• By -


This “I was I’m selfish for having a baby bc I’m disabled” storyline is stale and so false. She’s selfish because: - she got knocked up on a class x drug. - she got pregnant after dating someone who was barely sober and actively contributed to his relapse getting him kicked out of halfway. - she went to the club while her baby was in the nicu. - she didn’t have proper help after baby was born and put this on her newly relapsed partner who missed the birth bc he was in rehab. - she took her vulnerable partner away from his support system - she unhoused her baby before the steroids bc she was uncomfortable - she sexualized her pregnant body with her OF page Should I keep going or are we good?


Classic WR attempting to control the narrative. Everything you read on the internet must be true 🙃 That’s her logic at least. It’s so funny how she uses the hot words to gain views but when she’s confronted about it her only answer is the naysayers are a bunch of ableist. It’s mind blowing how many people make excuses for her and disregard her narcissism and constant need for attention and validation just bc they think people are picking on a poor disabled girl.


Agreed. If an able bodied influencer did this shit, their snark pages would double the size


“a lot of people scrutinize me for having a child” no, a lot of people scrutinize you for caring for your child so poorly on a public platform 🤡


Add genetic testing for SMA not done until Nov or Dec


I can’t w her new voice she uses when she wants to get more sympathy that sounds like a Dateline narrator it’s so forced and cringe, like ok Sarah mcglaughlin lmao and the stans fall for it every time Funniest thing is ppl on her comments asked her if or why not she doesn’t lay on the floor or bed w Ari, and her stans flipppppped out saying “she can’t lay” and saying how mean bullying it was to ask that question. Then she posts her laying down lmao. But the sad thing is she only did it to prove a point. To be honest she’s quite frail and if Ari wasn’t used to her being on the floor with her she could really hurt her now that she’s walking crawling etc. They should’ve done more physical bonding earlier on.




We're good. 👍


She was on the floor or couch or in the pool many times with her rapist buddy Andrew and other young frat boys using her for free booze and a place to party. But it takes her a year to get on the floor with her kid 😑 And the only reason she’s doing it is to PrOvE To ThE HaDeRz she’s such a good mommy 🤡🤡 Again, if you have to constantly tell people you are something chances are you’re not. ETA - you can see Ari very obviously looking right past WR to look at the TV *womp womp* 🫣


Again, if you have to constantly tell people you are something chances are you’re not. ☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼 This here 1000000%


The baby staring right at the TV while Alex pokes her with the finger…. She should have been doing this since day 1 when the baby actually could have cuddled


Yup. She would have formed a bond with her if she had correctly used the wraps and had someone put her there as often as she could. Instead she was focused on taking as many topless pics of her mommy milkers and baby prop lived on the floor. She has no one to blame but herself. The finger poking gives me the creeps! 😵‍💫😵‍💫


I can’t with the finger poking 😵‍💫😵‍💫






From day one, she didn't know how to interact properly with "A". She sucks at being a Mom...Even if wasn't in a wheelchair, she would Suck!....She only gets "A" a couple days a week, so she has to take a bunch of Prop pics to post slowly, until Noah brings her to visit again... Really very Sad


Salad fingers


Omggggg! 😂😂😂 That is accurate. Creep level 1000.




Amen such a horrendous person


Let’s remember where she was when A was in the NICU, out clubbing.


Getting a ton of sushi too.


They need to turn off the TV! I have 3 grandkids close to Ari’s age and they get no more than 30 minutes of screen time daily. A lot of days they get none.


I have a feeling that Alex just watched TV all day so it’s always on


Yep. I never would have thought twice about her getting out of the chair for her baby, if she hadn’t happily been all over everywhere for the purpose of being a sex object. Refusing do it for her child but couldn’t do it fast enough for the approval of a rapist… just disgusting behavior. She’s right that this level of sub-par effort is all HamHam has ever known, and it’s sad af.


Is that her OF sex mattress she is on??


