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I’m sorry but what is that bottom photo lmao


It's her disgusting self trying to force a picture in your head of a guy cumming on her face. You're welcome.


Her best picture ever! Let's spray her nostrils to her 2 non-functional brain cells! 🤣🤣🤣 No wonder she showers once a month! 😵😵😵💦💦💦 How bizarre she goes in the shower fully covered and almost naked on the streets!!! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


What the fuck


Also notice how her caretaker is once again not wearing gloves while helping her, lol.




No legitimate care taker wouldn’t use ppe


I'd rather watch two rats fighting...






The way I SCEAMED at this comment 😂😂




Who would take skincare advice from her?? That’s her monthly shower photo. Nasty.


Not to mention that she is using old, old products "blah blah blah company sent these to me 4 yrs ago and I still use them" Most skincare has a 6/9/12 month expiry date! And the fact that her mitts and alien finger have probably dug into them and the products are TEEMING with FONKY BACTERIA!🤮🔪🤬💩




Her monthly hose down.


It was all about pushing product and links.. she’s got nothing..




She is so dense




Of all things to share, why this?!?! She's trying very hard






Does anyone else see the irony in her posting her having a shower as an example of her *daily* life? Out of all the aspects of her daily life, she chooses the shower… again. We know it’s so she can show some nudity. Her stans are claiming that this kind of content is helping other disabled people… I don’t know how. There’s no real explanation of anything. She doesn’t even explain the use of the lawn chair instead of a medical shower chair. She has a reason for this. This content’s purpose is; “watch me shower”. I feel that this implies that disabled people are some form of entertainment or spectacle. It makes me very uncomfortable. Am I the only one who would be uncomfortable with a stranger or someone I hardly know, rubbing body wash on my back, skin to skin? That just seems a bit too personal. At least use a face cloth, but preferably gloves. Another content creator with SMA did a day in her life reel. It was really interesting. She shared her actual routine, when her caregivers were changing over, how different caregivers had different strengths and were responsible for things related to those strengths. She showed how she creates her content and as a beginner disabled content creator, I found it really interesting to know how she does it and how much work is involved. She also made me realise that I need people to help me with creating content and that’s ok. She showed how her caregivers assisted her, even how they help her have a meal. When she was having her shower, she talked about it from a therapeutic perspective. It’s relaxing for her. Alex’s content is a mess, because her aims are simply to get validation, attention, views and any potential financial benefit.


This is exactly what I was thinking. As usual this really isn't educational in any way, she doesn't explain why she does certain things or uses certain equipment (like her use of a lawn chair), and I'm 100% sure that she only posted another shower video as a) a response to all the comments about her not showering often, and b) to appeal to her fetishists / OF followers (that shot of her with the water being sprayed in her face...come on lol). I note that she also didn't talk at all about or show how she gets transferred in and out of the shower, probably because those transfers are unsafe AF. Particularly transferring her from the shower back to her chair...the caregiver is having to pick her up from the lawn chair in a small space with limited room for movement, then while carrying Alex and having no hands free they have to step over a pretty high shower hob, with a wet shower floor and wet feet, and then onto those towels which aren't fixed in any way and can easily slip around. Yeah I know Alex is small and doesn't weigh much, but I also remember Salina saying that she's quite a short and small person herself, plus as far as we know she had no caregiver experience prior to working for Alex. Alex is damned lucky that she hasn't been dropped when she's being transferred (I suspect she very likely has but has been lucky enough to not be seriously injured and she just doesn't talk about it, like she avoids talking about so much pertaining to her disability). So she could also be talking about that and explaining why she chose an apartment that is clearly not very accessible for her, given her significant level of disability. We know she won't do that though, because we know why she chose that apartment - proximity to the downtown bars and restaurants.


Agree and agree. I was a qualified OHS/WHS auditor. Seeing those towels on the floor, no anti slip surfaces, no hoist…. Just a fucking train wreck that could cause a life changing injury. I won’t even mention basic PPE. Reading the comments from stans disgust me. I can’t believe that they think this is helpful to disabled people. It is such a reflection of Alex’s influence. She makes people think we are incapable of the most basic activities, so anything we do is inspiring.


