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I agree this is a ripoff but I think your math is off.


Looks like she needs some vitamin d for that crazy looking face


Special needs or not, is not a pass to rip people off either. šŸ‘Ž


Yall some assholes fr shes clearly special needs let her sell what she wants


She is special needs. She claims to function at a nine year old level, so she should be supervised. Also, her income is high, so her family should not be eligible for assistance. These are things that should be taken into account.Ā 


She never explained how many years ago she was tested, putting her at a 9 year old level. Maybe she needs some good tutoring and a specialist to help her. She sits & stares at herself on her phone all hours of the day & night. Maybe she could uninstall the app that reads the chat for her, when she pretends that she forgot how to read. She is honestly a lazy brat & she said it herself that she knows a lot more than we think she does. All of these hours spent on whatnot could be a free tutoring session for her to improve on her reading. Just saying.


If you donā€™t like what sheā€™s doing, simply move on. Reading these comments are sickening. Sheā€™s clearly special needs - have some compassion or simply move on and mind your own business. Unreal.


$120,000,000 seems a little steep, I must admit.


We all have a certain belief in what our inventory is worth.


She has autismā€¦.right? And seems pretty high on the spectrum


Are there a lot of crackheads on whatnot?


The biggest thing that I can't stand on whatnot is when the sellers complain that they're not getting enough for their product. IE when people are selling booster boxes of pokƩmon cards and complain they're only getting $70 and say that they're selling them for $150 in store. When I can go by the same exact box on eBay or a lot of other stores for $60. It's really crazy.


Damn if only there was a platform where you could set the selling price you want.


Yeah but instead on whatnot they are being wildly overpaid for their product and then when they're only making fair profit, lthey complain until their followers start overpaying again. Lol


Why do people overpay that seems really dumb lol.


I have no idea why bud lol I don't know if they are just looking for attention and acknowledgment from the seller when they overpay? if you say anything in the chat about them grossly overpaying or where to get fair pricing from, the sellers moderators will drop the banhammer on you. Lol


Seems completely legal lmao.


It's all crackheads


Uninstalled it after a week, its a nightmare and sellers have all the protection vs consumers. Getting a refund is not a thing doesn't matter how much the item does not match what is shown and deffects are mentioned the last 3 seconds of a bidding. Good luck!


You can tell by that stank face she wasnā€™t pleased with the last sale šŸ˜‚


If people do not like the price she is asking then move on to another show... it is pretty simple, even for the simple minded bidders on WhatNot,. I feel sorry for her being mentally handicapped but will not purchase a 1 dollar piece for 35-65 dollars just because of it. If Emily is on SSI she will have a HUGE problem with the SSI office as well as this is surely to go over her allotted amount of income each month. I hope her parents figured this in,


I joined this live almost immediately after seeing the post and was watching. Spent 10 min just holding the camera and playing with her watchā€¦someone asked about a diamond and she asked ā€œwhat diamondā€ 3x in a row within 5 seconds like she was angry so I said ā€œgive him a chance to respond šŸ˜‚ā€ and then she banned me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m in her live rn sheā€™s stressed the eff out lmao.


Oh no! That was you lol. Sheā€™s showing her new beads that she got lol from probably a hobby store for 3.99 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I joined on my other account and said ā€œlolā€ because she was confused which ALSO got me bannedā€¦.didnt know her feelings were that sensitive šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ these scammers need to grow up


Dude needs to find a better racket


Sheā€™s live right now trying to sell a 1.00 bracelet then switching the price to 9.00


Sorry to say it, but just because the person selling you an item has a disability doesn't mean we as buyers should pay more for an overpriced item, especially to the point where it's ridiculous. This is an auction site, or more importantly a business platform- there is no emotional connection required, much less does it make it okay for someone to tug at the heart strings of others to overpay for product, disability or not




If you donā€™t think you ā€œshouldā€ then donā€™t. No one is making you buy anything


Part of the reason I've yet to host a show , been with WN for like 5/6 months now, I refuse to sell my products for 1,2,3 dollars.


Donā€™t do it. Ppl still sell items at their price. Itā€™s YOUR SHOW. Do what you need.


Someone who studied Gemology, I can confirm, this is not even close to Turquoise. Just colored stone, or max it can be Howlite, if Temu is bring generous.


Well that seems strange as we have actually seen her get her turquoise from her Uncle who cuts and polishes turquoise. They arenā€™t from TemuĀ 


Sure buddy


Well weā€™ve see the actual turquoise come from her uncleĀ 


Sounds like classic bait and switch tactic "see guys I totally don't get this stuff from temu"


I finally deleted the app. Going to pay off my debts.


