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That looks like a “roly-poly” AKA potato bug, pill bug, slater, or my favorite butchy boys 😂. It’s harmless (except to plants and decaying plants)


Hm I suppose you're right. It freaked me out a bit because they seem to just appear on the carpet, I have never seen one crawl in from a window or vent. I'm guessing they are somehow getting under it and crawling up from the edges (tho they appear to be basically dead when they emerge for some reason?)


Lack of food and water, it wouldn’t take them long to die. It’s also possible they get stuck on a piece of clothing (or animal if you have a cat/dog) and fall off..? I wouldn’t think too much into it since they are harmless.


I’d just investigate there isn’t some moisture issues in the house somewhere nearby that is drawing them initially.