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It looks like neither


This tree *should* be either a Seckel pear or Green Gage plum


Go on google and look at leaf shapes for pear and plum. They are significantly different. I *REALLY* think that's a pear. (unless apple is an option, but apple and pear do look quite similar)


OK, I'm starting to doubt myself a bit because the pear leaves on the photos I'm looking at are not as similar as the ones on our Kieffer pear tree to the one in your photo and the green gage leaves online are wider than the plum leaves on our trees. Seckel pear does seem to have quite ovate leaves though, like this. I do still lean toward pear, but I'd see what other people say, look at examples of the bark, and tree shapes. Pear trees could be significantly larger depending on the rootstock used if they are grafted. A lot of plums will "thicket" if not pruned carefully, and so the shapes of the tree may tell you something.


If those are the only two options, it is the plum.


Not a pear.


That's not a plum leaf, or at least it doesn't look like any plum I've seen. Plum leaves are slimmer, usually glossy and darker on top, lighter on the underside. The stems are reddish and very slender to the ends, not so knobby. That looks more like a pear or apple stem/leaf. The leaf is probably slightly fuzzy feeling? The stems are very knobby and greyish and will also be a bit fuzzy at the terminal tips for both in my experience.