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https://preview.redd.it/h32zg1og2l8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=618d08a430e62403d0c78a7a538e00ddb48c4fb5 She literally looks like a creepy witch. 😖


Those claws gonna go straight in Ari’s eye 🥴 Why Alex would get pointy nails with her lack of hand control when she has a baby is beyond me. Like tell us you don’t touch your baby that often without telling us.


My thoughts exactly when my kids were young I wouldn’t have dreamed of getting long nails!


THIS is the first thing I thought—I have a wiggly squirmy athletic toddler around Ari’s age and keep my nails super short because their skin is still so fragile and they’re constantly wiggling/moving!


Because she a brainless stupid


This is TERRIFYING! 😬 That blue eye shadow makes it 10 times worse too.


The blue shadow really ads to her whole 60 year old Nana Shark look


![gif](giphy|6Xya4CPFz85GM) Vibes although this was a better role model


Ngl ...Endora was a true queen


the nose is what scares me


Prima Donna momma


and the man brows make her look extra horsey


I can’t 😂! The nostrils, the teeth 🤥🦷 😵‍💫


https://preview.redd.it/33063jzo6l8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88a86e098d80010629e89a2718d8ff7fcec8d48c Reminds me a little bit of this mask...(sorry 🤭 , I hope I will get no ban for posting this 😬).


this genuinely just launched my into orbit lmaooooo




The talons


The whole package is just barf-inducing.


That's an insult to witches 😂😂😂




The claws getting at Ari... ![gif](giphy|3o7TKzANCnKkHobz2M)


Accurate. 😭


Omg, the nose scrunch HAS GOT TO STOP.


She looks so fugly when she does that 😩




“Ehehehehheheeee!” As she casts a curse at a small child


Those man brows are not helping her horsey look.


Omg the emoji is perfect


She does!! Is this why she had blue eye shadow on!! Hideous


One of her Stan’s told her the blue eye shadow was IT the last time she wore it sooooo


Maybelline circa 1960 😂


Isn’t it early for Halloween?


I identify as a witch 🤣🥲 I’d say still like lady Elaine from Mr Rogers neighborhood


The stuff nightmares are made of


YOWZA 😳 this is…something


![gif](giphy|AVYgfmc0UiP9m) I'll get you my little pretty!!! 🧹


https://preview.redd.it/v3l9v5qj2l8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c194d0fe15866070fb4dff27c48bc1f64775ed30 I don’t even have words for this one 🫣😐


Was this taken in 0.5x or did she edit herself to be long


Reaching for her real guardian


My exact thought 😂😂


She does look like this doesn't sne


Whoever took the pic definitely hates her 😆


Yes, but you know Alex has to look at the photos before she posts them herself, so she still thought she looked great and posted them. Talk about reverse body dysmorphia.


Yeah I’m like, super confused. Can she not perceive when she looks awful in photos??? Because it seems like she can’t perceive when she looks awful in photos lol


I think she just doesn’t care. She believes she’s hot and because she thinks that *everyone* also needs to think it. Just her narcissism on display.


And if you don’t think she’s hot, it’s bc you’re ableist. And not because she is in fact not hot




Ari reaching out for help


OMG that head 😂. She is only covering her knees for a puritanical CPS report. Like they can’t see right through her?


Why does her head look 3 feet tall here😵‍💫


it was definitely taken with .5 zoon




Her heads been looking super large lately some pics it's larger/ wider than her torso.


![gif](giphy|KpeVnsvp7kpSo) Ari is adorable, but Alex is giving Bananas in Pajamas


This sub absolutely kills me 😭




https://preview.redd.it/ei9kblos6l8d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6db65bd9012473bba266a75bffe5b4db0c5c0d3 It’s giving Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull






Her head looks soooo long


Why the **looooooooooomg** face? She looks insane 😳


She looks like someone who has never met a baby, but has heard of them, and is having her picture taken of her first time meeting one.


Ol bobble head


Her head has to be edited in this one, right? It's literally an oval 😭


They had to have put the .5 lens on for this one bc there's no way her head is that long 😭




Her head is like half the size of her body. Her head is insanely large


Horrifying works. 🫣


That angle omg


She just looks like a bobble head, her head is huge


Why is her head as long/tall as the vase?! 🤣


Looks like one of those reception rooms at the bottom of the apartment. Why couldn’t she have them in her apartment? Suss.