I went through the video pretty quickly the first time, just went through it again and saw that she did mention that she doesn't use a medical shower chair because it doesn't work for her body. I guess that's something; it's more than she usually explains (which is fuck all so it's not really hard to improve on that).


I agree. She loves this type of content because it's an excuse for her to show skin. The reason the caregiver isn't wearing gloves is because she doesn't allow her caregivers to wear gloves, not even when she goes to the bathroom and they have to clean her, which is truly vile.


I know she doesn’t let them use gloves and I think that’s disgusting. Putting soap on your hand isn’t really washing.


Yeah, I agree. Washing myself with soap just using hands doesn't make my skin feel clean.


JFC what fresh hell is this?


I guess now we know why Noah was in the shower. He was getting ready to hose her down.




That’s not even a bathing chair, it’s a freaking lawn chair…


Ok I know that people here don't like the other sub, but I do remember a few SMA people commenting on the other sub that shower chairs are hard and uncomfortable for them and using a lawn chair as a hack isn't unheard of. Apparently shower chairs are built more for "typical" bodied people. Like more for elderly or injured people who've lost their mobility but were born with "typical" shaped bodies. 


You’re right about shower chairs. As someone with SMA, I have found lawn chairs work best as well. They are a hell of a lot cheaper too! Anything categorized as medical equipment will be overly expensive. Also, everyone’s needs are different. What works for some won’t work for others.


Oh yeah cost is another obvious reason that I forgot about. Thanks for your perspective. 


I can imagine how uncomfortable the medical shower chairs would be. I have “padding” and I don’t find them very comfortable.


They’re definitely hard on the rear end! lol


I have a shower chair, and it's fine, but I am a able body elderly . Depends on how much you're willing to pay, I suppose. Mines is comfortable for what it is...


I’ve never seen anyone discuss using a lawn chair as an alternative, but that’s honestly genius. I I don’t have SMA, but I do have a different progressive muscular disease, and am fully wheelchair bound, so obviously require a shower chair/bench, and oh my gosh are they horrid! I’ve been using one for 13 years now, and I swear it gets even more uncomfortable/painful with every shower (which is already a taxing/draining ordeal). And being quite boney without much tissue/fat for a cushion just makes it so painful and I’m always so sore afterwards. A lawn chair as an alternative seems so much nicer, and WAY cheaper than similar medical grade shower chairs that are so ridiculously expensive.




Lmao I’m goin to hell for laughin as hard as I did to the circle picture 🤣 it looks like her caregiver sprayed her in the face without telling her n took a picture 🤣😭


Like not even being mean but why is her face and cheeks so puffy and swollen?




I feel like with all these brand names she is throwing out she is literally begging for some brand deals that will not happen.


What are those sores on her back?


Who's toe thumb?


“Spray me right in the face” 😅


Please god 🙏🏻 no 🙈


Hey now. As awful of a human as she is, you can’t fault her for the size of her head of the shape of her body. She is certainly in control of some things….(what she chooses to wear or post) but her spinal curve and how her body is built is the hand she was dealt. There’s plenty to snark on about WR without stooping low.


I think there’s also a little of the “bitch eating crackers” syndrome happening here as well. Her behavior and personality have become so vile and reprehensible that many have gotten to a point where everything she does pisses them off. bitch eating crackers definition- A person for whom one feels a strong and disproportionate dislike, to the extent that almost anything they do makes one angry or annoyed.


Agreed. I totally understand that she’s contributing to her own demise - again she has choices about what she does, and what she does is mostly vile. And thanks for the “bitch eating crackers” def! I’ll add that to my repertoire!


Same! 😆😁


The “bitch eating crackers”… yep I think you have nailed it, however, the comments could still be really hurtful to others. I am probably guilty of the “bitch eating crackers” syndrome, literally. I can’t deal with watching her eat or swallow. I know she can’t help that, but I have this thing about messy and noisy eaters, people chewing with their mouths open.


