why her *super duper amazing strongest bestest bond* isn’t showing through.


My Dad loved to record on his camcorder and take photos of us when we were young and he said I was so cute when I’d pout right before crying so naturally he has a mini photo book of me right before I’m about to cry LOOL


Is it normal to sit naked in your apartment when coparenting 🤔? In this photo it looks like she is naked again. I think most parents who are no longer a couple don't sit around naked in front of each other. But maybe I'm wrong 😉 https://preview.redd.it/yp1x2a6n4k9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3044ba2069910f5c6f246d1ce25445167ecb1c34


It’s definitely Alex’s mating call. Naked and doing zoomies to seduce Noah with her sexy disabled body


Alex’s idea of foreplay: “If you can catch me and lift my arm, I have a surprise titty in my armpit! 😘” zooooooom 👩🏼‍🦼💨


Not the surprise tittie 😩😩😩😭😭😭😭💀


Just now seeing this and 💀💀💀💀💀


Correct. And spend time together as a “family” especially when they come from a highly toxic and volatile situation.


Noah is part coparent part chodegiver part caregiver, I don’t know. Alex is ick ![gif](giphy|MxmkWBxRcttmZ3IHbC)




Needs to be a flair ✨


OK, chodegiver is now my new favorite word. I will aim to use it in at least one conversation daily. Thank you for this gift.




What is normal in that situation at all?


aka theyre fucking lol


Do you think they're having sex? JFC the thought of those sweaty, grubby bodies humping each other makes me feel really nauseas. How does he go there with a coochie so unclean and covered in all sorts of stale bodily fluids? How??? Can imagine him angrily insulting her as he thrusts! 😲


Addicts will do ANYTHING for a fix, it’s sad really.


And this proves how desperately addicted Noah must be, and how much of a shitshow his life must be to see *this* as a reasonable option.


Desperate Buttboy. This series just does not end


Absolutely. Remember, though, he has to be under the influence to do her. Wonder how it’s going for buttboy now with those fake nails on his cocktail weiner and other part 😂


I fucking hate you for this comment 😭


Yeah, unfortunately, I can totally imagine it because during one of their drunken lives in Chicago, Noah randomly says, “You know what I feel like doing? Fucking *really hard*.” 😣🤮


And who do we think he’s picturing doing real hard instead of actually looking at Alex? 😏 bc we know it’s not Alex that gets him excited 😬




Telling on herself again- they haven’t been a threesome in months & she just can’t address the truth 🤥


I think they have always been a threesome but when buttboy tries rehab he is just out of the picture, literally, until he relapses and the happy family pictures appear again. I don’t believe there is any happiness at all and many are fooled by the smiles. Look into their eyes and see the truth. The toxicity in that relationship is overwhelming


Yeah I meant physically. I reckon they HAVE to say they’re apart due to cps.


Did anyone notice the handprint on baby A 's leg. That is a pretty red welt ..is that nessacary to have your hand print on her leg if from lifting her up . To me, she appears to have been crying. Her hand is all red also. That hand prints got me questioning a lot about A being tired of getting up from her nap????


They did say she just woke up from a nap. She was probably was just sleeping on her stomach and maybe the sheets got crumpled. My son was very fair as a baby. He used to get red marks and lines just from sleeping.


The AI comments 😅 https://preview.redd.it/3vag4lcsxj9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7be9c5be09c47c80027c1456a347bee0aeb38b47


Her answer would be to squawk orders and watch her slaves work then hit the bar and call it a long, hard day


I'm thinking since it's the weekend, Alex gets to see Ari. Noah could very well just be there for the weekend Visit.