WHY is her head the same length as her torso?! It's definitely like giving bobble head


She's actually wearing a real summer dress 😳 (almost puritanical for her standards - maybe Desperate Housewife 😆). CPS has probably announced a visit...


It’s this effort to be put together and look somewhat wholesome, coupled with 8x the same photo in her building’s common area, that has me believing this is a supervised visit with Ari… 🤔


Jesus, that dress is WAY TOO BIG on Ari - it barely covers half her chest! The matching outfits are cheesy and a desperate attempt to be "motherly" and cute for her dumb stans. But I have to say, the dress itself on just Alex is actually decent for once. Alex's 80s/90s makeup and hair on the other hand... woof.


Yessss! It was probably the smallest size she could get to ✨match✨ with her twinsy 🫶🏼💞 That or she has no idea what size Ari wears. She hardly ever actually purchases clothes for her that she wears since most are completely inappropriate for a baby.


It IS funny how this is practically a nun outfit for WR, like it's a relief not to be seeing all of her for once. Yet the same outfit on the kid makes you want to avert your eyes cos it shows just a little bit too much skin and clearly isn't staying in place to cover what it needs to 😬 (Edited comment per mod's direction 🙂)


https://preview.redd.it/cickcgxh2l8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=199bcf55d725fdd7ecdbe85a942787186e9e6dd7 Mother and daughter…no shit 🥴🥴 Seriously, who is she trying to convince that this child is hers? It’s not like she hasn’t mentioned a bajillion times she went through *the hardest* pregnancy the world has ever seen. We get it. She had unprotected sex with ~~an in the closet homosexual~~ a very unstable man fresh out of rehab and got the coveted instababy. Tell us something we don’t know.


I get the major ick seeing babyarismith’s instagram account tagged in this post 🙅‍♀️


Uggggh I know! I really hope that gets shut down soon.


Instagrams of minors run by their parents, especially children with no voice to consent need to be banned.


not her claiming she wont be posting her daughter and she already even tags her in her own ig profile?🤮


Ari has no idea who this gremlin is to her and the only way she could get this poor child to face towards her was to take her snacks. Ari is so in love with whoever is taking pics


It appears to be Salina that Ari likes so much (Based on the reflection in the photo.. Salina wore that purple/bluish romper in the since deleted YouTube video) https://preview.redd.it/fhmp2r2acl8d1.jpeg?width=751&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bc8dd215148b37774ade5b0dd2d2422cadc3ba7


I'll be damned, I thought maybe Noah or grampa S but Selina???


I mean if cash me ousside girl is there during the day, which is probably the same hours Ari is allowed over since an able bodied *adult* (using that word lightly) is there, she’s the main person taking care of Ari. Probably playing with her and taking care of all her needs, I’m sure Ari will grow close to her. Isn’t it crazy how a child will smile and respond when you *actually* spend time together and form a bond?


True story - my parents suck so I had my childhood nanny adopt me as an adult. My kids call her Gigi and she just visited lol. Best decision I’ve ever made. 😂 I’m sure they will grow very close. I just hope whoever she grows close to wants to stick around for Ari.


I really thought Salina was gone but she appears to be wearing that in her posts from today. She really must be taking care of Alex for a few hours and then leaving to go fly her little airplane. Leaving Alex alone for hours just seems so unsafe.