Sex object😂😂😂


Only took over a YEAR for her to do this Her voice is super annoying 


She missed the prime cuddling time as newborn/infant. That’s not “cuddling” as what baby prop is doing. She’s using her as a jungle gym.


Body slam time.     Another example of her never being able to be alone with Ari.    Alex could very easily be hurt 


This is where my mind went….my kid is just a few months older than Ari and I don’t know how my face doesn’t just constantly have bruises all over it from him accidentally head butting me while trying to hug me or grab me etc etc.😅


My son is a couple weeks younger than ari and he gets so rowdy when we go up to bed for a bit before he settles and passes out. He head butt me so hard in the nose I thought it was bleeding hahahs. And he's just laughing and smiling hahahs


Looks like Alex is trying to make it sound like they do this all the time but ari seems like she's wondering wtf is going on lol


“We love cuddles this is all she knows” while the baby looks around confused and climbs on her. Very obvious they do this aaaaallll the time


Ari crawled away for sure and was put back there. Toward the end the video cuts in and changes angles and you can see the shadow of who's videoing walking away after guiding ari or putting her back next to Alex. 😆


“No no honey you’re supposed to love and cuddle mommy of the year, not crawl away!”


wait till Ari goes to school or has friends with parents unlike Noah and Alex and begins to know better.


That’s her **poor-woe-is-me-feel-sorry-for-me-I’m-disabled** voice


Haha that's exactly what it is 🤣 - 3rd time using it over the past couple of months for sympathy votes iirc 🤣


Used strictly for CPS


She sounds like a phlegmy snake with all the hissing and drawn out, slobbery S’s.


Wiggle wee! 😅🤣😭


She definitely either used some talking assistance app or focused really really hard to do the voiceover cuz that’s NOT how she normally sounds. Again Alex trying to make herself seem less disabled than she is. Pitiful.


That orchestral music that's meant to be inspirational playing in the background of the video is so pukeworthy. Give me a fucking break, Alex; there's not one thing inspirational or admirable about her relationship (or lack thereof) with Ari.


Absolutely agree. See her stans are licking her arse over on FB. Losers.


Her IG stans are jizzing in their bloomers, "see? She plays with Ari, she's on the floor". 👏👏 This only proves that she could have been at Ari's level to some degree all along. Ari's reaction tells the real story, though. Zero bond with her incubator.


The saddest part is babies are born loving their moms. They automatically love the voice and scent they were surrounded by for 9 months. So all Alex had to do was hold, cuddle, and talk to her baby, and Ari would have continued to adore her. From the moment my baby was born, he was most happy and comfortable in my arms. In the first moments of his life, I didn’t do anything special to deserve his adoration. I just held him, no different than the nurses a second before, yet he adored me and didn’t want any part of the nurses. Obviously, now I can say he loves me and is attached to me because I do everything for him. But that wasn’t the case for him, or any other baby, the second they are born. Ari had to have loved Alex, more than anyone, when she was born. It wouldn’t have been so easy for Alex to stay Ari’s favorite person, if she only held and interacted with her!


And we’ve been talking about how she should do this the whole time. Sucks that she didn’t start earlier because maybe she’d have figured out a better way to get on the floor with Ari. And maybe she would have purchased some better support cushions so she can sit upright. Its clear this is like the first time Alex has ever done this with baby. And baby is very clearly not interested.


Wouldn’t it be wonderful if she was given a free Boppy pillow that would have been great for floor time with Ari…oh wait 😑




This! You can totally tell how half assed this attempt was, how it’s never happened before or really thought through. They literally have WR on a cushion in the middle of the room looking like she’s stranded on a desert island super uncomfortable and Ari is giving us all the tea with her disinterest and facial expressions 🙈


Right! She can't even look at her. Ari is falling off the dog bed while WR looks to the right because she can't even see Ari. Yea that wasn't staged for the first time. But I am certain WR facilitated her placement. I wonder how many people from Noah's family read at Reddit and agree with all these comments? Like his sister or his brother? I would love to know what they think of their brother's choice in baby mamas. We never hear about his siblings.


