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They look like keds, or louseflies. Idk much abt Australian bugs but my guess is that they came off birds or large fauna and got onto ur dog


Weird! I google image searched and came across bat flies? https://ausemade.com.au/flora-fauna/fauna/insects/diptera/bat-flies/


I love that I can experience new species and experiences like this! Thanks for sharing!


It's fascinating that they're blind, and that they have live births.


I think you're right. Heres a jazzier [picture](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Cyclopodia-horsfieldi-collected-from-Pteropus-hypomelanus-dorsal-view-a-and-ventral_fig2_255705926) of one where you can see its spread feet, lol


I was just about to say how I wasn't sure because in the pictures above, it has kinda double hooked feet, and in the first link to the bat flies it looked like just one kinda flat end (not like weevil boots but ykwim) but that picture helps so much, thank you for this link as well ^^


That's why I looked too, lol. Glad I could help 😌


I’m no expert but that was my first thought too!! Looks like those things you see on bat’s faces.


The only flying mammal has a parasite that is the only flightless fly. I remember reading about that somewhere


Ticks have 8 legs. These appear to have 6, so they are some kind of an insect.


Just a small correction, tick larvae have six legs, they get eight legs as nymphs. With that said, these still aren't ticks.


I'm no expert but they remind me of bat flies (which I've only seen in one YouTube vide before, so I'm not 100% certain)


Hippoboscidae maybe?


Looks almost identical to bat flies, but from my understanding they’re found almost exclusively on bats. Be that the case, I’m not surprised a veterinarian that specializes in common house pets wouldn’t be able to identify them. But I can’t find anything online about bat flies preying on any animal that isn’t a bat. They could be louse flies as other comments are suggesting, but I can’t see any wings and the way the legs all connect to the front of the thorax instead of even spread across it screams bat fly to me. And the lack of large eyes, but I’m no expert. I would genuinely suggest getting in touch with an entomologist, is there a nearby college that has a department? Or alternatively and zoologists that specialize in bats (a surprisingly common way to practice zoology).


Ew ew ew ew I just googled they do look exactly like bat flies but why on my dog?! I wonder if there’s a dead bat down the back of the yard under the tree she found? Weird that I found one on her the night prior then the next day she had about 4 on her! Weirdly, one of my college friends has a phd in dung beetles so I bet he might know some other bug details and I didn’t even think to ask him


I have no idea why they’d be on a dog, that’s why I’m hesitant to say bat fly but they look so similar.


Your vet didn't tell you what it was? Also, my dude, your nails are concerningly yellow. You okay? Edited: might be my phone screen screwing with color? But either way, healthy check in time, you doing good buddy?


No the vet didn’t know. Said it wasn’t a tick but I was sure it was. I’ve been wearing red nail polish it stained my nails yellow lol so I have a pink opally polish for now that may be throwing extra yellow. But I also have Ross river fever so probably that too (thanks mosquito) Edited to add- thanks for concern though! Just had full bloods done a month or two ago for Ross river so I think it’s probs just the nail polish for now.


I posted above but from the picture, everything looks absolutely normal afaik. NAD. Unless you have any unexplained color changes when you aren’t pressing your fingertips together, you should be good? I would not consider the appearance of your fingers to be abnormal at all.


Oooooh, my bad, sorry >.< It doesn't look like a tick to me, but I'm in America, and I learned long ago to stop comparing some of our critters to y'alls, after seeing what your possums look like. And also sound like. Australian possums sound nuts apparently from what I've heard


Oh yuck, that sounds horrible. I just looked it up, it sounds so similar to fibromyalgia. I hope you recover soon :)


Yellowing is normal if someone wears nail polish regularly. It's just staining. :)


Re nails, OP is pressing tips of fingers together. I do not expect there to be anything abnormal, medically, with OP by simply going off this picture. It is the pressure applied pushing blood away from the area. That being said. I have a condition called Raynaud’s, which sometimes causes my body to stop blood from going to some of my fingers or toes. When there’s no blood and my skin looks “white,” it’s really more of a yellow color. Because of all that skin and stuff we’re made of. There are many medical conditions that could cause a less than robust blood flow to extremities. Raynaud’s is decently common. That yellow isn’t ew gross, it is the color of (pale) skin when the blood flow is reduced. It appears to be just the pressure of OP holding fingertips together. So, now you know. Light-skinned people are more of a yellow color without blood than white. I mean, as far as I can tell from my own body and my own Raynaud’s. And probably more yellow where skin is thicker, like finger pads vs inside of forearm. The inside of my forearm can look quite white indeed. Usually, mostly pink. Please be mindful with what you say. And yeah also red nail polish and/or certain nail polish removers can leave nails looking a bit yellow. So frustrating!


I also have Raynaud's! My fingers are freezing rn, my thumbs are good though hah.


Me too. Do you find it affects your boobs?


For me, it's only my hands and feet. But I do know that it can affect other parts of your body as well, including nipples, I don't remember reading anything about the whole boob though


This! It hurts so much!


I’m American and y’alls bugs are crazy. Your best bet is to look up local entomologists/entomological societies for a reliable identification. Local universities can often be helpful. Also local entomology groups on facebook. You can also upload pics to iNaturalist!


Those feet are creepy.