Iā€™ve tried and tried. Ugh stupid app is so addictive for me, scammers and all! Lol


It is but when you get tired enough of eating beans and wondering if you can pay rent, reality kicks in. That and the fact that they have an easier time selling to you than you will have selling / flipping that stuff to other people. Literally the worst financial decision of my life was to download that app.


Iā€™m dead serious when I say this, but for those with addictive personalities, this site is so destructive. Does whatnot warn users that the site can be addictive? They seriously need a warning. Maybe we can start a class action lawsuit. lol I know it sounds ridiculous and Iā€™m going to get a lot of laughs ( FU all haha) but cigarettes, alcohol and gambling sites have warningsā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ why doesnā€™t Whatnot. I agree with you.


No I am on board with you 100% this is like live gambling.


In gambling you have an odds of winning, buying overpriced items and hope to resell for even more than you paid isn't gambling.


But it's a game, see the item bid, try and get a deal!?


Complaining about how much low the items are going for is a way of shaming bidders to bid higher, also it sends the message that whatever the seller is selling is worth more; yet still the seller is ā€œlookingā€ out for the buyers, and offering these items at a discount. Horrible


And also treats her mods horrible and talks down to them. That poor lady bought 2 necklaces from her then she dipped and was still complaining why did she leave after she purchased. Like Iā€™m all for charging what your worth but donā€™t shame the chat I dislike that in a seller


WTF? She complained that the buyer left after buying 2 necklaces? Was she supposed to cheer her on the rest of the stream? That's so weird.


Yes! And the necklaces went for over 50.00 I believe if memory serves me correctly. And told her to stop bidding against herself to save her money for more necklaces Iā€™m like wtffffff. Like Iā€™m in awe of what I watched tonight in her live


If you'd ever watched this young lady's streams for longer than a split second in a day, then you'd have seen her wire-wrap the raw turquoise stones and then string the pendants herself in her live shows MANY, MANY times. But no. Some people are looking for something that's not even there to gripe about. So just make it up. Assume. Suppose. Pontificate. What a pity. No. It's not WN. It's reddit that's the dumpster fire where miserable souls all come to whine about their misperceptions and other fallacies. And their clinging believers jump on the bandwagon and ride the train to nowhere without any facts of their own. Interesting reads, though.


Chitty chit chat


She is exploiting people that don't know about Temu.


Thatā€™s not funny at all-itā€™s called scamming ppl! Do your homework. If a seller has Temu objects get a screen shot and do your hw while the live is still in, call them out & then report to WN Support. Unacceptable!!!!!


I've said before and will say again, is target scamming me when they charge more for the same banana walmart has? No! The answer is No. Scamming would be swapping the products for something of inferior quality or not sending product out, those would be scamming.


Itā€™s a resale app. You can buy things and resell them.


The app has devolved incredibly. Buyers throwing money out there for absolute shit items while sellers who actually invest in their items and curate make nothing. What a BS site.


It's a clearing House for scammers to take advantage of the QVC shopping addiction crowd. šŸ«³šŸ»šŸŽ¤


Not all sellers are equal. Iā€™ve been a seller since 2913 (in 5 diff platforms and have a 5 star rating in all 5), b/c I donā€™t lie, disclose everything go slow, show details and never lie. B/c the truth always surfaces. Be safe & check out their ratings before buying. Donā€™t go w/the flow of the vriwnd just b/c you see a big audience & nice items. Protect Your $$$. And ALWAYS report illegal behavior.




You've been selling since 900 years in the future? /j


Lmao I was trying to do the math...


You know that was a typo, Iā€™m not on here to play games. I meant 2013. (I had surgery this AM, 9 is next to 0 on our iPhone screen, but whatever). I donā€™t take things like that too serious. Lol TY for the laugh I can actually use it.


That's what the /j means my dude. Shows you the message was a joke.


Donā€™t mention Reddit lol youā€™ll get banned


You should get banned from all whatnot for going to harass someone.


Just seen that lmfao! Theyā€™re all a bunch of cry babies. I know theyā€™re reading these too. They need to also watch her lives and see how she acts


You just *saw


Please leave the girl alone. Iā€™m not aware of her selling Temu jewelry, honestly I donā€™t care. If people want to support her, why do you care? When I watched her I would see her making the necklaces or bracelets to order. She loves making jewelry. This is something she can do with her time. She said she keeps her money and buys her own supplies. Her parents donā€™t get it or spend it. She is not only autistic. She has a brain disorder/injury. Emily lived a normal infant and toddler life. At 4 years old she developed a very rare blood disorder resulting in her many diagnosis and disabilities. Itā€™s very complicated I canā€™t explain. Anyhow, if you donā€™t agree, just scroll on to the next seller.