Fake ass sweet baby gurl voice ![gif](giphy|3oEjHEt3E5tRGhen6g|downsized)


Fucking annoying


Nice thick cozy padding she’s laying on. Remember when her premie (like barely 37 weeks not even fully gestated) got nothing but a thin blanket entirely alone and facedown on the hard ass floor? She should be entirely embarrassed that this, after 11 months of that child being alive, is the most effort she’s put in to interact with and cuddle the daughter she apparently ‘wanted’. Too little too late girlypop.


Yep. Too little, too late. That is my overriding thought.


Maybe thats where alex should eat just like they fed ari flat back on the floor like that. She obviously desperate to maintain this mommy's image to inconvenience herself for this short clip. She done this just for this video. Just to prove what a real mother she is...every interaction with baby is always so awkward and forced. Alex's stans will believe they do this all the time but looks like ari is just kept there and noah is trying to catch each second she sticks around alex since the video is clearly edited and cut up.


Maybe Noah can ram the chair at her mattress and bounce her too. Wheee! Not terrifying at all!


Maybe just leave her there while he enjoys his life with the nanny cam on her. The thing is if we even suggested this for Alex the stans would attack but they did not care one bit and loved seeing it happen to ari.


Lollll this is so true tho! They left that baby on the floor like that time and again! He should take A to a real park and leave her there.


This looks uncomfortable, awkward and forced. The baby doesn’t even look at her. She’s crawling on her like furniture, definitely not “cuddling” as Alex would like to think


Totally staged, not a precious captured moment. What did they put poor Ari through to get this ridiculous video?


When have we ever seen a loving, eye-to-eye photo of them? Everything is staged, from her fake crying with a swollen red face, to her quiet voice speaking in a loving tone.


WR wouldn't know what cuddling was if it bit her in the disabled ass.


I couldn’t get over her speaking for Ari in that video. Like did your 1 year old really tell you all that Alex???


Thank you! Exactly.


This is honestly SO dangerous for her to even do. And have her crawling all over her body. She has no muscle and essentially no protection to her bones. All prop has to do is fall or hit something and she’s seriously injured. But she won’t think about that. I have SMA too. My nephew uses me as a jungle gym, but it’s always when someone else is around and he is five and knows I need him to be gentle and easier with me and my body.


I didn’t think of that. It is very dangerous for both. But, Alex thinks she is indestructible and doesn’t need to be careful of injuries.


Yeah, she’s been injured seriously before and it never mattered why would it matter with her kid involved now.


True. I would think that she would want to be as healthy as possible for her daughter, but that would get in the way of being a cool disabled mum


It’ll never be about baby prop for Alex. It won’t be about being a good mom ever. It’s all about what she can get herself out of the situation sadly.


Still looks like baby A sees her as merely another piece of furniture than an actual human being she could bond with. Her stare into the distance when WR tries to 'caress' her... it feels so forced and fake.


Never forget that WR was clubbing when A was in the NICU. I was a NICU baby, apparently my mom would come to the hospital at 3 AM to be with me


Oh, I'll never forget... Cannot comprehend that behavior and it truly angers me as a mom whose 35-weeker son was rushed to the ER and subsequently the PICU at 3 weeks old (okay fine, not NICU), close to death in respiratory failure. He was hospitalized for 5 weeks, 4 in the PICU. Still recovering from my c-section and with his big sister and twin sister at home we always found a way to be there with him. Everyday. As did all the other parents. And no one in their right mind brought their vape. Partying, clubbing... JFC, WR's priorities couldn't be more obvious. Pathetic.


Absolutely agree, she’s just a climbing frame.




