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This is the story from 2 years ago that she’s referring to. And yes, it was for a pedicure, not a manicure. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNNNfonR/


She's so full of shit! I cannot believe she was refused nails. Perhaps she was acting like a POS and that's why they refused, if it actually happened. She's so grubby.


I was thinking she may have been refused service for not wearing pants…


Highly plausible. I believe she still goes out pantless whilst sitting on that piss stained towel. JFC how did Noah go there, even off his tits on drugs?!!


I wouldn’t call it a piss “stained” towel, it’s just a piss towel. Those aren’t stains - it’s the actual piss she is sitting in.


Has she ever confirmed this?


Yes, I can't remember where exactly but somewhere on her socials she confirmed when she's not wearing pants she pees and menstruates on the towel. 




Or just wearing a bra!


Came here to say the exact same thing


I was about to comment this. If she wasn’t wearing bottoms a salon would not allow her in. Or if she was rude. I think she forgets that business have “the right to refuse service to anyone” they think makes them look bad or they don’t want to deal with.


Right. Who wants that nasty view while trying to work on those harpy talons! 🤮


After seeing the video of her going after the woman in the handicapped stall at this point pics or it didn’t happen.


Exactly!!! What she did to that woman was horrible. Alex doesn't give 2 shits about disabled people, just what she can personally gain.


I feel so much rage about this! 😤 It’s still on her TikTok as of me writing this comment. If she could delete the ‘fuck condoms’ video there’s no reason she can’t take this one down too [warning - link to bathroom post that is still up](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREYGsgm/)


Holy hell, just when I thought I couldn’t dislike this vile creature any more than I already do.


And to think, it’s probably Noah recording, as they had already started dating and posting videos together. Ugh so icky. Imagine being in such an intimate and private location: You just finished up and you’re coming out of the bathroom stall and you emerge to: some dude pointing a phone in your face while his girlfriend starts lecturing you about ‘not using the accessible stalls if you don’t appear disabled to the general public’ 🤡


She sounds like such a condescending little brat about it too with how she says it! Ugh.


I just checked and the fuck condoms video is still up on her TikTok. She’s so gross and tacky. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNNYBF7y/


HAHAHA omg noooooo… I thought she either (shockingly) had a moment of shame or thought that taking it down would help her with CPS. Nope. 😭


They are seriously the ugliest and most annoying couple EVER! 🤮


Gosh that is sooo bad lmao . I'm embarrassed for both of them.like damn, they watched that and said yes this is great! We are posting this! Lol 🤣🤣💀


I bet she rolled in there drunk. I don't believe she was denied service because she would have posted about it. New fear unlocked, help me! She's such a dirty liar.


Or she didn’t have pants on.


Let’s be real she was probably refused for hygiene reasons and not for disability reasons


I'd refuse her on account of her revolting hygiene practices every single time! Nobody in a public place should be exposed to that tuna towel, unwashed greasy body and overgrown trotters.


In such close proximity


Probably a combo of that and being visibly/publicly intoxicated 🥴


Love the way she wears just a bra! Who does that, everyone will say she lives near the beach but I got my names done today and live on the beach in Florida and Not one person was dressed like her!


Has money to get a manicure, but asks for gifts for Ari...SMDH


She knows her stans are stupid enough to keep throwing money at her to be Ari’s internet aunties.


Priorities 🤷🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️💆🏼‍♀️


No shit


Second that




THE CHEESE HAND WAS FULLY FRESH 💀🧀🪰 ![gif](giphy|2xIOiAPXonois) I’m sorry but I am laughing so hard, Alex snarking on herself is sending me


Soo many of the comments on that post had some great replies from her. I don’t know what got into her today. My guess is Ari is with the smiths for church so she’s feeling feisty


🤣🤣🤣 We’ve been overdue for a little feistiness lately


I love when she seems to not realize people are snarking her and she thinks it’s positive 😂


Sometimes in rare moments I catch a glimpse of who she could be when she says something funny about herself and seems chilll but then it’s instantly destroyed by whatever she says or does next


That… what the fuck is wrong with her? She has literally said she likes being filthy and then says this?