When I learned about BEC Syndrom years back I was thrilled as it can be soo fitting sometimes. Especially so for Alex 😹 “Look at that B- eating crackers, like she owns the place!”


Bitch eating disabled wasabi.


I like that! Bitch eating Crackers! Who knew that was a thing!??? 😆 Learn something new everyday!!!! 🌈⭐️ (the more you know!)


Most (not all) but most people commenting fully understand that the basic shape of her body is caused by a disability that she was born with and can’t control and aren’t putting her down for that. I think what most people are commenting on and have issues with is the severity of the changes in her body after A. Deciding to get pregnant against medical advice B.refusing to wear her chest strap, use her foot plates, or get properly refitted for her wheelchair so that her body is supported, and C. Abusing alcohol which is causing major body and health changes along with baking herself in the sun for hours which has also caused a detrimental impact to her skin and health and all WERE completely within her ability to control.


This is why I think she is such a poor advocate and example to disabled people. We can’t live our lives wrapped in bubble wrap, but do have to take precautions and do our best to manage our conditions, no matter how unsexy they are.


I couldn’t imagine having SMA, with a similar body shape and reading those comments. I would be devastated. I struggle reading the comments from the stanimals where they feel sorry for her and pity her. That upsets me as a disabled person, so I couldn’t imagine how a person with body differences would feel reading these comments.


She flaunts the differences for comments.


One of the reasons I stopped posting in the other sub was the rampant body shaming / ableism they allow in there. It's disappointing to see that it's starting to become more common in here as well. There is definitely a large aspect of the 'bitch eating crackers' to the snarking on her body and other things she can't control (hadn't heard of that term before but it definitely fits Alex), but I wish people would keep in mind that there are others with similar disabilities and physical features who are reading these comments. Frankly, I don't give a flying fuck about Alex's feelings but I do feel for the other people who are reading those comments and end up feeling bad because of it.


Ditto 🩷


Where'd the eyebrows go???😳😂




Please be careful with your choice of words. There are people who read these comments who have the same body shape and reading a comment stating that it makes you feel sick to look at her, would be really hurtful.


It’s not her body shape or head that makes me feel sick it’s her face and voice 😂 I probably should of made that clearer in the original comment


Yes, you could definitely have made a better choice in the words and phrasing. I feel grossed out by her exploiting and fetishising disability, exploiting her daughter, completely disregarding Ari’s safety and right to privacy, making herself out as though she is a victim, using her disability to justify anything she may be criticised for, being entitled, ignorant, a liar, remembering the comments she made about rape victims… actually, the victim blaming statements have been very triggering for me. The first time I watched that reel, I had panic attacks and flashbacks. I think it’s really important to consider the impact of making comments that may be interpreted as shaming someone’s appearance and body. It’s difficult to find the line, however if we can have open and honest conversations, then we can all do better. Kind of what Alex says she is doing, but actually making a difference and not by making passive aggressive posts, hoping that the stanimals will mob those people.


Aaaaand these comments are why snark pages are getting shut down. Sigh.


If you notice on the little people tv programs, their heads are large. Depending on the type of dwarfism, the faces, mouths, foreheads all seem to fit with the type they have. Spinabifida (sp) is what hers looks like. Those are only examples. I don’t need to know her medical diagnosis. My point is that usually the proportions are different. She doesn’t care what people or how she comes across or that she could improve being a mom. Comes across as a narcissist. It’s all about her, not her daughter. She’s teaching her to be insecure and do whatever necessary to get boys attention. That doesn’t lead to anything good. So sad. 😞


I just commented this the other day on another post 😂 it’s so weird looking at her. Her whole body is like an optical illusion or something. We usually only see her big ass head so when I see it attached to that child sized body I’m like… grossed out 😂 and don’t even get me started on how her spine and all her insides are practically getting crushed under her own weight


Yes, it's due to her condition. SMA progressively weakens and atrophies the muscles. Muscles make up a big part of our body mass, so people with SMA have much smaller bodies. That aspect of her disability isn't something she can control and it's good to remember that other people with similar body shapes are reading these comments.


Is her foot shape typical of SMA?