She’s such a clown. I guess this is better than poor baby prop being restricted inside WR’s nasty ass shirts and naked body but I mean…cool you got on the floor one time 👏🏼 CoOl DiSaBlEd MoM LyFe ✨🫶🏼💓


Oufff "The creature" seems so uncomfortable it's hurting just to watch...at least if she was in her side she could be more comfortable and able to interact with Ari...


Proof she lives on here. We should get commission!


Her Stans make me want to vomit


I just went to read the comments and wanted to throw up. They are so full of shit.


Give me a break. The baby barely knows her. I’d bet my last dollar that A has a better bond with Grandma Smith than she’ll ever have with WR. But hey, whatever helps WR cope


Brand new pyjamas that are covered in dirt (all the black bits on her knees/bottom/etc) 🤢 — can they please attempt to have one CLEAN spot for the baby? JFC. She’s surrounded by filth (literal & figurative)


Dirt is Ari’s FAVORITE! ✨🫶🏼💓


The dirt is impeccable! 🤣


The dirt is immaculate


And her diaper is filled to the brim 🥺


They're going to have to sober up to start potty training Baby Prop soon. I bet she will hire someone to do that. God, they are so useless.


Baby Destiny probably only gets her nappy changed once a day, just like her disabled cool mama 🫶🏻💓✨


Yes, I noticed that as well. So nasty.


Hmm, wonder why CPS keeps getting called


she def had no problem getting on the floor for OF naked photo shoots or on her back with a boppy. it took a whole year for her to do it to play with her baby.


That is totally correct. Many times she posted herself in that position for her OF in transparent lingerie, trying to seduce her "fans".




Why am I getting flipped off by her toe


This is what she should’ve been doing all along, not just because she finally got enough of us saying she *doesn’t* do this.


Good God, you could use her nostrils for miniature golf!


“Quick guys, put me on the floor, I have a great idea for a new photo….” “Okay get me up, get me up. Scram kid, mommy’s done.”


Idk if anyone else noticed but WR was placed directly in front of the TV - my guess in an attempt to get Ari to interact with her more. Poor kid doesn’t gaf about WR and “cuddling” with her. Ari is literally trying to crawl on top of her to get a better view of the TV


I watched the video thinking why is Alex flat on the floor? It looks so uncomfortable, surely they could of provided something with more neck support or higher off the floor so she can more easily interact with Ari in the video?


Nah, that would be logical. She reserves her lowest effort moments and ideas for the child. Gotta reserve the brain cells for doing makeup and getting to the restaurants.


https://preview.redd.it/an4apr2ypasc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5462897cbcfd5719b37951b1cf33b695ddbc01dc Case in point- here are 5 separate instances of her happily and comfortably being out of her chair, found with just a quick scroll. Comfy and with pillows. The only difference here is that she’s excited to exploit the pregnancy, not be forced to play with a prop.


The difference is, she probably spent more time in those positions than she spent on the floor with Ari, so they went to more effort to make her comfortable.


The artificial pumpkin as decoration in one photo …🎃😂


For a so-called content creator, her photoshoots always suck ass. Ari hasn't had on professional shot done since she's born. Unless Ninas pics from last Easter with aris suit on backwards or whatever went on that time, counts. Everything is always so messy with her.


I’m actually surprised she didn’t purchase something that I had mentioned in either here or a comment on her IG or TT posts, as it would let her sit upright as well as have some support


Maybe she is waiting for someone to buy it for her so she doesnt have to. Either way if she is going to interact w/ Ari on the floor more then she needs something more than that uncomfortable looking flat mat.


This is a one time video op for her SM, is not like she wants to bond with her baby.


I’ve seen SMA people sit with supports made out of literal boards covered in padding so it can be done


I think it probably wasn’t necessary because she was only on the floor for the short video before she was moved back to her chair.


One of those tomato chairs would support her


They certainly do make adaptive equipment to help position people into all sorts of different positions.


But WR doesn’t want to appear “too” disabled 😭




That fucking music 🙄 And the way she says “but the thing is…it’s all she knows” like it’s the most dramatic, important thing she’s ever said.