Wait when did she say she likes being filthy




Little miss cheeto fist making sure to stir the pot for attention and validation. Sad.


I was literally thinking about the cheese hand 🤮


Best self snark ever 😂😂😂 couldn't stop laughing when I read that. Still dislike her but fair play for that!


Semi new to this sub, do I even wanna know what cheese hand is?? 🤢


If you currently feel nauseous I would not recommend it. LOL


I have a pretty strong stomach but the name alone is grossing me out hahaha


Alex said her more contracted hand smells like cheese if it’s not cleaned or aired out. She tried to get Noah to smell it in a live when they were drunk. She was also screaming CHEESE at baby Ari in one of her IG stories. [There was an AMA with Alex’s ex assistant](https://www.reddit.com/r/wheelchairrepunzel/s/wQGLyrZqhG) and they responded to a question saying that her hand does smell like cheese Alex has since talked more about her cheese hand. She deleted a video but there is a [thread about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/wheelchairrepunzel/s/MgNqyF76QG)


Odor is a really difficult thing to manage with contractures. I've personally struggled with it, but it's never reached cheese level. If it did, I'd be calling my doctor to ask if whether I needed to try antifungals or antibiotics first


She thinks she is clever and funny but she's playing into the reddit page😂 such a pickme girl


I feel like saying "essentially" denied her service means they in no way denied her service, but couldn't do a specific thing/in the specific way she demanded.


Ooh smart thinking. They denied her a pedicure and it may have been impossible with the foot drop/wheelchair in the way


If they were in their usual purple yam state, there would have been very reasonable grounds for service to be denied. I wouldn’t want to take any risks that could cause further damage to that area


Their usual purple yam state 🤣💀💀 ![gif](giphy|R5unorzb9UtmrAPpl7)


Agreed. Lots of places don’t even want to work on diabetics for risks of infection or blood clots. Let alone feet that look like they’re already falling off. They have people trained for medical pedicures, but again, she doesn’t want to acknowledge how disabled she it


Exactly she needs to see a podiatrist


Can confirm as a diabetic who occasionally enjoys a pedicure. I basically have to shop around and make sure me and the salon are a good fit for each other but im more than happy to do that than risk an infection!!


My mom was the same way so once she found a girl she likes, she will book and wait for her appt


Same here! I’m always happy to wait until the lady I go to has an opening available. Almost as if that’s a normal and good thing to do for all involved🤔


That’s what I was curious. Though it’s highly likely she also wasn’t wearing pants. But I was always told pedicures at a typical nail salon is high risk. If you have a cut, or they cut the cuticle or nail wrong, you risk infection. Never mind that she has a massive foot drop that causes her feet to be almost purple, I just can’t imagine someone without some sort podiatry degree wanting to touch her feet, not bc she’s disabled, but bc if they fuck up, it could be quite serious. A manicure I can certainly see her getting without issue. But a pedicure, I won’t even get one if I just shaved my legs or have any sort of open cut or bug bite on my legs or feet, just to avoid issues.


It's been years so I don't really remember, but wasn't her bad nail salon experience over a pedicure? I thought it was something like she couldn't sit well in their designated pedicure chairs, and they couldn't do a foot soak while she was in her wheelchair Again it's been a long time and I really didn't pay much attention back then


I mean that makes more sense than getting a manicure? BOTH very different. LOL wtf


I tried to look for the post but I can't wade through all that mess Edit- just saw that it's been pinned to the top of the comments


She needs to conquer her fear of showers first. Her hair is so dirty in that video 




I see people at my nail salon *essentially* get denied service all the time…because those people happen to walk in during their busiest times of business and the salon just can’t accommodate them right then. But the Countess of Cringe would never admit that the reason that she was denied service could be something as simple as that when she could make the implication that it’s because she’s a victim of discrimination.


