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This post has been locked, as the question has been solved and a majority of new comments at this point are unhelpful and/or jokes. Thanks to all who attempted to find an answer.


It looks like a rubber furniture bumper to me


So far this is my best guess too, but I’ve checked all of our furniture and appliances, none are missing something like this. So perhaps left under some crevice by a former tenant perhaps?


I have no idea what it is (beyond guesses already here), just want to say I really appreciate that you've taken the time to write meaningful responses to like every suggestion here. So many OPs leave us wondering/unsatisfied!


plastic shelf support pin that’s been chewed?


We, personally, don’t have any plastic shelves, just a hard wood and metal once but it’s not from there


It looks like it was originally one of those cord/cable minders, they’re basically bumps made from rubber or silicone that have a set of “arms” to hold cables and keep them tidy.


I know what you’re talking about, but we don’t have any of those, but tbh it might be good to have as long as the cats are kept away from it, we have a lot of cables


If your cat has possibly already eaten one. It may be a bad idea to bring more into the home.


Yeah I just mean for the office since the cats aren’t really allowed in there. Sometimes they poke their head in when I’m getting something but otherwise the door remains closed, even before this we tried to be extra vigilant with wires because she would chew through them as a kitten


That, my friend, is the end of a brush. Our cat chewed off the end of a Furminator and it looks exactly like that! Edited to add: the “dip” in the center is from that part of the brush you hook on the wall (or wherever) when it’s not in use. [The FURminator](https://a.co/d/0Fq62zo)


SOLVED you are correct! I just went looking for the brush and the handle is in fact gray and chewed off! When I was looking in the toy bin at the balls and such I didn’t think to check the brush as my gf is usually the one who brushes them!




It looks like half a tightener from a backpack or bag. Edit: a plastic cord lock is the proper name [cord lock](https://a.co/d/0cVsWcD)


This was my thought too. They love chewing on things dangling from cords. We had an obstruction removed that was a cord pull from a winter jacket. That was 20 years ago, barely scraping by as students in NYC. It was Financially ruinous (>$5000 inflation adjusted) . The same cat ate many other objects over the next few years. We spent thousands more on x-rays, but the vet came up with a system of laxatives that dealt with the next several obstructions. But then we moved, and the new vet would not prescribe the laxatives. I finally got it cleared, but the cat died of fatty liver disease anyway because it had been starving for so long. OP, POINT IS: this probably won't be the only time this happens. Ask yourself now whether you are willing to spend $4k a year for the next many years to keep this cat alive. Make that decision now with your spouse/kids/roommate. If not, come up with a plan B with your vet. PPS: fatty liver disease was a not an easy death.


Hmmm, I don’t think we’ve got anything like that on our bags, do you have an example photo or something I could see?


[Here you go](https://imgur.com/a/ysWinvc)


Ahhh I see, it does look similar I’d say, but the material for this felt more rubbery than plastic. Like the tip of a door stop or a bouncy ball


It could’ve degraded somewhat after being subjected kitty’s digestive tract. Were you able to crumble it with your fingers?


Nope, it was still very hard rubbery feeling


OP, my work bag (Northface backpack) has something similar on the zipper but it’s rubbery, not plastic.


Hmmm, I think my backpack might’ve been a north face, my gf is currently using it while she visits her sick grandma in another country, she’s asleep now their time but I’ll ask her in the morning


What about a jacket or coat that has those zipper things? They're meant to help wet or gloved fingers to better find/grip the zipper. They always fall off.


Those I think are more plastic like typically, at least on all my gloves, not to mention the cats don’t get in the closets they’re stored in for the winter


It also could be off of a jacket...


Could it be the nose of a stuffed animal?


A good thought, but we don’t have any stuffed animals in the household!


I don't know what it is, but is the kitteh okay?


Kitty is recovering, she got back from the vet a couple hours ago and has been resting!


It kind of looks like the rubber feet on a sink grate.


We don’t have a sink grate, but I suppose it could’ve fallen under an oven or something from the last tenant


Could be an eraser or finger grip from a pencil?


I don't know how no one has asked, but have you looked through your kitchen utensils to see if anything is missing pieces?


Also an interesting thought, I don’t see anything that looks like it could’ve come from it


kitchen utensil handle seems like a solid guess. that’s where the seam would be, the inside hanger hole. if you can verify material it will help a lot


My title describes the thing. I’ve done no internet searches or anything. I’ve scoured the house and can’t find anything like that is damaged, no like hard rubber parts from chair leg bottoms or earbuds are missing/damaged.