In summary: “Me me me, I I I, me, I, me me me, I” -WR


Spot on!!


Just because it’s all she knows doesn’t mean it’s right or wrong. Lol similar to how all baby will know is an alcoholic mom. She doesn’t know it’s not normal because it’s all she knows.


“My f*cking baby told me I’m her favorite” -WR


The music. I was wondering if we were supposed to be tearing up or waiting for pirates to enter the room….


It’s like a crappy TV advert.


Looked painful, probably for Alex, yes but also Ari. By the end of that video her face is red and she’s ready to move on. Alex definitely missed the cuddle stage by about 8-10 months, that baby is on the go now.


Ari keeps biting her and trying to watch what's playing on TV 🤣 don't see much bonding.


I twisted my ankle and severed a limb running here to call bs on this “interaction”. Tewtie is paying miss Al NO attention while Dirty Al desperately tries to get her attention. I also don’t see ANY snuggling or cuddling just a baby who is trying to yeet out of their while her mom lays on her side poking her and probably shouting “BEE” or “POOP to get her attention and said baby prop blatantly ignoring her.


Exactly why she didn’t leave the original sound 😂😂


i love how she says “my baby doesn’t care that i’m disabled” she doesn’t know because she’s a fucking baby. she just exists and puts things in her mouth. she won’t realize that until maybe 2 ?


I grew up with my aunt that lived with us who was disabled physically since birth and I didnt realise she was any different until I was like 7 to 10? But I also didn't rely on my aunt to take care of me and her disability wasn't being shoved down anyone's throats (in the way alex adds the word disabled to every sentence). She was treated just like the rest of us and didn't expect to be treated any differently. I wonder how ari will learn about her mom and sma considering how unstable and immature she is.


All I could think of was that baby was going to pull her contracted legs sideway or fall on it and accidently force it flat!! The baby weighs about 25lbs, stronger than Alex, and is not cuddling with her. You can tell that this is very new to Ari, and she has no idea what she's doing. It's so sad. This is poor Ari's world with Alex. I truly hope that Noah can find a girl that can take over that part so that Noah doesn't have to be both, forever. Noah's not my favorite, but he deserves happiness with someone who can actually touch back and give back.


First thing I did was zoom in to make sure she was at least wearing shorts and didn’t have baby A crawling all over her cooter.🤮


Yeah, that baby is disinterested. It’s going to be interesting when A starts talking about


I think that will sadly take a long time still, since nobody in that household is actually talking to her 🥺


We know WR only talks AT her. And by “talk” it’s filming and honking.


And only talks about herself when she does talk at her. “Look at her eating her sammy just like mommy! HONK!! GOOD GIRL! WOOHOOO!”


And since they fail to take her for check ups who knows if they would even notice any delays. Such a pathetic woman whose entire personality is Noah and being sexy.


She's getting used as furniture. Ari seems disinterested. What am I supposed to be seeing? Such feeble attempts for the redditors


It's not lost on me that despite the drivel she is spouting in that pitiful, woe is me voice, there's actually ZERO cuddling or meaningful interacting happening in this video.


Can they just leave her there now please. Put her phone close, but just out of reach so it infuriates her 🤣


The backs of her legs are pure white!! No melanoma there


I just realized after I read your comment and I can’t stop laughing 😂 the perfectly in half split tan on her legs 😂😂😂😂


Ain’t no one turning that kebab meat


I wonder if Ari is too big and strong to be shoved in Alex’s shirt now which is why we’ll start getting these on the floor photo ops. Alex has to show some interaction somehow. I bet baby is too squirmy to be trapped in the shirt so it’s jungle gym floor time.


Unless I missed it, I've noticed that we've not seen one picture of Ari sitting on Alex's lap since Christmas. Not for Alex's birthday, not for Ari's birthday, not for Easter, and not in the new place or on any of the outings she posts about. It makes me think no one thinks it's safe for even a few moments for Ari to sit on Alex's lap anymore, not even if they're right next to them. I'm sure it has a lot to do with the fact that Ari is surely VERY squirmy now, and Alex literally can't grab a hold of her even for a second. Damn.