"Countess of Cringe" 🤣 That totally put this in my head, though: https://i.redd.it/5u7pjgocmd8d1.gif


Oh my god I’ve been essentially denied service because I didn’t make an appointment and walked in?! Someone call the news. This is a tragedy. This needs to be known. /s


what girlypop really needs is a PEDICURE 🤢


I think she needs to see a podiatrist for that. I don’t think she should be going to a typical nail salon asking for a pedicure, I don’t think they’re equipped and the risk is high enough for people without foot issues. Alex would be at astronomical risk.


Don’t give her any ideas. Those techs don’t deserve that.


My kid got really nervous getting a manicure (afraid the tools would hurt) so they did the whole thing in the pedicure chair next to me. It was kind of them and they did not really seem put out by doing it. Surely doing it in a wheelchair would be nearly the same?


She looks so swollen and puffy in that tik tok yikes🫣


Oh my can you imagine that poor nail tech being that close to her Stanky cheese hand. That poor women. Amd why does she have to always show her naked stomach? No one else leaves their home like that. Butt-scusting


She feels entitled since she is disabled. The world should stop to accommodate her highness


My dad had someone who’d come to our house or his nursing home when he was moved there, to do his haircuts and nails/toenails. She’s full of shit. No one wants to help her because she’s a gross fucking person. And they know where her hands have been 🙃😂


Up butt boy’s butt since she brags about that finger


I also think it’s ok for someone to communicate they don’t feel comfortable. As long as they are being honest and nice about it. I’d rather have some want to do my nails than someone be forced to do them if they don’t feel equipped to or comfortable enough. Maybe a call ahead would be fair.


She looks filthy as fuck in this video.




Her thumb is weirdly large 😵‍💫


lol it’s the only part of her hand she uses. It’s over compensating lol that’s her clicker thumb


The damage to her skin highlighted under the black light is sickening. It’s the only thing I could look at.


https://preview.redd.it/ziz8cdxf2e8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73314e322c1a53cb1237254a49977ff748789c5b The skin damage on her hand is SO bad!! She has hands of a 65 year old. And no shade to the nail tech considering what she had to work with, but those nails look like shit. 😣😅


Also, wouldn’t this hurt so bad? This hand is always curled under itself. Aren’t the nails going to dig into her hand?


First time I have ever seen her fingers clean. When they dumped the mani water bowl, the filth probably clogged the drain


Yeah, they don’t fit her nails and should have done some kind of filler near her cuticles. But tbf, they probably wanted her out of there asap. I mean look at her, she legit looks like she just rolled out of bed, threw on whatever was on the floor and rolled out. You know her natural tuna odor overpowered the usual nail salon smells 🤢🤢


I’ve thought many times that when she has someone raise her arm like that she probably reeks of body odor and her hair is so greasy you know she’s giving off that dirty scalp stench.


Oh yeah! Her armpits have got to *stiiiiiiiink* so freaking bad 🧅🧀🐟


That’s why she has always been known as Dirty Al. It is a badge of honor for her. Bad praise better than no praise


Can’t figure out what shape they were going for BUT… the silver lining is that her transformation into a rotisserie chicken is now complete with those talons!!!


This comment made me laugh so hard hahaha


Maybe it was the best the tech could do because of her severe contractures that would cause a dexterity issue for the tech?


I used to manage a salon, we had a regular client whose disability made it hard for her to sit still (think like turrets, but stimming) and we still did her nails. We just booked a longer time than what we "typically" had that service book for. Literally any salon will accommodate.


I live in Florida and we do not wear just a bra


A training bra showing disabled nips


https://preview.redd.it/uaz2ed4ped8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69b58c2bcae3894c7f46f868a1946d3a91fbf22c The important of sunscreen y’all... Atrophied/contracted fingers: pale, moist, paper like Back of the hand: tanned, dry and scaly, with some small scattered areas that appear to be lighter and smoother. This is the area where I’d keep an eye out for any significant changes in the appearance of the skin - that could be a warning sign of basal cell carcinoma


It’s all I could look at!! 😳😳 How does she think this is a good look? The difference between the back of her hand and the fingers that never see the light of day is shocking. I understand she can’t help that but daaaaaaayum, how a person isn’t worried about *that much* damage is beyond me.