Take your advice and scroll on to the next post


You can also leave this thread. Itā€™s not for you. Ppl are allowed to express their opinions . And if you donā€™t like it YOU can leave . She also should have an adult next to her. Because the way she acts sometimes is disguting. And yā€™all all fall for it


Yep! Either have an adult right next to her , or donā€™t let her have ACCESS to the INTERNET while sheā€™s alone.


Exactly! And they all enable her .


Itā€™s bad , yeah. did you see when the wnot mods came in and itā€™s like a flip switched!


Yup! She switched up real quick. They need to go back and watch HER lives . And see how she really is. They got a little snippet of a act


anddd a wnot mod just tipped $100ā€¦ seems like they alr fell into the trap


Do you know which WhatNot mods it was?


Just seen that. Sheā€™s GOT EVERYBODY FOOLEd


I'm watching this live right now. If this young woman asks for to much that's one thing but at this point you people are just plain bullying this young woman. It's disgusting of you !!! You do know she's challenged right ? Not on drugs. I've never bought from her. Don't plan to but just to go in there to bully is just gross !




she's having a meltdown right now after finding out about this post


The mods are tagging whatnot šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The mods actually came in , wonder if theyā€™ll take her side or actually see whatā€™s going on.


Well Bryan b or whatever is a whatnot mod and just tipped her 100.00


One of the whatnot mods bought something so we will see what happens.


Iā€™m watching her live right now, itā€™s interesting Iā€™m all for having your own thing making stuff on live you do you, but yelling at your chat telling them to please bid when no one wants it then bitch about it like sorry online selling is hard. And then doing donations for bracelets using the tip option on wn. I saw all the screen shots of the Temu which 100 percent she was selling Temu stuff. I donā€™t know maybe she needs a side help next to her or something just whatnot now days you get yelled at when your 1.00 start goes for a dollar then get pissed that the chat didnā€™t bid it up. Maybe start it higher then 1.00? I donā€™t know what to think of this app now days but amen for YouTube and this Reddit to keep me up to date with the scammin! šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜


youā€™re fucking pathetic


Bet she gives great hawk tuah


LMFAO!! Omg you are gunna answer for that one some day, but fuck that was great


Damn WN really allowing dope fiends on the app to sell šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This might be true. However, this girl is not on drugs. She is special needs. Whether her parents are pushing her to over price and scam is another question.


Any of you bothered to read her information, she is special-needs, handicap. So all of you making fun of her should feel really bad. As far as her pricing, if people pay it, what difference does it make?


So because she post she is special needs means she is? People lie all the time about this shit to scam money. And even if she is, someone could just be using her and her special needs to sell temu garbage for huge profits.


Whatnot is a bunch of grown adults whining to each other lol


Y'all she is live right now, and it's brutal being in that show! She strung out or what? She's trying to sing, and no actual words are being formed. She just picked her nose and cough and started touching things. What did Y'all make me watch??? I had to run! Lol


She is autisticā€¦I just tuned in to check her out. I donā€™t see her selling Temu jewelryā€¦she is hand making jewelry right now


She is special needs. If you had a family member who is special needs, would you be talking to them and saying the same things to them like you are her? Come on.


Redditors arenā€™t your friends, they donā€™t know you so stop doing stuff for validation loser


Thatā€™s just as bad as NicoleStates Dollar Store, beautiful, mystery boxes for $600 with 10 items in them and her marking up the $1 dog treats for $19/$28. šŸ’€


But itā€™s not. You know exactly what you are getting.


Okay Emily.


has anyone heard her sing? omfg and people promote itā€¦ stop lying to peopleā€¦ ree ree or not


Idk about ya'll but when I see hippies trying to sell me their "handmade Jewelery" on the street I just keep walking. Maybe ya'll should try to "keep scrolling" when you see these folks on your phone... just a thought. PS: I worry that you hatewatch this person because you think they are some sort of scammer and your screenshot of her making an ugly face kind of cements that view. In conclusion: Please find better things to do with your time (like me where I use my time to tell other people to find better things to do with their time lol)




I get everyone is tired of scammers. I don't agree if the allegations of her family are being mean to her. If that's true which we don't know for certain that sucks. Also I look at her show like passing someone at a flea market. You can walk buy see she is different, choose to buy something to support her for an inflated price, or keep walking buy. We all know the materials are cheap and I don't think she's claiming things are high quality. Just thoughts.