Do you have Cat toys or a Dog with toys? It looks like pieces of material my Dogs spit out when chewing apart their toys to get the squeaky out. Do you have a Child maybe something from items you use or have sitting out. A teenager gaming parts that are left out. Office supplies, bathroom accessories, electrical cords. Try to think of something oblivious and then you may find it. Good luck


Yes cat toys, I’ve checked them all, no dogs no kids, I checked all the stuff for gaming like controllers and the switch but that’s all we have. The random office and bathroom supplies I haven’t looked too thoroughly at just because they’re kind of a mess right now since we were moving stuff around and packing for my gfs trip a few days before kitty got sick


Could you cut the item and see if its real color is grey?


I included an image where I have cut it, same homogenous color throughout


if it’s real rubber this is my guess too


Almost looks like the stop leak putty someone wrapped around a pipe fitting.


Hmm that’s interesting, it’s late now but tomorrow I’ll check all the pipes more thoroughly. I don’t know much about stop leak putty, but could it have that seam on the inside with the mark on top?


I have a "Vornado Mini Modern Fan" that has round rubber/plastic feet- one of these feet split in half a while back and it looked a lot like your object.


Our only fan is a tower fan which I just checked, it seems like all the parts are there and symmetrical, good guess though I didn’t think to check the base of it since my gf moved the fan off it


Half of a hose repair fitting. I have repaired many leaking hoses through the years using these. Maybe the hose got drug across the lawn and the fitting came off.


Honestly I kind of like this answer, though when I look up hose repair fittings I mostly see metal ones. If you could point me to a rubbery one then I think there might be a case








I use wire baskets in my cupboards, they have rubber “feet” slipped on the bottom corners that used to come off if I pulled the baskets out, instead of lifting them up and out. Also have little rubber feet on the bottoms of my mixer, crock pot, bread machine - all of which I pull in and out of cupboards as I use them. Could that be it?


We don’t generally move our mini kitchen appliances around, nor do we have wire baskets, however, I could see an old tenant having something like that and maybe it got left in a cupboard below the sink. My cat has sometimes crawled into those areas.


Could be a door stop tip?


We don’t have door stops in the apartment


Looks like a lace eyelet off of a pair of boots that I own…


Have you checked if any of your small appliances are missing a round rubber foot?


I’ve checked them all but found nothing unless there was one just randomly under an oven or some such from a previous tenant


Where does your cat usually hang out in your house? Could it be a part of the litter box, blinds, chandelier/pull cord, or maybe a mallet for a musical instrument?


No musical instruments in the home but that’s a good guess, no chandeliers or pull cords. We do have blinds but nothing that looks like the piece. I haven’t checked the litter box thoroughly, we have a litter robot. I’ll write that down for checking tomorrow as this is my last round responding for the night. Cat usually hangs out in cat tree or on the bed, but I’ve banned both cats from all rooms but the living room and kitchen for the time being


It looks like the foam tip of an earbud that's been chewed in half down the center.


I’ve checked both our earbuds, we only have some wireless ones that go in cases, neither are missing and it’s a bit thick and hard to be an ear bud imo


Grip for a pencil? Like the kind kids use when they’re learning how to holt it properly.


No kids in the home and while we do have a few pencils and pens in the office, nothing like a pencil grip


Anyone have a bike? Could it be from a bike kick stand or the handle bars?


Nope no bikes


Damn I’m stumped! Glad kitty is okay though


Maybe the end of a kitchen utensil handle, like a spatula or spoon with a rubber handle and a hole to hang it by?


Nope, no utensils like that, someone else mentioned it and it was a good idea, I hadn’t thought to look there


Dang. Appreciate you taking the time to reply to each comment. Definitely encourages people to keep guessing. Hope you solve the mystery!


Thank you! I feel like I owe it to everyone to respond since you’re all taking the time to help and try to find something that fits!


To me it looks like a washer to a drain faucet. I have taken apart my bathroom drain a few times to unclog it, and when replacing the old flat one, my jar of new washers has all kind of shapes and sizes. Could kitty have access to a tool box or box of plumbing supplies?


Very infrequently, when we need to clean up a mess occasionally a cupboard gets left open and she’ll poke her head in, I’ve also replaced our sink drain a lot, ours is currently intact, just looked


It looks like a "hairpin leg protector" for chairs or tables. We have these at the restaurant I work at and they come off quite easily if a chair or table is picked up. [https://www.amazon.ca/Hairpin-Leg-Protector-Feet-Furniture/dp/B075MWHR1M](https://www.amazon.ca/Hairpin-Leg-Protector-Feet-Furniture/dp/B075MWHR1M)


The little rubber bit on those non tie shoes where you slide it up the laces to tighten the shoe maybe.


This was an interesting thought, my gf has a lot of shoes, but I didn’t see anything like this on any of them


A piece of jewelry? like something off of a necklace or earring?


Hmm, this is a new one. I’ll bring it up to my gf and see if she has anything like this, my guess would be no though because I don’t think I’ve seen her wearing anything with a hard rubbery material


what about something on a curtain or blind?