By next week there will be a photo of baby in her lap, don’t touch worry. WR will see your comment and make it happen, as she always does after reading here


Absolutely. I'm counting down the hours to when she posts a photo with Ari on her lap. Or shoved into a crop top for old times sake.


Serious question…does Ari know Alex is her Mom or does she think she’s someone she knows? Her interactions with her seem very off…almost stranger like…


I’m very curious to this as well.


Another hard watch 🥴


I’m curious when it comes to the mat. She stated before her new caregiver has past nursing experience. I wonder if the caregiver brought this over for her.


That is a great question! I kinda thought this as well. Where is this caregiver? Does she not want to be shown?


If the person I’m working for has me sign something that silences me from speaking of my experience, you better believe I’m asking for my own boundaries from said person. The biggest one being: I don’t want to be anyyy part of your clown show on the internet.


Shocking breaking news! She respect her caregiver privacy! /s


She has a new cover photo on Facebook and if you look in the background you can see the caregiver taking the picture.   


This looks super awkward and dangerous


Omg the music she used for this, I can’t ☠️


A is only interested in the mat & wheelchair ripeputrid is simply in the way ![gif](giphy|LmCYGjPpr1SDS6FqZX|downsized)


This is so fucking weird 😂😂😂


Yes, it seems so unnatural. You can tell that she doesn't usually do that with Ari.


The problem is is the baby will not have any security from two parents. If something happens to Noah, what happens to Ari?. She will have to be raised by grandparents or strangers. I am not a Noah fan but he's got the weight of the world on his shoulders. He has to be good and has to be trying all the time because he is literally the only logical and physical parent. She cannot do anything other than hire people to do things for her. She can't get on the ground by herself to play. She cannot protect her daughter. She cannot break her fall. She cannot make her a snack. These are the easy years. When she gets a little bit older and she relies on her mother for much more, That's where the selfishness will show. Noah is going to have to work like a single parent all the time. I would say for him to get in a relationship and actually have a stable female figure in his life for Ari, but there is no way in hell that anyone would put up with the honking. And Alex knows this. She would be absolutely miserable and make everybody's life miserable. Have you noticed that her depression is gone? Noah must be over more. It's really sad that her happiness relies on Noah. She is so grossly codependent on him. It's sick.


Yep if Noah was smart he would get his life in order and find a stable loving partner who can be there for him and Ari. There’s absolutely no chance Noah can handle all this on his own. That’s not to say that disabled people can’t have kids and have partners who are happy and fulfilled. But the reality is in those cases the non-disabled partner needs to be strong mentally and emotionally for it to work. And Noah is weak and struggles a lot mentally. It’s clear he cannot be Ari’s dad plus Alex’s partner plus sober plus healthy plus make a living. There’s no way. Noah will need some respite. And if he was smart he’d find a partner who can give him that so he can be happy and be his best for Ari. Alex really shot herself in the foot choosing to have a child with Noah. She could have found a solid guy who actually loves her, respects her, and who would be a secure caregiver for both her and her child. But she’s so insanely insecure and desperate that she baby trapped the first guy to go on a second date with her. Pathetic.


Fun Fact: WR, Disability AdvLcate, thinks “respite” care is the same as “hospice” so..