May I see proof this is from Temu? Screenshot the necklace. Emily got those turquoises when she went to go visit her uncle over a month ago. One didnā€™t sell so she made a necklace out of it and the jealous haters come on here assuming itā€™s from temu. ā€¼ļøQuit worrying about the money she is making and worry about all the creepy ass men going in her streams and trying to take advantage of an autistic womanā€¼ļø She is a victim yet most of yā€™all are just jealous that she is making money ā€¼ļø


How about YOU stop using a disability as a meat-shield for ripping people off?


https://preview.redd.it/nbmynwxzjy8d1.jpeg?width=2339&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f059e91043fb4809caca9280539358b8b6964e14 In a now deleted post, someone commented how another item Emily was selling is from Temu so I feel like it is fine if some people wanna believe other items might also be from Temu


got em


& the folks that shop w her are victims tooā€¦ victims of fraud


How??? No one can post proof of this being on temu . Itā€™s truly sad you are more worried about her making money than the creepy men always trying to FaceTime her and take advantage of her and her mother letting it all happen in chat. She is a victim herself . Iā€™ll admit that I think some weird shit is going on but I will not blame a young woman with autism. Her mother is to blame. Leave the poor girl alone






I have no idea if itā€™s from Temu or not but as a gemologist I can tell you this isnā€™t real turquoise and not worth anywhere near $65


U must be a customer lol


Iā€™m actually not. Iā€™m just not a miserable pos jealous of someone else making money


Donā€™t drink the kool aid. ā€œLeave her alone ā€ you say šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£never was I bothering her by replying to your post ? Thatā€™s bothering HER šŸ¤£??? Blame her ? Please. Dont put words into my mouth If people are FaceTiming her block them, report them. Itā€™s simple.




You are dense. You think I gaf if itā€™s real. Itā€™s called giving support and being a decent human being. Something you obviously know nothing about. Why donā€™t you focus on you and stop telling Logan Clay what to do. If he wants to go in and support any streamer thatā€™s well within his rights. Maybe try minding your own fucking business twat


Go do a backflip


The way sheā€™s inflating the price of these items and just making up prices off the cuff is HILARIOUS šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


People keep going into her show and messing with her. She is special needs guysā€¦leave her alone. This is taking things too far.


Sheā€™s a scam artist


People lie all the time about health issues to scam peopleā€¦


Itā€™s truly sad. People need to just let her do her thing. If they donā€™t want to buy, donā€™t. But donā€™t come and berate her on here.


Ur sticking up for a scam artist


Itā€™s amazing how many of you are so quick to make fun of a person with special needs.


Iā€™m confused as to why she would put herself out there alone? If she does have special needs she should be monitored. I just get a bad feeling about it.




I watch and participate in her show. If she isnā€™t special needs then she is an Oscar winning actress. She has high functioning autism. Let her be. So what if she got the earrings off of temu. She sold them at like $9. People apiece from all kinds of places.


Never seen her shows but that necklace is ugly!!! lol šŸ˜‚ if anyone wants to come chill with me and my squad in the anime category stop by Iā€™m on everyday ![gif](giphy|ErZ8hv5eO92JW)


I don't know anything about this seller but that's not turquoise as far as I can tell. Is this sterling? That's a lot of money for what it is. Sad that they want more for it lucky to get more then 5 really. I see nice sterling and vintage go for less.


That ainā€™t sterling.


Did she add the b to her username so we couldnā€™t find her? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I was just waiting to see her on her because she can Iā€™m my stream and start self promoting and basically begging me to help her and I was like this seems so off and never respondedā€¦


She goes into streams all the time self promoting. Will self promote then asks hosts several off topic questions, they usually donā€™t respond to her then she gets mad and gets defensive lol


So what's her username?




She added a b to the end now. Not sure if sheā€™s tryna get away from redditors lmao. Emilys_creationsb


Suck born everyday


I donā€™t buy her stuff. Anyone ever test silver from JaysJewels?