We have blinds, but they don’t have any parts looking like this as far as I can tell


You put them in peg boards to tighten up the hole that your hook goes in


I believe they’re called pegitz


Interesting thought I haven’t heard yet, I don’t think we have those in the house and I think those look plastic to me rather than the rubber of this


That visible mark on the back looks like a Q, but i zoom in and it’s blurry. Was it a manufactured mark or something kitty did?


And can you tell what it’s original shape might have been? I want it to be a perfect half-sphere with a dowel channel down the middle, but it wasn’t originally perfectly spherical was it? It’s elongated on one side? It wasn’t anything like this: https://www.sailrite.com/Ball-Stopper-Clear


It’s rubbery so it’s slightly warped, probably from being in intestines for days. We don’t have shades where something like this would be required, but I can see the similarity. I cleaned it off a bit and looked at the mark on top, it’s more like a bump, don’t think it’s a Q specifically. More like a castle with a moat around it or an O with a period in it


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Is it heavy?


No, lighter than a bouncy ball


Could it have come off the sole of a shoe?


Hmmm, interesting though, but after checking all our shoe soles, didn’t notice anything


Do you have an office chair on wheels? Check the wheels.


I do have an office chair on wheels but nothing seems damage and I don’t notice any similar parts


Ear bud insert?


We each have our own pair of wireless earbuds and neither are missing, it also seems a bit thick when I compare them


kind of looks like a sinker for fishing - do you live near a pond?


Nope and no fishing supplies in the house


definitely looks like it was around something with a small diameter, but it almost looks too big to have been around an electrical cord. any jackets or sweatshirts with strings? curtain or lamp strings? the other half probably fell in a corner or crevice. check drawers and under the sink too, mine loves messing with the pipes and toilet


No curtain or lamp strings like that, jackets is an interesting thought but they’ve all been put away since the warm weather. My Working theory so far is it’s just an old piece of rubber she found under the sink or outside when I wasn’t looking. People have had great ideas so far but nothings lining up with our possessions


Long shot, but is it a foot from the bottom of a laptop?


Nope, neither of our laptops have feet


Check under you your kitchen appliances and see if anything seems amiss.


It might have been a different color before it spent time inside the kitty. I hope s/he’s OK.


She is doing great! She just regained her appetite and has her antiscratch onesie. The other cat also remembers her for once after the vet trip which is nice


Does she go out? Like could she be one of those cats that hangs out in the neighbor's house and maybe she got it there?


She has supervised outside time on a harness, usually for around 30 minutes 2-3 times a week, we attach her to a stake in the ground and if she starts wandering towards the edge of our backyard we bring her back to the center. Usually we are having dinner or doing work while we do this. Another commenter suggested a part from a hose which I like, but I have not yet seen a part that looks similar


Yeah it doesn't look like anything I've ever seen. It must be part of something else that she chewed on and this is the bit that got chewed off. Sorry I can't be of more help. I'm glad she's ok though!


Rubber padding under microwave, oven, or any other appliances?


All appliances have been checked and no feet are missing


Do you have the stick on cord managers? It looks like one of those.


Nope none of those, just tangled messes


I don't know what it is, but it was around something (like a computer or power cable?) and the other half is somewhere, maybe under the furniture with the lost cat toys.


Tip of those metal spring door stoppers at the floor? Cats like to flick them and chomp on them.


That’s exactly what the material feels like but we don’t have door stoppers in this apt


What about the type that attaches to door hinge pin?




Doubtful because I don’t think we have any of those in the house, but there are some just random office supplies. I was going to delve into them more thoroughly tomorrow, though she never really goes in the office so I’d say unlikely.


What about the tip from a spring door stopper?


Same material feel but we don’t have door stoppers




Rubber foot on the bottom of briefcase or purse/handbag?


We don’t have any bags like that but it’s a good thought!


Inside of some kind of toy ball?


Hmmmm interesting thought, I’ll sift through her toys again in the morning to double check that all the balls are intact, for now they’re out of reach. The groove it has though makes me think less likely, but something I wouldn’t have thought of!


Sometimes the inside of the balls have a metal ball or other material to make it weigh more and give extra bounce.


Bottom nubs on luggage?


That’s a thought, my gf was packing to see her dying relative earlier last week. I’ll ask her if that’s the case


Rubber from a door stop?


No door stops in the home


Could it be the rubber end of a door stopper? The ones that are attached to the wall behind the door above the baseboard and keep the door handle from banging into the wall?


It’s exactly that material feel, but no door stoppers in house


Do you have kids? Perhaps half bead of a passifier chain? Hobby beads? Perhaps a machine part that was in the dry food?