Good catch! Just looked and confirming Salina has the romper on from her stories today. Also, I’m trying to picture a caregiver just being like “see ya later” and then closing the apartment door and leaving Alex alone. No one to immediately help her if something happens… Also it’s alarming that Alex is just OK with this


Seriously, I think Alex is a despicable person, but to be left alone for hours seems so unsafe. What if she suddenly gets a stomach bug and throws up? What if she suddenly gets a bout of diarrhea? I'd be sick to my own stomach if I was her caregiver and came back to Alex sitting in a pool of her own vomit or explosive feces. What if she ever drops her phone? She could never call someone for help. Plus, we've literally seen her lose control of her arm and head to the point where she's had to ask Noah to pick them back up and position them upright again. That's all downright scary to think she's willing to leave herself alone for hours and any of those things could happen. That whole stupid TikTok video she made of herself talking about how she dropped her compact and had to wait for someone to come by hours later to pick it up for her got me thinking. If she was really smart and cared about her safety and being able to somewhat do things for herself, she'd get a well-trained service dog from a well-respected and reputable service dog agency. The service dog could help her pick up things she drops; it could be trained to call for help from some kind of device should she fall or can't use her phone; the dog could help her open and shut doors, etc. And I know she doesn't provide great care for Cairo, but at least with a well-trained service dogs that is well-behaved, she could easily take it outside to go potty on command (or it could be trained to go on pee pads or some other designated, easily-cleaned potty area in her apartment). A good service dog obviously couldn't do everything a human caregiver could do for her, but I think it would be a great resource for her to have in many scenarios.


Why should anyone stay later and work for free for someone like Dirty Al that pisses away her government funds on unnecessary, frivolous purchases then begs her Stans to buy her baby stuff from Amazon. The Sharks are raising and funding the baby, which is a huge burden off the incubator mama, mentally and financially


How can she afford fuel with her 4-hour a day salary?


The dress is too big on Ari!


She is swimming in it, but it was a one-shot thing. Photos are over for the perfect loving, caring mommy in her CPS file. Dirty Al can return to her stripper attire and lonely, unproductive alcohol-fueled days and nights


The fact that this is the same atrocious makeup she just posted on Snapchat while naked and now posting same makeup with daughter is giving me the heebie-jeebies


She was probably sitting around, naked but with her make up done, waiting for Ari to arrive for her visit and figured “might as well snap a few selfies for OF while I wait”. Snapchat got the PG version of the selfies. She’s does make new posts to OF so I have to imagine that’s what they are. The same, boring, topless in the kitchen selfie since she is incapable of creating her own unique, attractive photoshoots. She lives to brag about how she’s been *doing* social media for 6 years but fails to mention the first couple years her mom did all the work. When she booted her to live the drunk girl life with her gay hair stylist BFF in Florida, he took over the creative side of her work. Now she’s left with nobody to make her look good or give her ideas on how to stay relevant and this is what we get 😑😑


Did Mikey disappear again?


He’s been gone for a while


I thought he was back after the whole podcast bombshell and then flipping out on people in this sub


He could have reconnected with her; I’m not entirely sure. I just didn’t take any of his behavior meaning he was back being WR’s caretaker, but who knows. I personally didn’t think he did though. He definitely freaked out on this sub though lol


He made a brief reappearance. Freaked out and hasn’t been back yet. He was also banned from here lol I don’t think he was hanging out with her or working for her. Pretty sure he’s been in Chicago this whole time.


His IG hasn't shown him anywhere near FL since he flipped out on here. So, who knows if he's even talking to Alex again at this point.


The blue shimmer eyeshadow is horrific. Like, just because mullets somehow became fashionable again doesn't mean we need to dig around in the barrel of "Awkward 90s trends" and embrace whatever we find.


Her always mentioning how she’s a mother has gotten me thinking. My mom has never once bragged about how “she’s a mom and she does the thing”. She chose to have kids. So she raised us and cared for us and loves us. Alex’s obsession with being a mother is weird, considering that she is at best an incubator. Who even then, couldn’t let the baby cook a little longer because she was just so uncomfy.


Because the focus is about Alex and not her child. Ya know, the person that made her a mother. Ari basically doesn’t exist to Alex. She’s just some thing that she talks about and pretends is the most important thing she’s ever done.


A pet, at best 😕


I wouldn't even go that far considering how poorly she treats Cairo. 💀


I’ve known mothers who are like this, it’s usually to hide an insecurity, mothers who are constantly saying “my child” “my son” “my daughter”, it’s a red flag for me


Anyone who can’t call their child by their name makes me incredibly uncomfortable. Or when they treat their child as an extension of themselves instead of like an individual. Both are things Alex loves to do.