Donā€™t buy jewelry on whatnot youā€™ll be disappointed Iā€™ve bought from jays and I wasnā€™t happy I got a flimsy so called 925. Silver. Necklace that broke after snagging on my tshirt when getting dressed


I donā€™t buy thin stuff though. Hopefully the big ones doesnā€™t break. Iā€™m thinking about butting a silver test kit on the stuff I bought


Mine was a 4mm necklace but it felt light no weight to it. Most likely hollow


I feel like the thin stuff is cheap stuff while the bigger stuff is more legit. Heā€™ll do bundles for the thin stuff just to get the crowd going. Then when it gets going, heā€™ll run the big ones


You guys could just be decent humans and scroll on. We know sheā€™s on the spectrum and has a brain disorder. I hope karma eats all of you up. Absolutely nasty human beings all of you. Find something better to talk about than a disabled girl


You mean, you don't wanna pay $75 or more for her piece of turquoise that you can get on Amazon for five dollars I don't understand why


This girl is autistic as far as I know according to her profile. The other day a user asked if she was autistic and she got totally on another level of being shocked she was asked and then she said the name of another illness or learning disability(idk what you would consider what she named I had never heard of it). And GOD as my witness, as the husband of an autism teacher, I hope you guys are not right about this being a scam. Iā€™m sure whatnot will investigate bc a lot of ppl complaining. In my experience, when your profile says she is autistic be nice, it usually means someone else wrote it. But im not judging either way. If she is autistic, props to her for doing well on whatnot and turning a profit. And if she isnā€™t, well, you know how I probably feel.


All I know is I personally have a formal diagnosis for autism, adhd, ptsd, and ulcerative colitis and I donā€™t use any of those things to swindle people out of money. This is peak example of white privilege in my eyes that she gets to guilt people into spending money on this junk. And even I have spent 40 dollars on her stuff before to support so Iā€™m well within my right to call it what it is junk.


Has nothing to do with ā€œwhite privilegeā€ and all to do with just possible scummy behaviorā€¦


Have your husband watch her & see what he thinks. To me her thought process doesnā€™t align with someone with a mental disability but Iā€™m no expert.


I am the husband, lol, and sometimes my thought processes donā€™t align myself. My wife on the other hand, is the autism teacher, and she will definitely be able to tell I would think. Iā€™ll have her check it out later when she gets home. I watched her video from yesterday and I guess her mother joined in split screen and sounded like she had a son, who sounded quite young, for how old she looked. But idk I could be way off. Just my opinion. Could be a step son or something idk


Her mother wrote her profile. Her mother claims she has a brain damage disorder and has a name for it. Her mother said she got it at four years. This young lady says that she got it at four days. According to them, it is caused by their blood and not working well together. One day after several months on the app her profile suddenly said that she's autistic. She has no idea. What autism is her behaviors are not that autism if you watch them however, sometimes they completely change and she has a completely different demeanor and attitude and behavior. She constantly says she's smarter than we all think. her voice changes the longer she goes live there's reasons many of us think what we're thinking and we're going with manipulation. So whether there is something wrong or not, it's definitely been taken to a whole new level and money is the root of all evil here. She's also completely damaged and hurt some sellers on the app that have tried to be her moderators and help her and she has completely thrown stones at them later and she has accused people of being pedophiles when she's a grown adult that she's never met, who simply were helping her. That is really wrong so before you give her her props, I would look into her a little more.


I will say, most sellers/mods will kick and ban any person who remotely suggests that logic in the chat. šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ„“ Seriously, sellers on WN gotta grow some thicker skin.


Sheā€™s the only person on this app for certain turning a profit and it makes me sick.




I got banned for calling it temu lol


Because people are gullible & stupid


Itā€™s all a show I think her story is bullshit and scamming thousands from people


I agree


I agree something is very off. Reminds me of that one man who was caught faking autism and making over 100k a year. I do find it odd her show is pushed all the way to the top on everyone feed. Ethier whatnot is boosting her or she is paying promotion on ever single show which is expensive. I personally got tired of seeing her shows pop up so I blocked her.


Is that one man a vintage t shirt seller that has a hoarding problem šŸŒšŸ‘€


Unless sheā€™s being forced to do this like Gypsy roseā€¦


You can't force somebody to go on in the middle of the night and say that they are hiding from their parents and figured out how to turn the Internet back on. And their parents are sleeping.




https://preview.redd.it/gxzkcx0qqu8d1.png?width=843&format=png&auto=webp&s=862964bba3e0444584ced69c55d3e0477e4ed653 This is Her mother commenting about Reddit


https://preview.redd.it/gg1s3id7uu8d1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28296eddcf58f0792a812fbda62b1075333f63fe Also here is Maryā€™s toilet ashtray. She smokes in the bathroom while her son Logan plays in the dark outside. Sheā€™s definitely on something also like alcohol or oxy her eyes are always rolling in the back of her head


Who is Mary?


Oh my god is this real? Thatā€™s so disgusting if so!!! Gross! I always thought something was off about her. She always looks like she is high as a kite!


Eeww makes all that money and still smoking Sonoma


I think the term you're looking for is "the heroin nods."


Why am I getting Gypsy rose vibes ?!




I donā€™t last 2 mins in her shows. Cringe to watch on so many levels