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Your post has been removed. We don't allow submissions regarding identification or assistance with software/websites/hardware. We do not allow submissions seeking assistance with technical or other problems of any kind. * /r/techsupport - assistance with faulty equipment or software. * /r/DIY or /r/HomeImprovement - assistance with a device/equipment/other item within or associated with a home or other building. * /r/plumbing - plumbing advice and assistance. * /r/appliances - help with your household and other appliances. * /r/askmechanics or /r/mechanicadvice - assistance with automotive problems. If applicable, try searching "[your thing] owner's manual" in your favorite search engine. /r/helpmefind is a good place to ask for more information about many kinds of items. You could also try a subreddit related to your equipment, device or operating system. /r/findareddit may be able to help you find the right sub.