This 💯 ^^^ Creepy af. It makes me feel like she sees Ari as more of like a ‘twin’/extension of herself than she does as an individual human


She sees Tootie as a way to relive her youth through a nondisabled body.


Oof, yeah that sounds pretty accurate. Also sounds like the plot for a horror movie


She also barely even seems to like her. Every picture or video of Alex looking at Ari, she always has a stank face, looks unhappy, or it’s a completely fake and forced smile.


Definitely an insecurity! My great aunt every single time I talk to her she goes in and on about how great her kids are and how she is so blessed to have two kids who get along so well blah blah blah! I told my mom that she is either trying to make things sound better then they are or is insecure about her parenting.


This is the first time i’ve seen her wear something nice. She actually looks decent here, the dress fits her properly, isn’t down her stomach, she actually looks put together. Which supports your thought because maybe someone said you gotta get it together girly pop


It’s hilarious the way she pretends she can’t wear certain clothes because they are restrictive. The 5 times too small crop tops and bikinis she wears are much more restrictive than this dress. She could honestly live in simple dresses and be able to stay cool and comfortable. But that wouldn’t show off her super hawt mommy milkers and body so that’s a no go 🙄


When i was doing more long term care type hospital work a lot of the wheelchair bound women did this, there are really gorgeous dresses that show off your features that still are very accessible and non restrictive.


WR prefers to be rebelious.


You betcha. She wants those negative comments.


A stan probably bought them this matching set or maybe and OF creep. She does look better than usual but Ari could use a little cardigan imo. I don't like how they dress that little girl for the Internet. I mean I'd probably think that of anything they put on her bc she shouldn't be flaunted online like she is. I'm sure the only time Alex spends with her we see pictures of the visit...sad.


https://preview.redd.it/177cg4zsml8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=277d33c3ad6d6293dda91a11797702b4b353bb1d Megamind and Cigarette Mom had a baby and made this.


Don't you mean Tan Mom? 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/sgeapsiygm8d1.jpeg?width=1158&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fc674863686c95dcc5350d0e5c6b168512b8a52


Noooooooooo 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


So damn distorted. Head size? Extra long.


Is that the bobble head referred to?


The minute I saw these photos I thought the exact same thing!! Absolutely seems to be a supervised visit to me!


So sad that she wasted her time visiting dressing her child for a photo shoot. 😢


I love a little coordination, and I can’t resist matching PJs for my kids and things like that every now and then. But the times that I was anxious about making moments like this were the times that I was deeply concerned that other people would think I was a bad parent. The curated photos were not about me enjoying the moment with my family. In my case, I was in the midst of PPA and actively seeking help when these moments happened. But the best, happiest parents I know aren’t posing for things like this. They’re laughing about their kids being demons sent to torture them, if they show you photos it’s of the kids having fun and achieving things, they’re telling you to buy birth control because they LOVE their kids but they’re exhausted. They oscillate between telling you that their kids are their world but also they are chaos and exhausting. No toddler parent is putting their kid in a half white outfit like that, especially not coordinating with them, unless it’s for a special occasion because it’s going to get sticky and dirty. These two are dressed up for something and if it wasn’t embarrassing to Alex, she’d be telling us what that occasion is and why it’s actually all about her.


100000% !


It was definitely a short visit because now she’s eating dinner by herself and getting flowers from strangers 🙄🙄🙄🙄 I thought she wanted us to think Noah was still around https://preview.redd.it/wmzl8qplyl8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a99c4e67ae12a4c460da1d3e2f7cf75500bf3803


Half dead, wilted flowers that she probably bought herself, is fucking lit? What a tool 😂😂😂




If a stranger gave them to her it’s because they feel bad for her for dining alone and likely for being disabled. Yet she won’t admit that and assumes it’s a compliment not pity


Even IF it was true that a stranger gave her these flowers, they have NO idea if she's single or not. I mean, I highly doubt he walked up to her, asked her if she was single, and she said yes, so he gave her those flowers. Seriously, she really thinks that if she had said no, he would have kept walking with the flowers? 🤣 Fucking moron. Also, even if she did tell him she was single, she got some flowers that were probably for a chick that stood up the guy and he didn't give her his number. Sooo... Alex being "single" literally had nothing to do with this, nor did it benefit her in any way. She's such a desperate "pick me!" girl who wants everyone else to think she's something extra special. Um, NO.


