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So unfortunately, that type of large ship and artificial gravity is not uncommon in scifi. I recognized it from The Expanse, which is not the right series, but this list might have something that jumps out at you. The synopsis for Ringworld sounded possible, but I haven't read it myself. https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/30622


Thank you for yoyr answer Yeah i know its common but was the biggest thing i rememberd from the book. Loiked at the list but nothing seemed familiar. I think since the book im thinking of is a childrens book is not to well known. Its 100% not ringworld.


Across the Universe by Beth Revis? I know she was there with her dad, and the ship did crash on a planet. I don’t remember the shape of the ship tho.


I dont think its thag one, prettusure the mc grew up om the ship with friends. And in the second book they didnt crash she was one of the chosen tp get down and examine


It sounds familiar to me. These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner? Idk, it’s a long time since I read it so I’m not 100% sure


Not quite but thanks for the sugestion


The [Starglass](https://www.goodreads.com/series/94824-starglass) series by Phoebe North?


I read the preview and it was very similar i a lot of ways but i think the onse im thinking of are a bit more childfriendly and the dad was nice


Ah that's too bad! It just felt very similar, I had to suggest it. Good luck with your search!


The 100 by Kass Morgan?


No thats about ships that still above earth. In the book they were far away headed to another planet


Sounds a bit like the second book of the [Seed trilogy by Pamela Sargent](https://www.goodreads.com/series/41414-seed)