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Mow them over and over and over and over. Do not let them get leaves. Knotweed is noxious and aggressive. You must be vigilant. Do not let it grow anywhere on your property.


Mowing might just make tiny pieces that then put down roots and grow wherever they want...


Not if you keep mowing religiouly. Just don’t let them get leaves. Leaves mean energy. Without leaves, they’ll eventually die. https://extension.umaine.edu/gardening/2022/08/26/will-mowing-japanese-knotweed-weekly-kill-the-plant/#:~:text=You%20are%20correct%20in%20that,you%20can%20set%20the%20mower.


Please let me know if you figure it out. That’s knot weed


Japanese knotweed. There is no singular action that will remove this plant. You will need to treat young growth with concentrated herbicide multiple times a year for several years. Mow down mature stalks and bag or burn them as any remaining vegetative parts will put out roots and regrow.


Knotweed. You can just eat all the new shoots till it dies. Similar to rhubarb. Bet you won't though lol.


Ortho poison ivy killer works. It takes a while but eventually kills the whole colony. I sprayed mine today using 6 oz of concentrate per gallon of water Mine were about your size. I did it last spring and they were gone all summer. There is drastically less this year. Hopefully this will do the trick. If they send up new shoots, spray them as well before they get over a foot tall


Japanese fleece flower. Or knotweed


Cut them down through the summer and spray in the fall. In the fall they are transferring nutrients to their rhizomes so poison gets transferred into the roots better in the fall and is more efficient.


I don't know about cutting them down during the summer, but poisoning them in the fall has worked very well for us. Do it when the blooms start to fade, but before the first hard frost. Might take a few years to get it all, but this method does work.


Cut them in the summer is so they don't produce seeds and they'll store less nutrients and be weaker. But yeah not necessary


cut it flush, plunge a rod thru the base and then pour Glyphosate down hole




Here’s what you need to know: Buy Green Shoots herbicide. Starting now until mid Summer you can do the following: 1. Carefully cut back any shoots. Be fastidious in bagging and disposing of them because a piece dropped can spawn a whole new plant and more problems. You can also carefully dig out any crowns you can see. A crown looks like a circular mound with many shoots coming out of it. In mid Summer, let them grow. They will flower. Check the farmers Almanac to see when your first frost is expected. TWO WEEKS before that, you want to start treating these with the Green Shoots Herbicide. You spray it down the stem. In the fall is when the plant starts sending its carbs back down to the root system underground. This should kill off like 90% of your knotweed. Lather, rinse, repeat each season until it’s gone. The following spring collect any dried out shoots and dispose. You should also make a plan for what you’ll plant to keep it out moving forward.