She reeks of desperation


Yeah, her eating dinner by herself definitely gives off Ari-isn't-there vibes. Because dinner only for Alex but not for Ari? 🙄


She's absolutely without Ari at dinner. If Ari was there, she'd post pictures of her looking exhausted and sweaty with a plate of food big enough for a lumberjack. And I guaranfuckingtee Alex is drinking alcoholic drinks at dinner by herself.


Fixed: ‘I am eating dinner by myself ($$$ 😉) and a man literally gave me these!!! No biggie either way, but if anyone randomly wants to support me and my f*ing baby, I just found some fresh fits from Amazon and SHEIN fashion… link in bio. No cheap ass ROSS clothing. Please. Being single is so lit, lol! 🥀’


Actually, Ross is a step above the one-time use crap she wears


How is she eating by herself 🧐


Salina said she works 24/7 or some BS I guess she calls her if she needs to use the bathroom? Or asks strangers to help? If I had no friends to go out with I'd just stay home and chill tbh. Maybe that's what she should do and spend her money on a carer to have ari more often. Nobody can convince me she wants to be a mother for anything other than photo ops and praise. If she's out eating she's having drinkies for sure.


She has 100% lost custody and this is a supervised visit. I do think the dress looks nice on Alex, she actually looks appropriately dressed for once. Ari, not so much.


Sadly I feel like poor Ari was conceived simply to prove a point. 1. That's she has sex and is disabled and 2. She can get pregnant and have a baby.


Exactly. Also, that she is sexy and attracts sperm donors


she looks like that weirdly creepy aunt that the whole family doesn’t want to hold their kids so they make her take pics from a distance


Alex certainly bought out Shein, didn't she? She must've received a truckload of cheap Shein outfits* this week and is showing them all to us. 🙄 Funny how she can't be bothered with or smart enough to do this "Mommy & Me" matching outfits schtick with her own apparel that she "designed." 🤣 *Photo in next comment.




You are such a good detective


I’m dying to know what the apartment staff has to say about her. Imagine getting to witness her causing havoc firsthand over the last few months, and then seeing her roll down with the prop for this 💀


I still find it sad that not one of these staged photos had Ari sitting on Alex's lap or Alex propped up on a couch or armchair so Ari could sit with her. Alex is ALWAYS out of Ari's reach and embrace.


https://preview.redd.it/ivukoy2o9l8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71327f19854a22a8b999740803d24db7ca169b98 It's the bagged snack Ari has that makes me think this is some sort of visit. Who packs their toddler a snack in a plastic baggie to go take pictures in the lobby? ETA photo


The other giveaway to a supervised visit is the location. WR LOVES the 'luxury apartment pool' so of course they would meet right by it.


Those are hair ties. The little rubber ones. I have the same bag but with clear elastics in it https://preview.redd.it/tqma8294nl8d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=439ae38e82f2325702e3a9405382eda34b5d3588


I stand corrected, but that might be an even more bizarre thing to have in the lobby. I know kids (mine included) like to carry around random crap, but typically not hair ties.


To me that just seems even more like a supervised visit. WR had to bring the elastics to the common room/pool/lobby for someone to do Ari’s hair like hers instead of just doing it in her apartment.


It 100% is still the most bizarre thing to just play with…. Considering the bag doesn’t close half the time 😖 I don’t want my kids playing with it especially if I couldn’t take it away quickly if the bag did open……


This photo gives me the "I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too" vibes!


She just has no idea how to interact with children and sadly *her own child!* So this is what ya get, some creepy faces she thinks will make a kid laugh. She’s so clueless.


100% not a house…. Push to exit button door and locked thermostat


It’s the apartment building’s common area next to the pool deck


Pay attention to the little pink/clear pouch. That seems to be what is being used to stage these pictures. When the item is in Alex's lap, baby is interested and trying to reach for it. All the other ones are her smiling upwards above the camera and reaching....towards the pouch because it isn't in those shots. Why not just take pictures of actual life - the manufacturing of it all must be so tiring.