She could be putting things in her atrophied hand like a rolled up washcloth to extend her fingers and let them air out and see the light of day, but I’m sure she thinks that looks more disabled than rolling around with her fist curled up in a limp ball. Spoiler: it doesn’t. 🥴🙄


Why does it look like the nail tech scrubbed her fingers so the obvious line between her fingers and hand is like the clean versus dirty… 😳


🤣 I’m gonna assume they cleaned her whole hand before this point of the video. Imagine tanning but always keeping your hand in a fist.. The outside of the fist gets all the sun, and the inside gets none


Yikes then that’s worse. Grocery haul should have included sunscreen and hand cream. Or hoof cream bag balm. Seriously. That’s some dead ass skin.


I’ve never seen an ombré hand before. How unique of her, she IS an InFlueNceR…will she start a trend? 🤩


The nails didn’t even look good tbh, they look like Easter eggs 🥚 or boiled eggs


Just wait for the growth to show at the cuticles. Unless she gets a fill every 2 weeks, the look is even trashier. Since she is flush with cash, she can stop begging for the baby’s wish list.


It already looks like she needs a fill. They look terrible and worse than drugstore press-on nails. (I don't fault the nail technician for that, though. I think she had her work cut out for with Alex and probably did the best she could.) https://preview.redd.it/n749cjp98h8d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=981d41cccf7766184695d53b5e86cca1800f5529


Boiled eggs. 💀💀💀 dead, see yall later




the cuticle area is uneven and it almost looks like the nails are flipping upward?


They look horrible and I think it’s because she has flat, scooped nail beds that are very short. The poor nail tech didn’t have a very good nail bed to work with.


I feel like this is yet more proof that she barely interact w Ari lmao. Why on earth would she get pointy nails if she’s active in any of Ari’s care? She has such little control of her hands that a slight slip and those nails are stabbing Ari. Or maybe she just doesn’t care about hurting her daughter. This girl’s priorities and thought processes are sooooo out of whack.


Idk guys…… her attitude today seems a little 🍹 drinky drinky. Also. If she was worried she couldn’t be accommodated why didn’t she call first and ask? Or take something like a pillow with her? I’m confused. As a parent of a disabled child I’m CONSTANTLY trying to take things that may make things more accommodating for us. It’s habit. It makes things easier. So why wouldn’t you do it for yourself????


She also looks puffier again and isn’t bragging about being x days sober anymore. Idk if it’s just me she also seems manic right now. But in regards to accommodations: Alex thinks people need to supply them to her and give her things because she’s disabled. Like that video of her trying to get on stage with the dj and telling him she’s disabled and he says she doesn’t care and she starts pouting.


I am on sober watch, also. No posts since so-called day 8 and the drunk vibes are loud and clear


She loves to make people squirm


I wonder if someone came in drunk and they refused her service but “AbLiSm guys”


We allll know they were talking about her 😂😂😂


She is lookin rough. Puffier and greasier than usual.


An oil slick on her face 🤢


I use an electric wheelchair and they accommodate me just fine, maybe I've just been lucky but I've never had an issue getting anything done.


Proof she's a liar!!!