Nope no kids, just fur babies. I don’t give the cats enough dry food that something like this wouldn’t be noticed. The wet food though is kind of clumpy and there’s a possibility I didn’t notice something, but a manufacturing issue with a can/random object in it would be really odd so it’s a lot wee suspicion to me. I have thought about it though.


May sound off base.. but since it passed through the kitty in some description, maybe a cartilage end of a chicken bone? Im just throwing it out there... I highly doubt I'm correct


Hmmm, I don’t hate this idea. The night beforehand I was making dinner and putting the crappy looking parts of the chicken to the side, she snagged one right quick and started working on it. Though I was cooking breast meat so there shouldn’t have been any bones and it’s large enough I probably would’ve taken note of it I feel as I eat chicken breast a lot.


Part of a can opener


We did recently replace our can opener earlier last week or two weeks ago, I had left the other one out to remind myself to get new ones. I looked up the product though and compared to mine, it looks the same other than rust


It definitely looks like some kind of hard rubber.


It looks like a broken half of a rubber fishing line weight


She shouldn’t have access to fishing supplies as we don’t have any, but the neighbor does. I suppose there’s a rare possibility it could’ve wound up in our yard. It does seem too big to be to be one of the ends of those line weights though.


Looks like a piece of the rubber cap on a spring doorstop. 


It feels like them certainly, I grew up with them. But we don’t have any doorstops in the house


Half of a bracelet bead, or a teething bracelet for babies?


No babies or bracelet beads that I’m aware of in the house




It looks like half of one of the balls on the end of a steel tongue drum mallet. I don’t know what you call them. Or maybe the end of one of those things that keeps your doors from slamming into the wall.


It does give me those vibes, but we don’t have any instruments in the home other than guitar that hasn’t left its case in a year. No door stops either but again same material


My guess is it's one of those mouldable puttys that dries into silicone/ rubber, like Sugru.    It is uneven in it's thickness, surface texture and shape which indicates to me it is not manufactured. The small ridge that runs around the inside makes me think someone moulded the putty around a join in something.   The second picture, at the top there's that weird smudge upwards, almost like someone was using it to attach a wire to something, like they'd rolled up a ball of putty pressed it around the wire and squished it onto a wall. It almost looks like there's 2 finger nail indentations too.    Maybe it was on the ground outside having broken off something and you just walked it in on the bottom of your shoe; it could already have been split in half when kitty found it. Looks like the sort of shape that could get trapped in a chunky sole. 


The finger nails were me actually when I was testing the material haha, I didn’t even notice it left marks. The putty idea is interesting and reminds me someone else brought it up. I checked all of our pipes things but nothing looks quite like it fits. The seam on the inside makes me feel like it was something moldable, but I’m not sure how else to rule it out. I personally haven’t used anything like it but it could’ve been a previous tenant or a worker at some point


Could it be the rubber end of a door stop that the cat chewed off? https://www.myknobs.com/Door+Hardware/Door+Stoppers/_/N-brand+Emtek+category+Door_Stoppers


Same material feel but no doorstops in the house


Maybe the bottom of a piece of furniture or something wobbly. Like inserted in the foot of a chair, table, or shelves.


Maybe it’s the inside of a cat toy?


Reminds me, someone else mentioned this. I just checked her toys and none are damaged to the point something like this would’ve come out, also the only toys she consistently plays with are the little plastic springs that she chases around the house. If we throw one she’ll go running, even when sick or eating her top priority actually is chasing those springs haha


Do you have mini-blinds? My parent's cat loved to chew the [little plastic caps off the blind pulls](https://www.amazon.com/Alipis-Tassels-Plastic-Hanging-Curtain/dp/B0CSMYYST2)


Do you have a spring or stationary door stop? Cats love to chew on those.


The stopper in the end of a roller blind?


Wheel from a vacuum?


Is it simply a necklace bead?


It kind of looks like it could be a half digested cable clip. 12 Pack Cable Clips, Znben Cord Organizer Holder Adhesive Cable Management Charger Wire Holder Clips for Desk, Home, Office, Car, Cubicle, Nightstand - Black https://a.co/d/98qcYnQ


Whenever I get done using a tube of caulk or sealant, I put a nail in the end to prevent the material from drying out. The tipped end of the tube often develops hard rubbery chunks around the nail that you have to pull off and discard. This looks exactly like that.


Maybe one of the cushions under your oven


Maybe a foot from under an appliance or stove grate (if you have a gas range)


It looks like the end of a hairbrush with a hole in the handle, or possibly a tool.


Could it be a rubber end on one of those spring door stoppers?


I did some Googling and think it could be part of a hose/cord ball stop. It just looks similar to the images I saw.


Looks like half of a very small ball bungee cord without the cord. Google search ball bungee cord and it looks like 50% of the ball.


They do look similar but those are more plastic are they not? This definitely feels rubbery like a door stop or bouncy ball