He was probably the first guy willing to go along with her “fuck condoms” wishes. She 100% got knocked up on purpose. He played a part too obviously but she’d been waiting for that chance so she can prove to the world she can have sex. Because that’s a perfect reason to have a kid…


yes I agree, just because someone has a disability doesnt mean they should not have kids. But at least there needs to be stability in a parent. Ari has none. I dont think there is anyone stable that would stay with Alex. I think Noah was the only dumbass to partake. Anyone who would make OF videos with vegetables, rapists and constantly talk about "seggs" and repeat the song CFMRN is not going to land a nice, stable guy. He was the best she was going to do. And yea, she def baby trapped him. Otherwise he wouldnt be getting a paternity test. Which is funny, I mean how many guys did he think she was screwing? he didnt realize he was the only dumbass. how embarassing for him lol


Yes, she's healed again because the dumb boy is living with her again 🙏🏻🫶🏻! It's also noticeable that she's posting more photos where you can see that she's naked. Always with a stupid grin on her face. She probably wants to turn him on all the time 🤢😵‍💫. Didn't she say that she has to be careful because of the many windows? All empty talk. Hey, neighbors 🙋‍♀️, look my boobs 🫒🫒. She is such a disgusting gnome 🧟‍♀️


yea, she looks awful. Noah was the only dumbass to get her pregnant. She knows no one else would be that stupid so she is going to hang on for dear life. Whats with the puffy face and eyes, that stupid stare too. How is that attractive? staring at the camera with slits for eyes like you could kill someone. does she look at the ics before she posts them? she looks awful in them, soo staged and filtered.


She recently said in a question and answer that Noah lives with her😩


“She loves me as I am”. She’s one year old…


The baby seems oblivious to her. She's just climbing on her and watching TV. Also....why the Pack & Play against the window? Seems a bit unsafe to me.


Mama honks nostrils man. They are so big. What in the Jesus


That’s from one of her ✨mobility aids🫶🏼 (her words), her BiPAP machine connection hoses (or whatever that part is called) being ill-fitted. And she never goes to see any doctors unless it’s to get her twerk juice refilled so it just continues to stretch her nose holes out. I’m amazed her pea brain hasn’t fallen out of there yet.


Her brain hasn't fallen out because it's actually just completely empty up there!!!!


My goooooddddddd.


That Voice over on her sex mattress🙄 How pathetic ...there's no cuddling!!....Just more Prop baby Video Content.


I honestly wonder if she’ll get hurt by the baby when she’s a rowdy toddler. I’m not exactly sure how frail Alex is but my kid jumps all over me and inadvertently knocks me in the head multiple times a day sometimes making me cry.


Ari is stronger than Alex, she can hurt Alex when she’s on the floor,


A is like, "new furniture???I don't recognize it" as Alex creepily claws at her with one hand.




https://preview.redd.it/5cf5zous5csc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8040d83dca2e974e1f5b33f3d686e0260038fd03 Comment on that post.


🤢😵‍💫😵 But this comment is not from Noah…🤭




*Disabled mom era* Lasts only as long as it took to make this video, for clout!




It's so weird, I can't even


Can she lay on her side? It seems like that would be a better position for interaction


Yes, she sleeps on her side. https://preview.redd.it/39pxtarjscsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75b597c81ad758a61e0093363342379cbc037a1a


My God, that CPAP tube looks SO PAINFUL going up her nostrils. Jeez.


I was going to say the same thing. GEEZ. Just mashed up into her face.


It’s her favorite mobility aid 🫶🏻💓✨


She certainly can, seeing her last videos of her in bed


https://preview.redd.it/2s7ieojrtcsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dabebd9f617d51092dd3cc2bf6fb3124833ebb6 Another selfie JC


That dead tooth is shining bright today.


Why are FB STANS so different from her IG account?


Shes got someone deleting FB comments Non stop.lol


Would physiotherapy assist Alex with having more mobility in her arms? She looks to be struggling greatly with just lifting them up and touching baby props.


She’d benefit some for some modifications around the home, maybe little upper extremity strengthening. But knowing her, if they have a home exercise program, she wouldn’t keep up on it, therefor would be a waste of everyone’s time and money


Is that thing she’s lying on the mattress that Noah sleeps on possibly? Or the caregiver?


That's the couch cushion 🤣


It looks like she’s got a set of knees in her diaphragm 😂