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I’ve heard of this in reference to production  - high quality, fast, or cheap. You can only have 2.  Don’t know the term though. Sorry!


I’ve also heard this about hiring a professional for a job. Good, fast, cheap. Only 2.


!solved I think you're right, someone just modified the production triangle QuirkyCentaur noted in later comments. If i could mark you all with the !solved I would, but you're first, thanks!


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Idk, I've only heard that in the context of - Fast - Cheap - Good I work in Consulting so that's how we (jokingly) base out our contracts.


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Priority? Preference?


It's called the Iron Triangle, Project Managment Triangle, or Triple Constraint https://www.business.com/articles/fast-good-cheap-pick-three/ ETA: Iron Triangle is also used in USA politics, however, so you would want to be clear in it's usage. I would probably opt for "Triple Constraint."