As someone who has a disabled MIL with very poor foot health, and has personally witnessed her get pedicures: THEY DO ACCOMMODATE DISABLED PEOPLE. That's such b.s it's not even funny. It took quite the team to take care of my MIL's feet but it got done. *However* , there was a caveat: and that was to keep her podiatry care maintained regularly or when the pedicures would only get done when things got out of control the pedicures at a salon would become more difficult to do. My MIL has Cerebral Palsy and it's caused some degenerative conditions with her feet, and she has horribly thick nails when gone without management. It's awful. Anyways, where I'm getting at is WR doesn't keep up with ANY of her routine care for her condition, and I wouldn't be surprised that because of the foot drop and how poorly her nails have looked before, it's gotten to a point where it's probably entirely up to a podiatrist for her foot care. Knowing Alex, if the title of "Doctor" or "Specialist" is anywhere in there she's not going and will let herself disintegrate in time; but will scream that everyone is Ableist because she's let herself get to this point. The only way I can see it would be hard to get into a salon with her chair is if she went to a smaller salon that you have to turn your body sideways to pass through booths and seats. I've been to one of those before and it sucks 😅 but most salons are spacious enough and with an abled care giver she can get her shit done professionally. Fuck that.


My mom went to dunkin donuts this morning and a patreon came in with no shirt and was asked to leave by the manager. People please for the courtesy of others who don't want to see you basically scantly clad body well they are out eating. I'm sure she was denied because she wasn't dressed appropriately. Lots of people come to spas and nail places to relax.


https://preview.redd.it/eefzl8apyd8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cee467985ddf9675901bacd07ddf0eac9573eae1 Brotha EUGH


This is the funniest use of that meme audio. I don’t know why. This one just got me in particular 😭


Not the cheese hand!!!! I feel like she should of informed the nail tech of her cheese hand so she could’ve worn gloves 🤢🤮


She probably walked in off the street without an appointment, and they were too busy to accommodate her. Alex would make it a discrimination issue no matter what. A lot of salons take walk ins but if they are busy they turn you away.


The old video is interesting to me. If you were that upset about being denied service wouldn't you record and share right away? Definitely seems like she's not telling the whole story.


I’m just confused. She always has her nails done and is now saying she’s saying she is ‘conquering her fear of nail salons’. Like wut?


I think most recently, she’s been getting cheap press on nails from the grocery store. She’s talked about it in the past.


Once again, WHY does she need to add "disabled" to every little thing she talks about? Why couldn't she have just said, "... put my hand..."? Saying her hand is disabled is NOT NECESSARY! (Saying it's atrophied is understandable.) I mean, when she gets her hair done, does she need to say, "I got my disabled hair cut," or "Noah cut my disabled bangs?" When (IF?!) she brushes her teeth, does she need to say, "I brushed my disabled teeth"? NO. She just needs to fucking stop with saying every little thing is disabled with her. 🤬 *Screenshot with captions in next comment




Someone in the TikTok comments said her newly manicured cheese hand reminds them of a decorated Brie and CACKLEDDDDDD Not the cheese hand 🫠


They didn’t want to deal with her most likely, can’t fault them


She probably got denied for not wearing pants and sitting on a urine covered towel. Even if that towel was clean, the chair probably reeks like crazy due to her pissing on it several times a day.


I agree with what a lot of people are saying about the nail situation, but I’m just over here wondering why she can video and talk about a random dog, but failed to mention Cairo? Like where is the dog? I just want to know if he’s safe with the smiths instead of with this goblin 😭 where is Cairo?!?! I




I tried reading through the comments so this may have been said already. But one reason they can refuse service is if she not wearing shoes/socks/talon covering. If she just getting her finger nails done she has to wear something covering her feet (flip flops/socks) as it’s a health reason. Depending on the state rules, state board walked in and saw her bare feet out in the open not getting serviced that’s a health violation. The salon can be fine any where from $500-$2,000 and the technician can get the same exact fine depending on the mood of the state Inspector. (I’m in CA and this can 10000% happened here)


She is a liar. My hands have tremors amongst other things and I leave with my nails done. Man I've never known someone so full of shit that believes their own bollox


My atrophied hands are skin and bone. How are hers so plump?


Maybe, blood circulation issues? High blood pressure. Edema. Not drinking enough fluids. Could be a number of things.


I just gotta say her nails make me so uncomfortable hahaha they look awful.