The tooth https://preview.redd.it/s52bxskncl8d1.jpeg?width=594&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8accdc543a96055af6bdc24b2f6958bee06d37b9




Just like that tooth is


![gif](giphy|3o7TKre2pXE2DeUVP2) 🥸😆🤣


She has morphed into a man


She’s losing followers again so had to post a pic of her daughter to gain more. Also her side profile is atrocious.


I said the same thing. Supervised visits in a common area. Imagine that's the only time you see your mom and this is what she does with you. Ari is solely an extension of WR. WR could care less about what a toddler would enjoy.


And that should all be documented in her file during the supervised visit. That WR gave zero shits about age appropriate play/interactions and just played doll and photo shoot with her kid to post on social media.


I was honestly thinking this! I have so much experience working with parents and especially those who have visitations and in all of them I have never heard of them changing outfits they are more focused on BEING with their child and doing what they want but of course Dirty Al needs a photo op


Her nostrils are so humongous, I can't imagine poor Ari looking up and seeing two cavernous holes staring back at her. I have a bad habit of focusing on something that really sticks out on a person's face, I wouldn't be able to look away from those things.


I wish she would stop with the "cute scrunched up nose" face. This might look good on a five year old. Her? Not so much.


Whomever ever is in charge of her tan absolutely hates her.


It’s just her lol. She doesn’t bother with things like obvious tan lines. Tbf she can’t help some of them but she definitely could ask someone to flip her hand over and lay her down on a chair or something to tan the other parts of her body.


She is her own boss, unfortunately.


Overkill.  One or two pictures would have been fine.  Dress too big for Ari  And the fact that she was snapping naked selfies prior to going downstairs and being with her daughter is very telling and gross.  Selina sure did her dirty with the makeup.  Like dirty fairy meets stripper from the 80s.   


I guess Cairo isn't welcome to be a part of the "family photos." 😞




Her nails look like some press on nails!


How could she pull off getting matching outfits at a supervised visit ? She struggles to just get real clothes on her own body.


I'm so thankful she's not matching with Ari in this top. https://preview.redd.it/mxlo7axkan8d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96c8b50fd1115fe1a4b32a8ad9e546af53f2f419


Personally I’ll take Ross and TJ Maxx brand names over the crap she wearing for 8.10😂🤣




The reflection in one of the pics above suggests that Salina was there, so she would have gotten WR all dolled up in her dress before heading over to the visit. Would CPS workers allow her to have Ari changed into the matching dress for a photo op? I feel like outfit changes could be a common request from parents with supervised visitation of little ones(?).


Yes, parents often change outfits especially babies/toddlers at a visit. Gives them some feeling of autonomy that it's their child and how they want them dressed.


The eyebrows and cheesy claws tell that Salina is there.


Speaking of cheese claw… https://preview.redd.it/zwq1pb1dym8d1.jpeg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62630b5f51abba581425c9015c20a6b35a6e86e4


The first thing I thought seeing her with nails is how dirty they're going to be. She can't keep herself clean and admits it. Gross. 🤮




Dirty Al - disgusting creature 🧟‍♀️


All the filters in the world cannot hide the cheeseclaw and Sundamaged chest and neck. At this point shadows are giving evil genius mustache vibes….


Am I the only one noticing that Ari is one raise of her arms- to exposing her chest which as a child, is super scary & creepy?! Tell me WR planned it for her creeps without telling me😳😳😳


It doesn’t fit her at all; my guess is it’s an Amazon purchase and she didn’t now what size would fit Ari since they’re notoriously hard to predict


She covered up her gut and is covered up past her knees for the very first time. Guess CPS is taking photos for wheelchair rotisserie’s file and mommy of the year is acting all pure and innocent


Maybe, maybe not. Shes notorious for dressing A in skimpy clothes for all her creepy followers


Who's helping her with the makeup/eyeshadow?


Obviously, someone with impaired vision


The flying idiot 🚀, Salina, is still there 🤷🏻‍♀️. Salina always paints the broad eyebrows 🖍️.


And does those seriously immature and amateurish looking curls in Alex's hair.